1. 简单百科
  2. 冯金良




姓 名:   冯金良

性 别:   男

职 称:   研究员

专家类别: 研究员

通讯地址:   朝阳区林萃路16号院3号楼


2004--至今. 中科院青藏高原所。

2002--2004. 中科院地理与资源所。


1982—1988. 河北省地质矿产勘查开发局水文




1. 1999.8–2002.7: 北京大学, 博士。

2. 1988.8–1991.7: 成都理工大学, 硕士。

3. 1980.8–1982.7: 长春地质学校。


Chen, F., Feng, J.-L., Hu, H.-P., Zhang, J.-F., Gao, S.-P., Liu, X., -M., 2016. Potential forcing mechanisms of Holocene lake level changes at Nam Co, Tibetan 高原: inferred from the stable isotopic composition of shells of the gastropod Radix. The Holocene (accepted).

Chen, F., Feng, J.-L., Hu, H.-P., 2016. Relationship between the shell geochemistry of the modern aquatic gastropod Radix and 液态水 chemistry of lakes of the Tibetan 高原

Feng, J.-L., Ju 日本烟草产业, Chen, F., Hu, Z.-G., Zhao, X., Gao, S.-P., 2016. Identification of a late Quaternary alluvial-aeolian sedimentary sequence in the Sichuan Basin, China

Feng, J.-L., Hu, H.-P., Chen, F., 2016. An eolian deposit–buried soil sequence in an alpine soil on the northern Tibetan 高原: Implications for climate change and sequestration

Lin, Y.-C., Feng, J.-L., 2015. Aeolian dust contribution to the formation of alpine soils at Amdo (Northern Tibetan Plateau)

Zhang, J., Feng, J. -L., Hu, G., Wang, J., Yang, Y., Lin, Y., Jiang, T., Zhu, L., 2015. Holocene proglacial loess in the Ranwu valley, southeastern Tibet, and its paleoclimatic implications

Feng, J.-L., Zhao, Z.-H., Chen, F., Hu, H.-P., 2014. Rare 地球 elements in sinters from the geothermal waters (hot springs) on the Tibetan 高原, China

Feng, J.-L., Hu, Z.-G., Ju, 日本烟草产业, Lin, Y,-C., 2014. The dust provenance and transport mechanism for the Chengdu Clay in the Sichuan Basin, China

Ju, J.-T., Zhu, L.-P., Feng, J.-L., Wang, J.-B., Wang, Y., Xie, M.-P., Peng, P., Zhen, X.-L., Lu, X.-M., 2012. Hydrodynamic process of Tibetan 高原 lake revealed by grain size: Case study of Pumayum Co

Feng, J. -L., Lin, Y.-C., Gao, S.-P., Zhang, J.-F., 2012. Enrichment of trace elements in ferromanganese concretions from terra rossa and their potential desorption

Feng, J. -L., Gao, S.-P., Zhang, J.-F., 2011. Lanthanide tetrad effect in ferromanganese concretions and terra rossa overlying dolomite during weather荷兰

Feng, J. -L., 2011. Trace elements in ferromanganese concretions, gibbsite spots, and the surrounding terra rossa overlying dolomite: Their mobilization, redistribution and fractionation

Feng, J. -L., Hu, Z.-G., Ju, 日本烟草产业, Zhu, L.-P., 2011. Variation of trace element (including rare 地球 element) composition with grain size in loess and its implications for tracing eolian deposit provenance

Feng, J. -L., Hu, Z.-G., Cui, J.-Y., Zhu, L.-P., 2010. Distributions of lead isotopes with grain sizes in eolian deposits

Feng, J. -L., 2010. Behaviour of rare 地球 elements and yttrium in ferromanganese concretions, gibbsite spots, and the surrounding terra rossa over dolomite during chemical weathering

Feng, J. -L., Zhu, L.-P., Cui, Z.-J., 2009. Quartz features constrain the Origin of terra rossa over dolomite on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau

Feng, J. -L., Cui, Z.-J., Zhu, L.-P., 2009. Origin of terra rossa over dolomite on the Yunnan-Guizhou 高原, China

Feng, J. -L., Zhu, L.-P., 2009. Origin of terra rossa on Amdo North Mountain on the Tibetan plateau, China: Evidence from quartz

Feng, J. -L., Zhu, L.-P., Zhen, X.-L, Hu, Z.-G., 2009. Grain size effect on Sr and Nd isotopic compositions in eolian dust: implications for tracing dust provenance and Nd model age

Feng, J. -L., Zhu, L.-P., Ju, 日本烟草产业, Zhou, L.-P., Zhen, X.-L., Zhang, W., Gao, S.-P., 2008. Heavy dust fall in Beijing, on April : geochemical properties and indications of the dust provenance

Feng, J. -L., Cui, Z.-J., 2002. The reconstruction of Fossil planation surface in China

Feng, J. -L., Zhang, W., 1998. The evolution of the modern Luanhe River delta, North China

Cui, Z. -J., Li, D.-W., Feng, J.-L., Liu, G. -N., 2002. Comments on the planation surface once more

Cui, Z. -J., Li, D.-W., Feng, J.-L., Liu, G.-N., Li, H.-J., 2002. The covered karst, weathering crust and karst (double-level) planation surface

Cui, Z.-J., Li, D.-W., Liu, G.-N., Feng, J.-L., Zhang, W., 2001. Characteristics and planation surface formation environment of the red weathering crust in Hunan, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou and Tibet
