1. 简单百科
  2. 刘春明


刘春明,男,博士,研究员,教授,博士生导师,“十一五”重大研究计划项目:“蛋白质功能的代谢与多肽组学研究”首席科学家。现任北京大学现代农学院院长,农业农村部侨联副主席,中国作物学会常务副理事长、秘书长,中国植物学会常务理事,国家重大研究计划首席科学家,中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国细胞学会副监事长,Food and 能量 证券和Plant Molecular Biology Reporter期刊副主编等职。他的研究主要集中在植物种子发育的分子机理,包括植物胚胎发育启动的分子机理、多肽激素在控制植物干细胞中的作用以及水稻胚乳营养改良等方面。





1996年6月英国John Innes Center/东英吉利大学获博士学位。



1990年2月-1992年11月受国家人事部专家司派遣以Visiting Scientist在新加坡国立大学分子与细胞生物学研究所(IMCB)工作;


1999年2月-2005年12月受聘于瓦格宁根大学国际植物中心(Plant Research International)担任种子发育实验室主任(Section Leader)/高级研究员(Senior Scientist);














徐婷婷, 宋秀芬, 任仕超, 刘春明. 2015.根的发育与干细胞调控. 植物器官分化与器官发生(许智宏种康主编), pp154-169

龚化勤, 郭磊, 刘春明. 2015. 植物胚胎发育的分子机理. 植物器官分化与器官发生(许智宏、种康主编). pp154-169

宋秀芬, 徐婷婷, 刘春明.2012. 多肽激素. 植物激素作用的分子机理(许智宏、薛红卫主编), pp261-294

蒋丽、齐兴云、龚化勤、刘春明. 2007. 被子植物门胚胎发育的分子调控. 植物学报, 24: 389-398

李琛, 宋秀芬, 刘春明. 2006. 维管植物中的多肽激素. 植物学通报, 23: 584-594

许智宏,刘春明主编,1998. 植物发育的分子机理. 北京:科学出版社

许智宏, 刘春明. 1992. 高等植物的遗传转化与遗传工程. 植物生理与分子生物学(余叔文主编), 科学出版社, pp63-83


Jiang CC, Lei MM, Guo Y, Gao GQ, Shi LJ, Jin YL, Cai Y, Himmelbach A, Zhou SH, He Q, Yao XF, Kan JH, Haberer G, Duan FY, Li LH, Liu J, Zhang J, Spannagl M, Liu CM, Stein N, Feng ZY, Mascher M,* Yang P*. 2022. A reference guided TILLING by amplicon-seq platform supports 前锋 and reverse genetics in barley. Plant Communications, .1016/j.xplc.2022.100317

Liu JX, Wu MW, Liu CM*, 2022. Cereal Endosperms: Development and storage product accumulations. Annual Review of Plant Biology, .1146/annurev-arplant-070221-024405

Song XF, Hou XL, Liu CM*. 2022. CLE peptides: critical regulators for stem cell maintenance in plants. Planta, 255: 5

Liu JL, Chen MM, Chen WQ, Liu CM, He YB, Song XF*. 2021. A CASE toolkit for easy and efficient multiplex transgene-free gene editing. Plant Physiology, .1093/plphys/kiab573

Li DQ, Wu XB, Wang HF, Feng X, Yan SJ, Wu SY, Liu JX, Yao XF, Bai AN, Zhao H, Song XF, Guo L, Zhang SY, Liu CM*. 2021. Defective mitochondrial function by mutation in THICK ALEURONE 1 encoding a 线粒体targeted single-stranded 脱氧核糖核酸 binding protein leads to increased aleurone 细胞 layers and improved nutrition in rice. Molecular Plant, 14(8): 1343-1361

Zheng XM§, Pang HB§, Wang JR, Yao XF, Song Y, Li F, Lou DJ, Ge JY, Zhao ZY, Qiao WH, Kim SR, Ye GY, Olsen KM*, Liu CM*, Yang QW*. 2021. Genomic signatures of domestication and 适应 during geographical expansions of rice cultivation. Plant Biotechnol. J. .1111/pbi.13730.

Yu JT, Mao CJ, Zhong Q, Yao XF, Li P, Liu CM* and Ming F*. 2021. OsNAC2 Is Involved in Multiple Hormonal Pathways to Mediate Germination of Rice Seeds and Establishment of Seedling. Front. Plant Sci. .3389/fpls.2021.699303.

Li DQ, Wu XB, Wang HF, Feng X, Yan SJ, Wu SY, Liu JX, Yao XF, Bai AN, Zhao H, Song XF, Guo L, Zhang SY, Liu CM*. 2021. Defective mitochondrial function by mutation in THICK ALEURONE 1 encoding a 线粒体targeted single-stranded 脱氧核糖核酸-binding protein leads to increased aleurone 细胞 layers and improved nutrition in rice. 摩尔 Plant. 14(8): 1343-1361.

Liu T, Jiang GQ, Yao XF, Liu CM*. 2021. The leucine-rich repeat 捕手like kinase OsERL plays a critical role in anther lobe formation in rice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.563: 85-91.

Liu Q, Xu J, Zhu Y, Mo Y, Yao XF, Wang R, Ku W, Huang Z, Xia S, Tong J, Huang C, Su Y, Lin W, Peng K, Liu CM and Xiao L*. 2021.The Copy Number Variation of OsMTD1 Regulates Rice Plant 建筑 front Plant Sci. 11: 620282.

Hou XL, Chen WQ, Hou YF, Gong HQ, Sun J, Wang Z, Zhao H, Cao XF, Song XF*, Liu CM*. 2020. DEAD-BOX 核糖核酸 解旋酶 27 Regulates MicroRNA Biogenesis, Zygote Division and Stem Cell Homeostasis. The Plant Cell, doi:10.1105/tpc.20.00084.

Yin WC, Xiao YH, Niu M, Meng WJ, Li LL, Zhang XX, Liu DP, Zhang GX, Qian YW, Sun ZT, Huang RY, Wang SP, Liu CM, Chu CC, Tong HN*. 2020. ARGONAUTE2 Enhances Grain Length and Salt Tolerance by Activating BIG GRAIN3 to Modulate 细胞分裂素 Distribution in Rice. The Plant Cell, 32(7): 2292-2306.

Liu CM*. 2020. The war between wheat and Fusarum: fighting with an alien weapon. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 63(9): 1425-1427.

Zhang XF, Tong JH, Bai AN, Liu CM, Xiao LT, Xue HW*. 2020. Phytohormone 动力学 in developing endosperm influence rice grain shape and quality. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62(10): 1625-1637.

Yao XF, Wu SY, Guo L, Liu CM*. 2020. Efficient CELI endonuclease production in 烟草属 benthamiana through transient expression and applications in detections of mutation and gene editing events. Plant Science, 296: 110469.

Song ZB, Sui XY, Li MY, Gao YL, Li WZ, Zhao L, Li F, Yao XF, Liu CM, Wang BW*. 2020. Development of a nornicotine-reduced flue-cured tobacco line via EMS mutagenesis of nicotine N-demethylase genes. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 15(2): e1710053.

Zhang DJ§, GuoXY§, Xu YY, Li H, Ma L, Yao XF, Weng YX, Guo Y, Liu CM, Chong K*. 2019. OsCIPK7 小数点‐mutation leads to conformation and kinase‐activity change for sensing cold response. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61: 1194-1200.

Wu MW, Zhao H, Zhang JD, Guo L, Liu CM*. 2019. RADICLELESS 1 (RL1)-mediated nad4 intron 1 splicing is crucial for embryo and endosperm development in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 523(1): 220-225.

Mao C, He J, Liu L, Deng Q, Yao XF, Liu CM, Ming F*. 2019. OsNAC2 integrates auxin and 细胞分裂素 pathways to modulate rice root development. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 18(2): 429-442.

刘春明*. 2019. 防范学术不端的实践与思考. 中国科技期刊研究. 2019, 30(1): 6-8.

Zhao T, Huan Q, Sun J, Liu C, Hou X, Yu X, Silverman IM, Zhang Y, Gregory BD, Liu CM, Qian WF, Cao XF*. 2019. Impact of poly (A)-tail G-content on Arabidopsis PAB binding and their role in enhancing translational efficiency. Genome Biology, 20: 1-12.

Yu K§, Liu D§, Chen Y, Wang D, Yang W, Yang W, Liu CM*, Zhang AM*. 2019. Unraveling the genetic 建筑 of grain size in einkorn wheat through linkage and homology mapping, and transcriptomic profiling. Journal of Experimental 植物学, 70: 4671-4688.

Ren SC§, Song XF§, Chen WQ, Lu R, 黄旭熙 WJ, Liu CM*. 2019. CLE25 peptide regulates phloem initiation in Arabidopsis through a CLERK‐CLV2 捕手 complex. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 61: 1043-1061.

Gao YL§, Yao XF§, Li WZ, Song ZB, Wang BW, Wu YP, Shi JL, Liu GS, Li YP, Liu CM*. 2019. An efficient TILLING platform for cultivated tobacco. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 62: 165-180.

He Y, Yan L, Ge C, Yao XF, Han X, Wang R, Xiong LZ, Jiang LW, Liu CM, Zhao YD*. 2019. PINOID is required for formation of the stigma and style in rice. Plant Physiology, 180: 926-936.

Zhang LM§, Leng CY§, Luo H§, Wu XY§, Liu ZQ§, Zhang YM, Zhang H, Xia Y, Shang L, Liu CM, Hao DY, Zhou YH, Chu CC, Cai H, Jing HC*. 2018. Sweet 高粱属 originated through selection of dry, a plant-specific NAC transcription factor gene. Plant Cell, 30: 2286-2307.

Liu JX§, Wu XB§, Yao XF, Yu R, Larkin P, Liu CM*. 2018. Mutations in the DNA demethylase OsROS1 result in a thickened aleurone and improved nutritional value in rice 玉米酒糟 PNAS. 115: 11327-11332.

Song XG, Lu ZF, Yu H, Shao GN, Xiong JS, Meng XB, Jing YH, Liu GF, Xiong GS, Duan JB, Yao XF, Liu CM, Li HQ, Wang YH, Li JY. 2017. IPA1 函数s as a downstream transcription factor repressed by D53 in 独脚金内酯 signaling in rice. Cell Research, 27: 1128-1141.

Wu XB§, Liu JX§, Li DQ, Liu CM*. 2016. Rice 颖果 development II: Dynamic changes in the endosperm. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 58: 786-798.

Wu XB, Liu JX, Li DQ, Liu CM. 2016. Rice caryopsis development I: Dynamic changes in different 细胞 layers. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 58: 772-785.

Guo L§, Jiang L§, Zhang Y, Lu XL, Xie Q, Weijers D, Liu CM. 2016. The anaphase promoting complex initiates zygote division in Arabidopsis through degradation of cyclin B1. Plant Journal, 86: 161-174. (*Co-first author)

Bai AN, Lu XD, Li DQ, Liu JX, Liu CM*. 2016. NF-YB1-regulated expression of 蔗糖 transporters in aleurone facilitates sugar loading to rice endosperm. 细胞 Research, 26: 384-388.

Guo L, Liu CM*. 2015. A single-nucleotide exon found in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports, 5: 18087.

Wu X, Liu J, Li D, Liu CM*. 2015. Rice 颖果 development: Dynamic changes in different cell layers. Journal of Integrative Pl蚂蚁 Biology, doi: 10.1111/jipb.12440.

Xu TT, Ren SC, Song XF, Liu CM*. 2015. CLE19 expressed in the embryo regulates both cotyledon establishment and endosperm development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental 植物学, 66: 5217-5227.

Liu CM*. 2015. Auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1): A matter of fact. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57: 234-235.

Yan SJ, Liang YT, Zhang JD, Chen Z, Liu CM*. 2014. Autoxidated linolenic acid inhibits 黄曲霉毒素 biosynthesis in Aspergillus flavus via oxylipin species. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 81: 229-237.

Lu X, Zhang D, Li S, Su Y, Liang Q, Meng H, Shen S, Fan Y, Liu CM, Zhang C*. 2014. FtsHi4 is essential for embryogenesis due to its influence on chloroplast development in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE, 9: e99741.

Zhang Z, Song Y, Liu CM, Thomma B*. 2014. Mutational analysis of the Ve1 immune receptor that mediates verticillium resistance in 柑仔蜜 PloS ONE, 9: e99511.

Zhang JD, Han LD, Yan SJ, Liu CM*. 2014. The non-metabolizable glucose analog D-glucal inhibits 黄曲霉毒素 biosynthesis and promotes kojic acid production in Aspergillus flavus. BMC Microbiology, 14: 95-104.

Xu TT, Song XF, Ren SC, Liu CM*. 2013. The sequence flanking the N-terminus of the CLV3 peptide is critical for its cleavage and activity in stem cell regulation in Arabidopsis. BMC Plant Biology, 13:225, doi:10.1186/1471-2229-13-225.

Song XF, Xu TT, Ren SC, Liu CM*. 2013. Individual amino acid residues in CLV3 peptide contribute to its stability in vitro. Plant Signal Behavior, 8: e25344.

Li S, Chen M. Yu D, Ren S, Sun S, Liu L, Ketelaar, T, Emons AM and Liu CM*. 2013. EXO70A1-mediated vesicle trafficking is critical for tracheary element development in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell, 25: 1774-1786.

Song XF, Guo P, Ren SC, Xu TT, Liu CM*. 2013. Antagonistic peptide technology for functional dissection of CLE genes in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 161, 1076-1085

Jiang GQ, Yao XF and Liu CM*. 2013. A simple CELI endonuclease-based protocol for genotyping both SNPs and InDels. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 1325-1335.

Zhang Z, Van Esse HP, van Damme M, Fradin EF, Liu CM, Thomma BPHJ*. 2013. Ve1-mediated resistance against Verticillium does not involve a hypersensitive response in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant 病理学, 14: 719–727.

Zhang Y, Immink R, Liu CM, Emons A and Ketelaar T*. 2013. The Arabidopsis exocyst subunit SEC3A is essential for embryo development and accumulates in transient puncta at the 等离子体 membrane. New Physiologist, 199:74-88.

Chu H, Liang W, Li J, Hong F, Wu Y, Wang L, Wang J, Wu P, Liu CM, Zhang Q, Xu J, Zhang D*. 2013. A CLE-WOX signalling module regulates root meristem maintenance and vascular tissue development in rice. Journal of Experimental 植物学, 64: 5359-5369.

Brandt R, Xie Y, Musielak T, Graeff M, Stierhof YD, Huang H, Liu CM, Wenkel S*. 2013. Control of stem cell homeostasis via interlocking microRNA and microProtein feedback loops, Mech. Dev. 130: 25-33.

Zhang Z, Fradin E, Jonge R, Esse H.P, Smit P, Liu CM and Thomma B*. 2013. Optimized agroinfiltration and 病毒induced gene silencing to study ve1-mediated Verticillium resistance in tobacco. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 26(2): 182-191.

Song XF, Yu DL, Xu TT, Ren SC, Guo P, Liu CM*. 2012, Contributions of individual amino acid residues to the endogenous CLV3 function in shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant, 5(2): 515-523.

Zhang S, Haider I, Kohlen W, Jiang L, Bouwmeester H, Meijer AH, Schluepmann H, Liu CM*, Ouwerkerk PB*. 2012. Function of the HD-Zip I gene Oshox22 in ABA-mediated drought and salt tolerances in rice. Plant Molecular Biology, 80: 571–585.

Yu DL, Jiang L, Gong HQ, Liu CM*. 2012. EMBRYONIC FACTOR 19 encodes a 无规共聚聚丙烯 protein that is essential for the initiation of zygotic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54(1): 55-64.

Yan SJ, Liang YT, Zhang JD and Liu CM*. 2012. Aspergillus flavus grown in 蛋白胨 as the source exhibits spore 密度 and peptone concentration-dependent 黄曲霉毒素 biosynthesis. BMC Microbiology, 12:106.

Wang ZZ, Yan SJ, Liu CM, Chen F and Wang T*. 2012. Proteomic Analysis reveals an afla毒素triggered immune response in cotyledons of Arachis hypogaea infected with Aspergillus flavus. Journal of Proteome Research, 11: 2739-2753.

Zheng Y, Xin H, Lin J, Liu CM and Huang SJ*. 2012. An Arabidopsis class II Formin, AtFH19, nucleates actin assembly, binds to the barbed end of actin filaments and antagonizes the effect of AtFH1 on actin 动力学 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54(10): 800-813.

Zheng LY, Guo XS, He B, Sun LJ, Peng Y, Dong SS, Liu TF, Jiang S, Ramachandran S, Liu CM, Jing HC*. 2011. Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation in sweet and grain 高粱属 (Sorghum bicolor). Genome Biology. 12(11): R114.

Ma J, Hanssen M, Lundgren K, Hernandez H, Delatte T, Ehlert A, Liu CM, Schluepmann H, Droge-Laser H, Moritz T, Smeekens S and Hanson J*. 2011. The sucrose-regulated Arabidopsis transcription factor bZIP11 reprograms 新陈代谢 and regulates trehalose metabolism. New Phytologist,191(3): 733-745.

Li S, Os G Van, Ren S, Yu D, Ketelaar T, Emons A and Liu CM*. 2010. Expression and functional analyses of EXO70 genes in Arabidopsis implicate their roles in regulating cell type-specific exocytosis. Plant Physiology, 154: 1819-1830.

Liu CM*, Hu Y .2010. Plant stem cells and their regulations in shoot apical meristems. Frontier Biology, 5: 417-423.

Song XF, Guo P, Li C, Liu CM*. 2010. The cysteine pairs in CLV2 are not necessary for sensing the CLV3 peptide in shoot and root meristems. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 52: 774-781

Zhou W, Wei L, Xu J, Zhai QZ, Jiang HL, Chen R, Chen Q, Sun JQ, Chu JF, Zhu LH, Liu CM and Li CY*. 2010. Arabidopsis tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase acts in the Auxin/PLETHORA pathway in regulating postembryonic maintenance of the root stem cell niche. Plant Cell, 22: 3692-3709.

Zhu YF, Wang YQ, Li RL, Song XF, Wang QL, Huang HJ, Jin JB, Liu CM and Lin JX*. 2010. Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORY in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 61: 223-233.

Wang QL, Chen B, Liu P, Zheng MZ, Wang YQ, Cui SJ, Sun DY, Fang XH, Liu CM, Lucas WJ, and Lin JX*. 2009. Calmodulin Binds to Extracellular Sites on the 等离子体 Membrane of Plant Cells and Elicits a Rise in Intracellular Concentration. Journal of Biological 化学, 284: 12000-12007.

Fradin EM, Zhang Z, Juarez Ayala JC, Castroverde CDM, Nazar RN, Robb J, Liu CM, and Thomma B.P.H.J.*. 2009. Genetic Dissection of Verticillium Wilt Resistance Mediated by 柑仔蜜 Ve11. Plant Physiology, 150: 320–332.

Fan YF, Jiang L, Gong HQ and Liu CM*. 2008. Sexual Reproduction in Higher Plants I: 受精卵 and the Initiation of Zygotic Program. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 50: 860-867.

Wang G, Ellendorff U, Kemp B, Mansfield JW, Forsyth A, Mitchell K, Bastas K, Liu CM, Woods-Tor A, Zipfel C, de Wit PJGM, Jones 京东电子竞技俱乐部, Tor M, and Thomma BPHJ*. 2008. A genome-wide functional investigation into the roles s of receptor-like proteins in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 147: 503-517.

Fiers M, Ku KL, Liu CM*. 2007. CLE peptide ligands and their roles in establishing meristems. Current Opinion of Plant Biology, 10: 39-43.

Ribarits A, Mamun ANK, Li S, Resch T, Fiers M., Heberle-Bors E, Liu CM and Touraev A*. 2007. Combination of reversible male sterility and doubled haploid production by targeted inactivation of cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase in developing anthers and pollen. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 5: 483–494.

Fiers M, Golemiec E, Van der Schors R, van der Geest L, Li KW, Stiekema WJ, Liu CM*. 2006. The CLV3/ESR motif of CLV3 is functionally independent from the non-conserved flanking sequences. Plant Physiology, 141, 1284-1294.

Fiers M, Golemiec E, Xu J, Geest L. Van der, Heidstra R, Stiekema W, and Liu CM*. 2005. The 14-Amino Acid CLV3, CLE19 and CLE40 Peptides Trigger Consumption of the Root Meristem in Arabidopsis through a CLAVATA2-Dependent Pathway. Plant Cell, 17: 2542-2553 (cover story).

Xu J, Zhang HY, Xie CH, Xue HW, Dijkhuis P, and Liu CM*. 2005. EMBRYONIC FACTOR 1 encodes an AMP deaminase and is essential for the zygote to embryo transition in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 42: 743-756.

Fiers M, Hause G, Boutilier K, Casamitjana-Marinez E., Weijers D, Offringa R, Geest L. Van der, Lookeren Campagne M. van, Liu CM*. 2004. Mis-expression of the CLV3/ESR-like gene CLE19 in Arabidopsis leads to a consumption of root meristem. Gene, 327: 37-49.

Casamitjana-Martínez E, Hofhuis H. F, Xu J, Liu CM, Heidstra R and Scheres B*. 2003. Root-Specific CLE19 Overexpression and the sol1/2: Suppressors Implicate a CLV-like Pathway in the Control of Arabidopsis Root Meristem. Current Biology, 13: 1435-1441.

Liu CM, McElver J, Tzafrir I, Joosen R, Wittich P, Patton D, Van Lammeren A.A.M. and Meinke D*. 2002. Condensin and cohesin knockouts in Arabidopsis exhibit a titan seed phenotype. Plant Journal, 29: 405-415.

Boutilier* K, Offringa R, Sharma V.K, Kieft H, Ouellet T, Zhang L, Hattori J, Liu CM, Van Lammeren A.A, Miki B.L, Custers J.B., van Lookeren Campagne M.M. 2002. Ectopic expression of BABY BOOM triggers a conversion from vegetative to embryonic growth. Plant Cell, 14: 1737-1749.

Tzafrir I, McElver JA, Liu CM, Yang LJ, Wu JQ, Martinez A, Patton DA, and Meinke DW*. 2002. Diversity of TITAN Functions in Arabidopsis Seed Development. Plant Physiology, 128: 32-51.

McElver J, Patton D, Rambaugh M, Liu CM, Yang LJ and Meinke D*. 2000. The TITAN5 gene of Arabidopsis encodes a protein related to the ADP ribosylation factor family of GTP binding proteins. Plant Cell, 12: 1379-1302.

Cordewener J*, Bergervoet J and Liu CM. 2000. Changes in protein systhesis and phosphorylation during microspore embryogenesis in Brassica napus. Journal of Plant Physiology, 156: 156-163.

Custers JBM, Cordewener JHG, Fiers MA, Maassen BTH, Van Lookeren Campagne MM, Liu CM*. 2000. Androgenesis in 芸薹属: A model system to study the initiation of plant embryogenesis. In "Current Trends in the Embryology of Angiosperm", Bhojwani SS and Soh Woony-Young (Eds)

Liu CM, Johnson S. Di Gregorio, S. and Wang TL*. 1999. single cotyledon (sic) mutants of pea and their relevance to the pattern formation and the evolution of monocots. Developmental Genetics, 25: 11-22.

Liu CM and Meinke DW*. 1998. The titan mutants of Arabidopsis are disrupted in mitosis and cell cycle control during seed development. Plant Journal, 16: 21-31.

Hong Y, Takano M, Liu CM, Gasch A, Chye M.L and Chua N-H*. 1996. Expression of the three members of the dependent protein kinase gene family in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology, 30: 1259-1275.

Liu CM, Johnson S. and Wang TL*. 1995. cyd, a mutant of pea that alters embryo morphology is defective in cytokinesis. Developmental Genetics, 16: 312-331.

Liu CM, Xu ZH and Chua N-H*. 1994. In vitro culture of Brassica juncea zygotic embryo, in "Plant Tissue Culture Manual: Fundamentals and Applications" K. Lindsey, Ed. Kluwar Academic Publishers, E5, pp1-19.

Liu CM, Xu ZH, and Chua N-H*. 1993. Proembryo culture: in vitro development of early globular-staged zygotic embryos of Brassica juncea. Plant Journal, 3: 291-300.

Liu CM, Xu ZH and Chua N-H*. 1993. Auxin polar transport is essential for the establishment of bilateral symmetry during early plant embryogenesis. Plant Cell, 5: 621-630.

Liu CM and Xu ZH*. 1992. An efficient procedure for 质量 propagation of commercial Anthurium scherzerinum. Chinese Journal of 植物学, 4: 49-55.

Liu CM and Yao DY*. 1991. Somatic embryogenesis and cytohistological studies of cotton Gossypium hisutum L. Acta Botanica Sinica, 33: 378-384.

Liu CM, Liu LD, Yao DY and Xu ZH*. 1990. Direct somatic embryogenesis in 烟草属 glutinosa L. induced by auxin-biosynthesis genes from 农杆菌属. Acta Biologiae Exparimentalis Sinica, 23: 1-9.

Liu CM and Xu ZH*. 1988. Plant regeneration and genetic transformation of mesophyll protoplasts of 烟草属 glutinosa L. Acta Biologiae Experimentalis Sinica, 21: 273-283.


1 维管植物中的多肽激素,李琛,宋秀芬,刘春明,中国科学院植物研究所植物信号转导与代谢组学研究中心,中国科学院植物研究所植物信号转导与代谢组学研究中心,中国科学院植物研究所植物信号转导与代谢组学研究中心 ,北京,【期刊】植物学通报,2006-09-30

2 被子植物门胚胎发育的分子调控,蒋丽,齐兴云,龚化勤,刘春明,中国科学院植物研究所信号转导与代谢组学研究中心,中国科学院植物研究所信号转导与代谢组学研究中心,中国科学院植物研究所信号转导与代谢组学研究中心,北京,【期刊】植物学通报,2007-05-15

3 科学之游戏规则,刘春明,中国科学院植物研究所,【期刊】生命世界专栏连载


刘春明担任国家重大研究计划首席科学家、中国科学院植物研究所植物分子生理学重点实验室主任、中国细胞学会副监事长、中国作物学会常务理事、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology(JIPB)主编、Plant Molecular Biology Reporter副主编。






































1 2006年中国科学院“百人计划”入选者。

2 2006年国家中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金委员会“杰出青年基金”获得者。

3 2009年获国务院政府特殊津贴。



