云妮洛普(Winnie the Pooh),是1997年推出的一款电玩游戏《甜蜜冲刺》的角色之一。她是一个9岁的小女孩,因拥有超能力(实际上是bug)导致画质不稳定,因此受到其他角色的排挤。最初,云妮洛普是《甜蜜冲刺》的重要角色,但她却被糖果王多次阻挠参加比赛。实际上,她的真实身份是游戏中糖果王国的公主,但被化身糖果王的涡轮篡改代码霸占王位。 最初,云妮洛普是为了与破坏王达成条件交换而与对方合作,但两人经历了多次争吵和合作后,反而加深了友情。尽管她会因自身的bug导致闪烁而被排挤,但她的瞬间移动能力却是她自有的特殊能力。在剧情后段的赛车中,云妮洛普逐渐能控制自己的瞬间移动能力与bug,并运用自如。她无意间利用瞬间移动能力揭穿了糖果王的真面目。 在《甜蜜冲刺》游戏复原后,云妮洛普仍然保有她的瞬间移动能力,并能离开她的游戏世界去往互联网世界,成为《狂暴飙车》的赛车手。在结局中,阿修和卡洪举行结婚典礼时,云妮洛普身穿曾经是公主身份的服装,祝福他们的婚姻。在第二部中,云妮洛普离开了游戏《甜蜜冲刺》,成为互联网世界中《狂暴飙车》的赛车手。
云妮洛普是电子游戏《甜蜜冲刺》(Sugar Rush)的主角。她不仅是主角,也是在该游戏世界的公主。然而,名为“涡轮”的某竞速游戏的角色通过运行作弊代码劫持了甜蜜冲刺,把自己变成一个名为“糖果王”的角色,抢走了云妮的统治地位,并试图删除云妮洛普代码(但无法删除)。
糖果国王作为甜蜜冲刺游戏的主角,能够进入奖励关卡。所以这也是云妮洛普能找到健怡可口可乐火山的原因。这是一个耸立在甜蜜冲刺大陆上,未完成的额外奖励关卡(Bonus Round),但由于云妮是一个错误的程序,所以无法离开游戏,无法逃离折磨。因此她也出现了程序不稳定的情况,有时身体会不断闪烁,甚至瞬移,在一眨眼的功夫内可以从一个地方移动到另一个地方。但她并不能完全控制她的独特技能,这也成为了阻碍她进入比赛的原因之一。
云妮洛普的英文名为“Vanellope von Schweetz”。其中Vanellope是vanilla(香草)与Penelope(佩内洛普,常见女性名)的结合;von常见于德语名字,意为英语中的of;Schweetz,也就是sweet,只不过用德语的形式写了出来。
在续集《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》中,由于某玩家弄坏了方向盘,导致《甜蜜冲刺》出故障,她和拉尔夫一起把所有角色疏散到中央车站。为了寻找《甜蜜冲刺》(Sugar Rush)遗失的组件,云妮洛普和拉尔夫展开了在互联网世界的历险,他们需要在网民的帮助下不断前行。途中她遇到了迪士尼公主们,和她们成为好友。在《狂野飙车》中,她的驾驶技术震撼了赛车手“闪姐”。
Glitches (teleportation)
Wreck-It Ralph (wii)
(Wreck-It Ralph)
(Taffyta Muttonfudge)
配音:敏迪·卡灵、Melissa Villasenor(英语)╱龙显蕙、莫莉(台湾)╱吴迪(中国大陆)
(迪士尼公司 Princesses)
(King Candy/Turbo)
电玩游戏《甜蜜冲刺》的统治者,总是以云妮露为bug做为借口,不断妨碍她出赛。真实身分为与《快手阿修》同一时期的赛车游戏《涡轮时间》(Turbo Time)的赛车手涡轮,他爱现时会说出「turbo-tastic」的口头禅,当年因为忌妒新的赛车游戏《爆裂赛车》 (Road Blasters)抢走他的风采,进而穿越游戏进行破坏《爆裂赛车》,导致自己游戏在内的两台游戏机都被销毁。效法涡轮这句话与行为也成为一个禁忌,用来警惕其他游戏人物别重蹈涡轮的行为。但涡轮其实没有消失,而是隐藏身分潜进《甜蜜冲刺》并将游戏改写后,破坏云妮露的程式使她变成突波,霸占她原有的王位并屡屡迫害她。最后被飞蛾类吞噬后而莫名其妙与飞蛾合为一体,在可乐火山上的曼陀珠火山口阻挠破坏王,结局是和其他飞蛾一起被火山爆发的岩浆吸引冲进去而被消灭。
(The Ralph Viruses)
•According to Rich Moore and Sarah Silverman,Vanellope is 9 years old.However,according to Executive Producer John Lasseter,she is 12 years old.
However, it is hard to tell, as she could have been inspired by the Chibi style (see below).
Vanellope,along with the otherSugar Rushracers,are partly based on theChibistyle; a style used in anime that depicts characters as small, cute and, at most times, childish.
Vanellope is the only main character that never called Ralph by his title 'Wreck-it'.
Vanellope is also the only character who knew about Ralph's origins that didn't accuse him of going/believe he had gone Turbo.
Vanellope's hands only have four fingers, as opposed to Ralph and the other main characters' five.
Vanellope had no memory of being Princess ofSugar Rushbecause Turbo locked up the memories of all the racers, including hers.
Vanellope is the 3rd young 迪士尼公司 Heroine to be openly picked on, bullied and/or ridiculed. The others are Melody and Lilo.
Vanellope's name is actually a portmanteau of "vanilla", a type of dessert flavoring,and "Penelope", a Greek-based girl's name (which means weaver). According to Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, who was constantly waiting for her husband to return from the battle of Troy and subsequently, his Odyssey. During Odysseus' Odyssey, many people thought that her real husband was dead and sent many suitors to try to marry her, but were ultimately driven out by Odysseus upon his return and proving them to be her real husband. Vanellope also sounds similar to "vanilla bean."
Also, her title, "von", is actually German for "of", which is often used by German nobility.
And plus her last name, "Schweetz", is a pun of the word "sweet" with a slightly German touch. (Schweetz). "Schweetz" may also be the way a young child would pronounce the word "sweets".
Upon close inspection, you will see that Vanellope's skirt is made ofReese's Peanut Butter Cupwrappers.
Although it is stated that Vanellope is unable to leave her game due to her being a glitch, at the endshe can be seen attending Felix and Calhoun's wedding as Calhoun's maid-of-honor. In fact during the credits she can be seen traveling with Ralph, Felix and Calhoun to different video games, this is due to her reintegration after the game reset, leaving her "glitchy" (i.e. capable of teleporting within the game) but no longer a glitch.
When creating Vanellope,she was described as having "a hint of Sarah (Silverman),a hint of Cindy Lou Who, combined with this grubby little Pippi Longstocking moppet kid."
Despite having hazel eyes in the movie, posters, etc., Vanellope can clearly be seen with bright green eyes when she is shown on the side of the cabinet after Ralph throws away his medal.
Interestingly enough, Vanellope is never shown racing in her white tracksuit after she resets the game, nor is she seen racing in her original cart which was stolen by King Candy. It's implied that the kart that she and Ralph created was eventually incorporated into the game and her supposed original (King Candy's) was presumably destroyed when King Candy transformed into a Cy-Bug and was killed.
Vanellope is the only character inSugar Rushwho wears a hoodie, as the other characters wear jackets, and she is also the only one who does not wear a helmet or cap in her head, instead she wears 红色 goggles.
Supposedly, when Vanellope refers to Ralph as "Gladys", she is actually referencing the main antagonist of thePortalseries, GLaDOS. However, if that is true, then she mispronounced the name, as it is most likely pronounced "Glah-Dos", and is actually an acronym.
When Ralph sees Vanellope on the side of the game console, she isn't wearing her dress like the scene where Vanellope gets her code back and finally becomes an actual game character.
Vanellope's princess 连衣裙 resembles the dresses worn by royal women during the 16th-17th century
Originally, Vanellope was going to have grayish-green skin to show viewers that she was a glitch, but her animators eventually decided against it since they thought it would make her look too much like a zombie.
Also, Vanellope is the only character fromSugar Rushto see in person King Candy's real identity as Turbo; however, she does not seem to know anything about Turbo's origin much less recognize him, whereas the majority of the inhabitants of the video game world do, which can be seen in the cases of Wreck-It Ralph and Fix-It Felix. Thus, it is unknown if Vanellope saw Turbo before he snatched her throne and locked her memories, though another possible theory suggests that Turbo supposedly disappeared years before theSugar Rushgame console was first plugged in the arcade, explaining the girl's ignorance of the rogue racer.
Throughout the whole movie, Ralph usually refers to Vanellope as "kid" instead of her real name. He only refers to her as "Vanellope" twice in the whole 拉查楠·玛哈菀
Some fans wonder why Vanellope isn't an official 迪士尼公司 Princess, this is due to her young age and fact she didn't want to be a princess and made herself president ofSugar Rushinstead.
Vanellope is the second Disney heroine to be involved in political issues, the first being AURORA
Vanellope is the third 迪士尼公司 heroine to be unaware that she was a princess.Aurora was the first and Rapunzel was the second.
Vanellope's princess dress vaguely resembles one of the dresses of young Charlotte La Bouff fromThe Princess and the Frog. Whether this was intentional or not, or if the 连衣裙 was used as the basis for Vanellope's gown 设计, is unknown.
In her picture at the side of the game, she is shown to be an anime character.
In a reference to video games, Vanellope appears to be an allusion to Midna fromThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, as they are both imp-like princesses who both accompany the hero after being cursed by their villains, who are the false rulers of the place they came from. Near the end of their stories, both are revealed to be the true rulers of their respective realms, and remain within their kingdom to allow a new rule from them.
Vanellope is the second well-known Princess to be live in modern world after Princess Leia fromStar Wars. Oddly, Lucas Film (where Stars Wars is from) was bought just 3 days before Wreck-It Ralphwas released in theaters.
In 2013, there were 63 babies name Vanellope in the US, up from zero in previous years.
Vanellope's Latin-American Spanish voice actress isMaria Antonieta de las Nieves, best known for her portrayal of "La Chilindrina" in the highly popular TV show "El Chavo del Ocho".
In movie
"What's your name?"
"You're not from here, are you?"
"Are youa hobo?"
"Why are your hands so freakishly big?"
"What's that? Didn't hear ya. Your breath is so bad, it made my ears numb!"
"Double stripe!"
"Lying to a child, shame on you, Ralph."
"I bet you really gotta watch where you step in a game calledHero's Doody!"
"What a moron. Hey, genius! It's a jaw breaker, you're never gonna...!"
"Enjoy your little tantrum, diaper baby?"
"Well, unlessy ou've got a go-kart hidden in the fat folds of your neck, I can't help you!"
"Well, it's a mini-game."
"Well, I guess you're just going to have to step out of your comfort zone, then, Gladys."
"You crashed it."
"Racing's in my codes!"
"I sleep in these candy wrappers and I bundle myself up like a little homeless lady."
"Everyone here says I'm just a mistake and that I wasn't even suppose to exist."
"Glitches can't leave their games. It's one of the joys of being me."
"Sweet 母亲 of monkey milk, I did it!"
"YOU'REA RAT! I don't need you! And I can win the race on my own."
"I'm not listening toyou! GET OUT OF MY WAY!!! I'm going to that race!"
"You really are a bad guy."
"I'm already a real racer...and I'm gonna win!"
"As your merciful princess, I hereby decree that everyone who was ever mean to me shall be...executed."
"I'm just kidding! Stop crying, Taffyta."
"Aw, Ralph, what are you, nuts? Come on, this isn't me.Thisis me."
"Look, the code may say I'm a princess, but I know who I really am, Ralph, I'm a racer with the greatest superpower ever."
"I was here. I was there. I was glitching through the walls. I'm not giving that up."
"I'm thinking more along the lines of a constitutional democracy."
"President Vanellope Von Schweetz. Has a nice ring to it."
"You know,youcould just stay here and live in the castle. You'd have your own wing, where no one would complain about your stench or treat you bad ever again; you can be happy."
"Aww, come on, Chumbo.Ralph, my man. My main man."
One Sweet Race
"What's the matter, Rancis? Did someone get chocolate in your fluggerbutter?"
"That'sPresidentVanellope... but I'll let it slide this 时间 Now let's practice driving!"
3,在一些拉尔夫(Wreck-It Ralph)和云妮洛普的玩偶下写着只有迪斯尼和皮克斯动画工作室是迪斯尼的部门(目测当时还没收购漫威)
4,云妮洛普在游戏里表现为八个迪斯尼公主之一,和Mulan (即使她在名义上也不是公主), Rapunzel, Merida, Anna, Elsa, Jasmine, and Princess Leia Organa。(她和Leia也是仅有的两个“非官方的”迪士尼公主是可玩的)
8,云妮洛普是迪士尼公司无限里最矮的人物之一,和Dash(来自超人总动员)、Phineas,、Agent P、史迪奇(来自星际宝贝)、怒怒(来自头脑特工队)和雪宝(来自冰雪奇缘)一样。
"Hello chump. Well are you ready to play or what? " -Vanellope
"Don't get any ideas buddy!"- 云妮洛普
"Guess we showed you! 云妮洛普
"Oooh, You guys run on GAS, not maple syrup. Oh that's interesting!" -云妮洛普遇见赛车总动员人物时
"1,2, Tie my shoe, 3,4, Hear me roar. 5,6, Pick up sticks. 7,8, Time to waste, 9,10, LET'S RACE AGAIN!!!"-云妮洛普空闲状态时(随机触发)
"Howdy Ma'am!" -云妮洛普遇到女性游戏人物时
"Well if it isn't my favorite hero!"-云妮洛普遇上拉尔夫时
"Sorry, I don't have any spare change." -云妮洛普遇上 Ham.
" I told you, RACING'S IN MY CODE!!!" 云妮洛普空闲状态时(随机触发)