1. 简单百科
  2. 杨仲轩




杨仲轩1998年浙江大学结构工程专业本科毕业,2001年获得浙江大学岩土工程硕士学位,2005年获得香港科技大学岩土工程博士学位。分别于2006~2007年和2008~2009年在香港大学土木系和帝国理工学院土木与环境系从事博士后研究工作。2009年晋升为副教授,2011年起获得博士研究生指导资格,2014年晋升为教授,2018年起担任浙江大学求是特聘教授。主要研究方向为:土的本构特性、宏微观力学和数值模拟、路基、桩基及近海工程。主持国家自然科学基金项目7项,国家重点研发计划课题负责人。发表SCI收录论文50余篇,在爱思唯尔出版英文专著一本。成果获得国家科技进步二等奖1项、教育部自然科学一等奖1项及教育部科技进步一等奖1项。担任ASCE期刊《J. Perform. Constr. Facil.》副主编,《岩土工程学报》编委,并在国内外多个专业学会担任委员等职务,包括国际土力学与岩土工程学会岩土力学技术委员会TC105委员、深基础工程技术委员会TC212和海洋岩土工程技术委员会TC209通讯委员。










6.考虑复杂力学行为下砂土中打入桩性状研究,国家自然科学基金(No. 51178421),经费总额60万,2012年1月-2015年12月

7.砂土中桩土剪切带颗粒破碎细观特性及其承载力时间效应研究,国家自然科学基金(No. 51011130162),经费总额6.5万,2010年4月-2012年3月





pan, K.,Yang, Z.X., 2018, Evaluation of the liquefaction potential of sand under random loading conditions: equivalent approach versus 能量based method, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, in press.

Yan, Z., Zhang, H.Q., Sun, X.P.,Yang, Z.X., 2018, Wave-induced pore 压强 response of a silty clay seabed around vertical caisson breakwater, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, in press.

Yang, Z.X., Wen, Y.X., pan, K., 2018, Previbration signature on dynamic properties of dry sand,Journal of Testing and Evaluation, ASTM, in press.

Hu, Z.,Yang, Z.X., Wilkinson, S.P., 2018, Reply to the discussion by Ganesh on “Analysis of passive 地球 压强 modification due to seepage flow effects”, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, in press.

Yang, Z.X., Xu, T.T., Li, X.S., 2018, J-deformation type model coupled with state dependent dilatancy, Computers and Geotechnics, in press.

pan, K.,Yang, Z.X., Xu, T.T., 2018, Undrained anisotropy and shear characteristics of sand: impact of static pre-shearing, International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(12), 04018162.

Yang, Z.X., Chen, D.H., 2018, Advance characterization and modeling of geomaterials and geosystems, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(6), 02018001.

Yang, Z.X., Xu, T.T., Chen, Y.N., 2018, Unified modeling of the influence of consolidation conditions on the monotonic soil response considering fabric evolution, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 144(8), 04018073.

Yan, Z., Wang, Y.Z.,Yang, Z.X., Xiao, Z., pan, K., 2018, A strength degradation model of saturated soft clay and its application in a case study of caisson breakwater, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 19(8), 650-662.

Yang, Z.X., Pan, K., 2018, Quantification of cyclic resistance and pore 压强 generation in anisotropically consolidated sand: an 能量based approach, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 30(9): 04018203.

pan, K.,Yang, Z.X., 2018, Effects of initial static shear on cyclic resistance and pore 压强 generation of saturated sand, Acta Geotechnica, 13(2), 473-487.

Hu, Z.,Yang, Z.X., Wilkinson, S.P., 2018, Analysis of passive 地球 pressure modification due to seepage flow effects, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(5), 666-679.

Wang, Y.K., Gao, Y.F., Guo, L.,Yang, Z.X., 2018, Influence of intermediate principal stress and principal stress direction on drained behavior of natural soft clay, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(1), 04017128.

Guo, L., Cai, Y.Q., Jardine, R.J.,Yang, Z.X., Wang, J., 2018, Undrained behaviour of intact soft clay under cyclic paths that match vehicle loading conditions, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(1): 90-106.

pan, K.,Yang, Z.X., 2018, Undrained behavior of sand under cyclic paths that match storm-wave loading conditions, Marine Georesources \u0026 Geotechnology, 36(1), 72-82.

Hu, Z.,Yang, Z.X., Wilkinson, S.P., 2017, Active 地球 压强 acting on retaining wall considering anisotropic seepage effect, Journal of Mountain Science, 14(6), 1202-1211.

Xiong, H., Cai, Y.Q.,Yang, Z.X., Chai, J.C., 2017, Effect of drained static shear on cyclic deformation behavior of K0-consolidated sand, Soils and Foundations, 57 (5), 720-732

Yang, Z.X., pan, K., 2017, Flow deformation and cyclic resistance of saturated loose sand considering initial static shear effect, Soil 动力学 and Earthquake Engineering, 92, 68-78.

Yang, Z.X., Guo, W.B., Jardine, R.J., Chow, F., 2017, 设计 method reliability assessment from an extended database of axial load tests on piles driven in sand, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 54(1), 59-74.

Chen, Y.N.,Yang, Z.X., 2017, A family of improved yield surfaces and their application in modeling of isotropically over-consolidated clays, Computers and Geotechnics, 90, 133-143.

Xie, Y.H.,Yang, Z.X., Barreto, D., Jiang, M.D., 2017, The influence of particle geometry and the intermediate stress ratio on the shear behavior of granular materials, Granular Matter, 19(2): 35.

Cai, Y.Q., Guo, L., Jardine, R.J.,Yang, Z.X., Wang, J., 2017, Stress–strain response of soft clay to traffic loading, Géotechnique, 67(5), 446-451.

Yang, Z.X., Wu, Y., 2017, Critical state for anisotropic granular materials: A discrete element perspective,International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 17(2), 04016054.

Xiong, H., Guo, L, Cai, Y.Q.,Yang, Z.X., 2016, Experimental study of drained anisotropy of granular soils involving rotation of principal stress direction, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 20(4), 431-454.

Dong, Q., Xu, C.J., Cai, Y.Q., Juang, H., Wang, J.,Yang, Z.X., Gu, C., 2016, Drained instability in loose granular material, International Journal of Geomechanics, 16(2), 04015043.

Yang, Z.X., Zhao, C.F., Xu, C.J., Wilkinson, S.P., Cai, Y.Q., pan, K., 2016, Modelling the engineering behaviour of fibrous peat formed due to rapid anthropogenic terrestrialization in Hangzhou, China, Engineering Geology, 215, 25-35.

Yang, Z.X., Jardine, R.J, Zhu, B.T., Rimoy, S., Closure to stresses developed around displacement piles penetration in sand, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141, 07014038.

Rimoy, S., Silva, M., Jardine, R.J.,Yang, Z.X., Zhu, B.T., Tsuha, 克赖斯特彻奇, 2015, Field and model investigations into the influence of age on axial capacity of displacement piles in silica sands, Géotechnique 65(7), 576-589.

Yang, Z.X., Guo, W.B., Zha, F.S., Jardine, R.J., Xu, C.J., Cai, Y.Q., 2015, Field behaviour of driven Pre-stressed High-strength Concrete piles in sandy soils, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141, 04015020.

Yang, Z.X., Jardine, R.J., Guo, W.B., Chow, F.C., 2015, A new and openly accessible database of tests on piles driven in sands, Géotechnique Letters, 5(1), 12-20.

Zhang, C.,Yang, Z.X., Nguyen, G.D., Jardine, R.J., Einav, I., 2014, Theoretical breakage mechanics and experimental assessment of stresses surrounding piles penetrating into dense silica sand, Géotechnique Letters, 4, 11-16.

Yang, Z.X., Jardine, R.J, Zhu, B.T., Rimoy, S., 2014, Stresses developed round displacement piles penetrating in sand,Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 140, 04013027.

Wang, L.Z., Jiang, H.Y.,Yang, Z.X., Xu, Y., Zhu, X.B., 2013, Development of discontinuous deformation analysis with displacement-dependent interface shear strength, Computers and Geotechnics 47, 91-101.

Jardine, R.J., Zhu, B.T., Foray, P.Y.,Yang, Z.X., 2013, Interpretation of stress measurements made around closed-ended displacement piles in sand, Géotechnique, 63 (8), 613-627.

Jardine, R.J., Zhu, B.T., Foray, P.Y.,Yang, Z.X., 2013, Measurement of stresses around closed-ended displacement piles in sand, Géotechnique, 63 (1), 1-17.

Zhu, Y.X., Chen, W.Q.,Yang, Z.X., 2013, Prediction of viscoelastic behavior in asphalt concrete using the fast multipole boundary element method, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 25(3), 328-336.

Yang, Z.X., Yang, J., Wang, L.Z., 2013, Micro-scale modeling of anisotropy effects on undrained behavior of granular soils, Granular Matter, 15, 557-572.

Gu, C., Wang, J., Cai, Y.Q.,Yang, Z.X., Gao, Y.F., 2012, Undrained cyclic triaxial behavior of saturated clays under variable confining 压强, Soil 动力学 and Earthquake Engineering, 40, 118-128.

Tsuha, 克赖斯特彻奇, Foray, P.Y., Jardine, R.J.,Yang, Z.X., Silva, M., Rimoy, S., 2012, Behaviour of displacement piles in sand under cyclic axial loading, Soils and foundations, 52(3), 393-410.

Yang, Z.X., Yang, J., Wang, L.Z., 2012, On the influence of inter-particle friction and dilatancy in granular materials: a numerical analysis, Granular Matter, 14, 433-447.

Zhu, X.Y.,Yang, Z.X., Guo, X., Chen, W.Q., 2011, Modulus prediction of asphalt concrete with imperfect bonding between aggregate–asphalt mastic, Composites Part B: Engineering, 42(6), 1404-1411.

Zhang, L., Gong, X.N.,Yang, Z.X., Yu, J.L., 2011, Elastoplastic solutions for single piles under combined vertical and lateral loads, Journal of Central South University of Technology, 18(1), 216-222.

Zhu, X.Y., Huang, Z.Y., Yang, Z.X., Chen, W.Q., 2010, Micromechanics-based analysis for predicting asphalt concrete modulus, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 11(6), 415-424.

Yang, Z.X., Jardine, R.J., Zhu, B.T., Foray, P., Tsuha, C.H.C., 2010, Sand grain crushing and interface shearing during displacement pile installation in sand, Géotechnique, 60(6), 469-482.

Huang, Z.Y., Yang, Z.X., Wang, Z.Y., 2008, Discrete element modeling of sand behavior in a biaxial shear test, Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A, 9(9), 1176-1183

Yang, Z.X., Li, X.S. Yang, J. 2008, Interpretation of torsional shear results for nonlinear stress–strain relationship, Int. J. Numer. Anal. Meth. Geomech., 32(10), 1247-1266.

Yang, Z.X., Li, X.S. Yang, J. 2008, Quantifying and modelling fabric anisotropy of granular soils, Géotechnique 58(4), 237–248.

Yang, Z.X., Li, X.S. Yang, J. 2007, Undrained anisotropy and rotational shear in granular soil, Géotechnique 57(4), 371-384.








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