刘文印,男,于1988年和1992年分别获清华大学计算机系工学学士和硕士学位,1992年留校任教,1995年赴以色列理工学院(Technion)留学,1998年初获博士学位,1999年1月加入微软亚洲研究院任首批研究员,2002年1月加入香港城市大学电脑科学系任助理教授及博士生导师。现为广东工业大学计算机学院特聘教授、博士生导师,广东省第五批引进创新团队带头人,国际模式识别学会会士(IAPR Fellow)。
1. Member of IAPR Fellow Committee, 2010-2016 (three terms)
2. Member of the executive committee of IEEE Hong Kong 计算机 Chapter, 2012
3. Chair of 松香酸 Committee 10 (on Graphics Recognition) of the International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR). 2006.10-2010.8 (two terms)
4. Chair (2009) and Member (2007, 2011) of the ICDAR Awards Committee
5. Member of the ICDAR Advisory Board, 2007-2010
6. Competition Co-Chair, International Conference on Documents Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR 2009, 2011, 2015)
7. Chair for Local Arrangement, IUI 2010: ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Hong Kong, Feb. 7-10, 2010.
8. Program Co-Chair, the 8th IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC2009), City University of La Rochelle, France, July 22-23, 2009.
9. Co-Chair, First WWW Workshop on Question Answering on the Web (QAWeb2008), April 22, 2008, Beijing, China
10. Chair, First International Workshop on Question Answering (QA2007), Oct. 28, 2007, Xi’An, China
11. Program Co-Chair, the 7th IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC2007), Brazil, September, 2007.
12. Chair of Program Committee, The Fifth International Conference on Web-based Learning, 19-21 July, 2006, Penang, Malaysia
13. Publication Chair, Member of Program Committee, The Fourth International Conference on Web-based Learning, 31st July - 3rd August, 2005, Hong Kong SAR, China.
14. General Chair and Contest Chair, The Sixth IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC2005)Member of Program Committee, the International Workshop on Challenges in Web Information Retrieval and Integration, April 8-9, 2005, Tokyo, Japan.
15. Publication Chair and Tutorial Chair, Member of Program Committee, Third International Conference on Web-based Learning, Beijing, August 9-11, 2004
16. Contest Chair and Member of Program Committee, The Fifth IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition, Barcelona, Spain, July 30-31, 2003
17. Contest Chair and Member of Program Committee, Fourth IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition, Kingston, Ontario, Canada September 7-8, 2001
18. Treasurer, the Second IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia, October 24-26, 2001, Beijing, China (http://research.微软com/~PCM2001)
19. International Journal of Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR, http://www.springer.com/west/home/计算机/imagingSGWID=4-149-70-1122349- detailsPage=journal|editorialBoard ) ISSN: 1433-2833 (print version); ISSN: 1433-2825 (electronic version); Journal no. 10032; Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006-2011
20. IET 计算机 Vision (IET CVI), ISSN: 1751-9632 (print version); ISSN: 1751-9640 (online version); The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2011-2012
1. Zhenguo Yang, Qing Li, Wenyin Liu, Jianming Lv, “Shared Multi-view 数据 Representation for Multi-domain Event Detection”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI). 2019. (CCF A 类,SCI 一区Top期刊).
2. Yukun Li, Zhenguo Yang , Xu Chen, Huaping Yuan, Wenyin Liu , “A Stacking Model Using URL and HTML Features for Phishing Webpage Detection”, Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), 2019. . (CCF C 类,SCI二区期刊).
3. Fang Wen, Zehang Lin, Zhenguo Yang , Wenyin Liu , “Single-Stage Detector with Semantic Attention for Occluded Pedestrian Detection”, the 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling (MMM), 2019. (CCF C 类).
4. Xiangbin Xian, Yu Zhou, Yurong Guo, Zhenguo Yang, Wenyin Liu, “Improved Consensus Mech-anisms Against Censorship Attacks”, Symposium on Blockchain Technology and Application (SBTA), 2019.
5. Zehang Lin, Feitao Huang, Yukun Lin, Zhenguo Yang , Wenyin Liu , “A Deep Stacking Regression Model for Social Image Popularity Prediction”, World Wide Web Journal, 2018. (CCF B 类,SCI三区期刊)
6. Huaping Yuan, Zhenguo Yang , Yukun Li, Xu Chen, Wenyin Liu , “URL2Vec: URL Modeling with Character Embeddings for Fast and Accurate Phishing Website Detection”, the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), 2018. (CCF C 类).
7. Zehang Lin, Zhenguo Yang , Runwei Situ, Feitao Huang, Jianming Lv, Qing Li, Wenyin Liu , “Improving Maximum Classifier Discrepancy by Considering Joint Distribution for Domain Adap-tation”, the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2018. (CCF C 类)
8. Runwei Situ, Zhenguo Yang , Jianming Lv, Qing Li, Wenyin Liu , “Cross-Modal Event Retrieval: A Dataset and a Baseline using Deep Semantic Learning”, the Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2018. (CCF C 类)
9. Huaping Yuan, Yukun Li, Xu Chen, Zhenguo Yang , Wenyin Liu , “Detecting Phishing Websites and Targets Based on URLs and Webpage Links”, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), 2018. ( CCF C 类).
10. Yurong Guo, Zongcheng Qi, Xiangbin Xian, Hongwen Wu, Zhenguo Yang, Jialong Zhang, Liu Wenyin, “WISChain: An Online Insurance System based on Blockchain and DengLu1 for Web Identity Security”, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (IEEE HotICN).
11. Liuwu Li, Runwei Situ, Junyan Gao, Zhenguo Yang , Wenyin Liu , “A Hybrid Model Combining Convolutional Neural Network with XGBoost for Predicting Social Media Popularity”, In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACM MM), Grand Challenge, 1912-1917, 2017. (ACM MM: CCF A 类).
12. Zhenguo Yang, Qing Li, Zheng Lu, Zhiguo Gong, Yun Ma, Wenyin Liu, “Dual Structure Con-strained Multimodal Feature Coding for Social Event Detection from Flickr Data”, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 17, no. 2: 19, 2017. (CCF B 类,SCI四区期刊)
13. Zhenguo Yang, Qing Li, Wenyin Liu, Yun Ma, “Dual Graph Regularized NMF Model for Social Event Detection from Flickr 数据”, World Wide Web Journal, 20(5), 995-1015, 2017. (CCF B 类,SCI三区期刊)
14. Zhenguo Yang, Min Cheng, Qing Li, Yukun Li, Zehang Lin, and Wenyin Liu, “Cross-domain and Cross-modality Transfer Learning for Multi-domain and Multi-modality Event Detection”, In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2017. (CCF C 类)
15. Yun Ma, Qing Li, Zhenguo Yang, Wenyin Liu, Antoni B. Chan, “Learning Word Embeddings via Context Grouping”, In Proceedings of the ACM TURC 2017 (SIGMOD China), 2017.
16. Quan, Xiaojun, QIFAN WANG, YING ZHANG, LUO SI, LIU Wenyin,“Latent Discriminative Models for Social Emotion Detection with Emotional Dependency,”ACM Transactions on Information Systems, Volume 34, Issue 1, October 2015, doi\u003e10.1145/2749459
17. Shuang Liang, Jun Luo, LIU Wenyin, Yichen WEI, “Sketch Matching on Topology Product Graph”, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), Vol. 37, No. 8, pp.1723-1729, August, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2014.2369031
18. Rui Zhang, Jianping Wang, Cong Wang, Liu Wenyin, Rynson Lau, “On Mitigating the Risk of Cross-VM Covert Channels in a Public Cloud”, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 2327 - 2339, August, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/TPDS.2014.2346504
19. Yanghui Rao, Qing Li, Xudong Mao, Liu Wenyin, “Sentiment topic models for social emotion mining,” Information Sciences, Vol. 266 (2014): 90-100.
20. Xiangfei Kong; Kuan Li; Jingjing Cao; Qingxiong Yang; Liu Wenyin, “HEp-2 Cell Pattern Classification with Discriminative Dictionary Learning”, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 47 (2014) , No. 7: 2379-2388