1. 简单百科
  2. 龚洵


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姓名: 龚 学科: 植物学


1983.09-1987.07 华中师范大学生物系,获学士

1987.09-1990.02 中国科学院昆明植物研究所,获硕士学位

2000.09-2005.07 中山大学生命科学学院,获博士学位

1994.12-1995.12 日本富山县中央植物园进修

1996 入选中国科学院“西部之光”人才培养计划

1999 入选省学术和技术带头人后备人才培养计划




1. A molecular phylogeny of Chinese Apiaceae 亚科 Apioideae inferred from nuclear ribosomal 脱氧核糖核酸 internal transcribed spacer sequences. 2008, TAXON, 57 (2): 402–416

2. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for 苏铁属 debaoensis Y. C. Zhong et C. J. Chen (Cycadaceae). 2008, Molecular Ecology Resources, 8, 913–915

3. Chemical and genetic diversity of Ligularia vellerea in Yunnan, China. 2008, Phytochemistry, 69:1158–1165

4. Testing a hypothesis of unidirectional hybridization in plants: observations on Sonneratia, Bruguiera and Ligularia 现代生物出版集团 Evolutionary Biology, 2008, 8:149-157

5. Diversity of Ligularia kanaitzensis in sesquiterpenoid composition and neutral 脱氧核糖核酸 sequences. Tetrahedron, 2008,64, 4486-4495

6. Chemical Constituents and Diversity of Ligularia lankongensis in Yunnan Province of China. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71, 520–524

7. Genetic differentiation and relationship of populations in Cycas balansae complex (Cycadaceae) and its conservation implications.2006, Annals of Botany, 2006. 97: 807-812.

8. High Genetic Diversity vs. Low Genetic Differentiation in Nouelia insignis (菊科), a Narrowly Distributed and Endemic 物种 in China, Revealed by ISSR Fingerprinting. Annals of 植物学, 2006. 98(3): 583-589
