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  2. 寿惠霞




1988年毕业于浙江农业大学农学系获农学硕士学位;2003年8月,毕业于美国依阿华州立大学农学系,获博士学位;2004年1月人才引进到浙江大学生命科学学院, 2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才。






水稻铁胁迫相关转录因子的分离及功能研究,国家自然科学基金(30770191),2008年1月-2010年月12月, 30万元,主持,已启动。

水稻磷铁信号互作的关键基因分析,国家自然科学基金(30871585),2009年1月-2011年月12月, 33万元,主持,已启动。





不育系抗除草剂基因叶绿体转化解决杂交大豆制种过程中的混杂,国家科技部转基因专项(JY03-B-16)子课题,2004年1月—2008年12月 30,项目总经费600万元,本子课题经费30万元,主持,已结题。





Wang C,HuangW,YingYH,LiS,Secco D,Tyerman SD, Whelan J, Shou HX. 2012Functional characterization of therice SPX-MFSfamily reveals a key role of OsSPX-MFS1in controlling 磷酸盐 homeostasis in leaves.New Phyt. (Accepted,IF6.5)

Wang L, Ying YH, Narsai R, Ye LX, Zheng LQ, Tian J, Whelan J, Shou HX. 2012 . Identification of OsbHLH133 as a regulator of iron distribution between roots and shoots in Oryza sativa. Plant Cell \u0026Envir.(Accepted,IF5.2)

Secco D, Wang C , Arpat BA, Wang ZY, Poirier Y, Tyerman SD, Wu P, Shou HX, Whelan J. 2012. The emerging importance of the SPX domain-containing proteins in 磷酸盐 homeostasis. New Phyt. 193: 842–851 (IF6.5)

Secco D, Wang C, Shou HX and Whelan J. 2012. Phosphate homeostasis in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the key role of the SPX domain-containing proteins. FEBS Letters 586: 289-295. (IF: 3.6)

Wu JJ,WangC, ZhengLQ, WangL, ChenYR, WhelanJ,Shou HX*. 2011.乙烯 is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis in rice by regulating the expression of acquisition-related genes in Oryza sativa. J. Exp. Bot. 62:667-674.(IF4.4)

Zheng LQ, et al,Shou HX*. 2010. Identification of a novel iron regulated basic helix-loop-helix protein involved in Fe homeostasis in Oryza sativa. BMC 植物界 Biol.10:166.(IF3.7)

Zheng LQ, Cheng ZQ, Ai CX, Jiang XH, Bei XS, Zheng Y, Jiang XH, Glahn RP, Welch RM, Miller DD, Lei XG,Shou HX*. 2010. Nicotianamine, a novel enhancer of iron bioavailability to humans in rice grain. PLos One 2010; 5: e10190. (IF4.2)

Zhang Q, Wang C, Tian JL, Li K,Shou HX*, 2010. Identification of rice 紫色 acid phosphatases related to Pi-starvation signaling. 植物界 Biol.13:7-15(IF2.0)

Liu SP, Zheng LQ, Xue YH, Zhang Q, Wang L, Shou HX*, 2010. Overexpression of OsVP1 and OsNHX1 increases tolerance to drought and salinity in rice. J.Plant Biol.53:444-452

Li JY, He XW, Xu L, Zhou J, Wu P,Shou HX*. 2007. Molecular and functional comparisons of the vacuolar Na+/H+ exchangers originated from glycophytic and halophytic 物种 JZhejiangUniv Science B 9:132-140.

Wang C, Ying S, Huang HJ, Li K, Wu P,Shou HX*. 2009. Involvement of OsSPX1 inphosphate homeostasis in rice. 植物界 J 57:895-904 (IF6.8)

Zheng LQ, Huang FL, Narsai R, He F, Giraud E, Wu JJ, Cheng LJ, Wang F, Wu P, Whelan J,Shou HX*. (2009) Physiological and transcriptome analysis of iron and interaction in rice seedlings. 植物界 Physiol. 151: 262-274 (IF6.2)

Liu SP, Wang JR, Wang L, Wang XF, Xue YH, Wu P,Shou HX*, 2009. Adventitious root formation in rice requires OsGNOM1 and is mediated by the OsPINs family. Cell Res. 19:1110–1119 (IF8.2)

Zheng Y, Lu JF, Ying YH, Gelvin S,Shou HX*. 2009. Expression of the Arabidopsis HTA1 gene enhances rice transformation efficiency. 摩尔 植物界 2:932-837 (IF4.0)

Wang C, Zhang Q andShou HX*. 2009. Identification and expression analysis of OsHsfs in rice. JZhejiangUniv Sci B 10(4):291-300 291

Cheng LJ*, Wang F*,Shou HX*, Zhao FJ, Zheng LQ, He F, Li JH, Zhao FJ, Ueno D, Ma J-F, \u0026 Wu P. 2007. Mutation in nicotianamide aminotransferease stimulated Fe(II) acquisition system and led to accumulation in rice. 植物界 Physiology145: 1647-1657 (IF6.2)

Mao CZ, Ding WN, Wu YR, Yu J, He XW, Shou HX, Wu P. 2007. Overexpression of a NAC-domain protein promotes shoot branching in rice. New Phyt. 176: 288-298 (IF6.5)

Li X, Mo XL,Shou HX,Wu P. 2006.Cytokinin-Mediated Cell Cycling Arrest of Pericycle Founder Cells in Lateral Root Initiation of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell \u0026 Physiol. 47(8):1112-1123 (IF4.2)

Xu M, Zhu L,Shou HX*, Wu P* 2005. A PIN1 Family Gene, OsPIN1, involved in Auxin-Dependent Adventitious Root Emergence and Tillering in Rice. 植物界 Cell \u0026 Physiol. 46:1674-1681 (IF4.2)

Liu H, Wang S, Yu X, Yu J, He X, Zhang S,Shou HX\u0026 Wu P. 2005. ARL1, a LOB-domain protein required for adventitious root formation in rice. Plant J. 43:47-56. (IF6.8)

Lin T, He XW, Yang Y,Shou HX, Wu P. 2005. Identification and characterization of a novel 液态水stress-suppressed gene OsARD encoding an aci-reductone-dioxygenase-like protein in rice. Gene, 360 : 27-34

Qi XP, Zhou J, Jia QJ,Shou HX,Chen HM,Wu P. 2005.A characterization of the response to auxin of the small GTPase, Rha1. 植物界 Sci. 169: 1136-1145

Shou H, Bordallo P, Fan J, Yeakley JM, Bibikova M, Sheen J, Wang K. 2004. Expression of a tobacco MAP kinase kinase kinase enhances freezing tolerance in transgenic maize. Proc Natl Acad Sci 11:3298-3303

Shou H, Frame B, Witham S, Wang K. 2004. Assessment of transgenic maize events produced by particle bombardment or 农杆菌属mediated transformation. 摩尔 Breeding 13:201-208

Shou H, Bordallo P, Sheen J, Wang K. Expression of the 烟草属 protein kinase 1 (NPK1) enhances drought tolerance in transgenic maize. J Exp Bot 55:1013-1019

Shou H, Palmer RG, Wang K. 2002. Irreproducibility of the soybean pollen-tube pathway transformation procedure. 植物界 Molecular Biology Reporter 20:325-334

Frame BR,Shou HX, Chikwamba R, Zhang ZY et al. 2002. 农杆菌属mediated transformation of maize embryos using a simple binary vector system. Plant Physiology, (in Breakthrough Technology section,)129:13-22

Paz MM,Shou H, Guo Z, Zhang Z et al. 2004. Assessment of conditions affecting 农杆菌属mediated soybean transformation using the cotyledonary node explant. Euphytica 136: 167-179

Chikwamba R, McMurray J,Shou H, Frame B, Scott P, Mason H, Wang K. 2002. Expresssion of a bacterial antigen in maize: the role of regulatory sequences, inheritance and level of expression of the synthetic E. coli heat labile toxin B sub-unit (LT-B) in maize. 摩尔 Breed 10: 253-265


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