1. 简单百科
  2. 钟杰









2006-2009,中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学专业委员会委员 2007-2009,中国心理学会临床与咨询心理学专业注册系统注册工作组委员


2000-2004在德中心理治疗研究院接受德国法兰克福弗洛伊德研究院资深分析师Tomas Plaenkers教授的系统指导和精神分析治疗训练。

2003-2004 接受台湾省资深咨询心理学家萧文教授的督导系统培训。







Io, L., Wang, Q., Wong, O. L., Li, Z., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2023). Development and psychometric properties of the Chinese Invalidating Family Scale. Family process, 62(3), 1161-1175. (通讯作者)

Jin, M., Wang, Z., Zhou, Y., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2023). Exploring the impact of childhood maltreatment and BPD on impulsivity in crimes of passion. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14. (通讯作者)

Li, Z., Duan, Y., Liu, Y., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2023). Retrospective reports of perceived parental invalidation and borderline personality traits: The indirect effect of personality functioning. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment, 14(5), 584–589. (通讯作者)

Wang, Y., Li, Z., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2023). Preliminary psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the structured interview of personality organization (STIPO- CH). BMC psychiatry, 23(1), 568. (通讯作者)

Wang, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, Z., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2022). Psychometrics of the Chinese Inventory of Personality Organization (IPO-CH). Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 86(4), 339-357. (通讯作者)

Jin, M., Wang, Q., Xu, X. J., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2021). Emotional, Physical, and Sexual Child Abuse in China: Prevalence and Psychological Consequence. Psychology, 12, 1325-1340. (通讯作者)

Liu, Y., \u0026 Zhong, J. (2020). Structure and psychometric properties of the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children in Chinese adolescents. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 48, 1499-1510. (通讯作者)

Zhong, J., Fan, F., Liu, Y. (2020). Cogitation on the Mental Health Service System during the COVID-19 Outbreak in China. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 22(3), 199–202. (通讯作者)

Wang, Lanlan; Yuan, Chenmei; 裘姓, Jianyin; Gunderson, John; Zhang, Min; Jiang, Kaida; Leung, Freedom; Zhong, Jie; Xiao, Zeping, (2014). Reliability and Validity of a Chinese version of the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines-Revised (DIB-R). Asia-Pacific Psychiatry. 6, 326–333 (共同通讯作者)

Zhong J. (2011) Working with Chinese patients: Are conflicts between Chinese culture and psychoanalysis? International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies. 8(3): 218–226 (also in Gerlach A., Hooke MT, Varvin S. (Eds). 2013. Psychoanalysis in Asia. London: Karnac books, pp.125-136.)

Zhong J., Wang C., Liu J., Qin M., Tan J., Yi C. (2011). Psychometric Properties of the Padua Inventory in Chinese college samples. Psychological Reports. 109(3): 803-818.

Zhong, J., You, J. Gan, Y., Zhang, Y., Lu, C Wang, H. (2009). The Relationship of job stress, burnout, depression and Physical health among Chinese university teachers. Psychological Reports,105,3,1-7;

Zhong, J., Wang, C., Li, J., \u0026 Liu, J. (2009). Penn State Worry Questionnaire: structure and psychometric properties of the Chinese version. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 10(3), 211-218 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Leung F. (2009). Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder in China: Current Status and Future Directions. Current psychiatry reports. 11: 69-73 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Wang A., Qian M., et al. (2008). Shame, Personality and Social Anxiety Symptoms in Chinese and United State Nonclinical Samples: A Cross-cultural Study. Depression and anxiety. 25(5), 449-460 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Leung F. (2007). Should Borderline Personality Disorder be Included in the Fourth Edition of the Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders? Chinese Medical Journal. 120(1):77-82 (通讯作者)

Zhong J., Qian MY.(2004). Behavior as a mediator in peptic ulcer patients: A structural equations model, International Journal of 心理学, 39 Supplement(5- 6): 452 (Meeting Abstract)

Huang Z, Wang M, Qian M, Zhong J, Tao R, Chinese Internet Addiction Inventory: Developing a measure of problematic Internet use for Chinese college students. Cyberpsychology \u0026 Behavior 2007,10(6):805-811

王中瑞、⻩鑫、周颖、钟杰. 激情犯罪他评检查表的编制与信效度. 北京⼤学学报( ⾃ 然科学版), 2023, 59(6): 1035-1042. (通讯作者)

王中瑞、钟杰. (2023). UPPS冲动⾏为量表在中学⽣样本中的修订. 中国临床⼼理学杂志(05), 1171-1175. (通讯作者)

张⼜⽂、李佳璐、钟杰. (2022). 回避型⼈格组织量表的编制. 北京⼤学学报( ⾃然科学版)(05), 959-966. (通讯作者)

陆双鹤、张⼜⽂、隋晓爽、钟杰 (2020)⻘少年⾃杀倾向量表测评⼤学⽣样本的效度和信度,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志 34(1), 66-73 (通讯作者)

柳之啸、李京、王⽟、苗淼、钟杰 (2019).中⽂版⼉童抑郁量表的结构验证及测量等值. 中国⼼理卫⽣杂志 27(6), 1172-76 (通讯作者)

刘树瑜、章秀明、钟杰 (2018)少年精神病态特质量表中⽂修订版信效度研究,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志 32(8), 682-688 (通讯作者)

张⼜⽂、章秀明、钟杰 (2018)DSM-5⼉童少年焦虑量表中⽂版的初步修订,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志 32 (7), 552-557 (通讯作者)

张英俊、钟杰 (2013).家庭⽆效环境在⼼理病理发展中的地位. 中国临床⼼理学杂志.21(2):251-255 (通讯作者)

陈浩、钟杰、刘⼀星、卢红燕 (2011)⽶⽒边缘性⼈格障碍检测表在国内精神科临床样本中的信效度分析,中国临床⼼理学杂志,19 (5):595-597 (通讯作者)

李晨枫、吕锐、刘洁、钟杰 (2011)基本共情量表在中国⻘少年群体中的修订,中国临床⼼理学杂志,19 (2):163-166 (通讯作者)

王⾬吟、梁耀坚、钟杰 (2008). ⽶⽒BPD检测表在中国⼤学⽣⼈群中的修订,中国临床⼼理学杂志,16 (3):258 -260 (通讯作者)

梁耀坚、钟杰(2006). ⽤代际-脑-经验模型理解边缘性⼈格障碍的病理机制.中国临床⼼理学杂志,14 (3):258-262. (通讯作者)

钟杰、秦沫、蔡⽂菁等 (2006). Padua量表在中国⼤学⽣⼈群中的修订,中国临床⼼理学杂志,14 (1):1-4

钟杰、谭洁清、匡海彦 (2005). ⾼、低强迫症个体的词语再认差异,⼼理学报, 37 (6):753-759

钟杰、钱铭怡 (2005). 溃疡症状⾃评量表的编制及信效度研究,中国临床⼼理学杂志,13 (2):134-137

钟杰、钱铭怡 (2005). 中⽂形容词检测表的编制与信效度研究,中国临床⼼理学杂志,13 (1):9-13 钟杰、聂晶 (2004). 强迫症的执⾏功能研究,中国临床⼼理学杂志,12 (4): 420-423

钟杰、钱铭怡 (2003). “⾮典”⼼理援助热线来电初步分析报告,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志,17 (9):591-599

钟杰、李波、钱铭怡 (2003). ⼤学⽣羞耻感、⼈格与⼼理健康的结构模型初步 究,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志,17 (1):956-960 (通讯作者)

钱铭怡、钟杰、徐凯⽂. ⼤学⽣社交焦虑量表的编制,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志,2005. 19 (1):53-56

陈曦、钟杰、钱铭怡. 社交焦虑个体的注意偏差实验研究,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志, 2004, 18 (12):846-849

李波、钱铭怡、钟杰. ⼤学⽣社交焦虑的羞耻感等因素影响模型,中国⼼理卫⽣杂志,2005. 15 (5):304-6

李波、钟杰、钱铭怡 ⼤学⽣社交焦虑易感性的回归分析.中国⼼理卫⽣杂志,2003, 17 (2):109-112








