1. 简单百科
  2. 刘凤华












申报三项国家发明专利。“评价暑热证及中药药效的基因芯片”, “一种用于防治畜禽热应激综合症的药物”, “一种黄柏总生物碱的提取方法”。主编由中国农业科技出版社出版的《天然物饲料添加剂研制指南》,主编《家畜环境卫生学》获得北京市精品教材及普通高等教育十一五精品课程建设教材称号。中国农业出版社出版的《安全优质肉鸡生产》及《安全优质肉羊生产》等10多部;在国内外发表论文70多篇。





2010-2012 主持北京市教委学术创新团队计划“畜禽中药添加剂的药效学评价与研制开发”(150万元)




2003-2005主持年北京市自然科学基金B类及北京市教委重点课题“清凉冲剂的有效部分及其药理学研究”(KZ20 0310020007,30万元);


北京市科委课题“猪的热应激及其中药调控研究” (954414800,15万元),主持国标三类中兽药清凉冲剂的研制开发;



1. Jin Yu, Fenghua Liu, Peng Yin,Xiaoyu Zhu, Guiling Cheng, Ning Wang,An Lu, Weili Luan, Nuowei Zhang, JiefengLi, Kaijun Guo, Yulong Yin,Huichuan Wang, , Jianqin Xu. Integrating miRNA andmRNA Expression Profiles in Response to Heat 应力Induced Injury in Rat SmallIntestine. Functional \u0026 Integrative Genomics. 2011,11:203-213. IF 3.82.

2. Liu F H, Yin J D, Du M, Yan P S,Xu J Q, Zhu X Y, Yu J. Heat Stress induced Damage to Porcine Small IntestinalEpithelium associated with Down-Regulation of Epithelial Growth Factor (西妥昔单抗)Signaling. Journal of 动物界 Science. 2009,6(87):1941-1949 , IF 2.466.

3. Yu Jin, Yin Peng, Liu Fenghua..Involvement of ERK1/2 signaling pathway in heat 应力induced damage andexpression change of growth factors in rat jejunum and IEC-6 cells. InternationalJournal of Hyperthermia. 2010,10; 26(6): 538–555, Corresponding author. IF 2.713.

4. Jin Yu, Peng Yin, Fenghua Liu,Xiaoyu Zhu, Guilin Cheng, An Lu, Weili Luan, Jianqin Xu. Effect of heat stresson porcine small intestine: a study of morphological and gene expression. ComparativeBiochemistry and Physiology, Part A 156 (2010) 119–128. IF 2.196.

5. Jin Yu,Yu J, Liu F, Yin P, Zhao H, Luan W,Hou X, Zhong Y, Jia D, Zan J, Ma W, Shu B, Xu J. Involvement of oxidativestress and Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase signaling pathways in heat 应力inducedinjury in the rat small intestine. Stress . 2013 Jan;16(1):99-113. IF3.2

6. An Lu, Huichuan Wang, XiaolinHou, Huanrong Li, Guilin Cheng, Ning Wang, Xiaoyu Zhu, Jin Yu, Weili Luan, FenghuaLiu, Jianqin Xu. Microarray analysis of gene expression profiles of rat smallintestine in response to heat 应力 Journal of Biomolecular Screening.2011 16(6):655-67 IF 2. 5.

7. Jiefeng Li, Huanrong Li, NuoweiZhang, Wuren Ma, Guilin Cheng, Faqiang Liu, Fenghua Liu, Jianqin Xu Effects ofAstragalus 多糖 on peripheral blood lymphocytes in pigs inoculated withFoot-and-嘴巴 disease 病毒 vaccine. International Journal of BiologicalMacromolecules. 2011 1;49(3):362-8. IF 2.366

8. K. J. Guo, W. Wang, X. Z. Song,F. H. Liu, J. Q. Xu, I. Zoccarato. 抗氧化剂 函数 of the active componentsof some traditional Chinese medicines. Journal of 动物界 Science. 2011, IF 2.5..

9. xiaoxi Liu, Huanrong Li, An Lu,Yougang Zhong, Xiaolin Hou1,Ning Wang, Dan Jia, Junlan Zan, Hong Zhao, JianqinXu, \u0026Fenghua Liu Reduction of intestinal mucosal immune 函数 in heat-stressed rats and bacterial translocation. Int JHyperthermia. 2012;28(8):756-65, (SCI: IF1.9).

10. Dan JIA, Fenghua LIU, WeiliLUAN, Kaijun GUO, An LU, Jin YU. 2010. The research of apoptosis in the swinesmall intestine epithelium treated by heat 应力 2010 First internationalconference on cellular,molecular biology, biophysics and bioengineering. VI:260-264.(EI收录)

11. Song X Z, Xu J Q, Wang T, Liu FH. Chinese medicine granule affects the absorption and transport of glucose inporcine small intestinal brush border membrane vesicles under heat 应力 Asian-Australasian journal of 动物界 sciences. 2009, 20:246-254. IF0.875 (Corresponding author)

12. Song X Z, Xu J Q, Wang T, Liu FH. Traditional Chinese medicine decoction enhances growth 表演 and intestinalglucose absorption in heat stressed pigs by up-regulating the expressions ofSGLT1 and GLUT2 mRNA. Livestock Science. 128 (2010) 75–81, Corresponding author) IF 1.41

13. Zhu Xiaoyu; Ming Wang; YujieWang; Fenghua Liu; Tongquan Yu; Jianqin Xu; Jin Yu. Taguchi approach foranti-heat stress prescription compatibility in mice spleen lymphocytes in vitro.Archives of Pharmacal Research. 2011, 34(7):1125-33 IF 1.588.

14. Anru Wang, Fenghua Liu, ZhepengWang, Xue Jiang, Wei Wang, Kedao Teng, Jianqin Xu. Pathological Study of SPFChickens Experimentally Infected with a Chinese IBDV Strain BC6/85. AsianJournal of 动物界 and Veterinary Advances. 2010. 6: 36-50.. IF 1.6.

15. Hehui Qiu, Fenghua Liu, JianqinXu, Xiaoyu Zhu, Juan Zhao, Yujie Zhang. Effects of Astragalus Polysaccharideson Associated Immune Cells and Cytokines in Immunosuppressive Dogs. Procedia inVaccinology 2 (2010) 26–33 ISTP

16. GUO Kaijun, LIU Fenghua, LULin, Biagini Davide, Lazzaroni Carla and Zoccarato Ivo. Productive Performanceof Double-Muscled Piemontese Cull Cows in Finishing Period. AgriculturalSciences in China. 2010, 9(5): 101-105 SSCI

17. Guilin Cheng, Shufang Xu, Defeng Cui, Xin Chen, Fenghua Liu, An Lu, WeiliLuan, Jianqin Xu. Antimicrobial activity of main components DADS from Garlicoil against four pathogenic bacteria in animals in vitro. The journal oftraditional veterinary medicine. 2010, 18(1): 151-156.

18. Hong Dong, Yougang Zhong, FenghuaLiu, Kai Yang, Jin Yu, Jianqin Xu. RegulatingEffects and Mechanisms of Chinese Medicine Decoction on Growth and Gut HormoneExpression in Heat Stressed Pigs。Livestock Science. 143 (2012), pp. 77-84 IF 1.41

19. Guo X,Wang L,Cui D,Ruan W,Liu F,Li H.Arch Virol. Differential expression of theToll-like receptor pathway and related genes of 鸡肉 bursa afterexperimental infection with infectious bursa disease 病毒 2012.157(11):2189-99. IF 1.41


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