1.Xie, M.; Lu, N. N.; Cheng, S. B.; Wang, X. Y.; Wang, M.; Guo, S.; Wen, C. Y.; Hu, J.; Pang, D. W.; Huang, W. H.*, Engineered Decomposable Multifunctional Nanobioprobes for Capture and Release of Rare Cancer Cells.Analytical Chemistry 2014, 86 (9), 4618-4626.
2.Lu, N. N.;Xie, M.; Wang, J.; Lv, S. W.; Yi, J. S.; 越南盾, W. G.*; Huang, W. H.*, Biotin-Triggered Decomposable lmmunomagnetic Beads for Capture and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells.ACS Applied Materials \u0026 Interfaces 2015, 7 (16), 8817-8826. (Cofirst author)
3. Guo, S.; Chen, Y. Q.; Lu, N. N.; Wang, X. Y.;Xie, M.*; Sui, W. P.*, Ultrasonication-assisted one-step self-assembly preparation of biocompatible fluorescent-magnetic nanobeads for Rare cancer cell detection.Nanotechnology 2014, 25 (50) 505603. (Reported in Nanotechweb)
4.Xie, M.; Hu, J.; Wen, C. Y.; Zhang, Z. L.; Xie, H. Y.; Pang, D. W.*, Fluorescent-magnetic dual-encoded nanospheres: a promising tool for 500米口径球面射电望远镜simultaneous-addressable high-throughput analysis. Nanotechnology 2012, 23 (3), 035602. (Reported in Nanotechweb)
5.Xie, M.; Luo, K.; Huang, B. H.; Liu, S. L.; Hu, J.; Cui, D.; Zhang, Z. L.; Xiao, G. F.*; Pang, D. W.*, 聚乙二醇interspersed nitrilotriacetic acid-functionalized quantum dots for site-specific labeling of prion proteins expressed on cell surfaces.Biomaterials 2010, 31, 8362-8370.
6.Xie, M.; Hu, J.; Long, Y. M.; Zhang, Z. L.; Xie, H. Y.; Pang, D. W.*, Lectin-modified 三角座functional nanobiosensors for mapping cell surface glycoconjugates.Biosensors \u0026Bio电子学 2009, 24 (5), 1311-1317.
7.Xie, M.; Liu, H. H.; Chen, P.; Zhang, Z. L.; Wang, X. H.; Xie, Z. X.; Du, Y. M.; pan, B. Q.; Pang, D. W.*, CdSe/ZnS-labeled carboxymethyl chitosan as a bioprobe for live cell imaging.Chemical Communications 2005, (44), 5518-5520.
8.Luo, K.; Li, S.;Xie, M.; Wu, D.; Wang, W. X.; Chen, R.; Huang, L. Q.; Huang, T.; Pang, D. W.*; Xiao, G. F.*, Real-时间 visualization of prion transport in single live cells using quantum dots.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2010, 394 (3), 493-497. (Cofirst author)
9.Ding, F.; Guo, S.;Xie, M.; Luo, W.; Yuan, C. H.; Huang, W. H.; Zhou, Y.; Zhang, X. L.*; Zhou, X.*, Diagnostic applications of gastric carcinoma cell aptamers in vitro and in vivoTalanta 2015, 134, 30-36. (Cofirst author)
10. Lv S. W.; Wang, J.;Xie, M.; Lu, N. N.; Li, Z; Yan, X. W.; Cai, S. L.; Zhang, P. A.; 越南盾, W. G.*; Huang, W. H.*, Photoresponsive Immunomagnetic Nanocarrier for Capture and Release of Rare Circulating Tumor Cells. 2015, DOI: 10.1039/C5SC01380A.