1. 简单百科
  2. 潘必才












1) 紧束缚势模型的发展;

2) 复杂凝聚态体系(表面,纳米,团簇)的理论计算研究;

3) 团簇、纳米线/纳米管、固体表面、块体材料中缺陷的结构、电子结构和振动性质研究。



1. B. C. pan, Electronic structures of an extra Si atom diffusing in the Si (111)(7x7)surface, Surface Science (in press).

2. A. J. Lu, B. C. Pan*, J. G. Han, Electronic and vibrational properties of diamondlike hydrocarbons, Phys.rev. B 72, 035447(2005).

3. B. Xu, A. J. Lu, B. C. pan*, Q. X. Yu, Atomic structures and mechanical properties of single-crystal GaN nanotubes, Phys. Rev. B 71, 125434(2005).

4. A. J. Lu, B. C. Pan*, Interaction of with vacancies in a (12,0) nanotube, Phys. REV B 71, 165416(2005).

5. B. C. pan, R. Biswas, Structure and simulation of hydrogenated nanocrystalline , J. Appl. Phys. 96, 6247(2004).

6. A. J. Lu, B. C. Pan*, Nature of single vacancy in achiral nanotubes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 105504(2004).

7. R. Biswas, B.C. pan, Y.Y. Ye, Metastability of amorphous from silicon network rebonding, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 205502(2002).

8. B.C. Pan, Tight-bonding potential for hydrocarbons, Phys. REV B 64, 155408(2001).

9. K.M. Ho, A. A. Shvartsburg, Bicai pan, Zhong-Yi Lu, C.Z. Wang, J.G. Wacher, J.L. Fye and Martin F. Jarrold, Structures of medium-sized clusters, Nature (伦敦) 392, 582(1998).

10. The nature of radiative transitions in O-doped boron nitride nanotubes, Journal of American Chemical Society, 131, 4839 (2009).

11. Molecular 动力学 simulations of the metallic behavior of the Si(001) surface at high temperatures, Phys. REV B, 77, 113301 (2008).

12. Enhancing the topological structures of defected nanotubes with adsorbed hydrocarbon radicals at low temperatures, Phys. Rev. B, 75, 113401 (2007).

13. Possible lowest-reactivity structure of the cluster Si45, Phys. REV B, 73, 045417 (2006).

14. Formation energies of topological defects in nanotubes, Phys.Rev.B, 62, 12652 (2000).
