近年来,由马建国领衔承担了国家863计划等科研项目十余项,申报国家发明专利8项,其中有两项获四川省科技进步奖,曾被授予四川省教学名师、四川省优秀科技工作者等称号。新加坡南阳理工大学博士生导师。2015年当选IEEE院士(IEEE Fellow).
1991.4 ~ 1996.3 杜伊斯堡-埃森大学大学研究生学习、获工程博士学位
1996.4 ~ 1997.9 加拿大新斯科舍省工业大学(Technical University of Nova Scotia)博士后
1997.10 ~2006 新加坡南洋理工大学集成电路与集成系统中心主任、
IEEE 微波 and Wireless Components Letters副主编
苏黎世联邦理工学院(Federal Institute of Technology of Switzerland in 苏黎世) (ETH)客座访问教授
美国弗吉尼亚理工学院暨州立大学(Virginia Tech)客座访问教授
Reviewer for IEEE Trans. On Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Trans. Circuits \u0026 Systems, IEEE Trans. Antenna and Propagation etc.
1 RF电路特性建模及在半导体器件的应用、射频集成电路设计23 RFIC/MMIC与混合信号SoC 3 WSN与RFID。
Jian-Guo MA, “The Third Generation Mobile 传播学 Systems: 透视 View and Future Trends,” Springer-Verlag, September, 2003
Lin Jia, Jian-Guo Ma, Kiat Seng Yeo and Manh Anh Do, “9.3-10.4 GHz–Band Cross-Coupled Complementary 振荡器 With Low Phase-噪点 表演,” IEEE Trans. 微波 Theory and Techniques, vol.52, No. 4, pp 1273 – 1278, 2004
Lin Jia, Jian-Guo Ma, Alper Cabuk, Kiat Seng Yeo, Manh Anh Do, “A 52 GHz VCO With Low Phase Noise Implemented in SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” 微波 and Optical Technology Letters, vol.39, no.5, December 5, 2003
Shouxian Mou; Jianguo Ma; Kiat Seng Yeo; and Manh Anh Do, "An Integrated Dual-band Low 噪点 Amplifier for GSM and Wireless LAN Applications," The 2003 IEEE International SOC Conference, September 17-20, 2003, Portland, OR, USA
Shouxian Mou;Jianguo Ma; KiatSeng Yeo; and Manh Anh Do, “An Integrated SiGe Dual-band Low 噪点 Amplifier for Bluetooth, HiperLAN and Wireless LAN Applications,” European Conference on Wireless Technology 2003, 9-10, October, 2003, 慕尼黑, Germany
Jian-Guo Ma, A. Cabuk, C. C. Boon, Kiat Seng Yeo, and Manh Anh Do, “System 设计 Considerations of 10Gb/s Clock and 数据 Recovery Circuits on 硅,” Invited paper to the PIERS’2003, Jan, 2003, Singapore
Jian-Guo Ma, Zhen Xiao, Kiat Seng Yeo, and Manh Anh Do, “噪点 表演 of the CMOS Inductive Source-Degeneration LNA with Low Quality-Factor on-chip Inductors,” IEEE International Symposium on 消费者 电子器件 2002, 23 - 26 September in Erfurt / Germany
Jian-Guo Ma, “TE-调式 Propagation Properties Of The Coupled Planar Kerr-Like Nonlinear Waveguides,” 2002 IEEE MTTS, Seate, USA, 3-7, June, 2002
Jian-Guo Ma, “Effects of the Adjacent Channels on IP3 of RF Amplifiers,” 微波 and Optical Technology Letters, vol. 35, no.1, pp 1-3, Oct. 2002.
K. S. Yeo, J.-G. Ma and M. A. Do, “Ultra-low-电压 bootstrapped CMOS driver for high performance applications,” IEE 电子器件 Letters, vol.36, no.8, pp.706-708, APR 13 2000
长期从事电路和系统的设计与集成技术等方面的研究。在国际学术期刊和国际会议上先后共发表相关学术论文200 多篇,SCI 收录的刊物上发表论文100多篇,在国外出版两本专著,拥有六项授权美国专利。