1. 简单百科
  2. 冥界狂想曲


《冥界狂想曲》(Grim Fandango)是一款由美国游戏开发商LucasArts制作,Tim Schafer担任项目领导的冒险游戏,于1998年在Windows平台上推出。游戏是LucasArts首款结合3D计算机图形与预先渲染背景的作品,玩家必须通过与其他角色互动并正确观察周围环境、收集和使用关键物品来解决问题,以推动游戏故事的发展。游戏背景设定在一个名为“亡者国度”(Land of the Dead)的死后世界中,描述了一个灵魂在死者国度中的四年之旅,目的地为阿兹特克冥界的最终目的地——米克特兰(Mictlan)。游戏融合了阿兹特克文明对死后世界的信仰,以及来自《枭巢喋血战》《北非谍影》等黑色电影的元素,构建了一个名为“亡者国度”的游戏舞台。游戏主角曼尼(Manny)是一位在死亡部门(Department of Death、DoD)工作的旅行代理人,他试图拯救一位名叫麦姬(Meche)的少女灵魂,让她平安度过漫长的旅程。游戏获得了广泛赞誉,尤其是在剧情和角色设计方面,被认为是LucasArts冒险游戏的巅峰之作。然而,由于销售不佳,未能达到预期,被视为是冒险游戏类型的衰落的一部分原因。2014年,随着Sony的帮助,Double Fine Productions收购了《冥界狂想曲》的版权,并推出了重制版,增加了多项改进,包括更高的分辨率、更好的照明模型、新的控制选项和开发者评论。重制版在PlayStation 4、PlayStation Vita、Microsoft Windows、OS X和Linux等多个平台上发行,并逐步扩展到Android和iOS等移动设备系统。


《冥界狂想曲》(Grim Fandango)是一款冒险游戏,由Tim Schafer领导的LucasArts开发并于1998年发布。它是LucasArts的第一款使用GrimE引擎的游戏,该引擎基于Sith引擎开发,用于《绝地武士:死星战将II》。游戏结合了3D电脑图形与预先渲染的背景,是LucasArts首款以3D方式展现的作品。游戏背景设定在阿兹特克神话的死后世界中,描述了马尼在死者国度(Land of the Dead)中的四年之旅,目的地为阿兹特克冥界中所有死者灵魂的终点站-米克特兰(Mictlan)。故事分为四个部分,分别发生在死者之日(Day of the Dead,墨西哥的万圣节)后的每年。游戏中的多数意象源自这个节日,大多数游戏角色是以骷髅状的“calaca”形象出现,这是一种基于墨西哥版画家José Guadalupe Posada的作品而设计的形象。游戏中的花卉也成为杀人工具,一种被称为“开花素”(Sproutella)的物质会与骨骼起反应,借由快速地在骨骼中生长,达到摧毁骨骼的目的,游戏中的人物将这种死法称为“开花”(sprouting)。游戏中也遍布了独特的动物,比如会吃骨头的火海狸,以及专门竞速用的巨猫。游戏糅合了神话中的阴间、以及1930年代装饰艺术运动(Art Deco)的设计主题、加上引起黑色电影(film noir)类别联想的灰暗情节。马尼的工作结合了旅行代理人以及死神(Grim Reaper)的角色,而后来又扮演了侦探的角色,在他发现应得善报的人被驳回了死后应有的奖赏-跳过其他灵魂必经的四年之旅,直达米克特兰。在游戏的第二个部分中,马尼经营夜总会的情节是受到了亨弗莱·鲍嘉电影《枭巢喋反抗军》《盖世枭雄》(Key Largo)以及《北非谍影》的启发。游戏中,赌徒曹吉拉·查理(Chowchilla Charlie)与彼得·罗瑞(Peter Lorre)极端地神似,城镇中贪污的警长是依据克劳德·雷恩斯所扮演的雷诺队长(Captain Renault)。尽管如此,Tim Schafer 本人提到,游戏其实是受到了像是电影《双重保险》(Double Indemnity)的启发,电影中一个懦弱且平庸的人(是个保险推销员,而非侦探)牵涉谋杀以及阴谋之中。


《冥界狂想曲》的操作方式与之前的LucasArts冒险游戏有所不同,不再使用鼠标移动角色和与周围物体交互,而是使用键盘、操纵杆或游戏手柄。在游戏中,玩家控制的角色曼纽·“曼尼”·卡拉贝拉(Manuel "Manny" Calavera),简称马尼(Manny),在各个场景中行走,寻找可用的物品来解决难题。在遇到可交互的物品时,马尼会转头盯着看,接着玩家可以按下输入键命令曼尼与之交互。按下“I”键可打开物品菜单,菜单中的物品可通过方向键切换,按下输入键可取出放入曼尼的口袋。当手持物品栏中的物品时,马尼可以用常规的交互方式与场景交互。这种新型的交互方式不仅让《冥界狂想曲》在当时的冒险游戏中独树一帜,并提供了独特、创新的游戏方式。游戏剧情的时间轴分为四个年份,每个年份均作为一个独立章节,玩家需要在各章节的场景中闯荡并解决所有难题,才能前往下一个年份。


游戏背景设定在阿兹特克神话的死后世界中,描述了马尼在死者国度(Land of the Dead)中的四年之旅,目的地为阿兹特克冥界中所有死者灵魂的终点站-米克特兰(Mictlan)。故事展开为四个片段,这些片段设定在死者之日(Day of the Dead,墨西哥的万圣节)后的每一年。游戏中的多数意像是来自这个节日—大多数的游戏角色是骷髅状的“calaca”形象(以墨西哥版画家José Guadalupe Posada的作品为依据,而calaca是墨西哥死者之日中骷髅状的装饰物)。各式各样的花朵也成为了杀人的工具,一种被称为“开花素”(Sproutella)的物质会与骨骼起反应,借由快速地在骨骼中生长,达到摧毁骨骼的目的,游戏中的人物将这种死法称为“开花”(sprouting)。游戏中也遍布了独特的动物,比如说会吃骨头的火海狸,以及专门竞速用的巨猫。与众不同的是,游戏揉合了神话中的阴间、以及1930年代装饰艺术运动(Art Deco)的设计主题、加上引起黑色电影(film noir)类别联想的灰暗情节。马尼的工作结合了旅行代理人以及死神(Grim Reaper)的角色,而后来又扮演了侦探的角色,在他发现应得善报的人被驳回了死后应有的奖赏-跳过其他灵魂必经的四年之旅,直达米克特兰。在游戏的第二个部分中,马尼经营夜总会的情节是受到了亨弗莱·鲍嘉电影《枭巢喋反抗军》《盖世枭雄》(Key Largo)以及《北非谍影》的启发。游戏中,赌徒曹吉拉·查理(Chowchilla Charlie)与彼得·罗瑞(Peter Lorre)极端地神似,城镇中贪污的警长是依据克劳德·雷恩斯所扮演的雷诺队长(Captain Renault)。尽管如此,Tim Schafer 本人提到,游戏其实是受到了像是电影《双重保险》(Double Indemnity)的启发,电影中一个懦弱且平庸的人(是个保险推销员,而非侦探)牵涉谋杀以及阴谋之中。“骷髅威拉咖啡馆”(Calavera Café)这个名字和夜总会的风格都是模仿著名电影《北非谍影》(Casablanca)中的“力克烛光咖啡馆”(Rick's Candlelit Café)。


《冥界狂想曲》是第一个使用GrimE引擎的游戏,其控制系统与只需鼠标点击的传统冒险游戏有某种程度的不同。它抛弃了使用鼠标移动人物、与周围物件互动的界面,而使用方向键甚至是摇杆来操作主角-曼纽·骷髅威拉(Manuel Calavera),简称马尼(Manny)。在不同场景中走动时,马尼会转头盯着可以与之互动的物件,接着玩家可按下输入键命令曼尼与之互动。按下“I”键可开启物品菜单,菜单中的物品可用方向键切换,若按下输入键可将它拿出曼尼的口袋。当手持物品栏中的物品时,马尼可以用一般的互动方式来使用物品与场景互动。这种新型的互动方式不仅让冥界狂想曲在当时的冒险游戏中独树一帜,并提供了独特、创新的游戏方式。


大多数的角色为拉丁美洲裔,英文对话中偶尔缀以西班牙文。大部分的角色会吸烟(主要为了戏剧效果)。曼纽(马尼)·卡拉贝拉(Manuel "Manny" Calavera),配音演员:Tony Plana为了赎他生前的罪,马尼在骨髓城(El Marrow)中一个城市的死人旅行社(Department of Death)做旅行代理人的工作,借由贩卖旅行套件来赚取往阴间的通行证。旅行套件的范围从奢华的9号列车四分钟之旅,到一根坚固的拐杖加上为期四年的徒步旅行。马尼会争取好客户,他们纯洁无瑕的生命替他们挣来了往阴间的快速通行,进而替自己争取更快速的旅行方式,同时也提升了旅行社的名声。但很不幸地,所有的好客户都给马尼的职场竞争对手多米诺(Domino)抢去了,经过一番努力,马尼发现了使自己陷入这桩黑幕的原因。梅塞德斯(美琪)·克罗玛(Mercedes "Meche" Colomar),配音演员:Maria Canals美琪(Meche)是个典型的受难少女(damsel in distress)。马尼对她一见钟情。尽管她生前纯洁无瑕,死人旅行社仍神秘地未批准她9号列车的票,只得任由她独自徒步旅行至阴间。被死亡部开除之后,马尼尽全力地寻找她的行踪,一方面希望能再见美琪一面,来帮助她前往应属于她所在的安息之地。葛罗迪斯(Glottis),配音演员:Alan Blumenfeld游戏中的喜剧效果兼配角。葛罗迪斯是个巨大的橘色恶魔,他在死人旅行社担任修车工一职,后来充当马尼的司机。当他被死人旅行社开除后,成为马尼在寻找美琪时的朋友与同伴。黑特·勒曼(Hector LeMans),配音演员:Jim Ward游戏中的反派。黑特·勒曼是骨髓城罪恶的幕后黑手,专门贩售车票以获取暴利。在追随者的帮助之下,他从那些应得善报的死者手上偷取9号列车的票,并将车票卖给有钱人。他在游戏中作风残酷,是个不容小觑的对象。他以将数以百计的人“开花”为著名,他拥有一个大草地围绕的花房,草地上全是“开花”过后的遗体。萨瓦多(老萨)·利蒙尼斯(Salvador "Sal" Limones),配音演员:Sal Lopez萨瓦多是失魂联盟(Lost Souls' Alliance,简称LSA)的领袖。该联盟是专门对付腐败勾当的地下革命组织。萨瓦多为了在死亡部中能有个卧底而招募了马尼。在马尼寻找美琪时,萨瓦多还帮助了他逃离骨髓城。






名称:《Big band,bebop and bones》(大乐队,波普乐和骨头)作曲:Peter McConnell专辑曲目列表及翻译:0:00-1:05 Casino Calavera(“骷髅威拉”赌场)1:06-3:22 Swanky Maximino(奢华的麦斯米诺)3:22-5:22 Smooth Hector(柔和的黑特)5:22-7:42 Mr. Frustration Man(失意的人)7:42-8:37 Hector Steps Out(黑特出去娱乐)8:37-10:00 Hi-Tone Fandango(高音调方丹戈)10:00-10:23 She Sailed Away(她扬帆而去)10:23-12:07 High Roller(高滚筒机)12:07-13:09 Domino's In Charge(由多米诺掌管)13:09-14:17 Trouble With Carla(与卡娜的麻烦)14:17-15:27 Blue Casket Bop(“蓝宝匣”波普爵士乐)15:27-16:42 Manny's Office(马尼的办公室)16:42-17:49 Rubacava(鲁巴卡瓦镇)17:49-19:49 Blue Hector(忧郁的黑特)19:49-20:51 This Elevator Is Slow(这电梯真慢)20:51-21:59 Domino(多米诺)21:59-22:59 Don Copal(唐库珀)22:59-24:06 Neon Ledge(霓虹灯下的暗礁)24:06-25:34 Nuevo Marrow(焕然一新的骨髓城)25:34-27:45 Gambling Glottis(赌博的葛罗迪斯)27:45-28:04 Raoul Appears(瘟伯登场)28:04-28:58 Scrimshaw(骨雕)28:58-29:52 Talking Limbo(言语间的林波舞曲)29:52-31:01 Coaxing Meche(哄美琪)31:01-33:15 Lost Souls' Alliance(失魂联盟)




在游戏的内容上,《冥界狂想曲》获得了来自媒体近乎一面倒的正面评价,像电子游戏网站GameSpot对其剧情赞赏有加,提到“冥界狂想曲很谢天谢地的避免了八股的内容”以及“从游戏背景与角色发展出独有的幽默,在没有刻意去自嘲的表现下,创造了这个可信的世界”。Game Revolution的评论中,则以曼尼自己的口吻表示著“就艺术成就来说,我给我的冒险五根大腿骨”来形容此游戏的成功表现。另一网站IGN将其评论以此做总结:“就我所能形容,冥界狂想曲绝对是我们所见过最佳的冒险游戏。”


完成《冥界狂想曲》后不久谢弗离开了LucasArts,之后他在2000年与许多之前曾一同开发《冥界狂想曲》的同仁成立了游戏公司Double Fine Productions。在Double Fine Productions里,谢弗继续投入冒险类型游戏的开发。

到了2014年E3电子娱乐展的索尼互动娱乐媒体大会上,发表了由谢弗执掌的工作室Double Fine Productions将负责开发重制版本《冥界狂想曲》的消息。重制版本除了有在PlayStation 4、PlayStation Vita、Microsoft Windows、OS X和Linux等平台上发行外,也陆续在Android和iOS等移动设备系统上推出。




2013期间LucasArts被华特迪士尼公司被并购后,开始从游戏开发公司转型成商品授权公司。Under new management, LucasArts licensed several of its intellectual properties (IP), including Grim Fandango, to outside developers. Schafer was able to acquire the rights to the game with financial assistance from Sony, and started the process of building out the remaster within Double Fine Productions. Schafer said that the sale of LucasArts to Disney had reminded them of the past efforts of former LucasArts president Darrell Rodriguez to release the older LucasArts titles as Legacy Properties, such as the 2009 rerelease of The Secret of Monkey Island. Schafer also noted that they had tried to acquire the property from LucasArts in the years prior, but the frequent change in management stalled progress. When they began to inquire about the rights with Disney and LucasArts following its acquisition, they found that Sony, through their vice president of publisher and developer relations Adam Boyes, was also looking to acquire the rights. Boyes stated that Sony had been interested in working with a wide array of developers for the PlayStation 4, and was also inspired to seek Grim Fandango's after seeing developers like Capcom and Midway Games revive older properties. Boyes' determination was supported by John Vignocchi, VP of Production for Disney Interactive, who also shared memories of the game, and was able to bring in contacts to track down the game's assets. After discovering they were vying for the same property, Schafer and Boyes agreed to work together to acquire the IP and subsequent funding, planning to make the re-release a remastered version. Sony did not ask for any of IP rights for the game, instead only asking Double Fine to give the PlayStation platforms console exclusivity in exchange for funding support, similar to their Pub Fund scheme they use to support independent developers.


A major complication in remastering the original work was having many of the critical game files go missing or on archaic formats. A large number of backup files were made on Digital Linear Tape (DLT) which Disney/LucasArts had been able to recover for Double Fine, but the company had no drives to read the tapes. Former LucasArts sound engineer Jory Prum had managed to save a DLT drive and was able to extract all of the game's audio development data from the tapes.

Schafer noted at the time of Grim Fandango's original development, retention of code was not as rigorous as present-day standards, and in some cases, Schafer believes the only copies of some files were unintentionally taken by employees when they had left LucasArts. As such, Schafer and his team have been going back through past employee records to try to trace down any of them and ask for any files they may have saved. In other cases, they have had difficulty in identifying elements on the low-resolution artwork of the original game, such as an emblem on one character's hat, and have had to go looking for original concept art to figure out the design.

Once original assets were identified, as to be used to present the "classic" look of the game in the Remastered edition, Double Fine worked to improve the overall look for modern computers. The textures and lighting models for the characters were improved, in particular for Manny. Schafer has likened the remastering approach to The Criterion Collection film releases in providing a high-fidelity version of the game without changing the story or the characters.

In addition to his own developers, Schafer reached out to players who had created unofficial patches and graphical improvements on the original game, and modifications needed to keep it running in ResidualVM, and gained their help to improve the game's assets for the remastered version. One such feature was a modified control scheme that converted the game's movement controls from the tank controls to a point and click-style interface. Schafer said the team used tank controls as it was popular with other games like Resident Evil at the time, but recognized it did not work well within the adventure game genre. Schafer contacted Tobias Pfaff who created the point-and-click modification to obtain access to his code to incorporate into the remastered version.


Double Fine demonstrated an in-progress version of the remastered game at IndieCade event in October 2014; new features included higher-resolution textures and improved resolution for the character models as well as having real-time lighting models, and the ability to switch back and forth between this presentation and the original graphics at the touch of a control. The remastered game runs in 4:3 aspect ratio but has an option to stretch this to a 16:9 ratio rather than render in a native 4:3 ratio. The remaster includes improvements to the control scheme developed by Pfaff's patch and other alternate control schemes in addition to the original tank like controls, including analogue controls for console versions and point-and-click controls for computer versions. The game's soundtrack was fully orchestrated through performances of the Melbourne Symphony Orchestra for the remastered version of the game.

The re-made soundtrack was produced under Nile Rodgers' label Sumthing Else. It had a standard release of 37 tracks, as well as a Director's Cut with 14 extra tracks (the latter sold exclusively through Sumthing Else). It included the original score from the LucasArts archives, new compositions by Peter McConnell and new orchestral arrangements, as well as new extended versions of jazz pieces re-mixed at Sony Computer Entertainment America.

In 2018, celebrating the 20th anniversary of the original release of the game, the soundtrack was released for the first time in vinyl format.


Grim Fandango Remastered has received similar positive reception as the original release, with many critics continuing to praise the game's story, characters, and soundtrack. They also found the developer's commentary to be very insightful to the history of the game. Reviewers were disappointed at the lack of an auto-save system, as well as the game not receiving a full high-definition upgrade, leaving the higher-resolution characters somewhat out of place with the original 3D backgrounds. Many reviewers also noted that the puzzles, though a staple of the day when Grim Fandango was first released, remain somewhat obtuse with solutions that are not clear even after the player solves them, and that a hint system, as was added to the Monkey Island remake, would have been very helpful. The game's pacing, also unchanged from the original version, was also found harder to grasp, in both the pacing within the game's four acts, and the time taken to move around and between rooms. In his review for Eurogamer, Richard Cobbett warned players to "be careful of rose-tinted memories", that while the remastered version is faithful to the original, it does show aspects of the original game that have become outdated in video game development.





