沈艾娣(Henrietta Harrison,1967年生),英国历史学家、汉学家,曾任哈佛大学历史系教授,现任牛津大学教授。她的主要研究领域为清代以来的中原地区社会文化史、中西交流史和中国近现代史。2011年8月8日,沈艾娣被聘为山西大学客座教授。2014年当选英国科学院院士。
The Perils of Interpreting: The Extraordinary Lives of Two Translators between Qing China and the British Empire. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.
Intercultural Diplomacies co-edited with Nadine Amsler and Christian Windler. Special issue of International History Review 5 (2019).
The Missionary’s Curse and Other Tales from a Chinese Catholic Village. Berkeley: University of 加利福尼亚州 Press, 2013.
Chinese translation: 沈艾娣《 傳教士的詛咒》郭伟全译。香港中文大学出版社, 2021。
The Man Awakened from Dreams: One Man's Life in a North China Village 1857-1942.Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005.
Chinese translation: 沈艾娣 《夢醒子:一位華北鄉居者的人生(1857-1942)》 趙妍杰译, 北京大学出版社有限公司, 2013.
The Making of the Republican Citizen: Ceremonies and Symbols in China, 1911-1929. Contemporary China Institute Series, Oxford University Press, 2000.
The Making of the Republican Citizen: Ceremonies and Symbols in China, 1911-1929. Contemporary China Institute Series, Oxford University Press, 2000.
“The Power of the Interpreter in Intercultural Negotiations: Li Zibiao and the 1793 Macartney Embassy to China” International History Review 5 (2019)。
“Chinese and British Diplomatic Gifts in the Macartney Embassy of 1793” English Historical Review 133.560 (March 2018).
麦传世与《默想神工略说》──管窥清中叶甘肃省地区天主教传播情况 [Francesco Jovino and On the Divine Task of Meditation: An insight into the circumstances of Catholic evangelism in mid-Qing Gansu] co-written with Guo Ting 郭婷 . 宗教與歷史 2018.
“The Qianlong Emperor’s Letter to George III and the Early Twentieth-Century Origins of Ideas about Traditional China’s Foreign Relations” American Historical Review 122.3 (2017).
Chinese translation: “《乾隆皇帝谕英王乔治三世敕书》与有关传统中原地区对外关系之观点在20世纪早期的形成” (张丽 ,杨阳译) 全球史评论20 (2021).
“The Experience of Illness in Early Twentieth-century Rural Shanxi” East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine 42 (2015).
“Chinese Catholic Visionaries and the Socialist Education Movement in Shanxi (1963-65)” The Catholic Historical Review 100.4 (2014).
“Popular Responses to the Atomic Bomb in China 1945-1955” Past and Present 218 (2013).
“Rethinking Missionaries and Medicine in China: The Miracles of Assunta Pallotta, 1905-2005” Journal of Asian Studies 71.1 (2012).
Chinese translation: “修女亚松达的圣迹:反思近代中国与欧洲的宗教医疗空间 ” (张安琪,曹新宇 译)新史学 10 (2019).
“British Imperialism, French Charity and the Changing Behaviour of Italian Franciscan Missionaries in China, 1800 to 1850” Journal of Modern Italian Studies 15.4 (2010).
“A Penny for the Little Chinese”: The French Holy Childhood Association in China, 1843-1951.” American Historical Review 113.1 (2008).
Chinese translation: “‘请捐一分钱给中原地区小朋友‘:天主教圣婴会在中国,1843-1951” (蔡丹妮译 )全球史评论.
“Narcotics, Nationalism and Class in China: The Transition from Opium to Morphine and Heroin in early 20th Century Shanxi" East Asian History 32/33 (2006/2007).
"Clothing and Power on the Periphery of Empire: The Costumes of the Indigenous People of Taiwan". Positions: East Asian Cultural Critique 11.2 (2003).
"Shanxi zhongbu Jinhe shuili xitong yu difang shehui" [The Jin River irrigation system and local society in central Shanxi] Lishi renleixue [Historical Anthropology] 1.1 (2003).
"Newspapers and Nationalism in Rural China, 1890-1919" Past and Present 166 (2000).
(Reprinted in Jeffrey Wasserstrom ed., Twentieth-Century China: New Approaches. Routledge, 2002.)
“Global Modernity, Local Community and Spiritual Power in the Shanxi Catholic Church.” In Adam Chau ed. Religious Revitalization and Innovation in Contemporary China. Routledge, 2010.
"Village Industries and the Making of Rural-urban Difference in Early Twentieth-Century Shanxi". In jacob Eyferth ed., How China Works: Perspectives on the Twentieth-century Industrial Workplace. Routledge, 2006.
Henrietta Harrison (沈艾娣) .ames.ox.ac.2024-07-25