1981年2月,吴澄以Post Doctorial Fellow身份前往美国凯斯西储大学系统工程控制工程系进修(至1983年3月)。
1995 - 至今中国工程院院士
2002 - 至今国家973计划项目首席科学家
2002 - 至今国家科学技术进步奖评审委员会委员
1995 - 至今中国自动化学会常务理事
1995 - 2002中国工程院信息电子学部副主任
1997 - 2001国家国家高技术研究发展计划自动化领域首席科学家
1. 刘连臣,吴澄,闻星火 , 高等学校仪器设备和优质资源共享系统的规划与建设 , 中国教育信息化 , 2008 年 11 月 P34-36
2. 刘连臣,吴澄 , 从精品课程的建设到共享应用的跨越与发展 , 中国教育信息化 , 2008 年 8 月 P4-7
3. 何玲娟(博士生),刘连臣,吴澄 , 一种改进的基于 WSDL 描述的操作相似性度量方法 , 计算机学报 , 2008 年 8 月 P1331-1339
4. He Lingjuan ( 博士生 ); Liu Lianchen ; Wu Cheng, Asymmetric web service operation matching in structural-level similarity measure, he IEEE 8th International Conference on 计算机 and Information Technology, CIT2008: July 8-11, 2008, Sydney, Australia,
5. 蚁龙(博士生),刘连臣,何玲娟,吴澄 , 协商支持系统综述与展望 , 计算机集成制造系统 , (总第 129 期) 2009 年 1 月
6. 倪晚成(博士生); 刘连臣; 吴澄 , 动态 Web 服务组合方法综述 , 计算机工程 , 2008 年第 34 卷第 4 期; P79-81
7. 王瑜(硕士生);刘连臣;吴澄 . 一种面向 Web 关联规则挖掘的快速 Apriori 的改进算法 , 微计算机信息 , 2008 年 Vol.24 No.15 P109-111
8. Jin Feng, Gupta JND, Song Shiji , Wu Cheng,, Makespan distribution of permutation flowshop schedules , JOURNAL OF SCHEDULING, 2008 年
9. Jin Feng, Song Shiji , Wu Cheng, A simulated annealing based beam search algorithm for the flow-shop scheduling problem , NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2008 年
10. 纪鹏程 ; 宋士吉 ; 吴澄 , 随机需求和提前期环境下的精确库存成本建模 , 计算机集成制造系统 , 2008 年
11. Liu Min, Hao Jinghua , Wu Cheng, A prediction based iterative decomposition algorithm for scheduling large-scale job shops, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2008
12. 蚁龙,刘连臣,何玲娟,吴澄,协商支持系统综述与展望 , 计算机集成制造系统 , 2007 年 12 月
13. Ni Wancheng ( 博士生 ); He Lingjuan ; Liu Lianchen ; Wu Cheng , 大宗商品market based services selection in dynamic Web service composition, 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, Proceedings of IEEE APSCC2007, 2007: P 218-223
14. NGAI Lung ( 博士生 ) , LIU Lian-chen and WU Cheng, HE Ling-juan , Third Party Subsidy does not improve E-Business Market Trading Efficiency, 2007 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference, Proceedings of IEEE APSCC2007, 2007: 218-223
15. 倪晚成(博士生) , 刘连臣 , 吴澄 . 网格工作流中基于商品市场的服务选择研究 , 计算机应用 , 2007 年第 27 卷第 12 期; P 2973-2975
16. 倪晚成(博士生); 刘连臣; 吴澄,动态 Web 服务组合方法综述 , 计算机工程 , 2007 年第 47 卷
17. 倪晚成(博士生);刘连臣;吴澄;刘伟,一种基于概念关联程度的网格服务组合方法 , 清华大学学报 , 2007 年第 47 卷第 10 期; P1581-1585
18. NGAI Lung ( 博士生 ) , LIU Lian-chen, WU Cheng, MAK Phil ; Using A Quantitative Subsidy Program to Improve Trading Efficiency for Online Marketplaces, ISDPE2007 , The First International Symposium on 数据, Privacy, \u0026 E-Commerce, Chengdu, China, November 1-3 2007
19. Lung Ngai ( 博士生 ) , WanCheng Ni, LianChen Liu, Cheng Wu., An Auction-based Online Marketplace 设计 to Resolve Conflicts related to Product Prices, The 3rd International Conference on 语义学, Knowledge and Grid ( SKG2007 ) , Xi’an, China , Oct.29-31,2007
20. NGAI Lung ( 博士生 ); MAK Phil ; LIU Lian-chen, WU Cheng, NI Wan-cheng., A Semi-automated Negotiation Process to improve the Usability for Online Marketplaces, IEEE 7th International Conference on 计算机 and Information Technology, roceedings of IEEE CIT 2007 Fukushima ; Japan. P.253-258
21. Lung Ngai ( 博士生 ); Phil Mak ; LianChen Liu ; Cheng Wu, A Case Study in Using Expert System to Improve University Online Content Utilization, International Conference On 计算机 Science ; Beijing , China , May 27 – 30, 2007
22. Xu K ( 博士生 ); Liu L C ; Cao J W ; Wu C, 表演 Improvement of Temporal Reasoning for Grid Workflows Using Relaxed Region Analysis., International Conference on Parallel Processing
23. Xu ke ( 博士生 ); Liu Lianchen ; Wu Cheng, A three-layered method for business processes discovery and its application in manufacturing industry, 计算机s in Industry, 2007, 58(3): 265-278
24. 王瑜(硕士生);刘连臣;吴澄 . 一种面向 Web 关联规则挖掘的快速 Apriori 的改进算法 , 微计算机信息 ,2007
25. 李鹏 , 刘民 , 吴澄 , 一种纺织生产过程整经轴数的智能预测算法 , 控制与决策 , 22(12):1377-1380, 2007
26. 董明宇 , 刘民 , 吴澄 , 色织生产调度中基于 ANFIS 的整经轴数智能预测 , 控制工程 , 14(3): 270-273, 2007
27. Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Solving Flow Shop Scheduling Problems with Neuro-dynamic Programming-Based Genetic Algorithm, 动力学 of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, upplement, Advances in Neural Networks,2007
28. Ji Pengcheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng,, An Inventory Cost Model with Dynamic Pricing Policy, Dynamics of Continuous Discrete and Impulsive Systems A, upplement, Advances in Neural Networks,2007
29. Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, A Simulated Annealing Based Beam Search Algorithm for the Flow-shop Scheduling Problem, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 2007
30. Jin Feng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng,, Makespan distribution of Permutation Flowshop Schedules, Journal of Scheduling,2007
31. 金锋,宋士吉,吴澄 , 基于大规模 FSP 问题 Block 性质的 SA 算法 , 系统工程与电子技术 , 2007Vol.29, 49-52
32. 金锋,宋士吉,吴澄 , 一类基于 FSP 问题 Block 性质的快速 TS 算法 , 控制与决策 , 2007 , Vol.22,247-25
33. 金锋,宋士吉,杨建华,吴澄 , 染整车间染缸优化调度算法研究 , 计算机集成制造系统- CIMS , 2007
34. Ji Pengcheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Infinitesimal Dividing Method: Solving Dual SuppliersInventory Model with Random 铅 Times, Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Hong Kong, 19-22 August 2007, pp.2467-2472
35. iu MLin, Shao Mingwen, Zhang Wenxiu, Wu Cheng. Reduction method for concept lattices based on rough set theory and its application. 计算机s \u0026 Mathematics with Applications, 53(9):1390-1410, 2007.
36. 李鹏(博士生) , 刘民 , 吴澄 . 一类并行机调度问题的动态调度算法 . 计算机集成制造系统 -CIMS, 13(3):568-572, 2007.
37. 李鹏 (博士生) , 刘民 , 吴澄 . 一种纺织生产过程整经轴数的智能预测算法 . 控制与决策 .
38. 董明宇 (博士生) , 刘民 , 吴澄 . 色织生产调度中基于ANFIS的整经轴数智能预测 . 控制工程 , 14(3): 270-273, 2007
39. 尹文 君 ( 博士生 ) 刘民, 吴澄, 随机故障下单机鲁棒调度算法的遗传编程方法, 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 45 (1):81-84, 2005
40. 周华(博士后) 刘民 吴澄, 基于遗传算 法和代理的集成调度系统框架 , 计算机集成制造系统-CIMS , 11(10), 1414-1418, 1443, 2005
41. 周华(博士后) 刘民 吴澄 , 基于代理的可重构制造执行系统研究 , 计算机集成制造系统-CIMS , 11(6):776-780, 2005
42. 谢东文(硕士生)刘民 , 吴澄,组件调用模式及其在组件钝化中的应用 , 计算机集成制造系统-CIMS , 11(5):701-705, 2005
43. 谢东文(硕士生)刘民 , 吴澄,企业级信息系统中基于策略的访问控制 , 计算机集成制造系统-CIMS , 11(4):561-564, 2005
44. 周华(博士后) 刘民 吴澄, 一种支持VPL的制造执行系统的体系结构 , 控制工程 , 12(2):101-103, 200 5
45. 周华(博士后) 刘民 吴澄, 一种模型驱动基于代理的制造执行系统 , 控制工程 , 12(1):8-10, 2005
46. 郝井华(博士生)刘民 , 吴澄 , 陈少卿, 一种基于 LLM 的高维时间序列数据异常检测方法 , 控制工程 12(3):207-209,265, 2005
47. 董明宇(博士生)刘民 , 吴澄,带并行机调度问题中基于 ANFIS 的自适应算法 , 控制工程 , 12(3):203-206, 2005
48. 路深(硕士生) , 刘民 , 吴澄 , 张亚斌 , 张龙, 带流水作业工程项目调度问题的遗传算法 , 控制工程 , 12(1):11-14, 2005
49. 郝井华 (博士生) 刘民 , 刘屹洲 , 吴澄 , 张瑞,复杂并行机调度问题基于分解的优化算法 , 控制工程 , 12(6):520-522, 2005
50. 孙跃鹏 (博士生) 刘民 , 吴澄,面向色织生产过程的整经轴数智能预测算法 , 控制工程 , 12(6):523-526, 2005
51. Song Shiji, Li Guocheng, Wu Cheng, Sub-gradient-based neural networks to solving non-differentiable convex programming problems, Science in China, Series F, 2005, Vol .48, No.6
52. Song Shiji, Wu 成姓, AGB星 Equilibrium and stability of fuzzy differential equations, 计算机 and mathematics with applications, 2005,Vol.49, 1267-1277.
53. Yuexuan Wang, Cheng Wu. Study on π-Calculus Based Equipment Grid Service Chain Model. IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2005). LNCS 3779, pp. 40-47, 2005, Beijing. (SCI 收录 )
54. Yuexuan Wang, Cheng Wu. Study on Equipment Interoperation Chain Model in Grid Environment. Third International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA’2005). LNCS 3758, pp. 588-595, 2005, Nanjing. (SCI BDJ13)
55. Zhang Long, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Supply Chain Coordination of Loss-Avese Newsvender with Contract, TSINGHUA Science and Technology, 2005, Vol. 10, 133-140.
56. 李国成,宋士吉,吴澄,随机二阶多值周期问题解的存在性 , 数学学报, 2006,Vol.49,No.1, 1-6.
57. Li Guocheng, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng. controllability of evolution inclusions with nonlocal conditions. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 2005, Vol. 18, No. 1, 35-42
58. Zhang Long, Song Shiji, Wu Cheng, Supply Chain Coordination of Loss-Avese Newsvender with Contract, 2005, Vol. 10, 133-140.
59. Xiao-ping Li, Cheng Wu. An efficient constructive heuristic for permutation flow shops to minimize total flow时间 Chinese Journal of 电子学, 2005, 14(2): 203-208. (SCI 收录 )
60. Xiao-ping Li, Lian-chen Liu, Cheng Wu. A method to shorten CPU-times of heuristics for large-scale flow shop scheduling. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 2006, 11(1).
61. Yuexuan Wang, Lianchen Liu, Cheng Wu. Research on equipment resource scheduling in grids. The Third International Conference on Grid and Cooperative Computing (GCC 2004). 2004.10. SCI : BBE85.
62. Liu Min, Wu Cheng. Genetic algorithm using sequence rule chain for multi-objective optimization in re-entrant micro-electronic production line, Robotics and 计算机 Integrated Manufacturing , 2004 , 20(3):225 ~ 236
63. Liu Min, Zhang Long, Wu Cheng, Qiu Lihuang. Scheduling Algorithm for Complex Product Development. Chinese Journal of 电子学.
64. Liu Min, Zhang Long, Wu Cheng, Qiu Lihuang. An Iterative Layered Tabu Search Algorithm for Complex Production line Scheduling Problem
65. 王跃宣 , 刘连臣 , 牟盛静 , 吴澄 . 一种处理带约束的多目标优化进化算法 . 清华大学学报 . 45(7), 2005.1. EI : 05139014242.
66. 王跃宣 , 刘连臣 , 胡昔祥 , 吴澄 . 面向设备资源共享的仿真网格技术研究 . The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and 自动化技术 Vol. 4, 2004.6. EI : 04388367992.
67. 王跃宣 , 吴澄 , 胡昔祥 , 牟盛静 , 刘连臣 . 求解约束优化问题的退火遗传算法 . 高技术通讯 . 14(7), 2004.7. EI : 04388367196.
68. 王跃宣 , 吴澄 , 胡昔祥 , 刘连臣 . 基于仿真建模的设备网格技术研究 . 计算机集成制造系统- CIMS. 10(9), 2004.9. EI : 04538754232.
69. 李小平 , 王跃宣 , 吴澄 . 求解大规模同顺序问题的启发式算法 . The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and 自动化技术 2004.6.. EI : 04388367940
70. Song Shiji Wu Cheng, Reverse triple I method of fuzzy reasoning , SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES F 45 (5): 344-364
71. 张龙 , 宋士吉,刘连臣,吴澄, 供应链管理中合同定量研究及其发展 , 控制与决策 , 2004, Vol. 19 , No. 10 , 1081-1085.
72. 张龙 , 宋士吉,吴澄,供需链系统的协调机制与风险分配问题研究,清华大学学报, 2004, Vol. 44, No. 4, 470-473.
73. Zhang Long, Song Shiji, Optimization Inventory control policy in fuzzy sense, the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Taibei, 2004, Vol. 1, 630-634.
74. Zhang Long, Song Shiji, Study on EOQ model in the fuzzy environment. The 5th World Conference on Intelligent Control and 自动化技术, Hangzhou, 2004, Vol. 3, 2734-2737
75. Li Xiao-ping, Liu Lian-chen, Wu Cheng. A fast flow时间computing procedure and its applications to heuristics for flow shops with flowtime minimization. The third International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2004, vol.2, 951-955. ( EI: 04458446571 )
76. 张龙,宋士吉,刘连臣,吴澄,带有供需双方促销努力的供应链合同问题研究,清华大学学报 , 2003, Vol. 43, No. 9, 1226-1229.
77. 张龙,宋士吉,刘连臣,吴澄,固定采购成本与最小采购量约束下的周期库存,哈尔滨工业大学学报 , 2003, Vol.35, No.12, 1412-1414.
78. Liu Min, Wu Cheng. scheduling algorithm based on evolutionary computing in identical parallel machine production line, Robotics and 计算机 Integrated Manufacturing,2003,19(5):401 ~ 407(SCI-723FR)
79. Liu Min, Li Fachao, Wu Cheng. Fuzzy metric based on the distance 函数 of plane and its application in optimal scheduling problems, Science in China Series F 2003,46(3):210 ~ 224(SCI-692NY)
80. Liu Min, Li Fachao, Wu Cheng. The order structure of fuzzy numbers based on the level character-istics and its application to optimization problems, Science in China Series F 2002,45(6):433 ~ 441(SCI-621NP)
81. Song Shiji Wu Cheng,Reverse triple I method of restriction for fuzzy reasoning , Progress in Natural Science. 2002, 05, Vol.12,374-377.
82. 刘民 , 孙元凯 , 吴澄 . TS+BS 混合算法及在 Job Shop 调度问题上的应用 , 清华大学学报 ,2002,42(3):424 ~ 426
83. 祝崇隽 , 刘民 , 吴澄 . CVRP 的 2-OPT 算法的时间复杂度均值分析 , 清华大学学报 ,2002,42(9):1218 ~ 1221
84. Liu Min, Chen Degang, Wu Cheng. The continuity of Mamdani method, Proceedings of the First International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, November 2002
85. Liu Min, Dong Mingyu, Wu Cheng. An objective decomposing method based on IBMDC for solving complex production scheduling problem ,Proceedings of the First International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics,Beijing,November 2002
86. Liu Min , Gu Yundong , Chai Yingchun. A prediction algorithm based on self-organizing fuzzy neural networks ,Proceedings of the First International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing,November 2002
87. Wu Yi, Liu Min, Wu Cheng. A genetic algorithm for optimizing the MPS of a processing-assembly roduction line with identical machines ,Proceedings of the First International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, November 2002
88. Yin Wenjun, Liu Min, Wu Cheng, A Genetic Learning Approach with Case-based Memory for Job-shop Scheduling Problems,Proceedings of the First International conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Beijing, November 2002
89. 程朋,崔德光,吴澄 . 一种基于优化的空中交通短期流量管理模型 . 清华大学学报 .2001,41(4,5),163-166
90. 程朋,崔德光,吴澄 . 基于信息集成的空中交通管制指挥监测系统 . 管理科学学报 .2001 , 4 ( 4 ), 34 - 40
91. 闫纪红,吴澄 . 一种基于神经网络的并行设计活动调度方法 . 应用科学学报 .2001 ,( 3 )
92. 闫纪红,吴澄 . 一种启发式并行活动调度方法 . 应用科学学报 .2001 ,( 3 )
93. 闫纪红,吴澄 . 基于资源约束的并行活动优化调度方法 . 控制理论与应用 .2001,(6)
94. 闫纪红,吴澄 . Scheduling of 设计 Projects using Artificial Intelligence.PCIMENT’2001,Portland,USA
95. 闫纪红,吴澄 . Scheduling of development projects with uncertain iterations. 系统工程与电子技术(英文版) . 2001. ( 4 ): 82 ~ 86
96. 闫纪红,吴澄 .A Scheduling Approach for 设计 Activities in concurrent.IEEE Trans. on SMC. Part C: Review and Applications.Sept.2001,31(3)
97. 闫纪红,吴澄 . 产品开发活动的并行规划 . 计算机集成制造系统 -CIMS.2001 ( 2 )
98. 吴澄 . 现代集成制造系统的理论基础 -- 一类复杂性问题及其求解 . 计算机集成制造系统 .2001 ( 3 )
99. 祝崇隽,刘民,吴澄 . 供应链中车辆路径问题的研究进展及前景 . 计算机集成制造系统 .2001,7(7), 1~6
100. 杨英杰,刘民,吴澄 . 带公共交货期的提前 / 拖后并行机调度问题的进化策略求解 . 电子学报 .2001,29(11),1478~1481
101. 尹文 君,刘民,吴澄 . 带工艺约束并行机调度问题的一种新的遗传算法 . 电子学报 .2001,29(11),1482~1485
102. 祝崇隽,刘民,吴澄 . 针对模糊需求的 VRP 的两种 2-OPT 算法 . 电子学报 .2001,29(8),1035~1037
103. 孙元凯,刘民,吴澄 . 调度问题及其解空间的特征分析 . 电子学报 .2001 , 29 ( 8 ), 1042~1045
104. 孙元凯,刘民,吴澄 . 变邻域 Tabu Search 算法及其在大规模 Job Shop 问题上的应用 . 电子学报 .2001 , 29 ( 5 ) ,622~625
105. 刘民,尹文君,吴澄 .c 带特殊工艺约束的并行机器生产线调度问题的一种遗传算法 . 自动化学报 .2001,27(3),381~386
106. 林慧苹,范玉顺,吴澄 . Integrated Enterprise Modeling Method Based on Workflow Model and Multiviews.Tsinghua Science and Technology.2001 , 1 , 24-28
107. 林慧苹,范玉顺,吴澄 .Workshop Scheduling Research Based on Workflow Management Technology.Proceedings of IE\u0026EM’2001, Tianjin, China.2001,August10~12,252-256
108. 范玉顺,吴澄 . 基于协调理论的工作流建模方法 . 计算机集成制造系统 .2001 , 4 , 1-6
109. 许青松,范玉顺,吴澄,陶丹 . 支持动态联盟的多代理系统 . 控制与决策 .2001 , 2 , 199-202
110. 陶丹,范玉顺,吴澄,许青松 . 动态联盟环境下的联盟单元信息系统研究 . 计算机科学 .2001 , 2 , 90-93
111. 林慧苹,范玉顺,吴澄 . 支持企业经营过程重组的工作流仿真技术研究 . 信息与控制 .2001 , 1 , 11-15
112. 刘连臣 , 张霖 , 吴澄 , 肖田元 .CIMSNET 电子商务平台建设 . 计算机集成制造系统 -CIMS.2001 .06
113. 刘连臣 , 张霖 , 杨吉江 , 吴澄 , 肖田元 .CIMSNET—— 基于 Internet 的现代集成制造支撑平台 . 计算机集成制造系统 -CIMS.2001 .05
114. 俞新贞 , 吴澄 . 离散事件系统的稳定性 . 控制与决策 .2001 .01
115. 俞新贞 , 吴澄 . 混合动态系统的稳定性 . 控制与决策 .2001 .03
116. 吴澄, " 现代集成制造系统中的系统和控制问题 " ,中国控制会议大会特邀报告,香港特别行政区, 2000.12 。
117. 吴澄, " 自动化技术发展回顾与展望 " , 2000 高技术发展报告, P46-52 ,科学出版社, 2000
118. Wu Cheng, Li Bohu "Manufacturing System Automation in China : from Computer Integrated Manufacturing to Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing", IFAC World Congress, 1999, Beijing.
119. Wu Cheng, Liu Ming , "An AI View in Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing" IEE, "Intelligent Control in Industry and Society" July, 1999, Beijing.
120. Wu Cheng, "Contemporary Integrated Manufacturing Systems" International Conference on Computer Integrated Manufacturing (ICCIM2000) Singapore 2000.3.
121. Wu Cheng, "The 组合 of Information Technology and Management: A Comprehensive way to Improve Enterprise' Competitiveness" 16th World Computer Congress 2000, ITBM keynote, Beijing, 2000.8.
122. Yang Sheng,Wu Cheng,Modeling and analysis of multi-stage transfer lines with unreliable machines and finite buffers,Annals of Operations Research,93,2000
123. Zhu Chongjun, Liu Min, Wu Cheng, Heuristic Algorithm for Vehicle 路由 Problem with Fuzzy Demand , ICARCV2000
124. Jiang Hao, Liu Min, Wu Cheng ,An Intelligent Optimization Algorithm for Scheduling Activities Facing Concurrent Product Development,ICME2000
125. Zhu Chongjun, Liu Min, Wu Cheng ,The Effect of Fuzzy Demand Possibility Distribution and Confidence Level to The VRP Solution,ICME2000
126. Wu Yi, Liu Min, Wu Cheng ,Overview of Project Management Techniques and Their Applications,ICME2000
127. Sun Yuankai, Liu Min, Wu Cheng ,Tabu Search Algorithm With Varying Neighbourhood and Its Application to Job Shop Scheduling Problem,ICME2000
128. Yang Yingjie, Liu Min, Wu Cheng , Review of Techniques of Modeling and Optimization in Mass Customization, ICME2000
129. Yin Wenjun, Liu Min, Wu Cheng, Production Scheduling with Evolutionary Computation: A Survey, ICME2000
130. Fan Nan , Liu Min , Wu Cheng, An Intelligent Scheduling Algorithm for Solving the Problem of Job-Shop with Parallel Machines, ICME2000
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133. Liu Min , Wu Cheng. A genetic algorithm for minimizing the makespan in the case of scheduling parallel machines, Artificial Intelligence in Engineering,1999,13(4):399 ~ 403(SCI-254CA)
134. LIU Min and WU Cheng. Evolutionary programming method for minimizing the number of tardy jobs. 14th World Congress of International 联邦制 of Automatic Control ( IFAC ) , Beijing, China, July 1999(lecture)
135. LIU Min and WU Cheng .A multi-objective rules chain sequence policy based on genetic algorithm in re-entrant micro-electronics production line,IEE Control international Workshop on "Intelligent Control in Industry and Society", Beijing,China, July 1999
136. S. Yang, C. Wu The Concept of Entropy in Manufacturing Systems and Its Application in Scheduling 半导体 Fabrication Lines. ( IFAC ) 14th World Congress of International 联邦制 of Automatic Control, Beijing, China, July 1999
137. 刘民,吴澄 , 戴元顺 . 最小化拖期任务数并行机调度问题的一种基于知识的 遗传算法 . 电子学报, 1999 , 27 ( 9 ): 132~134
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140. 刘民,吴澄 . 杨英杰 . 并行机器生产线的一种新的优化调度算法 . 清华大学学报, 1999 , 39 ( 5 ): 115~ 117
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142. LIU Min and WU Cheng.A Genetic Algorithm for Minimizing the Makespan in the Case of Scheduling Parallel Machines. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering,1999,13(4):399~403
143. 刘民,吴澄 , 杨英杰 . 最小化完工时间并行机器生产线调度问题的一种基于组合规则的遗传算法 . 电子学报
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148. LIU Min, WU Cheng and JIANG Xinsong. Genetic algorithm method for minimizing the number of tardy jobs in identical parallel machine scheduling problem. Chinese Journal of 电子学 , 1998 , 7(2) : 188-192
149. LIU Min and WU Cheng. Identical parallel machine scheduling problem for minimizing the makespan using genetic algorithm combined by simulated annealing. Chinese Journal of Electronics , 1998 , 7(4) : 317~321
150. Fan Yushun, Wu Cheng. Development of a support tool for rapid application integration of CIMS, Tsinghua Science and Technology,Vol. 3, 二氧化氮, 1998, pp.991-996
151. 吴宝,吴澄 , 熊光愣 . An Engineering Framework System Support Integrated Product and Process Development, 高技术通讯(英文版) ,No.1, 1998
152. 范玉顺,吴澄,俞盘祥 . 面向制造业的 CIMS 应用集成平台 , 清华大学学报 , Vol.38, No.3,1998, pp. 104-107
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156. 熊锐,吴澄,制造业车间生产调度问题的技术现状与发展趋势,清华大学 学报 , Vol. 38, No.10,1998, pp. 59 - 62
157. 刘民,吴澄,蒋新松 . 用遗传算法解决并行多机调度问题 . 系统工程理论 与实践, 1998 , 18(1) : 14~17
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