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1999年在中科院系统科学研究所获得博士学位,2001- 2003在东北大学从事博士后研究工作。1999年破格晋升副教授,2001年破格晋升教授,2004年评为博士生导师。2005年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2006年享受国务院政府特殊津贴,2011年评为山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家,2012年担任山东省高校优秀科研创新团队负责人,2013年担任山东省高等学校重点实验室首席专家。目前担任五种国际期刊编委,在国际控制理论顶尖期刊IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control、Automatica发表论文22篇。


1.教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划入选者, 2005年

2.国务院政府特殊津贴, 2006年

3.山东省有突出贡献的中青年专家, 2011年

4.山东省高校优秀科研创新团队负责人, 2012年

5.山东省高等学校重点实验室首席专家, 2013年

6.山东省自然科学奖二等奖, 2010年

7.教育部提名国家科学技术奖(自然科学奖)二等奖, 2002年

8.山东省优秀研究生指导教师, 2012年

9.山东省优秀博士学位论文指导教师, 2009年, 2015年


1. Xin Yu, Xue-Jun Xie. Output feedback regulation of stochastic nonlinear systems with stochastic iISS inverse 动力学 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(2):304-320 (Regular Paper).

2. Xue-Jun Xie, Na Duan. Output tracking of high-order stochastic nonlinear systems with application to benchmark mechanical system. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(5):1197-1202.

3. Xue-Jun Xie, Na Duan, Xin Yu. State-feedback control of high-order stochastic nonlinear systems with SiISS inverse 动力学 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011, 56(8):1921-1926.

4. Xue-Jun Xie, Liang Liu. A homogeneous domination approach to state feedback of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with 时间varying delay. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(2):494-499.

5. Na Duan, Xue-Jun Xie. Further results on output-feedback stabilization for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011, 56(5):1208-1213.

6. Cong-Ran Zhao, Xue-Jun Xie. Output feedback stabilization using small-gain method and reduced-order observer for stochastic nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(2):523-528.

7. Ming-Yue Cui, Xue-Jun Xie, Zhao-Jing 吴语 动力学 modeling and tracking control of robot manipulators in random vibration environment. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(6):1540-1545.

8. Zhaojing Wu, Mingyue Cui, Xuejun Xie, Peng Shi. Theory of stochastic dissipative systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2011, 56(7):1650-1655.

9. Zhaojing Wu, Yuanqing Xia, Xuejun Xie. Stochastic Barbalat's lemma and its applications. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(6):1537-1543.

10. Xue-Jun Xie, Na Duan, Cong-Ran Zhao. A combined homogeneous domination and sign 函数 approach to output-feedback stabilization of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2014, 59(5):1303-1309.

11. Zhao-Jing Wu, Xue-Jun Xie, Si-Ying Zhang. Adaptive backstepping controller 设计 using stochastic small-gain theorem. Automatica, 2007, 43(4):608-620 (Regular Paper)

12. Xue-Jun Xie, Jie Tian. Adaptive state-feedback stabilization of high-order stochastic systems with nonlinear parameterization. Automatica, 2009, 45(1):126-133.

13. Xue-Jun Xie, Liang Liu. Further results on output feedback stabilization for stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with 时间varying delay. Automatica, 2012, 48(10):2577-2586.

14. 吴语Quan Li, Xue-Jun Xie. Inverse optimal stabilization for stochastic nonlinear systems whose linearizations are not stabilizable. Automatica, 2009, 45(2):498-503.

15. Zhao-Jing Wu, Xue-Jun Xie, Peng Shi, Yuan-Qing Xia. Backstepping controller 设计 for a class of stochastic nonlinear systems with Markovian switching. Automatica, 2009, 45(4):997-1004.

16. Liang Liu, Xue-Jun Xie. Decentralized adaptive stabilization for interconnected systems with dynamic input-output and nonlinear interactions. Automatica, 2010, 46(6):1060-1067.

17. Xin Yu, Xue-Jun Xie, Na Duan. Small-gain control method for stochastic nonlinear systems with stochastic iISS inverse 动力学 Automatica, 2010, 46(11):1790-1798.

18. Liang Liu, Xue-Jun Xie. Output-feedback stabilization for stochastic high-order nonlinear systems with 时间varying delay. Automatica, 2011, 47(12):2772-2779.

19. Liang Liu, Xue-Jun Xie. State feedback stabilization for stochastic feedforward nonlinear systems with time-varying delay. Automatica, 2013, 49(4):936-942.

20. Ming-Yue Cui, Zhao-Jing Wu, Xue-Jun Xie, Peng Shi. Modeling and adaptive tracking for a class of stochastic Lagrangian control systems. Automatica, 2013, 49(3):770-779.

21. Cong-Ran Zhao, Xue-Jun Xie. Global stabilization of stochastic high-order feedforward nonlinear systems with 时间varying delay. Automatica, 2014, 50(1):203-210.

22. Ming-Yue Cui, Zhao-Jing Wu,XueJun Xie. Output feedback tracking control of stochastic Lagrangian systems and its application. Automatica, 2014, 50(5):1424-1433

23. 吴语Quan Li, Xue-Jun Xie, Si-Ying Zhang. Output-feedback stabilization of stochastic high-order nonlinear systems under weaker conditions. SIAM Journal on Control and 最优化, 2011, 49(3):1262-1282.
