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  2. 宋兴舜





2、主持国家自然科学基金《干旱胁迫下欧李叶黄素循环的响应机制及与抗性的关系》(项目编号: 31170569)1项


4、主持中央高校基本科研业务专项资 2项。

5、参研国家自然科学基金项目《根际自毒物质与土壤微生物的互作效应及其与连作障碍的关系》(喻景权教授主持),《嫁接黄瓜根际信息物质与光合机构耐冷性的关系》(周艳虹副教授主持, )等多项研究课题。


1、Ze Peng Yin, Zhi Wei Shang, Chao Wei, Jing Ren, and Xing Shun Song *(2012) Foliar Sprays of Photosynthetic Bacteria Improve the Growth and Anti-oxidative Capability on Chinese Dwarf Cherry (Prunus humilis Bunge) Seedlings Journal of 植物界 nutrition 35:6, 840-853

2、Xing-Shun Song, Yan-Jie Wang, Wei-Hua Mao, Kai Shi, Yan-Hong Zhou, Salvador Nogue´ s, Jing-Quan Yu (2009) Effects of cucumber mosaic 病毒 infection on electron transport and antioxidant system in chloroplasts and mitochondria of cucumber and tomato leaves. Physiologia Plantarum 135: 246–257.

3、Xing Shun Song, Kai Shi , Wen Hai Hu, Wei Hua Mao, Joshua Otieno Ogweno , Yan Hong Zhou and Jing Quan Yu (2006) The response of antioxidant enzymes in cellular organelles in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) leaves to 甲基 viologen-induced photo-oxidative stress 植物界 Growth Regulation 49:85–93

4、Xing Shun Song , Wen Hai Hu , Wei Hua Mao, Joshua Otieno Ogweno , Yan Hong Zhou , Jing Quan Yu (2005) Response of ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes and ascorbate regeneration system to environmental stresses in Cucumis sativus L. 植物界 Physiology and biochemistry 43:1082-1088

5、Hu W.H., Song X.S., Shi K, Xia X.J., Zhou Y.H., and Yu J.Q. (2008) Changes in electron transport, superoxide dismutase and ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes in chloroplasts and mitochondria of cucumber leaves as influenced by chilling. PHOTOSYNTHETICA 46 (4): 581-588

6、Ogweno 杰梅因·奥尼尔, Song X.S., Shi K., Hu W.H., Mao W.H., Zhou Y.H., Yu J.Q. and Nogués S. (2008) Brassinosteroids Alleviate Heat-Induced Inhibition of Photosynthesis by Increasing Carboxylation Efficiency and Enhancing Antioxidant Systems in Lycopersicon esculentum. Journal of 植物界 Growth Regulation. 27:49-57

7、Yan-Hong Zhou,Jing-Quan Yu , Wei-Hua Mao, Li-Feng Huang ,Xing-Shun Song and Salvador Nogués (2006) Genotypic variation on 核酮糖-1,5-二磷酸 expression, photosynthetic electron flow and antioxidant 新陈代谢 in the chloroplasts of chill-exposed cucumber plants. 植物界 and Cell Physiology. 47:192-199

8、X.S. SONG*, Z.W. SHANG, Z.P. YIN, J. REN , M.C. SUN and X.L. Ma Mechanism of xanthophyll cycle-mediated photoprotection in Cerasus humilis seedlings under water stress and subsequent recovery. Photosynthetica 2011,49 (4): 523-530

9、Yin ZP, Li S, Ren J, X.S. SONG * (2014) Role of 亚精胺 and spermine in alleviation of drought-induced oxidative stress and photosynthetic inhibition in Chinese dwarf cherry (Cerasus humilis) seedlings. 植物界 growth regulation. 74:209–218

10、Bjornson M.,Benn G.,Song X.S., Comai L.,Franz 安德烈·基里连科, andekarA. D,Drakakaki G.,Dehesh K. Distinct roles for MAPK signaling and CAMTA3 in regulating the peak 时间 and Amplitude of the 植物界 general stress response. Plant Physiology 2014 pp114.

11、尹鹏,刘雪梅,商志伟,任静,宋兴舜*(2011).不同程度干旱胁迫下欧李光合及叶绿素荧光参数的响应。植物生理学报 47(5):452-458

12、魏超,孙孟超,任静,宋兴舜* 外源丙酮酸琥珀酸对干旱胁迫下欧李呼吸作用的调控经济林研究 2011, 29(2):36-41

13、尹赜鹏,孙孟超,商志伟,马晓蕾,任 静,宋兴舜*, 光合菌对干旱胁迫下欧李幼苗膜质和叶绿素荧光特性的影响. 经济林研究 2011 29(4):41-45

14、孙孟超,尹赜鹏,马晓蕾,周丽娟,任静,宋兴舜,盐胁迫对欧李幼苗生理响应及离子含量的影响. 经济林研究 2012 30 (2 ):33-37


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