Gameforge 为您开启欧美之门!
Gameforge是欧美市场一线(免费)MMO运营商。旗下的超过50个语言版本的客户端游戏,网页游戏和社交休闲游戏拥有来自75个国家的超过一亿用户。我们的来自亚洲的旗舰产品“Metin2”每月活跃玩家达到900万,在德国,波兰和土耳其等国家独占头。自2003年组建以来,Gameforge始终以包括\u003cOGame\u003e, \u003cIKARIAM\u003e, \u003cBiteFight\u003e,\u003cBattleKnight\u003e, \u003cgladiatus\u003e在内的产品线位列网页游戏先锋企业。自2006年以来,通过将以下几款来自亚洲的产品,如:\u003cMetin2\u003e, \u003cNosTale\u003e, \u003c4Story (Gates ofAndaron)\u003e, \u003cAce Online\u003e, \u003cCABAL Online\u003e带给欧美玩家,又在客户端游戏领域大获成功。
公司旗下的游戏门户网站MMOGAME. COM成功的把所有的游戏融入到庞大的游戏社群网络中,每天PCU超过90万。
Gameforge 近期已经宣布,从2011年开始,将陆续发行一系列基于《星际迷航》这一风靡欧美的科幻系列题材的网页游戏和休闲社交游戏。
Gameforge 在中国也在积极的寻找有实力的研发厂商,并希望能够通过我们把优秀的中国产品带往北美,南美,欧洲以及阿拉伯语市场。
\u003cOGame\u003e \u003cIKARIAM\u003e
\u003c4Story (Gates ofAndaron)\u003e
\u003cAce Online\u003e
\u003cCABAL Online\u003e
Go West with Gameforge!
Gameforge is the leading publisher of(free-to-play) MMOS in the Western hemisphere.
Over 100 million players in 75 countriesenjoy our client, web and social games in over 50 languages. OurAsian-developed MMORPG “Metin2” is played by 9 mio actives per month, securingmarket leadership amongst others in the important territories of Turkey,Germany and Poland.
Established in Germany in 2003, Gameforge is a pioneer in developingand publishing massively free-to-play web games such as OGame, IKARIAM,BiteFight, BattleKnight, gladiatus Since 2006, we are most successfullyimporting client-based MMOs from East Asia into the West, Evil Genius Metin2, NosTale,4Story (Ga滔搏电子竞技俱乐部 of Andaron), Ace Online, CABAL Online.
Our game portal MMOGAME. COM integrates all our games into acomprehensive community network, peaking at above 900,000 concurrent playersdaily.
Our customized, vastly variable payment systems and many years of expertisein monetizing online games of our growing 420 full-时间 staff and severalthousand contractual freelancers ensure maximum market penetration in everyterritory. Gameforge has garnered numerous prestigious awards, both for itsgames and for the company in itself, including the 2009 “Technology Pioneer”award from the World Economic Forum in Davos or the “Employer of the Year” inGermany.
Gameforge recently announced that, starting 2011, we will launch severalbrowser and social media games based on the classic Star Trek™ franchise – oneof the most popular science-fiction entertainment IPs in the Western world.
Gameforge is reaching out to Chinese gamedevelopers to publish their games in the Western hemisphere: across North andSouth America, Europe and the Arab League.
欧洲第一大道具游戏运营商Gameforge在2010年8月收购了柏林网络游戏运营商Frogster Interactive Pictures AG,从而实现了向北美网游市场的战略性扩张,为了尽快开展其在北美市场的业务,Gameforge选择了中国网游公司蓝港互动自主研发的一款奇幻题材网络游戏《佣兵天下》,并准备押宝这款产品,实现其在世界市场的扩张。3个月前,Gameforge刚刚重金签下了《佣兵天下》在欧洲40个国家的运营权。业内人士笑谈:“早期的《魔兽世界》才受到过全世界发行的礼遇。”事实上,Gameforge的“挑剔”是全世界游戏圈人尽皆知的,《佣兵天下》也是其2010年在经过半年多的全球考察后,签下的唯一一款网游新作。据知情人士透露,Gameforge公司有一套非常科学的游戏产品评测机制,并且拥有一支专业的游戏评测部门,他们的任务就是测试全世界的游戏,寻找精品商机。签约《佣兵天下》,也不例外。