1. 简单百科
  2. 袁加锦







学术任职:国际社会神经科学学会会员(International Society for Social Neuroscience),

《Cognition \u0026 Emotion》等专业杂志审稿人











2001.09—2005.06:西华师范大学物理与电子信息学院 本科 理学学士










1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:效价变化条件下情绪感受性及其个体差异的认知神经科学研究(NSFC30970897)2009.11-2011.01

2. 西南大学211工程国家重点学科项目:情绪及强度影响执行功能的脑机制研究(NSKD08015)2009.09-2011.09

3. 西南大学博士基金项目:心境状态及调节影响情绪易感性的脑机制研究(SWU109028)2009.11-2012.11

4. 中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目:儿童情绪感受性的发展神经机制研究(XDJK2009B038)2010.01-2012.12

5. 国家自然科学基金项目面上项目:内—外倾人格对情绪调节的影响及大脑机制(NSFC31170989,主持人)2012.01-2015.12


1. Invited talk: International Conference and Exhibition on Neurology \u0026 Therapeutics

May, 14-16; 2012 Las Vegas, USA.

2. Invited talk:"Pleasant mood intensifies brain processing of cognitive control”, The

International Transcultural Psychiatry Conference, Ranchi Institute of Neuro-psychiatry

and Allied Sciences (RINPAS), Ranchi (Jharkhand), India w.e.f. 24-25 September 2011.


IF: SCI期刊的近5年影响因子


Yuan, 约翰·约翰逊, Zhang, J.F., Zhou, X.L., Yang, Jackie McLean, Meng, X.X., Zhang, Q.L., \u0026 Li, H.,(2012) Neural mechanisms underlying the higher levels of subjective wellbeing in extraverts: pleasant bias and unpleasant resistance.Cognitive, Affective \u0026 Behavioral 神经科学, 12:175–192 (SCI, IF=5.15)

Yuan, 约翰·约翰逊, Xu, S., Li, C.Q., Yang, Jackie McLean, Li, H., Yuan, Y., Huang, Y. (2012). The enhanced processing of visual novel events in females: ERP correlates from two modified three-stimulus oddball tasks.Brain Research, 1437: 77–88 (SCI, IF=2.63)

Yuan, 约翰·约翰逊, Meng, X.X., Yang, Jackie McLean, Yao, G.H., Hu, L., \u0026 Yuan, H.(2012). The valence strength of unpleasant emotion modulates brain processing of behavioral inhibitory control: Neural correlates.Biological Psychology, 89: 240–251

袁加锦, 李红 (2012) 人类对情绪事件效价强度的易感性及神经机制.心理科学进展, 20(1), 10–18


Yuan, 约翰·约翰逊, Lu, H., Yang, Jackie McLean, \u0026 Li, H. (2011). Do not neglect small troubles: moderately negative stimuli affect target processing more intensely than highly negative stimuli. Brain Research, 1415: 8 4 – 9 5

Wang, Y., Yang, J.M., Yuan, 约翰·约翰逊, Fu, A.G., Meng, X.X., \u0026 Li, H. (2011). The impact of emotion valence on brain processing of behavioral inhibitory control: Spatiotemporal 动力学Neuroscience Letters, 502 (2011) 112116

Chen J.*, Yuan JJ*, Feng TY, Chen AT, Gu B. \u0026 Li H. (2011). Temporal features of the degree effect in self relevance: neural correlates.Biological Psychology, 87(2): 290-295 ( * co-first authors)

Yuan, J.J., Xu, S.,Yang, J.M, Liu, Q., Chen, A.T., Zhu, L.P., Chen, J. and Li, H. (2011) Pleasant mood intensifies brain processing of cognitive control: ERP correlates.Biological Psychology, 87: 17–24(SCI, IF=4.3)

朱丽萍, 袁加锦, 李红(2011)情绪对错误记忆的影响及其应用启示.心理科学, 34(4) : 813-818

朱丽萍, 袁加锦, 李红(2011)情绪效价及强度对词汇加工的影响.心理科学, 34(2):284-288


Yuan 约翰·约翰逊, Yang JM, Chen J., Meng XX and Li H. (2010) Enhanced sensitivity to rare, emotion-irrelevant stimuli in females: neural correlates. Neuroscience, 169: 1758– 1767. (SCI, IF=3.5)

Yang, JM*., Yuan,J.J*. and Li, H. (2010). Emotional expectations influence neural sensitivity to fearful faces in humans.Science China Life Sciences 53: 1361–1368, (SCI, IF=1.3; *co-first authors)

袁加锦 汪宇 鞠恩霞 李红(2010)情绪加工的性别差异及神经机制心理科学进展18(12), 1899–1908

辛勇,李红, 袁加锦(2010). 负性情绪干扰行为抑制控制:一项事件相关电位研究心理学报 42(3) 334-341

鞠恩霞 李红 龙长权 袁加锦(2010)基于神经成像技术的青少年大脑发育研究心理科学进展 18(6), 907–913


Yuan, J. J., Luo, Y. J., Yan, J. H., Meng, X. X., Yu, F. Q., and Li, H. (2009). Neural correlates of the females' susceptibility to negative emotions: an insight into gender-related prevalence of affective disturbances.Human Brain Mapping.30 (11),3676 - 3686(SCI, IF=7.04;谷歌引用 18次)

Meng, X. X*, Yuan, J. J*, and Li, H. (2009).Automatic processing of valence differences in emotionally negative stimuli: Evidence from an ERP study.Neuroscience Letters. 464: 228–232 (SCI, IF=2.11, * co-first authors)

Yuan, J. J., He, Y. Y., Lei, Y., Yang, J. M. and Li, H. (2009). ERP correlates of the extraverts’ sensitivity to valence changes in positive stimuli.NeuroReport .12(20) pp 1071-1076(SCI, IF=2.26)

Yu, F, Yuan, J. J. and Luo, Y. J. (2009). Auditory induced emotion modulates processes of response inhibition: an ERP study.NeuroReport; 20(1):25-30

Zhao, K., Yuan, J. J., Zhong, Y., peng, Y., Chen, J., Zhou, Z., Fan, W., Zhou, H. (2009), Event-Related Potential Correlates of the Collective Self-relevant Effect.Neuroscience Letters. 464 : 57–61

Li, P., Yuan, J. J., Jia, S. W., Feng, T. Y., Chen, A. T., Li, H(2009).Feedback-Related Negativity effects vanished with false or monetary loss choice.NeuroReport, 20(8):788-92

袁加锦 \u0026 李红(2009):情绪之脑:人类如何感受情绪的强度变化?重庆科技. 2(33):33-35 (专题约稿).

程 利 袁加锦 何媛媛 李 红(2009).情绪调节策略:认知重评优于表达抑制.心理科学进展。17(4), 730–735

杨洁敏 袁加锦 李红 (2009) 情绪预期影响对恐惧面孔的敏感性—来自电生理的证据.中国科学:生命科学 39 (10): 995-1004


Li, H., Yuan, J. J.\u0026 Lin, C. D. (2008). The neural mechanism underlying the female advantage in identifying negative emotions: an Event-Related Potential Study.NeuroImage. 40, 1921–1929(SCI, IF=7.16; 谷歌引用 36次)

Yuan, J. J., He, Y. Y., Zhang, Q. L., Chen, A. T. and Li, H. (2008). Gender differences in behavioral inhibitory control: ERP evidence from a two-choice oddball task.Psychophysiology. 45, 986-993.(SCI, IF=4.4;谷歌引用 19次)

Yuan, J. J., Yang, J. M., Meng, X. X., Yu, F. Q. and Li, H. (2008). The valence strength of negative stimuli modulates visual novelty processing: Electrophysiological evidence from an ERP study.神经科学 157:524-531(谷歌引用 12次)

Wang, Q. H.\u0026 Yuan, J. J. (2008). N400 Lexicality Effect in Highly Blurred Chinese Words: Evidence for Automatic Processing.NeuroReport. 19(2).173-178

Luo, JL., Yuan, J. J., Qiu, J. and Zhang, Q. L. et al., (2008). Neural correlates of belief-bias effects in syllogistic reasoning: an ERP study.NeuroReport. 19(10).1075-1080

Zhang, Y., Yuan, J. J., Bao, B., Zhang, Q. L. (2008). The recognition potential and rotated Chinese character.Brain Research. 1233:98-105

Chen, A. T.,Weng, X., Yuan, J. J., Xu, L., Qiu, J., Yao, D. Z., Li, H. (2008).The Temporal Features of Self- Referential Processing Evoked by Chinese Handwriting.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:5, 816– 827 (SCI, IF=6.46)

Chen, J., Yuan, J. J., Huang, H., Chen, C. M., Li, H. (2008). 音乐induced mood modulates the strength of emotional negativity bias: An ERPstudy.Neuroscience Letters. 445:135-139

Chen, A., Xu, P., Wang, Q., Luo, Y., Yuan, J. J., Li, H. and Yao, D. Z.(2008).The Timing of Cognitive Control in Partially Incongruent Categorization.Human Brain Mapping. 29: 1028-1039

Li, F., Cao, B., Zhang, Q., Lin, C., Yuan, J. J. and Li , H. (2008). Brain activities immediately after finding rare targets.NeuroscienceLetters (430) 269–274.

何媛媛, 袁加锦,伍泽莲,李红(2008).正性刺激效价强度的变化对外倾个体注意的调制作用.心理学报, 40 (11) : 1158~1164

何媛媛, 袁加锦, 伍泽莲, 李红(2008).外倾性和正性情绪关系的研究述评.心理科学进展,16(6),887~891


Yuan, J. J., Zhang, Q. L., Chen, A. T., Li, H. et al (2007). Are we sensitive to valence diiferences in emotionally negative stimuli? Electrophysiological evidence from an ERP study.Neuropsychologia. 45: 2764 -2771 (SCI, IF=4.8; 引用次数: 77)

Yuan, J. J., Li, H., Chen, A.T., Luo, Y. J.(2007).Neural correlates underlying humans' differential sensitivity to emotionally negative stimuli of varying valences: an ERP study.Progress in Natural Science. 17(13):115-121(SCI, IF=0.69)

Chen, A., Yao, D., Wang, Q., Yuan, J. J., Luo, Y., Li, H.(2007). Electrophysiological Correlates of Category Induction: PSW Amplitude as an Index of Identifying Shared Attributes. 2007.Biological Psychology. (76).230-238

袁加锦, 李红。视觉新异刺激加工的性别差异: ERP研究提供的电生理证据[A]. 第十一届全国心理学大学论文集[C], 2007 (7)


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