1. 简单百科
  2. 韩世辉













韩世辉教授具有十几年从事视知觉、注意、社会认知神经科学、文化神经科学等方面的心理学和认知神经科学研究的经验,以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Review 神经科学, Brain, NeuroImage, Human Brain Mapping, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychological Science, Biological Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and 表演, Psychophysiology, Perception \u0026 Psychophysics, Brain Topography 等学术期刊上发表多篇学术论文,并被国际同行多次引用。是《Social Neuroscience》和《心理学报》副主编,《Cognitive Neurodynamics》、《International Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging》和《北京大学学报》编委。

2003 年获得国家杰出青年基金,2004 年获第八届中国青年科技奖。2006 年获中国高等学校科学技术奖(自然科学奖二等奖



Han, S., Gu, X., Mao, L., Ge, J., Wang, G., Ma, Y. (2009). Neural substrates of self-referential processing in Chinese Buddhists. Social Cognitive and Affective 神经科学, in press.

Ge, J., Gu, X., Ji, M., Han, S. (2009). Neurocognitive processes of the religious leader in Christians. Human Brain Mapping, in press.

Mak, A.K.Y., Wong, M.M.C., Han, S., Lee, T.M.C. (2009). Gray matter reduction associated with emotion regulation in female outpatients with major depressive disorder: A voxel-based morphometry studyProgress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology \u0026 Biological Psychiatry. in press.

Han, S., Fan, Y., Xu, X., Qin, J., Wu, B., Wang, X., Aglioti, S. M., Mao, L. (2009). Empathic neural responses to others’ pain are modulated by emotional contexts. Human Brain Mapping, in press.

Sui, J., Liu, C. H., Han, S. (2009). Cultural difference in neural mechanisms of self-recognition. Social 神经科学, in press.

Ma, Y., Ge, J., Xu, X., Fan, Y., Yang, S., Han. S. (2009). Asymmetric neurocognitive representation of ethnic in-group/out-group faces. Chinese Science Bulletin, 54, 2076-2081.

Lu, S., Han, S. (2009). Attentional capture is contingent on the interaction between task demand and stimulus salience. Attention, Perception, \u0026 Psychophysics, 1, 1015-1026.

Ma, Y., Han, S. (2009). Self-face advantage is modulated by social threat — Boss effect on self-face recognition. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 45, 1048-1051.

Casco, C., Campana, G., Han, S. \u0026 Guzzon, D. (2009). Psychophysical and electrophysiological evidence of independent facilitation by collinearity and similarity in texture grouping and segmentation. Vision Research, 49(6), 583-593.

Xu, X., Zuo, X., Wang, X., Han, S. (2009). Do you feel my pain? Racial group membership modulates empathic neural responses, Journal of 神经科学, 29, 8525-8529.

Qin, J., Lee, T. M. C., Han, S. (2009). Theta and alpha oscillations linked to risk Identifications. Brain Research, 1269, 125-134.

Qin, J., Lee, T. M. C., Wang, F., Mao, L., Han, S. (2009). Neural activities underlying environmental and personal risk identification tasks. Neuroscience Letters, 455, 110-115.

Han, S. (2009). Religious belief and neurocognitive processes of the self. E.飞鱼座and \u0026 W. Schiefenhövel (eds). The biological evolution of religious mind and behaviour, The Frontiers Collection, pp.195-204, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Han, S., Northoff, G. (2008). Reading direction and culture. Nature Review 神经科学, 9, 965.

He, X., Humphreys, G. W., Fan, S., Chen, L., Han, S. (2008). Differentiating spatial and object-based effects on attention: An event-related brain potential study with peripheral cueing. Brain Research, in press.

Han, S., Fang, F. (2008). Linking neural activity to mental processes. Brain Imaging and Behavior. in press.

Ng. S. H., Han, S. (2008). The bilcultural self and the bilcultural brain. In Wyer, R. S., Chiu, C.-y., \u0026 Hong, Y.-y (Eds.) Problems and solutions in cross-cultural theory, research and application. New York: Psychology Press.

Qin, J., Han, S. (2008). Parsing neural mechanisms of social and physical risk identifications. Human Brain Mapping, in press.

Qin, J., Han, S. (2008). Neurocognitive mechanisms underlying identification of environmental risks. Neuropsychologia, in press.

Mu, Y., Fan, Y., Mao, L., Han, S. (2008). Event-related theta and alpha oscillations mediate empathy for pain. Brain Research. 1234, 128-136.

Zhu, Y., Han, S. (2008). Cultural differences in the self: From 哲学 to psychology and 神经科学 Social and Personality Psychology Compass. 2, 1799-1811.

Ge. J., Han, S. (2008). Distinct neurocognitive strategies for comprehensions of human and artificial intelligence. PLoS ONE 3(7): e2797.doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0002797.

Han, S., Northoff, G. (2008). Culture-sensitive neural substrates of human 认知: A transcultural neuroimaging approach. Nature Review Neuroscience, 9, 646-654.

Lee, T. M. C., Chan, C. C. H., Han, S., Leung, A. W. S., Fox, P. T., \u0026 Gao, J.-H. (2008). An event-related fMRI study on risk taking by healthy individuals of high or low impulsiveness. Neuroscience Letters, 438, 138-141

Han, S., Gao, X., Humphreys, G. W., Ge, J. (2008). Neural processing of threat cues in social environments. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 945-957.

Lin, Z., Lin., Y., Han, S. (2008). Self-construal priming modulates visual activity underlying global/local perception. Biological Psychology. 77, 93-97.

Han, S., Mao, L., Gu, X., Zhu, Y., Ge, J., Ma, Y. (2008). Neural consequences of religious belief on self-referential processing. Social 神经科学, 3, 1-15.

Fan, Y., Han, S. (2008). Temporal dynamic of neural mechanisms involved in empathy for pain: An event-related brain potential study. Neuropsychologia, 46, 160-173.

Han, S., Fan, Y., Mao, L. (2008). Gender difference in empathy for pain: An electrophysiological investigation. Brain Research, 1192, 85-93.


Zhu, Y., Zhang, Li., Fan, J., Han. S. (2007). Neural basis of cultural influence on self representation. Neuroimage, 34, 1310-1317.

Mao, L., Zhou, B., Zhou, W., Han, S. (2007). Neural correlates of covert orienting of visual spatial attention along vertical and horizontal dimensions. Brain Research. 1136, 142-153.

Sui, J., Han, S. (2007). Self-construal priming modulates neural substrates of self-awareness. Psychological Science. 18, 861-866.

Gu, X., Han, S. (2007). Attention and reality constraints on the neural processes of empathy for pain. Neuroimage. 36, 256-267.

Jiang, Y., Han, S. (2007). Perceptual gain and perceptual loss: Distinct neural mechanisms of audiovisual interactions. International Journal of Magnetic 共振 Imaging. 1(1), 3-14.

Wu, X., Chen, X., Li, Z., Han, S., Zhang, D. (2007). Binding of verbal and spatial information in human working memory involves large scale neural syncronization at theta 频率 Neuroimage, 35, 1654-1662.

Zhang, X., Han, S. (2007). Global perception depends on coherent work of bilateral visual cortices: TMS studies. Science in China, series C. 50(4), 557-565.

Gu, X., Han, S. (2007). Neural substrates underlying evaluation of pain in actions depicted in words. Behavioural Brain Research, 181, 218-223.

Han, S., Humphreys, G. W. (2007). The fronto-parietal network and top-down modulation of perceptual grouping. Neurocase, 13, 278-289.

Qin, J., Han, S. (2007). The role of parietal cortex in global/local processing of hierarchical stimuli: A TMS study. NeuroReport, 18, 1921-1924.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., Humphreys, G. W. (2007). Watching cartoons activates the medial prefrontal cortex in children. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52, 3371-3375.


Mao, L., Zhang, X., Chen, J., Gu, H., Han, S. (2006). Neural substrates of global perception are modulated by local element grouping. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51 (6), 1-6.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., Mao, L. (2006). Right hemisphere dominance in perceiving 相干性 of visual events. Neuroscience Letters, 398 (1-2): 18-21.

Sui, J., Zhu, Y., Han, S. (2006). Self-face recognition in attended and unattended conditions: an ERP study. NeuroReport, 17(4):423-427.

Han, S., Jiang, Y. (2006). Neural correlates of within-level and across-level attention to multiple 化合物 stimuli. Brain Research, 1076: 193-197.

Zhang, D., Li, Z., Bao, M., Chen, X., Han, S., He, S., Hu, X. (2006). Attention shift in human verbal working memory: priming contribution and dynamic brain activati?n. Brain Research, 1078: 131-142.

Han, S., Glyn, W. Humphreys (2005). Perceptual organization at attended and unattended locations. Science in China, series C, 48(2), 106-116.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., Humphreys, G. W., Zhou, T., \u0026 Cai, P. (2005). Distinct neural substrates for the perception of real and virtual visual worlds. Neuroimage, 24, 928-935.

Han, S., Wan, X., \u0026 Humphreys, G. W. (2005). Shifts of spatial attention in a perceived 3-D space. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Section A, 58A, 753-764.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., Mao L., Humphreys, G. W., Gu, H. (2005). Attentional modulation of perceptual grouping in human visual cortex: fMRI studies. Human Brain Mapping, 25, 424-432.

Jiang, Y., Han, S. (2005). Neural mechanisms of global/local processing of bilateral visual inputs: an ERP study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 116, 1444-1454.

Wu, Y., Chen, J., Han, S. (2005). Neural mechanisms of attentional modulation of perceptual grouping by collinearity. NeuroReport, 16, 567-570.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., Mao L., Humphreys, G. W., Qin, J. (2005). Attentional modulation of perceptual grouping in human visual cortex: ERP studies. Human Brain Mapping, 26, 199-209.


Han, S., Jiang, Y., Gu, H., Rao, H., Mao, L., Cui, Y., Zhai, R. (2004). The role of human parietal cortex in attention networks. Brain, 127: 650-659.

Mao, L., Han, S., Guo, C., \u0026 Jiang, Y. (2004). Neural mechanisms of perceptual grouping in human visual cortex. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49(8): 819-823.

Han, S., Jiang, Y., \u0026 Gu, H. (2004). Neural substrates differentiating global/local processing of bilateral visual inputs. Human Brain Mapping, 22 (4): 321-328.

Liu, L., Wang, K., Liao, B., Xu, L., \u0026 Han, S. (2004) Perceptual salience of global structures and the crowding effect in amblyopia. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 242, 566-570.

Rao, H., Han, S., Jiang, Y., Xue, Y., Gu, H., Cui, Y., Gao, D. (2004). Engagement of the prefrontal cortex in representational momentum: An fMRI study. NeuroImage, 23 (1), 98-103.

Han, S. (2004). Interactions between proximity and similarity grouping: An ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 367 (1), 40-43.

Han, S., Jiang, Y. (2004). The parietal cortex and attentional modulations of activities of the visual cortex. NeuroReport, 15, 2275-2280.

Han, S., Wang, C., Zhou, L. (2004). Global and local processing under attended and unattended conditions. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 36(4), 410-416.

Zhou, B., Zhang, J. X., Tan, L. H., \u0026 Han, S (2004). Spatial congruence in working memory: an ERP study. NeuroReport, 15, 2795-2799.

Han, S., \u0026 Humphreys, G.W. (2003). Relationship between uniform connectedness and proximity in perceptual grouping. Science in China, series C, 46(2), 113-126.

Han, S., \u0026 He, X. (2003). Modulation of neural activities by enhanced local selection in the processing of 化合物 stimuli. Human Brain Mapping, 19(4), 273-281.

Han, S., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2003). An ERP study of the global precedence effect: the role of spatial 频率. Clinical Neurophysiology, 114 (10), 1850-1865.

Han, S., Weaver, J., Murray, S., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2003). Modulation of human global/local perception by low spatial frequency filtering. Chinese Sceince Bulletin. 48 (21), 2336-2339.

Jiang, Y., Han, S. (2003). Perceptual grouping by proximity and similarity in the peripheral vision. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 35 (supplement): 70-78.


Han, S., Ding, Y., \u0026 Song, Y. (2002). Neural mechanisms of perceptual grouping in humans as revealed by high density event related potentials. Neuroscience Letters, 319, 29-32.

Han, S., Weaver, J., 安迪·穆雷, S., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2002). Hemispheric asymmetry in global/local processing: Effects of stimulus position and spatial 频率 NeuroImage, 17, 1290-1299.

Chen, H., Li, S., Han, S., Wang, X. (2002). The research on visual global and local cognitive function of patients with Parkinson’s disease. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation. 6(11): 1694-1695.

Han, S., He, X., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2001). Attentional selection in the processing of hierarchical patterns: An ERP study. Biological Psychology, 56 (2-3), 113-130.

Han, S., Song, Y., Ding, Y., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2001). Neural substrates for visual perceptual grouping in humans. Psychophysiology, 38(6), 926-935.


Han, S., Liu, W., Yund, E. W., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2000). Interactions between spatial attention and global/local feature selection: An ERP study. NeuroReport. 11(12), 2753-2758.

Han, S., He, X., \u0026 Woods, D. L. (2000). Hierarchical processing and level-repetition effect as indexed by early brain potentials. Psychophysiology, 37(6), 817-830.

Han, S., Fan, S., Chen, L., \u0026 Zhuo, Y.(1999). Modulation of brain activities by hierarchical processing: A high-density ERP study. Brain Topography, 11(3):171-183.

Han, S., Humphreys, G.W., \u0026 Chen, L. (1999). Uniform connectedness and classical Gestalt principles of perceptual grouping. Perception \u0026 Psychophysics, 61(4):661-674.

Han, S., \u0026 Humphreys, G.W. (1999). Interactions between perceptual organization based on Gestalt laws and those based on hierarchical processing. Perception \u0026 Psychophysics, 61(7), 1287-1298.


Han S, Fan. S, Chen, L., \u0026 Zhuo, Y. (1997). On the different processing of wholes and parts: A psychophysiological study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 9(5): 686-697.

Han, S., Humphreys, G.W., \u0026 Wang, R. (1997). Representation of the centre of a perceptual group in neglect: A case study. Neurocase, 3, 365-374.


Han S, Chen L. (1996). Processing of global and local properties — An analysis with event-related brain potentials. Science in China, series C, 39(2), 179-188.

Han, S., Lu, J., Fan, S., Chen, L., \u0026 Zhuo, Y.(1996). The role of similarity in processing of 化合物 patterns: An ERP study. Chinese Science Bulletin, 41(6):512-515.

Han, S. \u0026 Chen, L (1994). Different attentional effects on detection of orientation and color. Chinese Science Bulletin. 39(12). 1045-1048.

Han, S. \u0026 Chen, L. (1993). The different roles of attention oriented with peripheral cues from that of attention oriented with central cues: a topological explanation. In Wang Su (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second Afro-Asian Psychological Congress. Beijing University Press, p55-60.













韩世辉,Glyn W. Humphreys,周华民,王东刚(2002)视知觉组织在整体知觉中的作用——大脑损伤病人的实验研究。心理科学,25(4):391-394。

韩世辉,Glyn W. Humphreys (2002)连接性和空间相邻性在知觉组织的关系。中国科学(C 辑),32(5):471-480。








韩世辉,Glyn W. Humphreys,李清阳(2004)注意与非注意位置的知觉组织。中国科学(C 辑),34(5):471-480。


