韩国栋教授长期致力于草地资源、生态与管理的研究工作,在放牧生态、草地评价和生态系统服务等研究领域有深入的研究。多年来,在国内外学术刊物和国际学术会议上发表论文80余篇,其中,SCI 收录论文5篇。出版各类专译著9部。1988年至今,韩国栋教授主持完成了4项国际合作项目,3项国家自然科学基金项目,6项省部级科研项目。现主持中国-澳大利亚、中国-美国科技合作项目各一项,内蒙古自治区科技攻关项目1项,参加国家973项目1项、国家自然科学基金重大项目1项、科技部攻关项目1项。
1. Li, Z., Han, G., Zhao, M., Wang, J., Wang, Z., Kemp, D. R., Michalk, D. L., Wilkes, A., Behrendt, K., Wang, H., \u0026 Langford, C. (2014). Sustainability and household income for herders on the desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Agricultural Systems.
2. Li, Y., Iwaasa, A. D., Wang, Y., Jin, L., Han, G., \u0026 Zhao, M. (2014). Condensed tannins concentration of selected prairie legume forages as affected by phenological stages during two consecutive growth seasons in western Canada. Can. J. 植物界 Sci. 94: 817-826.
3. Wang, Z., Jiao, S., Han, G., Zhao, M., Ding, H., Zhang, X. J., Wang, X. L., Ayers, E. L., Willms, W. D., Havstad, K. M., A, L., \u0026 Liu, Y. Z. (2014). Effects of Stocking Rate on the Variability of Peak Standing Crop in a Desert Steppe of Eurasia Grassland. Environment Management, 53(2):266-273.
4. Wang, C. J., Han, G., Wang, S. P., Zhai, X. J., 褐色, J., Havstad, K. M., Ma, X. Z., Wilkes, A., Zhao, M., Tang, S. M., Zhou, P., Jiang, Y. Y., Lu, T. T., Wang, Z. W., \u0026 Li, Z. G. (2014). Sound management may sequester 甲烷 in grazed rangeland ecosystems. Scientific report, 4:1-5.
5. Han, J. J., Chen, J. Q., Han, G., Shao, C. L., Sun, H. L., \u0026 Li, L. H. (2014). Legacy effects from historical grazing enhanced 碳 sequestration in a desert steppe. Journal of Arid Environments, 107:1-9.
6. Kemp, D. R., Han, G., Hou, X. Y., Michalk, D. L., Hou, F. J., Wu, J. P., Zhang, Y. J., \u0026 Chen, J. Q. (2013). Innovative grassland 管理学 systems for environmental and livelihood benefits. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(21):8369-8374.
7. Zhang, G. G., Kang, Y. M., Han, G., Sakurai, K. (2011). Effect of climate change over the past half century on the distribution, extent and NPP of ecosystems of Inner Mongolia. Global Change Biology, 17(1):377-389.
8. Wang, J., Zhao, M., Willms, W. D., Han, G., Wang, Z. W. (2011). Can 植物界 litter affect net primary production of a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia? Journal of Vegetation of Science, 17(1):377-389.
9. Wang, Z. W., Jiao, S. Y., Han, G., Zhao, M., Willms, W. D., Hao, X. Y., Wang, J. A., Ding, H. J., \u0026 Havstad, K. M. (2011). Impact of Stocking Rate and Rainfall on sheep 表演 in a Desert Steppe. Rangland Ecology and Mangement, 64(3):249-256.
10. Zhang, G. G., Kang, Y. M., Han, G., Mei, H., \u0026 Sakurai, K. (2010). Granssland degradation reduces the cardon sequestration capacity of the vegetation and enhances the soil 碳 and 氮 loss. Acta Agriculture Scandinavica Section B-Soil and 植物界 Science, 00:1-9.
11. Lin, Y., Han, G., Zhao, M., \u0026 Chang, S. X. (2010). Spatial Vegetation Patterns as early signs of desertification : a case study of a desert steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Landscape Ecology, 25:1519-1527.
12. Lin, Y., Han, G., Zhao, M., Bai, Y. F., \u0026 Chang, S. X. (2010). Grazing intensity affected spatial patterns of vegetation and soil fertility in a desert steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 138:282-292.
13. Zhang, G. G., Kang, Y. M., Han, G., Mei, H., \u0026 Sakurai, K. (2010). Effect of climate change over the past half century on the distribution, extent and NPP of ecosystems of Inner Mongolia. Global Change Biology, 17:377-389.
14. Li, Y. H., Han, G., Wang, Z. W., Bai, W. M., Zhao, M. L., 2014. Inner Mongolia Krestschmiedia grassland soil seed bank response to mowing and grazing disturbance. Journal of Ecology, 33(1):1-9.
15. Zhang, X. J., Han, G., Wang, Z. W., 2014. The effect of different stocking rates on soil respiration in Stipa breviflora desert steppe. Journal of Ecology, 23(5):743-748.
16. Ding, H. J., Han, G., Wang, Z. W., Wang, C. X., Zhang, R. Y., Hu, J. Y., 2014. The effect of different stocking rates on 植物界 community characteristics in Stipa breviflora desert steppe. Journal of Ecology, 36(2):55-60.
17. Wu, L., Han, G., Qiao, J., Yuan, Q., 2014. Ecological environment and state-transition model research review. Journal of Ecology, 36(3):90-97.
18. Li, Y. H., Han, G., Wang, Z., Zhao, M. L., Wang, Z. W., Zhao, H. B., 2014. The effect of warming and 氮 addition on the reproductive phenology of Inner Mongolia desert steppe. Journal of Ecology, 33(4):849-856.
19. Gao, K., Zhang, G. T., Han, G., 2013. The effect of enclosure duration on 植物界 functional groups and their diversity in Inner Mongolia Leymus chinensis-Stipa breviflora typical grassland. Journal of Ecology, 22(6):39-45.
20. Li, Y. H., Kang, J., Han, G., Wang, Z. W., Zhao, M. L., Wang, Y. X., 2013. The research progress of 植物界 tannins in the nutrition and healthy breeding of ruminants. Journal of Ecology, 21(6):1043-1051.
21. Li, X. Z., Guo, C. Y., Han, G., 2013. The effect of climate change on the phenology of dominant plants in Inner Mongolia desertification grassland. Journal of Ecology, 22(1):50-57.
22. Li, X. Z., Han, G., Guo, C. Y., 2013. The effect of climate change on the growing season of dominant 禾本科 in Inner Mongolia central grassland. Journal of Ecology, 33(17):4146-4155.
23. Hong, M., Yu, N., Zhao, H. R., Hu, J. Y., Han, G., 2013. The effect of grazing on the spatial variability of soil 碳 and 氮 content. Journal of Ecology, 30(4):521-527.
24. Li, X. Z., Han, G., 2013. The response of dominant 禾本科 in Inner Mongolia eastern grassland to meteorological factor changes. Journal of Ecology, 32(4):987-992.
25. Liu, T., Li, Z. G., Han, G., Zhao, M. L., He, X. L., Wang, J., 2013. The simulation study of grass-cattle 能量 balance under different grazing management modes in desert steppe family ranches. Journal of Ecology, 25(2):14-18.