1. 简单百科
  2. 朱国宾




1986年,朱国宾获武汉大学测绘学院摄影测量与遥感专业学士,1995年,朱国宾获摄影测量与遥感专业硕士学位。2004年,朱国宾毕业于以色列内盖夫本·古里安大学(Ben-Gurion University of the Negev),获博士学位(指导老师:Prof. Shaul Krakover、Prof. Dan G. Blumberg)。朱国宾现任武汉大学遥感信息工程学院空间信息与数字技术系主任。




用于遥感影像分类的支持向量机(SVM)核心模型研究, 2002/2004, 国家留学基金委

基于支持矢量机的遥感分类算法研究, 2002/2005, 武汉大学

面向对象的三维地理信息数据表达与关系运算模式研究, 1996/1999, 国家教委博士学科点专项科研基金

GPS与INSAR数据融合理论与算法的研究, 2004/2006, 国家教委博士学科点专项科研基金

广州市震害预测信息系统, 1997/1998, 国家地震局项目

三峡工程地理信息系统规划方案, 1998/1998, 三峡工程建设总公司项目

三峡工程坝区测绘管理系统, 1997/1999, 三峡工程建设总公司项目

架空输电线路3S系统, 1998/1999, 中南电力设计院项目

广州农业地理信息系统, 2002/2003, 广州农业信息中心项目

北京国土资源和房屋管理窗口办文系统, 2002/2004, 北京市国土和房屋管理局项目



[1]. 朱国宾 和 徐承俊. A Lightweight and Robust Lie Group-Convolutional Neural Networks Joint Representation for Remote .... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing(2021 Early Access). 2021 Early Access.

[2]. 朱国宾 和 徐承俊. 一种适应大数据处理要求的深层学习模型. 计算机应用与软件. 38 (1). 33-40.

[3]. Xu, Chengjun 和 Zhu, Guobin. Robust Joint Representation of Intrinsic Mean and Kernel 函数 of Lie Group for Remote Sensing.... IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters. 1-5. 2020.

[4]. Xu, Chengjun 和 Zhu, Guobin. Intelligent manufacturing Lie Group Machine Learning: real-时间 and efficient inspection system b.... Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 1-13. 2020.

[5]. Lin, Yuan 和 Zhu, Guobin. Combining synthetic aperture radar and multispectral images for land cover classification: a case.... Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. 14 (2). 2020.

[6]. Yi Yang , Jie Li* , Guobin Zhu* 和 Qiangqiang Yuan. Spatio–Temporal Relationship and Evolvement of Socioeconomic Factors and PM2.5 in China During 1.... International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2019.

[7]. Lin Yuan 和 Guobin Zhu*. Research on remote sensing image classification based on feature level fusion. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives.. 42 (3). 2185-2189. 2018.

[8]. Bian, Fulin , Guobin Zhu , Jie Li 和 Xiaojun Tan. Three Dimensional 数据 Structure and Data Model. Geo-spatial Information Science. 3 (3). 19-23. 2000.

[9]. Guobin Zhu 和 Dan G. Blumberg. The Composition of the Output Layer 建筑 in a Back-Propagation (BP) Neural Network for Re.... Geoinformation for All. XIXth Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2000.

[10]. Guobin Zhu 和 Dan G. Blumberg. An Urban Open Space Extraction Method Based on Remote Sensing and GIS. Geography Research Forum.. 2001.

[11]. Guobin Zhu 和 Dan G. Blumberg. A 数据 Fusion Method for Remote Sensing Classification Based on Neural Networks. Proceeding of 97th Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - Mar. 3, 2001, New York. The Association of American Geographers (AAG). 2001.

[12]. Guobin Zhu 和 Dan G. Blumberg*. Classification Using 紫菀属 数据 and SVM Algorithms; the Case Study of Beer Sheva, Israel.. Remote Sensing of Environment. 80 (2). 233-240. 2002.

[13]. 朱国宾 面向多分辨率层次结构的遥感影像分析方法. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版). 28 (3). 315-320. 2002.

[14]. Guobin Zhu , Shaul Krakover 和 Dan G. Blumberg. Urban open space study based on remote sensing and geographic information systems. Geo-spatial Information Science. 6 (3). 76-78. 2003.

[15]. Guobin Zhu , Fulin Bian 和 Mu Zhang. A flexible method for urban vegetation cover measurement based on remote sensing Stock Images "High Resolution Mapping from Space, 2003, Germany " (ISPRS, EARSeL, and IPI), Hannover, Germany. 2003.

[16]. Guobin Zhu 和 Dan G. Blumberg*. An Urban Open Space Extraction Method: Combining spectral and geometric characteristics. Geo-spatial Information Science (地球空间信息科学学报:英文版). 7 (4). 249-254. 2004.

[17]. Guobin Zhu , Xiaoli Liu 和 Zhige Jia. A multi-resolution hierarchy classification study compared with conservative methods. ISPRS Archives Vol. XXXVI, Part 2/W40, "Multiple representation and interoperability of spatial 数据", Hanover, Germany. 79-84. 2006.

[18]. Luliang Li , QQ. Li* , Hu Li , HW. Li , GB. Zhu 和 L. Sun. Large-scale versioning data acquisition and updating. 14th International Conference on Geoinformatics, GEOINFORMATICS 2006. 642. 28-29. 2006.

[19]. 何保国 和 朱国宾*. 基于版本管理的多用户并发编辑控制策略研究. 地理空间信息. 5 (4). 1-4. 2007.

[20]. Guobin Zhu , Xiaoli Liu 和 Zhige Jia. A Multi-level Image 描写文 Model Scheme Based on Digital Topology. PIA07 Photogrammetric Image Analysis, 慕尼黑 Germany. 2007.

[21]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* 和 Zhige Jia. Using a hierarchical multi-resolution mechanism for the classification and semantic extraction of.... International Journal of Remote Sensing. 28 (15). 3273-79. 2007.

[22]. Fuzzy C-Mean Classifier of Remote Sensing Images Using the TABU Search Approach. ISEIS Environmental Informational Archives 2008. 2008.

[23]. 朱国宾 和 刘小利. 基于单元复形的数字图像多级别层次表达. 地理与地理信息科学. 24 (6). 8-11. 2008.

[24]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* , Zhige Jia 和 QIngquan Li. Hierarchical Image Representation Based on Digital Topology for Bridging Remote Sensing and GIS. 2008 International Congress on Image and Signal Processing. 2008.

[25]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* , Lei Niu 和 Zhige Jia. Bridging AutoCAD and SDE: A Versioning Method for GIS 数据 Transformation Based on XML ISEIS Environmental Informational Archives 2008. 2008.

[26]. Lei Niu 和 Guobin Zhu*. An Improved Raal 3D A* Algorithm for Difficult Path Finding Situation. Proceeding of the International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Beijing, 2008. 37. 2008.

[27]. Lei Niu 和 Guobin Zhu*. Using Level of Detail for underway path finding solution.. Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: The Built Environment and Its 动力学 7144. 511-518. 2008.

[28]. 朱国宾 和 熊欢欢. 面向服务架构的土地执法巡查实时系统实现. 地理空间信息. 6 (6). 1-4. 2008.

[29]. 刘小利 , 朱国宾* , 李清泉 和 贾治革. 基于并行T a b u 搜索和空间信息约束的遥感影像模糊聚类. 武汉大学学报( 信息科学版). 34 (5). 527-530. 2009.

[30]. Huanghuang Xiong , Guobin Zhu* 和 Peigang Wang. The Strategy of Service Composition based on 3-Layer Framework of Requirement Task Service. Advances in information Sciences and Service Sciences (AISS),. 3 (20). 20-28. 2011.

[31]. Huanghuang Xiong , Guobin Zhu* 和 Peigang Wang. The Service Pricing Strategy on 软件 As A Service. 2010 International Conference on Management and Service Science (质量2010). 210. 121-124. 2010.

[32]. Xinwei Zhu 和 Guobin Zhu*. Analysis to Industry Agglomeration Degree for Changzhou Hi-Tech Zone Based on An AHP Model. International Conference on Management and Service Science (质量2011). 233. 111-115. 2011.

[33]. Lei Niu , Guobin Zhu* 和 Xinli Ke. A spatial topological 路由 solution for emergency responding in 3D subway 面积 International Journal of Emergency Management. 8. 185-206. 2012.

[34]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* 和 Xue Li. Topological Relationship Extraction by Two Improved Image Segmentation Methods. GRMSE 2013, Part I, CCIS. 398. 543-552. 2013.

[35]. 程涛 , 朱国宾* 和 刘玉安. 基于0-1稀疏循环矩阵的测量矩阵分离研究. 光学学报(ACTA OPTICA SINCA). 33 (2). 0220001-0220001 -- 0220001-0220006. 2013.

[36]. Xinwei Zhu , Guobin Zhu* 和 Peichao Guan. Exploring Location-Aware Process 管理学 Geo-informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem, Wuhan, China. 285. 145-148. 2013.

[37]. 程涛 , 朱国宾* 和 刘玉安. 基于二维压缩感知的定向遥感和变化检测. 红外与毫米波学报(Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves). 32 (5). 456-461. 2013.

[38]. Peichao Guan , Guobin Zhu* 和 Xinwei Zhu. A Combinatory Framework of Geographic Information Services Integration Based on OWL-S. Geo-Informatics in Resource Management and Sustainable Ecosystem. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,. 399. 445-453. 2013.

[39]. X. Zhu , J. Recker* , Guobin Zhu 和 F. M. Santoro. Exploring Location-Dependency in Process Modeling. Business Process Management Journal. 20 (6). 794-815. 2014.

[40]. Xiaoli Liu , Wentao Yang , Guobin Zhu* , Jinggang Li 和 Xue Li. A Method of Extracting Inter-Object Spatial Relationship in Remote Sensing Image Objects. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 519. 537-540. 2014.

[41]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* , Jinggang Li 和 Xue Li. Topological Equivalence in Multi-Scale Remote Sensing Image Segmentation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 510. 510-513. 2014.

[42]. Xiaoli Liu , Guobin Zhu* , Jinggang Li 和 Xue Li. Reasoning Method of Remote Sensing Imagery Based on Topological Transformation. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 511. 421-424. 2014.

[43]. Guobin Zhu* 和 Xinwei Zhu. A study on geospatial constrained process modeling using 统一建模语言 activity diagrams. Asia-Pacific Conference on Business Process 管理学 59-73. 2014.

[44]. O. Tariq 和 Guobin Zhu*. Research on human resource information systems based on requirement engineering. IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering \u0026 Service Science (ICSESS). 165-169. 2014.

[45]. 刘小利 , 徐登攀 , 朱国宾* 和 李雪. 结合MapReduce和HBase遥感图像并行分布式查询. 地理与地理信息科学. 05. 26-28. 2014.

[46]. 程涛 , 朱国宾* 和 刘玉安. 压缩感知中高斯矩阵的优化研究. 计算机应用研究. 12. 3599-3602. 2014.

[47]. 程涛 , 朱国宾* 和 李小龙 压缩感知的等效二维稀疏变换. 半导体光电. 35 (6). 1119-1122. 2014.

[48]. 刘旭斌 , 朱国宾* , 关培超 和 朱鑫伟. AOP在地理信息服务平台日志系统中的应用. 地理空间信息. 12 (4). 27-30. 2014.

[49]. 郑湛 , 徐绪松 , 朱国宾 , 赵伟 和 郑小京. 大组织理论研究. 管理学报. 12 (4). 522-529. 2015.

[50]. Xiaoli Liu , Pandeng Xu , Mingliang Liu 和 Guobin Zhu*. Design and development of real-时间 query Platform for big 数据 based on Hadoop. High Technology Letters. 21 (2). 231-238. 2015.

[51]. Peichao Guan , Guobin Zhu* 和 Bin Yan. A Study on Geographic Information Services 本体论 and Its Applications. Cybernetics and Information Technologies. 15 (6). 191-203. 2015.

[52]. 朱鑫伟 和 朱国宾*. 地理空间约束的业务流程建模方法. 软件学报. 26 (3). 584-599. 2015.

[53]. Xinwei Zhu , Seppe vanden Broucke , Guobin Zhu* , Jan Vanthienen 和 Bart Baesens. Enabling Flexible Location-Aware Business Process Modeling and Execution. Decision Support Systems. 83. 1-9. 2016.

[54]. 孟小亮 , 徐超 , 边馥苓 , 崔晓晖 和 朱国宾. 一种利用空间信息与数字技术专业知识的“互联网+”创新创业方法. 测绘通报. 12. 138-141. 2017.

[55]. Guobin Zhu , Shaowen Yao , Shaochun Xu 和 Xiaohui Cui. Proceedings of the 6th ACM/ACIS International Conference. 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on 计算机 and Information Science (ICIS 2017). 2017.

[56]. Si Zheng , Guobin Zhu* , Jie Zhang 和 Wei Feng. Towards an adaptive human-centric computing resource 管理学 framework based on resource preDI Multimedia Tools and Applications. 76 (17). 17821-17838. 2017.

[57]. 刘明亮 , 邰媛媛 , 张景 和 朱国宾*. 基于超网络理论的应急预案体系模型构建及实证研究. 技术经济. 36 (11). 86-92. 2017.

[58]. 张景 和 朱国宾*. 基于CBOW-LDA主题模型的Stack Overflow编程网站热点主题发现研究. 计算机科学 45 (4). 208-214. 2018.

[59]. 朱国宾* , 刘明亮 , 杨依 , 邰媛媛 和 张景. 地震应急预案体系超网络模型研究. 电子学报. 46 (5). 1269-1273. 2018.

















