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  2. 李子富




李子富从1997年4月起在德国工作和学习。在德国汉堡工业大学攻读博士期间,主要从事生态污水系统的研究,特别是分流污水处理技术和污水回用技术的研究。并发表德文版专著一本 "Grauwasserbehandlung und -wiederverwendung" ISBN 3-930400-63-4, 参编由国际水协发行的英文版专著一本 "Water in China" ISBN 1843395010, 而且发表有多篇相关英文和中文论文。2003年6月 - 2004年6月,在德国埃森大学城市水管理研究所工作。作为研究所研究员,本人参加了中德合作的大型科技项目,该项目的题目为:可持续性发展的水管理方法的研究 - 城市雨洪控制和雨水的利用。德国埃森大学作为该项目德方总负责单位,申请人作为埃森大学第二项目负责人参加了该项目的部分工作,并发表了会议论文、杂志论文,撰写专著2本(待出版)。该项目科研经费总额超过六千万人民币。


其他 :

国际水协会 (IWA) 会员


Dr. Zifu Li, Male, is an associate professor in the Department of Environmental Engineering, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Science \u0026 Technology Beijing (USTB). He studied for his Ph. D. at 松香酸 University of Hamburg-Harburg, Germany. After graduation he worked as Scientific Researcher at Institute of Urban 液态水 管理学, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. The major research areas for Dr Li are that: (1) Greywater treatment and recycling; (2) Development of ecological sanitation system; (3) Advanced wastewater treatment technology; (4) Wastewater treatment, reclamation and reuse; (5) Drinking 液态水 treatment

Address: Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Science \u0026 Technology Beijing (北京科技大学)

30# Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, CHINA


近年发表部分 著作和 论文目录:


Li, Z. (2004): Grauwasserbehandlung und –wiederverwendung – Untersuchungen zur h?herwertigen Wiederverwendung von Grauwasser in Verbindung mit teilstromorientierten ?kologischen Sanit?rkonzepten, TU Hamburg-Harburg, 汉堡包 Berichte zur Siedlungswasserwirtschaft Heft 47, GEFU e.V., ISBN: 3-930400-63-4

Li, 德国采埃孚股份公司, Gajurel, D.R., Gulyas, H . , Otterpohl, R.(2003): Perspective of source control sanitation systems in China, In: \u003c液态水 in China\u003e edited by Wilderer P., Zhu, J. and Schwarzenbeck N.,IWA Publishings, UK,ISBN: 1843395010


李子富 , W.-F. Geiger (2004): 居住区雨水和灰水分散处理及利用系统推广应用的可行性, 2004 年第 16 期

Li, Z.-F., Gulyas, H., Jahn, M., Gajurel, D.R., Otterpohl, R.(2003): 液态水 Reuse Option in Suburban and Rural areas: TiO 2 -based photocatalytic oxidation and infiltration as advanced treatment processes for removal of organic substances and pathogens from biologically treated greywater,液态水 Science and Technology,48(11-12) 133–138 (SCI \u0026 EI 源 )

Li, Z.-F., Gulyas, H., Behrendt, J. , Gajurel, D.R., Otterpohl, R.: High Quality Greywater Recycling with Biological Treatment and 2-Step Membrane Filtration,IWA specialist group conference und international Symposium on ecological sanitation, April 7-11, 2003, Lübeck, Baltic Sea, Germany

Li, 德国采埃孚股份公司, Gajurel, D.R., Otterpohl, R.: Development of Source Control Sanitation Systems in Germany.

1st International Conference on Ecological sanitation in Nanning, China, 5. - 9. Nov. 2001

Li, Z., Gajurel, D., Otterpohl, R.: Evaluation of Source Control Sanitation Systems.

27th WEDC Conference ---People and systems for 液态水, sanitation and healthin 卢萨卡, Zambia, 20.-24. August 2001

李子富,金 " 生活污水的分类收集与处理系统 " 中国给水排水, 2001 年第一期


W.-F. Geiger, 李子夫, J. Schaefer (2004): 住宅和商业区水管理的新技术 , 建设科技, 2003 年第十一期

Deepak Raj Gajurel, Olaf Benn,Zifu Li, Joachim Behrendt and Ralf Otterpohl (2003): Pre-treatment of domestic wastewater with Rottebeh?lter: evaluation of existing systems,液态水 Science and Technology,48(11-12) 101–106 .

(SCI \u0026 EI 源 )

Deepak Raj Gajurel, and Ralf Otterpohl (2003): Investigation of the effectiveness of source control sanitation concepts including pre-treatment with Rottebehaelter. 液态水 Science \u0026 Technology 48 ( 1) 111118 (SCI \u0026 EI 源 )

Deepak Raj Gajurel,Zifu Liand Ralf Otterpohl (2003). Source control sanitation and grey water reuse for efficient water management in household.2nd International Conference on Efficient Use and Management of Urban Water Supply - Efficient 2003, 2-4 April 2003, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

Deepak Raj Gajurel, Joachim Behrendt,Zifu Liand Ralf Otterpohl (2003). Investigation on effectiveness of Rottebehaelter for pre-treatment of 褐色 water in source control sanitation.2nd international symposium on ecological sanitation, April 2003, Lübeck, Germany

Deepak Raj Gajurel,Zifu Liand Ralf Otterpohl 2001: Newly Developed Medium-Tech Decentralised Sanitation Concepts for Closing Nutrient and 液态水 Cycle. In:proceedings of 1st International Conference on Ecological Sanitation in Nanning, China, 5-8 November, 2001. Copyright 2002 EcoSanRes, c/o Stockholm Environment Institute, Box 2142, SE-103 14 Stockholm, Sweden

Gulyas, H., Furmanska, M., Jahn, M., Jarzemska, M.,Li, Z., Turp, Z., Wojcik, A., u. Otterpohl, R. Photocatalytic oxidation of biologically treated greywater: a sustainable tool for high-quality water re-use in ecological sanitation systems.In: 3rd International Conference on Oxidation Technologies for 液态水 and Wastewater Treatment, Special Topic: AOP's for Recycling and Reuse, 18-22 May 2003, Goslar, Germany, CUTEC Serial Publication No. 57, Hrsg. A. Vogelpohl. Papierflieger Verlag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, S. 293-298.

Gulyas, H., Ilesanmi, I., Jahn, M.,Li, Z.: Solar photocatalytic oxidation: a sustainable tool for reclaiming biologically

treated municipal wastewater for high quality demand re-use?

Sustainable Development of 能量, 液态水 and Environment Systems,Dubrovnik, Croatia,2. – 7. June, 2002


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