博士 植物学教授,博士生导师
植物营养生理和环境生理,包括植物对营养和有毒元素的吸收、缺乏或过量的适应性反应机理、污染土壤的植物修复等。已发表学术论文100多篇,其中SCI收录50多篇,被SCI论文引用900多次(h index:16)。
1. Zhang HX, Lian CL, Shen ZG*. 2009. Proteomic identification of small, 铜responsive proteins in germinating embryos of Oryza sativa. Annals of 植物学, 103(6), 923-930
2. Wu YF, Chen YH, Yi YJ, Shen ZG*. 2009. Responses to copper by the moss Plagiomnium cuspidatum: 氢 peroxide accumulation and the antioxidant defense system. Chemosphere, 74, 1260-1265.
3. Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD 2008. Root exudates increase metal accumulation in mixed cultures: Implications for naturally enhanced phytoextraction. Water, Air, \u0026 Soil Pollution,
4. Wei L, Luo CL, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2008. Copper accumulation and tolerance in 菊属 coronarium L. and 高粱属 sudanense L.. Archives of Environmental Contamination and 毒理学, 55 (2), 238-246.
5. peng KJ, Luo CL, You WX, Lian CL, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2008. Manganese uptake and interactions with cadmium in the hyperaccumulator-Phytolacca americana L.. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 154 (1-3), 674-681.
6.Chen YH, Wang CC, Wang GP, Luo CL, Mao Y, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2008. Heating treatment schemes for enhancing chelant-assisted phytoextraction of heavy metals from contaminated soils, Environmental 毒理学 and 化学 27 (4), 888-896. April, 173RX
7. peng KJ, Luo CL, Lou LQ, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2008. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by the aquatic plants 眼子菜属 梳状菌属 L. and Potamogeton malaianus Miq. and their potential use for contamination indicators and in wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 392(1), 22-29.
8. Xiao WL, Luo CL, Chen YH, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2008. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals by wild plants growing on copper mine SPOILS in China. Communications in Soil Science and 植物界 Analysis, 39 (3\u00264), 315-328.
9.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2008. Hot NTA application enhanced metal phytoextraction from contaminated soil. 液态水, Air, \u0026 Soil Pollution, 188, 127-137.
10.Liu HY, Zhang HS, Wang GP, Shen ZG. 2008. Identification of rice varieties with high tolerance or sensitivity to 铜 Journal of 植物界 Nutrition, 31(1),121-136.
11.Zhang HX, Xia Y, Wang GP, Shen ZG. 2008. Excess copper induces accumulation of 氢 peroxide and increases lipid peroxidation and total activity of 铜锌 superoxide dismutase in roots of Elsholtzia haichowensis. 植物界, 227(2), 465-475.
12.Xia Y, Shen ZG. 2007. Comparative studies of copper tolerance and uptake by three 植物界 物种 of the genus Elsholtzia. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and 毒理学, 79 (1), 53-57.
13.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2007. 植物界 uptake and the leaching of metals during the hot EDDS-enhanced phytoextraction process. International Journal of phytoremediation, 9 (3), 181-196.12.
14. Ma BH, Wan JM, Shen ZG. 2007. 过氧化氢 production and antioxidant responses in seeds and early seedlings of two different rice varieties exposed to aluminum. 植物界 Growth Regulation, 52 (1), 91-100.
15. Wei L, Luo CL, Wang CC, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2007. biodegradable chelating agent ethylenediaminedisuccinic acid reduces uptake of 铜 through alleviation of copper toxicity in hydroponically grown 菊属 coronarium L. Environmental 毒理学 and 化学 26 (4), 749-754.
16.Liu CP, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2007. Accumulation and detoxification of cadmium in 芸薹属 pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. and Brassica chinensis L. Biologia Plantarum, 51 (1), 116-120.
17.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD, Baker AJM. 2006. The roles of root damage in the chelate-enhanced accumulation of lead accumulation by Indian mustard 植物界s. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 8 (4), 323-337.
18.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Lou LQ, Li XD 2006. EDDS and EDTA-enhanced phytoextraction of metals from artificially contaminated soil and residual effects of chelant compounds. Environmental Pollution, 144 (3), 862-871.
19.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Baker AJM, Li XD. 2006. A novel strategy using biodegradable EDDS for the chemically enhanced phytoextraction of soils contaminated with heavy metals. 植物界 and Soil, 285 (1-2), 67-80.
20.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD, Baker AJM. 2006. Enhanced phytoextraction of Pb and other metals from artificially contaminated soils through the combined application of EDTA and EDDS. Chemosphere, 63 (10), 1773-1784.
21.Liu CP, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2006. Uptake of cadmium by different cultivars of 芸薹属 pekinensis (Lour.) Rupr. and Brassica chinensis L. and their potential for phytoremediation. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and 毒理学, 76 (4), 732-739.
22.Zhu CH, Gan LJ, Shen ZG, Xia K. 2006. Interactions between jasmonates and 乙烯 in the regulation of root hair development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental 植物学, 57 (6), 1299-1308.
23.Peng KJ, Li XD, Luo CL, Shen ZG. 2006. Vegetation composition and heavy metal uptake by wild plants at three contaminated sites in Xiangxi area, China. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A Toxic/Harardous Substances \u0026 Environmental Enginering, 41 (1), 65-76.
24.Qian M, Li XD, Shen ZG*. 2005. Adaptive 铜 tolerance in Elsholtzia haichowensis involves production of Cu-induced 硫醇 peptides. 植物界 Growth Regulation, 47, 65-73. Sept. 976GZ
25.Luo CL, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2005. Enhanced phytoextraction of Cu, Pb, Zn and Cd with EDTA and EDDS. Chemosphere, 59(1), 1-11.
26.Wang C, Shen Z, Li X, Luo C, Chen Y, Yang H. 2004. Heavy metal contamination of agricultural soils and stream sediments near a copper mine in Tongling, People’s Republic of China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and 毒理学, 73 (5), 862-869.
27.Chen YH, Li XD, Shen ZG. 2004. Leaching and uptake of heavy metals by ten different 物种 of plants during an EDTA-assisted phytoextraction process. Chemosphere, 57 (3), 187-196.
28.Chen YH, Shen ZG, Li XD. 2004. The use of vetiver grass (Vetiveria zizanioides) in the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with heavy metals. Applied Geochemistry, 19 (10), 1553-1565.
29.Lou LQ, Shen ZG and Li XD. 2004. The 铜 tolerance mechanisms of Elsholtzia haichowensis, a 植物界 from copper-enriched soils. Environmental and Experimental 植物学, 51 (2), 111-120.
30.Zhang fq, Shi WY, Jin ZX and Shen ZG. 2003. Response of antioxidative enzymes in cucumber chloroplasts to cadmium toxicity. Journal of 植物界 Nutrition, 26 (9), 1779-1788.
31.Liu WX, Li XD, Shen ZG, Wang DC, Wai OWH, Li YS. 2003. Multivariate statistical study of heavy metal enrichment in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Environmental Pollution, 121 (3), 377-388.
32.Shen ZG, Li XD, Wang CC, Chen HM and Chua H. 2002. 铅 phytoextraction from contaminated soil with high-biomass 植物界 物种 Journal of Environmental Quality, 31 (6), 1893-1900.
33.Shen QR and Shen ZG. 2001. Effects of pig manure and wheat straw on growth of mung bean seedlings grown in 铝 toxicity soil. Bioresource Technology, 76 (3), 235-240.
34.LiXD, Shen ZG, Wai OWH and Li YS. 2001. Chemical forms of Pb, Zn and Cu in the sediment profiles of the Pearl River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulle锡 42 (3), 215-223.
35.LiXD, Shen ZG, Wai OWH and Li YS. 2000. Chemical partitioning of heavy metal contaminants in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 12 (1), 17-25.
36.Shen ZG, Li XD and Chen HM. 2000. Comparison of Elemental composition and solubility in the zinc hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens with the non-hyperaccumulator Thlaspi ochroleucum. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and 毒理学 65 (3), 343-350.
37.Chen HM, Zheng CR, Tu C and Shen ZG. 2000. Chemical methods and phytoremediation of soil contaminated with heavy metals. Chemosphere 41 (1-2), 229-234.
38.Zhang FQ, Li XD, Wang CC and Shen ZG. 2000. Effect of cadmium on autoxidation rate of tissue and inducing accumulation of free proline in seedlings of mung 豆类 Journal of 植物界 Nutrition, 23 (3), 357-368.
39.Zhang WH, Zhang FQ, Shen ZG and Liu YL.1998. Changes of H+ pumps of tonoplast vesicle from wheat roots in vivo and in vitro under aluminum treatment and effect of 钙 Journal of 植物界 Nutrition. 21 (12), 2515-2526.
40.Shen ZG, Zhang FQ and Zhang FS. 1998. Toxicity of copper and 锌 in seedlings of mung 豆类 and inducing accumulation of polyamine. Journal of Plant Nutrition. 21 (6), 1153-1162.
41.Zhao FJ, Shen ZG and McGrath SP. 1998. Solubility of zinc and interactions between zinc and 磷 in the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. 植物界, Cell \u0026 Environment. 21 (1), 108-114.
42.卓定 B, Zhao FJ, McGrath SP and Shen ZG. 1997. Zinc and cadmium uptake by the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens in contaminated soils and its effects on the concentration and chemical speciation of metals in soil solution. 植物界 and Soil. 197 (1), 71-78.
43.Shen ZG, Zhao FJ and McGrath SP. 1997. Uptake and transport of zinc in the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens and the non-hyperaccumulator Thlaspi ochroleucum. Plant, Cell \u0026 Environment. 20 (7), 898-906.