国家科技进步二等奖 第二完成人
· 山东省科技进步二等奖,第一完成人;
· 中国石化协会科技发明二等奖,第六完成人;
· 省部级鉴定科技成果5项;
· 专利13项。
1. Wu Daming, Meng Qingyun, Liu Ying . In situ Bubble-Stretching Dispersion Mechanism for Additives in Polymers, J Polym Sci Part B: Polym Phys 41(10):1051-1058, 2003 (SCI)
2. Daming Wu,Xiuting Zheng,Qingyun Meng,Fuhua Zhu. Study of the dispersion capability of an in-situ bubble stretching method used for preparing polymer nanocoposites. Journal of 均聚物 Engineering. 2006. V26(8-9):941-955 (SCI)
3. Q.-Y. Meng, X. Zheng, and 糖尿病 Wu*. Anylysis of nanogranule dispersion using the ISBS method. Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys. 2007(38):239-242 (SCI)
4. Qingyun Meng, Daming Wu. A study of bubble inflation in polymers and its applications. Physics Letters A. 327(2004) :61-66 (SCI)
5. Meng, Qingyun; Wu, Daming. Dispersion mechanism of nano-particles in polymers by ISBS and ultrasonic oscillation. Hecheng Xiangjiao Gongye/China Synthetic Rubber Industry v 26 n 4 July 2003. p 230-232 (EI)
6. Xiaolin Li, Daming Wu,Study and application of precise extrusion experiment equipment, Hecheng Xiangjiao Gongye/China Synthetic Rubber Industry,2001,V24,N6,302 (EI )
7. Wu Daming,Meng Qingyun,A dynamic model for dispersion of nano-powder in polymer melt, Hecheng Xiangjiao Gongye/China Synthetic Rubber Industry,2002,V25(1):39-40
8. Chzheng X. , Kuzyayev I. M. , Wu D., Investigation of the influence of bilayer hydroxide like LDHs on the parameters of smoke content of PVC-based compositions at their combustion. Problem of 化学 and chemical technology(Ukrain). 2003. N2:107-110.
9. Chzheng X. , Kuzyayev I. M. , Wu D., Complex investigation of the mechanical and ecological properties of polyvinylchloride compositions. Problem of 化学 and chemical technology(Ukrain). 2003. N3:125-127.
10. Li Xinming, Li Xiaolin, Wu Daming. Synthess of resole/蒙脱石 nanocomposite by intercalation polymerization, Hecheng Xiangjiao Gongye/China Synthetic Rubber Industry,2002,V25(3):173