副研究员。北京大学中国经济研究中心经济学博士,美国西北大学(Northwestern University)政治学博士。研究方向为政治经济学、制度经济学和发展经济学。在Business and Politics, China Economic Review, Urban Studies,经济研究、世界经济、经济学(季刊)等中外学术刊物上发表了数十篇文章。
authoritarian politics, political economy, Chinese politics and economy
Working paper:
External threat, 功率 decentralization, and leadership change under authoritarianism.
Policy choice and economic growth under factional politics: evidence from a Chinese province
Referred Publication
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu.Revolutionary Legacy, 功率 Structure, and Grassroots Capitalism Under the Red Flag in China. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
Li, Zhiyun and Qi Zhang. 2018. “Policy choice and economic growth under factional politics: Evidence from a Chinese Province.”China Economic Review, 47:12-26.
Zhang, Jun, Qi Zhang, and Zhikuo Liu. 2017. “The Political Logic of Partial Reform in China’s State-owned Enterprises,”Asian Survey, 2017, 40(4):621-657.
Wang, Ruoyu and Qi Zhang. 2017. “Local Government’s Fiscal 压强 and the Industrial Dependence on Polluting Industries in China,”China \u0026 World Economy, 2017, 25(3):1-22.
Qian, Tao and Qi Zhang. 2017. “Fiscal Decentralization and Pattern of County Public Expenditures in a Chinese Province,”Annals of Economics and Finance, 2017, 18(1): 199-223.
Chong, Dennis, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2016.“Collective Resistance under Authoritarianism: Elite-质量 Strategies in an Experimental Game,”Political Behavior, 38:951–976.
Zhu, Jiangnan, Qi Zhang, and Zhikuo Liu. 2016.“Eating, Drinking, and 功率 Signaling in Institutional Authoritarianism.”Journal of Contemporary China, 2016, 26(105): 337-352.
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu. 2013.“The Political Economy of Private Sector Development in Communist China: Evidence from Zhejiang Province,”Studies in Comparative International Development, 48(2): 196-216.
Zhang, Qi, Mingxing Liu, and Victor Shih. 2013.“Guerrilla Capitalism: Revolutionary Legacy, Political Cleavage, and the Preservation of the Private Economy in Zhejiang,” with Mingxing Liu, and Victor Shih,Journal of East Asian Studies, 2013, 13(3): 379-407.
Zhang, Qi and Mingxing Liu. 2010. “Local Political Elite, Partial Reform Symptoms, and the Business and Market Environment in Rural China,”Business and Politics, 12(1).
Chen, Vincent Yiupor, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2010. “Financial Intermediate and Urban-Rural Income Disparity in China,”Regional Studies, 44(9), 2010, pp 1171-1187.
Huang, Jikun, Scott Rozelle, and Qi Zhang. 2008. "Economic Growth, the Nature of Growth and Poverty Reduction in Rural China,"China Economic Journal, 2008 (02), pp. 107-122.
Shih, Victor, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2007. "Comparing the 表演 of Chinese banks: A principal component approach,"China Economic Review, 18: . 15-34.
Tao, Ran, Justin Yifu Lin, Mingxing Liu, and Qi Zhang. 2004. "Rural Taxation and Government Regulation in China",Agricultural Economics 31: 161-168.
章奇,刘明兴:《权力结构、政治激励和经济增长——基于浙江民营经济发展经验的政治经济学分析》,《当代经济学文库》系列出版丛书,上海图书公司格致出版社,生活·读书·新知三联书店,上海人民出版社, 2017年版。
章奇,钱滔:《地方财政分权与县级财政支出模式--中国浙江省的经验证据》,载于张军主编:《市场、政府治理与中国的经济转型》, 上海世纪出版股份有限公司格致出版社,上海三联书店,上海人民出版社, pp 145-171, 2014。
“中国民营经济历史起源的政治经济学分析:浙江省的例子”,《世界经济》,2012年第7期, 作者:章奇,刘明兴。
《中国的金融中介增长与城乡收入差距》,合作者:刘明兴、Vincent Yiupor Chen。载于《中国转轨时期收入差距与贫困》,蔡、万广华主编,中国社会科学文献出版社、中国社会科学院人口研究所、联合国大学世界经济发展经济学研究所(WIDER)联合出版,第8章,2006,P182-204。
“美国的石油安全战略以及战略石油储备计划与管理体制”,《国际经济评论》, 2005年第7-8期。
“意识形态与政府干预”, 《经济学(季刊)》2005年第4卷2期(1月),作者:章奇、刘明兴。
“中国金融中介与城乡收入差距”,《中国金融学》2004 年第1 期,作者:章奇、刘明兴、Vincent Yiupo Chen。
“中国地区经济发展差距分析”, 《管理世界》,2001年第1期。
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