2015.9-2016.3 英国诺丁汉大学都市农业中心,高访
2011.9 中国农业大学,农学与生物技术学院,博导
2010.2-2010.9 耶鲁大学, 博士后
2009.9-2010.2 美国威斯康星大学,博士后
2008.12至今 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院,生物质工程中心 副教授
2006.9-2008.12 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院,生物质工程中心工作 讲师
2003.11-2005.5 日本东京大学应用工学部应用微生物研究室 合作研究
2000.9-2006.7 中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院 硕博连读
1996.9-2000.7 山西农业大学 农学院 本科
1. Yafan C, Jungang W, Yubin Z, Zehui Z, Boting W, ZongJun C, Xiaofen W*. A new perspective of using sequential extraction: To predict the deficiency of trace elements during anaerobic digestion[J]. 液态水 research, 2018, 140, 335-43. (IF=6.3)
2. Yafan C, Zehui Z, Yubin Z, Zhang Y, Guo S, Cui Z, Wang X*. Effects of molybdenum, selenium and manganese supplementation on the 表演 of anaerobic digestion and the characteristics of bacterial community in acidogenic stage[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266, 166-75. (IF=5.8)
3. Yafan C, Xiaolign Z, Yubin Zhao, Hongling W, Xufeng Y, Wanbin Z, Zongjun C, Xiaofen W*. Optimization of Fe2+ supplement in anaerobic digestion accounting for the Fe-bioavailability [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 250, 163-70. (IF=5.8)
4. Yubin Z, Fanrong S, Jiadong Y, Yafan C, Xiaosha L
, Zongjun C, Yuegao H, Xiaofen W*. Co-digestion of oat straw and cow manure during anaerobic digestion: Stimulative and inhibitory effects on fermentation [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 269, 143-52. (IF=5.8)
5. Yafan C, Binbin H, Lijuan G, Yuegao H, Xufeng Y, Zongjun C, Wanbin Z, Xiaofen W*. Effects of adding trace elements on rice straw anaerobic mono-digestion: Focus on changes in microbial communities using high-throughput sequencing [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017,239, 454-63. (IF:5.74)
6. Xiaoling Z, Kai L, Yue Z, Zehui Z, Yafan C, Boting W, Zongjun C , Xiaofen W*. Improving the 甲烷 yield of maize straw: Focus on the effects of pretreatment with fungi and their secreted enzymes combined with sodium hydroxide [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239, 204-13. (IF:5.74)
7. Xiaoling Z, Jinhuan L, Jingjing L, Fuyu Y, Wanbin Z, Xufeng Y, Yuegao H, Zongjun C, Xiaofen W*. Effect of ensiling and silage additives on biogas production and microbial community 动力学 during anaerobic digestion of switchgrass [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 239, 349-59. (IF:5.74)
8. 蔡亚凡, 王小芬*, 崔宗均 厌氧发酵系统中的微量元素及其生物利用度[J]. 中国农业大学学报, 2017, 22(9)
9. Yubin Z, Jiadong Y, Jingjing L, Hongyan Y, Lijuan G, Xufeng Y, Zongjun C, Xiaofen W*. Material and microbial changes during corn stalk silage and their effects on 甲烷 发酵 [J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 89-99. (IF:5.74)
10. Binbin H, Jiali D, Bin L, Huan Z, Xufeng Y, Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Pretreatment of non-sterile, rotted silage maize straw by the microbial community MC1 increases biogas production[J]. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216, 699-705. (IF:5.74)
11. Zehui Z, Jinhuan L, Xufeng Y, Xiaofen W*, Wanbin Z, Fuyu Y , Zongjun C. Effect of dairy manure to switchgrass co-digestion ratio on 甲烷 production and the bacterial community in batch anaerobic digestion. Applied 能量, 2015, 151, 249-57. (IF:6.332)
12. Botinng W, Xufeng Y, Qingx L, Jingjing L, Jiwei R, Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Comparison and evaluation of concurrent saccharification and anaerobic digestion of Napier grass after pretreatment by three microbial consortia. Bioresource Technology, 2015,175, 102-11. (IF:5.74)
13. Jiadong Y, Yubin Z, Huan Z, Binbin H, Xufeng Y, Wanbin Z, Xiaofeng W*, Zongjun C. Hydrolysis and acidification of agricultural waste in a non-airtight system: Effect of solid content, 温度, and mixing mode[J]. Waste 管理学, 2017, 59, 487-97. (IF:4.3)
14. Jungang W, Jiajia L, Jinhuan L, Binbin H, Xiaofen W*, Yucai L, Yanzhuan C, Zongjun C .Influence of Cell Disruption and Elution on Cellulase Release of Clostridium straminisolvens(CSK1). Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2014, 173, 510-21. (IF:1.735)
15. Hui W, Jiajia L, Yucai L, Peng G, Xiaofen W, Zongjun W. Bioconversion of un-pretreated lignocellulosic materials by a microbial consortium XDC-2.Bioresource Technology, 2013, 136, 481-7. (IF:5.039)
16. Xufeng Y, Boting W, Xuguang M, Wanbin Z, Xiaofen W*, Shaojiang C, Zongjun C. Enhancing the anaerobic digestion of lignocellulose of municipal solid waste using a microbial pretreatment method. Bioresource Technology, 2014, 154, 1-9. (IF:4.48)
17. Binbin H, Yucai L, Jungang W, Boting W, Yanzhuan C, Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Dynamic Changes in the Composite Microbial System MC1 During and Following its Rapid Degradation of Lignocellulose. Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2014, 172, 951-62. (IF:1.735)
18. HongYan Z, Jie L, JiaJia L, XuFeng Y, Piao RZ, WanBin Z, HuLinL, XiaoFen W, ZongJun C. Organic loading rate shock impact on operation and microbial communities in different anaerobic fixed-bed reactors. Bioresource technology, 2013, 140, 211-19. (IF: 5.039)
19. Boting W, Xufeng Y, Yanzhuan C, Yan L, Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C. Optimization of liquid 发酵 of microbial consortium WSD-5 followed by saccharification and acidification of wheat straw. Bioresource Technology, 2012, 118, 141-9(IF4.98)
20. Dongdong Z, Wanbin Z, Can T, Yali S, Lijuan G, Xufeng Y, Xiaofen W*, Zongjun C, Bioreactor 表演 and methanogenic population 动力学 in a l守望先锋温度 (5-18°C) anaerobic fixed-bed reactor, Bioresource Technology, 2011, 104, 136-43. (IF4.453)
21. Xiaofen W, Shin Haruta, Pu W, Masaharu Ishii, Yasuo Igarashi, Zongjun C* . Screen a steady Lactic acid bacteria community Al2 as alfalfa silage inoculant and its composition diversity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2006, 57, 106-15(IF3.598)
22. 刘晶晶;高丽娟;师建芳;王小芬*;袁旭峰;崔宗均乳酸菌复合系和植物乳杆菌提高柳枝稷青贮饲料效果.农业工程学报(EI) .2015.
23. 刘晶晶; 杨富裕;王小芬*,刘晋欢;袁旭峰;崔宗均. 柳枝稷青贮用乳酸菌复合系的组成多样性及其代谢特性.微生物学报.2015.
24. 王小芬*,高丽娟,杨洪岩,李献梅,高秀芝,崔宗均. 苜青贮过程中乳酸菌复合系Al2的接种效果及菌群的追踪. 农业工程学报(EI),2007,23(1):217-222
25.王小芬*,王伟东,高丽娟,崔宗均 变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)在环境微生物研究中的应用详解. 中国农大学报,2006,11(5):1-7
26.王小芬*,高丽娟,杨洪岩,王伟东,崔宗均. 苜蓿青贮饲料用乳酸菌复合系Al2的组成多样性. 微生物学报,2006,46(5):767-772
3.中国农业大学.发明型专利“一种青贮接种剂及其应用” ,未授权,中国,申请号:20141758862.0
王小芬.中国农业大学农学院 作物生态与农作学系.2020-07-24