乔治·帕里西(Giorgio Parisi,1948年8月4日—),男,出生于意大利罗马,意大利理论物理学家,2021年诺贝尔物理学奖得主,意大利猞猁之眼国家科学院院士,研究领域为量子场论,统计力学和复杂系统。1980年,乔治·帕里西担任中国科学院理论物理研究所客座访问教授。乔治·帕里西在1992年当选为法国科学院通讯院士,1993年当选为法国科学院院士,2003年当选为美国国家科学院外籍院士,2018年,乔治·帕里西任意大利猁之眼国家科学院主席。2021年成为诺贝尔物理学奖得主。他还是美国国家科学院、欧洲科学院、欧洲科学院和美国哲学学会的成员。
在2022年,帕里西出版了《随鸟飞行》,并在2023年出版《In a Flight of Starlings》一书。
帕里西曾经与 Cavagna 等人合作,对鸟群的运动进行了长期的观察,他们用两个摄像机拍摄同一个鸟群,从而重建出鸟运动的三维坐标,然后从这样一个 3D 的影片中算出来各个时刻,群体中的各只鸟分别处在怎样的位置,又根据相邻各帧画面,计算出鸟的速度,从这样的视频中可以得到很多有用的信息。他们用统计物理方法计算分析了数十万只鸟如何形成一个整体。对一个鸟群而言,最智能的状态应该是某种“团结紧张”的状态。这种状态恰好处在“有序”与“无序”之间,类似于相变的临界点处,此时,一个群体既能保持其稳定性,又能保证个体的信息在群体中有效地传递。
1977年,帕里西和 Altarelli一起发现了核子中的夸克和胶子分布的演化方程(又称DGLAP方程,为独立发现这个方程的三组工作的五个人姓氏首字母)。强相互作用的QCD理论中,部分子(夸克和胶子的统称)的分布函数随能标和参考能标(截断)相关,这个分布函数是描述深度非弹性散射截面的重要因子。帕里西与Altarelli用简洁的微扰场论办法给出了分布函数随能标变化的演化方程,是QCD理论与强子实验中一个极其重要的结果。
1.Non-Perturbative Field Theory and QCD, edited with R. Iengo, A. Neveu, and P. Olesen, (World Scientific, Singapore, 1983).
2.Spin Glass Theory and Beyond, with M. MéZARD and M. A. Virasoro, (World Scientific, Teaneck, NJ, 南阿拉巴马大学, 1987).
3.Statistical 领域 Theory, (Addison-Wesley, Redwood City, CA, USA, 1988).
4.Lattice 90, edited with N. Cabibbo, L Maiani, E. Marinari, G. Martinelli, R. Petronzio and R. Pettorino. (North Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1991).
5.Hadron Production in e+e- Collisions, with N. Cabibbo and M. Testa, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 4 (1970) 35.
6.Deep Inelastic Scattering and the Nature of Partons, with N. Cabibbo, M. Testa and A. Verganelakis, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 4 (1970) 569.
7.量规 Invariance and Dynamical Symmetry Breaking, with M. Testa, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 4 (1970) 71.
8.Generating Functionals, Ward Identities and 标量 Mesons, with M. Testa, Nuovo Cimento A67 (1970) 13.
9.Calculation of Critical Indices, with L. Peliti, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2 (1971) 627.
10.The s-Term and the Scale Breaking, with M. Testa, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2 (1971) 1154.
11.Angular Correlations of the Decay Products of Two Heavy Leptons, with F. Zirilli, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2 (1971) 775.
12.Hard Bremsstrahlung in e+e- Collisions, with F. Zirilli, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 2 (1971) 395.
13.e+ e- Annihilation into Hadrons in the Preasymptotic Region and m+ m- Production in Proton Collisions, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 1 (1971) 1023.
14.Broken Scale Invariance, U3(X)U3 Breaking and Hadron Lagrangian Structure, with M. Testa, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 1 (1971) 549.
15.Conformal Symmetry at Lightlike Distances and AGB星 Behaviour of Electromagnetic Form Factors, with S. Ferrara and A. Grillo, Nuovo Cimento 12A (1972) 952.
16.Covariant Expansion of the Conformal Four-小数点 函数, with S. Ferrara, A. Grillo and R. Gatto, Nucl. Phys. B49 (1972) 77.
17. Bjorken Scaling and the Parton Model, Phys. Lett. 42B (1972) 114.
18.Critical Indices for the Spherical Model from Conformal Covariant Self-Consistency Conditions, with L. Peliti, Phys. Lett. 41A (1972) 331.
19a Simple Method for Computing Electrodynamic Processes of High Order (Application to e+e- Process), with F. Zirilli, Nuovo Cimento 11A (1972) 37.
20.Non-Equivalence Between Conformal Covariant Wilson Expansion in Euclidean and Minkowski Space, with S. Ferrara and A. Grillo, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 5 (1972) 147.
21.On Self-Consistency Conditions in Conformal Covariant Field Theory, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 5 (1972) 777.
22.Conformal Invariance in Perturbation Theory, Phys. Lett. 39B (1972) 643.
23.Conformal Covariant Correlation 函数s, with S. Ferrara, Nucl. Phys. B42 (1972) 281.
24.The Shadow 经营者 Formalism for Conformal Algebra Vacuum Expectation Values and Operator Products, with S. Ferrara, A. Grillo and R. Gatto, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 4 (1972) 115.
25. A Duality Sum Rule for Deep Inelastic Scattering, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 3 (1972) 395.
26. Canonical Scaling and Conformal Invariance, with S. Ferrara, A. Grillo and R. Gatto, Phys. Lett. 38 (1972) 333.
27. On Renormalizability of Non-Renormalizable Theories, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 6 (1973) 450.
28. On the Possibility of Obtaining a Finite Value for the p-n 质量 Difference, with A. Bietti, Phys. Lett. 43B (1973) 427.
29. Anomalous Dimensions in One-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory, with F. Zirilli, J. of 数学 Phys. 14 (1973) 243.
30. Experimental Limits on the Values of Anomalous Dimensions, Phys. Lett. 43B (1973) 207.
31. How to Measure the 量纲 of the Parton Field, Nucl. Phys. B59 (1973) 641.
32. Possible Tests of Scale Invariance in Very High-能量 e+e+- Collisions, with S. Ferrara and A. Grillo, Phys. Lett. 45B (1973) 63.
33. Wide Angle e+e- Bremsstrahlung at Adone: a New Limit for the Existence of a Heavy Electron, with C. Bacci et al., Phys. Lett. 44B (1973) 530.
34. Deep Inelastic Scattering in a Field Theory with Computable Large-Momenta Behaviour, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 7 (1973) 84.
35. A 基团 Theoretical Derivation of the Gribov-Lipatov Reciprocity Relation (for Annihilation and Scattering Structure 函数s), with S. Ferrara and R. Gatto, Phys. Lett. 44B (1973) 381.
36. Conformal-Covariant Wilson Expansion in Perturbation Theory, with S. Ferrara and A. Grillo, Nucl. Phys. B54 (1973) 552.
37. Is the 3104 MeV 向量 Meson the fc or the W0?, with G. Altarelli, N. Cabibbo, R. Petronzio, L. Maiani, Lettere al Nuovo Cimento 11 (1974) 609.
38. Detailed Predictions for the p-n Structure 函数s in Theories with Computable Large Momenta Behavior, Phys. Lett. 50B (1974) 367.
39. Analyticity Properties and AGB星 Expansions of Conformal Covariant Green's Functions, with S. Ferrara, A. Grillo and R. Gatto, Nuovo Cimento 19a (1974) 667.
40. 夸克 Imprisonment and Vacuum Repulsion, Phys. REV D11 (1975) 970.
41. The Theory of Non-Renormalizable Interactions. The Large N Expansion Nucl. Phys. B100 (1975) 368.
42. Quark Confinement in Quantum Field Theory, Phys. Lett. 60B (1975) 93.
43. Exponential Hadronic Spectrum and 夸克 Liberation, with N. Cabibbo, Phys. Lett. 59B (1975) 67.
44. High 温度 Expansion and the Reggeon Calculus, Phys. Lett. 56B (1975) 470.
45. Values of Fundamental Constants, Phys. REV D11 (1975) 909.
46. AGB星 Freedom in Parton Language, with G. Altarelli, Nucl. Phys. B126 (1976) 298.
47. Expanding Disc as a Dynamical Vacuum 不稳定性 in Reggeon Field Theory, with D. Amati, G. Marchesini and M. Ciafaloni, Nucl. Phys. B114 (1976) 483.
48. Anomalous Dimensions from a High 温度 Expansion without a Lattice, with R. Benzi and G. Martinelli, Phys. Lett. 64B (1976) 451.
49. 质量 Dependent Corrections to the Bjorken Scaling Law, with R. K. Ellis and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 64B (1976) 97.
50. Charmed Quarks and AGB星 Freedom in Neutrino Scattering, with G. Altarelli and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 63B (1976) 183.
51. On the Breaking of Bjorken Scaling, Phys. Lett. 62B (1976) 331.
52. Toward a Field Theory of Confinement, Phys. Lett. 61B (1976) 368.
53. AGB星 Estimates with Fermions, Phys. Lett. 66B (1977) 382.
54. Asymptotic Estimates in Quantum Electrodynamics, with C. Itzykson and J.-B. Zuber, Phys. REV D16 (1977) 996.
55. Perturbation Theory at Large Orders for a Potential with Degenerate Minima, with E. Brezin and J. Zinn-Justin, Phys. Rev. D16 (1977) 408
56. The Perturbative Expansion and the INFINITE 耦合 Limit, Phys. Lett. 69B (1977) 329.
57. AGB星 Estimates of 理查德·费曼 Diagrams, Phys. Lett. 68B (1977) 361.
58. Asymptotic Estimates in 标量 Electro动力学, with C. Itzykson and J. B. Zuber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 306.
59. Asymptotic Estimates in Perturbation Theory, Phys. Lett. 66B (1977) 167.
60. On Non-Renormalizable Interactions, in New Developments in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics, (Plenum, New York, NY, USA 1977).
61. Superinclusive Cross Sections, Phys. Lett. 74B (1978) 65.
62. Discrepancies from AGB星 Series and their Relation to 情结 Classical Trajectories, with R. Balian and A. Voros, Phys. Rev. Lett. 41 (1978) 1041.
63. Planar Diagrams, with E. Brèzin, C. Itzykson and J. B. Zuber, comm 数学 Phys. 59 (1978) 35.
64. Bounds on the Number and Masses of Quarks and Leptons, with L. Maiani and R. Petronzio, Nucl. Phys. B136 (1978) 115.
65. Non Conventional Monopoles in Field Theory, in Tachyons, Monopoles and Related Topics, edited by E. Recami (North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1978).
66. Critical Exponents and Large-Order Behavior of Perturbation Theory, with E. Brezin, J. Stat. Phys. 19 (1978) 269.
67. Transverse Momentum of Muon Pairs Produced in Hadronic Collisions, with G. Altarelli and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 356.
68. Transverse Momentum in Drell-Yan Processes, with G. Altarelli and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 351.
69. Singularities of the Borel Transform in Renormalizable Theories, Phys. Lett. 76B (1978) 65.
70. High 温度 Expansion without Lattice, with R. Benzi and G. Martinelli, Nucl. Phys. B135 (1978) 429.
71. The Borel Transform and the Renormalization 基团, Phys. Rep. 49 (1979) 215.
72. Gluon Fragmentation Functions from 夸克 Jets, with R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 82b (1979) 260.
73. On Infrared Divergences, Nucl. Phys. 150B, (1979) 163.
74. Bounds on the Fermions and Higgs Boson Masses in Grand Unified Theories, with N. Cabibbo, L. Maiani and R. Petronzio, Nucl. Phys. B158 (1979) 295.
75. The Physical Basis of the AGB星 Estimates in Perturbation Theory, in Hadronic Structure and 轻子Hadron Interactions, p. 665, edited by M. Levy et al., (Plenum, New York, NY, USA 1979).
76. Small Transverse Momentum Distributions in Hard Processes with R. Petronzio, Nucl. Phys. B154 (1979) 427.
77. AGB星 Predictions for Exclusive Processes, Phys. Lett. 84B (1979) 225.
78. A Simple Parametrization of the Q2 Dependence of the 夸克 广义函数 in QCD, with N.Sourlas, Nucl. Phys. B151 (1979) 421.
79. Randomness as a Source of Massless Particles, in Unification of the Fundamental Particle Interactions, edited by S. Ferrara, J. Ellis and P. van Nieuwenhuizen (Plenum, New York, NY, USA 1980).
80. Summing Large Perturbative Corrections in QCD, Phys. Lett. 10B (1980) 295.
81. Testable QCD Predictions for Sphericity-Like Distributions in e+e- Annihilation, with G. Martinelli, Phys. Lett. 89B (1980) 391.
82. On Low 能量 Tests of QCD, with R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 94B (1980) 51.
83. Field Theoretical Approach to Second Order Phase Transitions in Two and Three Dimensional Systems J. Stat. Phys. 23 (1980) 49.
84. Properties of the Two-Dimensional O(N) Sigma Models and the High 温度 Expansion, Phys. Lett. 90B (1980) 111.
85. Fluctuation-Induced Second-Order Phase Transitions, with F. Fucito, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 14 (1981) L499.
86. On the Range of Validity of the 6-e Expansion for Percolation, with F. Fucito, J. Phys. A (Math. Gen.) 14 (1981) L507.
87. A Systematical Improvement of the Migdal Recursion 公式, with G. Martinelli, Nucl. Phys. B180 [FS2] (1981) 201.
88. Correlation Functions and 计算机 Simulations, Nucl. Phys. B180 (1981) 378.
89. Monte Carlo Simulations for the Two 量纲al O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model, with G. Martinelli and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. 100B (1981) 485.
90. Perturbation Theory without 量规 fixing, with Wu Yongshi, Scientia Sinica 24 (1981) 483.
91. Correlation Functions and 计算机 Simulations. II, Nucl. Phys. B205 [FS5] (1982) 337.
92. Variational Real Space Renormalization 基团 and its Application to Frustrated Systems, with S. Caracciolo and N. Sourlas, Nucl. Phys. B205 (1982) 345.
93. A Simple Expression for Planar Field Theories, Phys. Lett. 112B (1982) 463.
94. Supersymmetric Field Theories and Stochastic Differential Equations, with N. Sourlas, Nucl. Phys. B206 (1982) 321.
95. Renormalization 基团 and Free 能量 Calculations for Spin Systems with A. Baracca, R. Livi, F. Marchesoni, A. Maritan et al., Nucl. Phys. B210 (1982) 1.
96. A Modified Eguchi-Kawai Model, with Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Lett. 114B (1982) 319.
97. On the Single 小数点 Field Theories, with Y.-C. Zhang, Nucl. Phys. B216 (1983) 408.
98. Universal Ratios in First-Order Transitions Induced by Fluctuations, with D. Amit, J. of Phys. C 16 (1983) 1385.
99. AGB星 Behavior of the True Self-Avoiding Walk, with D. Amit and L. Peliti, Phys. Rev. B27 (1983) 1635.
100. A Monte Carlo Simulation with an Improved Action for the O(3) Non-Linear Sigma Model, with M. Falcioni, G. Martinelli, M. L. Paciello and B. Taglienti, Nucl. Phys. B225 (1983) 313.
101. On 情结 Probabilities, Phys. Lett. 131B (1983) 393.
102. On Energy Momentum Conservation, Phys. Lett. 136B (1984) 392.
103. Symanzik's Improvement Program, Nucl. Phys. B254 (1985) 58.
104. A New Proposal for the Determination of the Renormalization 基团 Trajectories by Monte Carlo Renormalization Group Method, with M. Falcioni, G. Martinelli, M. L. Paciello and B. Taglienti, Nucl. Phys. 265B (1986) 187.
105. On the approach to Equilibrium of a Hamiltonian chain of anharmonic oscillators. Euro物理学 Letters, vol.40, no.4, 15 Nov. 1997, pp357-62. Parisi G.
106. Statistical mechanics of a two-dimensional system with long-range interactions. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.17, 1 May 1998, pp.3949-60. Dean DS, Parisi G.
107. On the p-adic Five 小数点 Function, with E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. 203B (1988) 52.
108. The Supersymmetric One-量纲al String, with E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. B240 (1990) 375.
109. A Non Perturbative Ambiguity Free Solution of a String Model, with E. Brezin and E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. 242B (1990) 35.
110. A Non Perturbative Definition of 2d Quantum Gravity, with E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. 247B (1990) 537.
111. String Theory on the one dimensional Lattice, Phys. Lett. 238B (1990) 213.
112. On the one-dimensional discretized string, Phys. Lett. 238B (1990) 209.
113. On the Spectrum of the One Dimensional String, Europhys. Lett. 11 (1990) 595.
114. The One Dimensional String on the Lattice. A Study of the Spectrum of the Transfer 基体, with G. Salina and A. Vladikas, Phys. Lett. 256B (1991) 397.
115. Strong 耦合 Phase in Lattice Gauge Theories at Large Dimension, with Jackie McLean Drouffe and N. Sourlas, Nucl. Phys. B161 (1979) 397.
116. Hausdorff Dimensions and 量规 Theories, Phys. Lett. 81B (1979) 357.
117. Recent Progresses in Gauge Theories, AIP Conf. Proc. 68 (1980) 1531.
118. On the Relation Between the Renormalized and the Bare 耦合 Constant on the Lattice, Phys. Lett. 92B (1980) 133.
119. A 议案 for Monte Carlo Simulations of Fermionic Systems, with F. Fucito, E. Marinari and C. Rebbi, Nucl. Phys. B180 (1981) 369, reprinted in Lattice Gauge Theories and Monte Carlo Simulation, edited by C. Rebbi (World Scientific, Singapore 1983).
120. 情结 Singularities in the Specific 热学 of the SU(2) Lattice 量规 Model, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L. Paciello, and B. Taglienti, Phys. Lett. 102B (1981) 270.
121. On the Link between Strong and Weak 耦合 Expansions for the SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L. Paciello, and B. Taglienti, Nucl. Phys. B190 (1981)782.
122. Numerical Estimates of Hadronic Masses in a Pure SU(3) Gauge Theory, with H. Hamber, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 1792.
123. 计算机 Estimates of Meson 质量es in SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theory, with E. Marinari and C. Rebbi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 1795.
124. Long Range Spin-Spin Forces in 量规 Theories, with J. Kogut, Phys. Rev. Lett. 47 (1981) 1089.
125. Monte Carlo Simulation of the 质量ive Schwinger Model, with E. Marinari and C. Rebbi, Nucl. Phys. B190 (1981) 734, reprinted in Lattice Gauge Theories and Monte Carlo Simulation, edited by C. Rebbi (World Scientific, Singapore 1983).
126. Phase Transition Analysis in Z2 and U(1) Lattice 量规 Theories, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L.Paciello and B. Taglienti, Phys. Lett. 105B (1981) 51.
127. 情结 Zeroes in the Partition Function of the 4 Dimensional SU(2) Lattice Gauge Model, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L. Paciello and B. Taglienti, Phys. Lett. 108B (1982) 331.
128. 光谱学 in a Lattice Gauge Theory, with H. Hamber, E. Marinari and C. Rebbi, Phys. Lett. 108B (1982) 314, reprinted in Lattice Gauge Theories and Monte Carlo Simulation, edited by C. Rebbi (World Scientific, Singapore 1983).
129. On the 质量es of the Glueballs in Pure SU(2) Lattice Gauge Theories, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L.Paciello, F. Rapuano, B. Taglienti and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Lett. 110B (1982) 295, reprinted in Lattice Gauge Theories and Monte Carlo Simulation, edited by C. Rebbi (World Scientific, Singapore 1983).
130. Improving the Lattice Action near the 连续统 Limit, with G. Martinelli and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. B114 (1982) 251.
131. First Evaluation of gA/gV in Lattice QCD in the Quenched Approximation with F. Fucito and S. Petrarca, Phys. Lett. B115 (1982) 148.
132. The Proton and 中子人 Magnetic Moments in Lattice QCD, with G. Martinelli, R. Petronzio and F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. 116B (1982) 434.
133. Strange hadrons in Lattice QCD, with G. Martinelli, C. Omero and R. Petronzio, Phys. Lett. B117 (1982) 434.
134. Hadron 光谱学 in Lattice QCD, with F. Fucito, G. Martinelli, C. Omero et al., NUcl. Phys. 108B (1982) 331.
135. Theoretical Aspects of 计算机 Evaluations of the Hadronic 质量 Spectrum, in Non-Perturbative Field Theory and QCD, edited by R. Iengo, A. Neveu, P. Olesen and G. Parisi, (World Scientific, Singapore 1982).
136. Large Distance Correlation Functions for an SU(2) Lattice 量规 Theory, with M. Falcioni, E. Marinari, M. L.Paciello, B. Taglienti and Y.-C. Zhang, Nucl. Phys. B215 (1983) 265.
137. Numerical Simulations of Quantum Chromo动力学, with H. Hamber, E. Marinari and C. Rebbi, Phys. Lett. 124B (1983) 99.
138. On the convergence of iterative methods to compute the 夸克 propagator in Lattice 量规 Theory, with S. Petrarca, F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. 121B (1983) 264.
139. Boundary effects and hadron 质量es in Lattice QCD, with G. Martinelli, R. Petronzio and F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. B122 (1983) 283.
140. Considerations on Numerical Analysis of QCD, with H. Hamber, G. Parisi and C. Rebbi, Nucl. Phys. B225 (1983) 475.
141. Some alternatives for the Lattice fermions with Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Lett. B131 (1983) 149.
142. Some 阳性 results for avoiding Lattice fermion doubling with Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Lett. B132 (1983) 130.
143. Numerical estimates for the spectrum of quantum chromo动力学, with H. Hamber, Phys. Rev. D27 (1983) 208.
144. A measurement of the string 张力 near the 连续统 limit, with R. Petronzio and F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. B128 (1983) 418.
145. Staggered fermions and rotation 量规 Invariance with Y.-C. Zhang, Nucl. Phys. B230 [FS10] (1984) 97.
146. The Strategy for Computing the Hadronic Mass Spectrum, Phys. Rep. 103 (1984) 203.
147. Prolegomena to Any Future 计算机 Evaluation of the QCD Mass Spectrum, in Progress in Gauge Field Theory, p. 531 (Plenum, New York, NY, USA 1984).
148. Symanzik's Improvement Program, Nucl. Phys. B254 (1985) 58.
149. Computing the Hadronic Mass spectrum Eight is Better than One, with A. Billoire and E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. 162B (1985) 160.
150. On the SU(3) topological 告诉 in Lattice 量规 Theories, with F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. 152B (1985) 218.
151. Again on SU(3) glueball 质量 with M. Falcioni, M. Paciello, B. Taglienti Nucl. Phys. 251B [FS13] (1985) 624.
152. Effects of the random number generator on 计算机 simulations with F. Rapuano, Phys. Lett. 157B (1985) 301
153. A Short Introduction to Numerical Simulations of Lattice Gauge Theories, in Phenomenes Critiques, Systemes Aleatoires, Theories de Jauge edited by K. Osterwalder and R. Stora, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1986).
154. Glue Ball 质量es and String 张力 in Lattice QCD, with The Ape Collaboration, M. Albanese et al.., Phys. Lett. 192B (1987) 163.
155. Glue Ball Masses and the Loop-Loop Correlation Functions, with The Ape Collaboration, M. Albanese et al.., Phys. Lett. 197B (1987) 400.
156. Phase Diagram for a Ferromagnetic System with Potts Symmetry in Four Dimensions, with S. Caracciolo and S. Patarnello, Europhys. Lett. 4 (1987) 7.
157. Scaling in Lattice Q.C.D.: Glue Ball 质量es and String 张力, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Phys. Lett. 205B (1988) 535.
158. The Hadronic Mass Spectrum in Quenched Lattice QCD: Results at b=5.7 and b=6.0, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Phys. Lett. 214B (1988) 115.
159. Order of the Deconfining Phase Transition in Pure-量规 QCD, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Phys. Rev. Lett. 61 (1988) 1545.
160. Numerical Simulations: Old and New Problems (Lattice QCD), , in Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory, edited by G. 't Hooft, A. Jaffe, G. Mack, P. K. Mitterand and R. Stora (Plenum, New York, NY, USA, 1988).
161. The Hadronic Mass Spectrum in Quenched Lattice QCD: b=5.7, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Nucl. Phys. B317 (1989) 509.
162. The Deconfining Phase Transition in Lattice Gauge SU(3), with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Nucl. Phys. B318 (1989) 553.
163. The 3d Z3 Spin Model and the Deconfinement Transition in QCD: a Problem of Universality, with A. Fernandez, E. Marinari, S. Roncolini and A. Tarancon, Phys. Lett. 217B (1989) 309.
164. On the Order of the Deconfining Phase Transition in SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 9 (1989) 315.
165. The Deconfining Phase Transition and the Glue Ball Channels in Pure Gauge QCD, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Phys. Lett. 220B (1989) 607.
166. A New Computation of the Correlation Length near the Deconfining Transition in SU(3), with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Phys. Lett. 224B (1989) 333.
167. Status of Quenched QCD on Ape Computers, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 16 (1990) 554.
168. The Ape with a Small Jump, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 17 (1990) 218.
169. The Ape with a Small Mass, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 17 (1990) 431.
170. Principles of Numerical Simulations, in Fields, Strings and Critical Phenomena, edited by E. Brezin,and J. Zinn-Justin, (North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1990).
171. Staggered Fermions at b = 5.7: Smeared Operators on Large Lattices, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., Nucl. Phys. B343 (1990) 228.
172. Scattering Lenghts from Fluctuations, with M. Guagnelli and E. Marinari, Phys. Lett. B240 (1990) 188.
173. b = 6.0 Quenched Wilson Fermions, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Phys. Lett. 258B (1991) 195.
174. b = 6.0 Staggered Quenched Fermions, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Phys. Lett. 258B (1991) 202.
175. Ape Quenched Spectrum, with The Ape Collaboration, S. Cabasino et al., Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 20 (1991) 399.
176. The 1 Gigaflops Limit of the Quenched Mass Spectrum in Lattice QCD, with M. Guagnelli, M. P. Lombardo, E. Marinari and G. Salina, submitted for publication in Nucl. Phys. B.
177. The quenched 质量 spectrum in lattice QCD. Nuclear 物理学 B-Proceedings Supplements, vol.26B, May 1992, pp.278-80. Netherlands. Guagnelli M, Lombardo M-P, Marinari E, Parisi G, Salina G.
178. The quenched mass spectrum in lattice QCD on a 1 Gigaflops 计算机 Nuclear 物理学 B, vol.B378, no.3, 13 July 1992, pp.616-32. NetherlandsGuagnelli M, Lombardo MP, Marinari E, Parisi G, Salina G.
179. Finite-开本 effect for hadron masses in lattice QCD. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, vol.26B, May 1992, pp.278-80. Netherlands. Fukugita M, Mino H, Okawa M, Parisi G, Ukawa A.
180. The string 张力 in gauge theories. A suggestion for a new measurement method. Physics Letters B, vol.294, no.3-4, 19 Nov. 1992, pp380-4. Netherlands. Marinari E, Paciello ML, Parisi G, Taglienti B. Physics Letters B, vol.298, no.3-4, 14 Jan. 1993, pp.400-4. Netherlands.
181. Origin of the finite-开本 effect for the QCD hadron masses Nuclear 物理学 B-Proceedings Supplements, vol.30, March 1993, pp365-8. Netherlands. Fukugita M, Mino H, Okawa M, Parisi G, Ukawa A
182. Lattice QCD 光谱学 with an improved Wilson fermion action. Nuclear 物理学 B, vol.B395, no.1-2, 26 April 1993, pp.388-404. Netherlands. Lombardo M-P, Parisi G, Vladikas A.
183. Lattice gauge theories for strong interactions. pan XIII. Particles and Nuclei. 13th International Conference. World Scientific. 1994, pp.15-25. Singapore. Parisi G.
184. Glue ball masses and the chameleon gauge. Physics Letters B, vol.381, no.4, 25 July 1996, pp.479-82. Marinari E, Paciello ML, Parisi G, Taglienti B.
185. 议案 of a 计算机 for Lattice Calculations, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., 预印本 ROM2F/85/6, Dipar时间nto di Fisica, Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata (Roma, 1985).
186. The APE Project: a Gigaflop 纬线 Processor for Lattice Calculations, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al., in Computing in High Energy 物理学, edited by L. O. Hertzberger and W. Hoogland, (North Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1985).
187. The Ape 计算机: an Array Processor Optimized for Lattice 量规 Theory Simulations, with The Ape Collaboration, M. Albanese et al.., Comp. Phys. Comm. 45 (1987) 345.
188. The APE Computer: a Fast Array Processor, with The Ape Collaboration, M. Albanese et al., in Present Trends, Concepts and Instruments of Particle 物理学. Symposium in Honour of Marcello Conversi's 70th Birthday edited by G. Baroni, L. Maiani and G. Salvini, (Italian Physical Society, Bologna, Italy 1988).
189. APE: a Fast Array Processor for Physics Simulations, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al., in ICS 88. Third International Conference on Supercomputing, edited by L. P. Kartashev and 硅 Kartashev, (Int. Supercomputing Inst, St.Petersburg, FL, USA, 1988).
190. From APE to APE-100: Present and Future of the APE Project, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., in the Proceedings of the International Conference on the Impact of Digital 微电子学 and Microprocessors on Particle 物理学 (Trieste, 1988).
191. System and Applicative 软件 for the APE 计算机 Family, with The Ape Collaboration, P. Bacilieri et al.., in the Proceedings of the AICA. Workshop (Bologna, 1989).
192. From APE to APE-100: From 1 to 100 Gflops in Lattice 量规 Theory Simulations, with The Ape Collaboration, N. Avico et al.., Comp. Phys. Comm. 57 (1989) 285.
193. The APE-100 Project, with The Ape Collaboration, N. Avico et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 209 (1990) 549.
194. Theory and numerical simulation of computationally difficult systems. Nuclear Physics B-Proceedings Supplements, vol.26B, May 1992, pp.181-94. Netherlands.
195. .Simulated tempering: a new Monte Carlo scheme Euro物理学 Letters, vol.19, no.6, 15 July 1992, pp451-8. Switzerland, Marinari E, Parisi G.
196. The APE-100 计算机 I. The 建筑, International Journal of High Speed Computing, vol.5, no.4, Dec. 1993, pp.637-56. Singapore, Battista C, Cabasino S, Marzano F, Paolucci PS, Pech J, Rapuano F, Sarno R, Todesco GM, Torelli M, Tross W, Vicini P, Cabibbo N, Marinari E, Parisi G, Salina G, Del Prete F, Lai A, Lombardo MP, Tripiccione R, Fucci A.
197. Approach to Equilibrium in a Chain of Nonlinear 振荡器s, with F. Fucito, F. Marchesoni, E. Marinari, L. Peliti, S. Ruffo and A. Vulpiani, J. Physique 43 (1982) 707.
198. Stochastic 共振 in Climatic Change, with R. Benzi, A. Sutera and A.Vulpiani, Tellus, vol.34, no.1, p. 10-16
199. A Theory of Stochastic Resonance in Climatic Change, with R. Benzi, A. Sutera and A. Vulpiani, SIAM J. Appl. 数学 43 (1983) 565.
200.Turbulence and Predictability of Geophysical Fluid 动力学 and Climate Dynamics, with U. Frisch, in the proceedings of Enrico Fermi Varenna 物理学 School, LXXXVIII, edited by M. Ghil, (North Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1985).
201. On the Multifractal Nature of Fully Developed Turbulence and Chaotic Systems, with R. Benzi, G. Paladin and A. Vulpiani, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 17 (1984) 3521.
202.Characterisation of Intermittency in Chaotic Systems, with R. Benzi, G. Paladin and A. Vulpiani, J. Phys. A (Math. Gen.) 18 (1985) 2157.
203.Addendum: Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic Systems, with R. Benzi, G. Paladin and A. Vulpiani, J. of Phys.. A. 数学 and Gen. J. Phys. A 18 (1985) 3281.
204.Scaling Law for the Maximum Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent of INFINITE Product of Random Matrices, with A. Vulpiani J. Phys. A (Math. Gen.) 19 (1986) L425.
205.On intermittency in a cascade model for turbulence Physica D, vol.65, no.1-2, 15 May 1993, pp.163-71. Netherlands. Benzi R, Biferale L, Parisi G.
206.Conformal field theory and direct numerical simulation of two-量纲al turbulence Europhysics Letters, vol.29, no.3, 20 Jan. 1995, pp203-8. Switzerland. Benzi R, Legras B, Parisi G, Scardovelli R.
207.Scaling and intermittency in Burgers turbulence. Physical Review E. Statistical 物理学, Plasmas, Fluids, \u0026 Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol.52, no.4, pt.A, Oct. 1995, pp.3656-74. USA. Bouchaud JP, Mezard M, Parisi G.
208.Random Magnetic Field, Supersymmetry and 阳性 Dimensions, with N. Sourlas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 43 (1979) 774.
209.Exponential Tail of the Electronic 密度 of Levels in a Random Potential, with E. Brezin, J. Phys. C13 (1980) L307.
210. Self Avoiding Walk and Supersymmetry, with N. Sourlas, J. Phys. 人文科学概论41 (1980) L403.
211. Critical Behavior of Branched Polymers and the Lee-Yang Edge Singularity, with N. Sourlas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 46 (1981) 871.
212. Some Remarks on the Electronic States in Disordered Materials, J. Phys. A 14 (1981) 735.
213. Random Walk in Random Environment and 1/f 噪点, with E. Marinari, D. Ruelle and P. Windey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50 (1983) 1223.
214. On the Interpretation of 1/f Noise, with E. Marinari, D. Ruelle and P. Windey, Commun. 数学 Phys. 89 (1983) 1.
215. 1/f 噪点, Disorder and 维度, with E. Marinari, G. Paladin, and A. Vulpiani, J. Physique 45 (1984) 657.
216. Eden Model in Many Dimensions, with Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 53 (1984) 1791.
217. Field Theories and Growth Models, with Y.-C. Zhang J. Stat. Phys. 18 (1985) 1.
218. Mean-Field Equations for the Matching and the Travelling Salesman Problems, with M. Mézard, Europhys. Lett. 2 (1986) 913.
219. Scaling Law for the Maximum Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent of INFINITE Product of Random Matrices, with A. Vulpiani, J. Phys. A19 (1986) L425.
220.Dynamic Scaling of Eden-cluster Surfaces, with M. Kardar and Y.-C. Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett 57 (1986) 1809.
221. A Replica Analysis of the Travelling Salesman Problem, with M. Mézard, J. de Physique 47 (1986) 1285.
222.Dynamic Scaling of Growing Interfaces, with M. Kardar and Y.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 56 (1986) 889.
223.Some Applications of Field Theory to Amorphous Systems, in Quantum Field Theory and quantum 统计学 Essays in honour of the sixtieth birthday of E.S. Fradkin, edited by I. A. Batalin, C. J. Isham and G. A. Vilkovisky, Adam Hilger (Bristol) 1987.
224.Mean-Field Theory of Randomly Frustrated Systems with Finite Connectivity, with M. Mézard, Europhys. Lett. 3 (1987) 1067.
225.Facing 情结ity, Physica Scripta 35 (1987) 123.
226.On the Replica Approach to Random Directed Polymers in Two Dimensions, J. Physique 51 (1990) 1595-1606.
227.A Soluble Model for Random Directed Polymers in the Very Long Range Limit, Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei 91 (1990) 277.
228.Interfaces in a Random Medium and Replica Symmetry Breaking, with M. Mézard, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 23 (1990) L1229-L1234.
229.Replica Field Theory for Random Manifolds, with M. MéZARD, J. Physique I1 (1991) 809.
230.Random Self-Interacting Chains: a Mechanism for Protein Folding, with G. IORI and E. Marinari, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 24 (1991) 5349.
231. On Polymers with Long Range Repulsive Forces, with E. Marinari, Europhys. Lett. 15 (1991) 721.
232.Polymers with Long-Range Self-Repulsion with a Variational Approach, with J.-P. Bouchaud, M. Mézard and J. S. Yedidia, J. Phys. A (数学 and Gen.) 24 (1991) 1025.
233.Theory of the Depinning Transition in 告诉 密度 Waves, with L. Pietronero, Europhys. Lett. 16 (1991) 321.
234.Theory of Stretched Exponential Relaxation and Critical Behavior at Depinning for Charge Density Waves, with L. Pietronero, Physica A 179 (1991) 16.
235.On surface Growth in Random Media, Europhys. Lett. 17 (1992) 673-678.
236.Random magnetic 领域s and instantons in replica space Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.25, no.11, 7 June 1992, pp3143-51. UK, with Dotsenko V
237.Statistical mechanics of heteropolymer folding. Physica A, vol.185, no.1-4, 15 June 1992, pp.98-103. Netherlands, with Iori G, Marinari E, Struglia 摩托船
238.A variational approach to directed polymers Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.25, no.17, 7 Sept. 1992, pp.4521-34. UK. MeZARD M, Parisi G.
239.Manifolds in random media: two extreme cases, Journal de Physique I, vol.2, no.12, Dec. 1992, pp.山崳基三甲基氯化铵42. France, Mezard M, Parisi G.
240.Charge 密度 waves and the replica method, Journal de Physique I, vol.3, 二氧化氮, Feb. 1993, pp579-84. France. Parisi G
241. Maximal 平均数field solutions in the random 领域 Ising model: the pattern of the symmetry breaking, Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.21, 7 Nov. 1993, pp.5675-85. UK. Guagnelli M, Marinari E, Parisi G.
242.On toy ageing Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.22, 21 Nov. 1993, ppL1149-56. UK. Marinari E, Parisi G.
243.Non-exponential relaxation 时间 scales in disordered systems: an application to protein 动力学. Europhysics Letters, vol.25, no.7, 1 March 1994, pp.491-6. Switzerland. IORI G, Marinari E, Parisi G
244.Random walks with short-range interaction and 平均数领域 behavior. Caracciolo S, Parisi G, Pelissetto A. Journal of Statistical 物理学, vol.77, no.3-4, Nov. 1994, pp.519-43. USA.
245.Off Equilibrium 动力学 and aging in unfrustrated system s Cugliandolo LF, Kurchan J, Parisi G. Journal de Physique I, vol.4, no.11, Nov. 1994, pp1641-56. France.
246.Weighted 平均数领域 theory for the random field Ising model Lancaster D, Marinari E, Parisi G. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.14, 21 July 1995, pp.3959-73. UK.
247.Replica theory and large-D Josephson junction hypercubic models. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ritort F. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.16, 21 Aug. 1995, pp4481-503. UK.
248.Replica symmetry breaking in the random replicant 调式l Biscari P, Parisi G. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.17, 7 Sept. 1995, pp.4697-708. UK. A mean 领域 theory for arrays of Josephson junctions Parisi G. Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol.37, no.10, Oct. 1996, pp.5158-70.
249.Closing probabilities in the Kauffman model: An annealed computation. Physica D, vol.98, no.1, 1 Nov. 1996, pp.1-25. P Bastolla U, Parisi G.
250.Attraction basins in discretized maps. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.11, 7 June 1997, pp.3757-69. Bastolla U, Parisi G.
251. Measures of critical exponents in the four-dimensional site percolation. 物理学 Letters B, vol.400, no.3-4, 15 May 1997, pp.346-51. Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, Munoz Sudupe A, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo 约翰·约翰逊
252.Theory of 连续统 percolation. III. Low-密度 expansion. Physical Review E. Statistical 物理学, Plasmas, Fluids, \u0026 Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol.56, 二氧化氮, Aug. 1997, pp.1379-95. Drory A, Berkowitz B, Parisi G, Balberg I.
253.Finite-开本 scaling study of the d=4 site-diluted Ising model. Elsevier. Nuclear 物理学 B-Proceedings Supplements, vol.63, April 1998, pp625-7. Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, Munoz Sudupe A, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
254.The four-dimensional site-diluted Ising model: A finite-开本 scaling study. Nuclear 物理学 B, vol.B512, no.3, 23 Feb. 1998, pp.681-701. Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, Munoz Sudupe A, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo 约翰·约翰逊
255.Relaxation, closing probabilities and transition from oscillatory to chaotic attractors in asymmetric neural networks. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, 二氧化氮0, 22 May 1998, pp.4583-602. Bastolla U, Parisi G.
256.Relevant elements, 磁化强度 and dynamical properties in Kauffman networks. A numerical study. Physica D, vol.115, no.3-4, 1 May 1998, pp.203-18. Bastolla U, Parisi G.
257.The modular structure of Kauffman networks. Physica D, vol.115, no.3-4, 1 May 1998, pp219-33. Bastolla U, Parisi G.
258.Critical exponents of the three-量纲al diluted Ising 调式l. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.58, no.5, 1 Aug. 1998, pp.2740-7. Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, Sudupe AM, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
259.情结 systems: a physicist's viewpoint. Elsevier. Physica A, vol.263, no.1-4, 1 Feb. 1999, pp.557-64. Netherlands. Parisi G.
260.On the 1/D expansion for directed polymers European-Physical-Journal-B. vol.8, no.4; April 1999; p.603-11 Parisi-G; Slanina-F.
261. Site-diluted three-量纲al Ising model with long-range correlated disorder Physical-Review-B-(Condensed-Matter). vol.60, no.18; 1 Nov. 1999; p.12912-17 Ballesteros-HG; Parisi-G
262.Critical behavior in the site-diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model PHYSICAL REVIEW B vol. 61 pp 3215-3218 FEB 1 2000 Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, et al.
263.Critical exponents of the KPZ 方程 via multi-surface coding numerical simulations JOURNAL OF 物理学 A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL vol. 33 Issue: 46 pp. 8181-8192 NOV 24 2000 Marinari E, Pagnani A, Parisi G
264.Scale invariance in disordered systems: The Example of the random-field Ising model. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 89, pp 257204, 2002. PARISI G., SOURLAS N.
265.Width Distributions and the Upper Critical Dimension of KPZ Interfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER 物理学. vol. 65, pp. 026136, 2002. MARINARI E., PAGNANI A., PARISI G., RACZ Z.
266.Scale invariance and self-averaging in disordered systems. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. vol. 66, pp. 465, 2004. PARISI G., PICCO M., SOURLAS N.
267.Anderson localization in Euclidean random matrices PHYSICAL REVIEW B vol. 71, 153104 APR 2005 Ciliberti S, Grigera TS, Martin-Mayor V, et al.,
268.K-core percolation in four dimensions PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 78,022101, AUG 2008 Parisi G, RIZZO
269.Toward a Mean Field Theory for Spin Glasses, Phys. Lett. 73A (1979) 203.
270.Infinite number of order parameters for Spin-Glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett 43 (1979) 1754.
271. Mean Field Theory for Spin Glasses, Phys. Reports 67 (1980) 25.
272.An Order Parameter for Spin Glasses: a Function on the 区间 0-1, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 13 (1980) 1101.
273.A simple hypothesis for the Spin Glass phase of the INFINITEranged SK Model, with G. 图卢兹足球俱乐部, J. Phys. Lettres 41 (1980) L361.
274.A 序列 of Approximated Solutions to the S-K Model for Spin Glasses, J. of Phys. A13 (1980) L115.
275.Magnetic Properties of Spin Glasses in a New Mean Field Theory, J. of Phys. A13 (1980) 1887.
276.The Magnetic Properties of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model for Spin Glasses. Theory Versus Monte Carlo Simulations, Phil. Mag. B41 (1980) 677.
277.Mean Field Theory for Spin Glasses,, in "Disordered Systems and Localization", C. Castellani, C. Di Castro and L. Peliti eds, 1981, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, West Germany
278.Study of a simple hypothesis for the Mean-Field Theory of Spin-Glasses, with J. Vannimenus and G. 图卢兹足球俱乐部, J. de Physique 42 (1981) 565.
279.Order Parameter for Spin Glasses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 50 (1983) 1946.
280.The Physical Meaning of Breaking Replica Symmetry, Phys. Rev. Lett. 51 (1983) 1206.
281. Spin Glasses and Replicas, Physica 124A (1984) 523.
282.Some remarks on the connection between Replicas and 动力学, J. Phys. Lettres 44 (1983) L581.
283.An Introduction to the Statistical Mechanics of Amorphous Systems, in Recent Advances in Field Theory and Statistical Mechanics, edited by J.-B. Zuber and R. Stora (North-Holland, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 1984).
284.Nature of the Spin-Glass Phase, with M. MéZARD, N. Sourlas, G. 图卢兹足球俱乐部 and M.A. Virasoro Phys. Rev. Lett. 52 (1984) 1156.
285.Replica Symmetry breaking and the nature of the Spin Glass 相位, with M. Mézard, N. Sourlas, G. Toulouse and M.A. Virasoro, J. de Physique 45 (1984) 843.
286.Spin Glasses, Proceedings of the International School of 物理学 'Enrico Fermi' Course XCII: Elementary Particles, N. Cabibbo ed., North-Holland (Amsterdam)
287.A numerical investigation of the overlap distribution among pure states in the Spin Glass phase, with N. Parga and M. A. Virasoro, J. Phys. Lettres 45 (1984) L1063.
288.Self-Averaging Correlation Functions in the Mean Field Theory of Spin Glasses, with M. Mézard, J. Phys. Lettres 45 (1984) 707.
289.Random Free Energies in Spin Glasses, with M. Mézard and M.A. Virasoro, J. Phys. Lettres 46 (1985) L217.
290.Spin Glass Theory, Physica A 140 (1986) 312.
291. SK Model: the Replica solution without Replicas, with M. Mézard and M. A. Virasoro, Europhys. Lett. 1 (1986) 77.
292.Spin Glass Theory, in 时间-Dependent Effects in Disordered Materials, edited by R. Pynnand and T. Riste (Plenum, New York, NY, USA 1987).
293.On Spin Glass Theory, Physica Scripta T19A (1987) 27.
294.Eigenstates and Limit Cycles in the SK Model, with S. Cabasino, E. Marinari and P. Paolucci, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 21 (1988) 4201.
295.On a Mechanism for Explicit Replica Symmetry Breaking, with M. A. Virasoro, J. Phys. 50 (1989) 3317-3329.
296.3-D Ising Spin Glasses in a Magnetic Field and Mean Field Theory, with S. Caracciolo, S. Patarnello and N. Sourlas, Europhys. Lett. 11 (1990) 783.
297.Cavity Fields Approach in Spin Glasses: One Step Beyond, with R. Brunetti, Europhys. Lett. 11 (1990) 281.
298.Low 温度 Behavior of Three Dimensional Spin Glasses in a Magnetic Field, with S. Caracciolo, S. Patarnello and N. Sourlas, J. Physique 51 (1990) 1877.
299.Ising Spin-Glasses in a Magnetic Field in 3 Dimensions, with S. Caracciolo, S. Patarnello and N. Sourlas, Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) 17 (1990) 577.
300.On 计算机 Simulations for Spin Glasses to Test Mean Field Predictions, with S. Caracciolo, S. Patarnello and N. Sourlas, J. Physique I 1 (1991) 627.
301. Numerical Results on a Hypercubic Cell Spin Glass Model, with F. Ritort and J. M. Rubi, J. Phys. A (数学 and Gen.) 24 (1991) 5307.
302.Ultrametricity in an Inhomogeneous Simplest Spin Glass Model, with S. Franz and M. A. Virasoro, Europhys. Lett. 17 (1992) 5.
303.Study of the asymmetric Little model. Physica A, vol.185, no.1-4, 15 June 1992, pp247-53. Netherlands. Brunetti R, Parisi G, Ritort F.
304.Some recent developments in the theory of replica symmetry breaking. Physica A, vol.185, no.1-4, 15 June 1992, pp.316-21. Netherlands. Parisi G.
305.Finite-容积单位 corrections to the 平均数领域 solution of the SK model. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.25, no.18, 21 Sept. 1992, pp4787-97. UK. Parisi G, Biscari P.
306.Asymmetric Little spin-glass model. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.46, no.9, 1 Sept. 1992, pp.5339-50. USA. Brunetti R, Parisi G, Ritort F.
307.The replica model on and off Equilibrium Journal de Physique I, vol.2, no.10, Oct. 1992, pp.1869-80. France. FRANZ S, Parisi G, Virasoro MA.
308.Critical finite-开本 corrections for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin glass. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.2, 21 Jan. 1993, pp3775-89. UK. Parisi G, Ritort F, Slanina F.
309.Numerical 质证 of a critical line in the 4d Ising spin glass Europhysics Letters, vol.21, no.4, 1 Feb. 1993, pp.495-9. Switzerland Badoni D, Ciria JC, Parisi G, Ritort F, Pech J, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
310. The remanent 磁化强度 in spin-glass models. Journal de Physique I, vol.3, no.4, April 1993, pp.969-85. France. Parisi G, Ritort F.
311. Spin glasses, complexity and all that. Physica A, vol.194, no.1-4, 15 March 1993, pp28-40. Netherlands. Parisi G.
312. Free-能量 cost for ultrametricity violations in spin glasses. Europhysics Letters, vol.22, no.6, 20 May 1993, pp.405-11. Switzerland. FRANZ S, Parisi G, Virasoro MA.
313. Barriers and metastable states as saddle points in the replica approach. Journal de Physique I, vol.3, no.8, Aug. 1993, pp1819-38. France. Kurchan J, Parisi G, Virasoro MA.
314. Several results on the finite-开本 corrections in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick spin-glass model. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.15, 7 Aug. 1993, pp.3775-89. UK. Parisi G, Ritort F, Slanina F.
315. On the branching structure of the tree of states in spin glasses. Journal of Statistical 物理学, vol.72, no.5-6, Sept. 1993, pp.857-78. USA. Parisi G.
316. The de Almeida-Thouless line in the four dimensional Ising spin glass. Journal de Physique I, vol.3, no.11, Nov. 1993, pp.2207-27. France Ciria JC, Parisi G, Ritort F, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
317. Replica symmetry breaking in four-dimensional spin glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.23, 7 Dec. 1993, pp.6711-30. UK. Parisi G, Ritort F.
318. Four-dimensional Ising spin glass: scaling within the spin-glass phase. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.26, no.23, 7 Dec. 1993, pp.6731-45. UK. Ciria JC, Parisi G, Ritort F.
319. On the 3D Ising spin glass. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.27, no.8, 21 April 1994, pp2687-708. UK. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ritort F.
320.Interfaces and lower critical dimension in a spin glass model. Journal de Physique I, vol.4, no.11, Nov. 1994, pp1657-67. France. FRANZ S, Parisi G, Virasoro MA.
321. D-dimensional arrays of Josephson junctions, spin glasses and q-deformed harmonic oscillators. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.27, no.23, 7 Dec. 1994, pp.7555-68. UK. Parisi G.
322.Replica 领域 theory for deterministic models: I. Binary sequences with low autocorrelation. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.27, no.23, 7 Dec. 1994, pp7615-45. UK. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ritort F.
323.Replica 领域 theory for deterministic models. II. A non-random spin glass with glassy behaviour. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.27, 二氧化氮3, 7 Dec. 1994, pp7647-68. UK. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ritort F.
324.The fully frustrated hypercubic model is glassy and aging at large D. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.2, 21 Jan. 1995, pp.327-34. UK. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ritort F.
325.On the out-of-Equilibrium order parameter in long-range spin-glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.7, 7 April 1995, pp1831-45. UK. Baldassarri A, Cugliandolo LF, Kurchan J, Parisi G.
326.基体 models as solvable glass models. Physical Review Letters, vol.74, no.6, 6 Feb. 1995, pp.1012-15. USA. Cugliandolo LF, Kurchan J, Parisi G, Ritort F.
327.On the replica approach to spin-glass theory. Philosophical 弹匣 B-物理学 of Condensed Matter Structural Electronic Optical \u0026 Magnetic Properties, vol.71, no.4, April 1995, pp471-8. UK. G.Parisi
328.On the static and dynamical transition in the 平均数领域 Potts glass. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.11, 7 June 1995, pp3025-41. UK. De Santis E, Parisi G, Ritort F.
329.On the four-dimensional diluted Ising model. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.14, 21 July 1995, pp.L395-401. UK. Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
330.Mean-field equations for spin models with orthogonal interaction matrices. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.18, 21 Sept. 1995, pp.5267-85. UK Parisi G, Potters M.
331. Series expansion of the off-Equilibrium mode 耦合 equations. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.28, no.19, 7 Oct. 1995, pp5437-43. UK. FRANZ S, Marinari E, Parisi G.
332.On the number of metastable states in spin glasses. Europhysics Letters, vol.32, no.1, 1 Oct. 1995, pp13-17. Switzerland. Parisi G, Potters M.
333.Recipes for metastable states in spin glasses. Journal de Physique I, vol.5, no.11, Nov. 1995, pp1401-15. France. FRANZ S, Parisi G.
334.Numerical evidence for spontaneously broken replica symmetry in 3D spin glasses. Physical Review Letters, vol.76, no.5, 29 Jan. 1996, pp843-6. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo J, Ritort F.
335.Analytical solution of the Monte Carlo dynamics of a simple spin-glass model. Europhysics Letters, vol.34, no.3, 20 April 1996, pp.159-64. Bonilla LL, Padilla FG, Parisi G, Ritort F.
336.On infrared divergences in spin glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.29, no.14, 21 July 1996, pp3795-804. Ferrero ME, Parisi G.
337.Simulation of three-dimensional Ising spin glass model using three replicas: Study of Binder cumulants. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.29, no.15, 7 Aug. 1996, pp.4337-45. Iniguez D, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
338.Scaling above the upper critical dimension in Ising models. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.54, no.6, 1 Aug. 1996, 无规共聚聚丙烯3698-701. Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
339.Closure of the Monte Carlo dynamical equations in the spherical Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.54, no.6, 1 Aug. 1996, pp4170-82. Bonilla LL, Padilla FG, Parisi G, Ritort F.
340.Fluctuations in a spin-glass model with one replica symmetry breaking. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.29, no.22, 21 Nov. 1996, ppL569-74. Ferrero ME, Parisi G, Ranieri P.
341. A numerical study of ultrametricity in finite-dimensional spin glasses. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.9, 7 May 1997, pp.L263-9. Cacciuto A, Marinari E, Parisi G.
342.One-loop contribution to the dynamical exponents in spin glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.12, 21 June 1997, ppL415-21. Parisi G, Ranieri P.
343.Structure of metastable states in spin glasses by means of a three replica potential. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.13, 7 July 1997, pp4449-66. Cavagna A, Giardina I, Parisi G.
344.An investigation of the hidden structure of states in a 平均数field spin-glass model. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.20, 21 Oct. 1997, pp.7021-38. Cavagna A, Giardina I, Parisi G.
345.Mean field dynamical exponents in finite-dimensional Ising spin glass. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, 二氧化氮0, 21 Oct. 1997, pp7115-31. Parisi G, Ranieri P, Ricci-Tersenghi F, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
346.3D spin glass and 2D ferromagnetic XY model: a comparison. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.21, 7 Nov. 1997, pp7337-47. Iniguez D, Marinari E, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
347.Four-dimensional spin glasses in a magnetic field have a mean-领域like phase. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.4, 30 Jan. 1998, pp1181-7. Marinari E, Parisi G, Zuliani F.
348.Dynamical fluctuations in an exactly solvable model of spin glasses. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.8, 27 Feb. 1998, pp.1893-900. Campellone M, Parisi G, Ranieri P.
349.Violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in finite-dimensional spin glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.11, 20 March 1998, pp2611-20. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
350.Stationary points of the Thouless-Anderson-Palmer free 能量 Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.57, no.18, 1 May 1998, pp.11251-7. Cavagna A, Giardina I, Parisi G.
351. 动力学 of the four-dimensional spin glass in a magnetic 领域 Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.57, no.21, 1 June 1998, pp13617-23. Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
352.Crossovers in the two-dimensional Ising spin glass with ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour interactions. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, 二氧化氮0, 22 May 1998, pp.4657-68. Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ, Stariolo DA.
353.Numerical simulations of the dynamical behavior of the SK model. European Physical Journal B, vol.2, no.4, April 1998, pp.495-500. Marinari E, Parisi G, Rossetti D.
354.Small window overlaps are effective probes of replica symmetry breaking in three-dimensional spin glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, 二氧化氮6, 3 July 1998, pp.L481-7. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
355.General method to determine replica symmetry breaking transitions. Physical Review Letters, vol.81, no.8, 24 Aug. 1998, pp1698-701. Marinari E, Naitza C, Zuliani F, Parisi G, Picco M, Ritort F.
356.Measuring Equilibrium properties in aging systems. Physical Review Letters, vol.81, no.9, 31 Aug. 1998, pp.1758-61. FRANZ S, Mezard M, Parisi G, Peliti L.
357.Crossover behavior of a one-dimensional random 能量 model. Physical Review E. Statistical 物理学, Plasmas, Fluids, \u0026 Related Interdisciplinary Topics, vol.58, no.5, Nov. 1998, pp5455-60. Campellone M, FRANZ S, Parisi G.
358.Testing replica predictions in experiments. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular \u0026 Chemical 物理学 Fluids Plasmas 生物物理学, vol.20D, no.7-8, July-Aug. 1998, pp.1221-8. Parisi G. Numerical study of a short-range p-spin glass model in three dimensions. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.58, no.18, 1 Nov. 1998, pp.12081-9. Campellone M, Coluzzi B, Parisi G.
359.Phase structure of the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.58, no.22, 1 Dec. 1998, pp14852-63. Marinari E, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
360.Finite-dimensional corrections to the mean field in a short-range p-spin glassy model. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.59, no.2, 1 Jan. 1999, pp1036-45. Campellone M, Parisi G, Ranieri P.
361. Scaling corrections: site percolation and Ising model in three dimensions. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.32, no.1, 8 Jan. 1999, pp.1-13. Ballesteros HG, Fernandez LA, Martin-Mayor V, Sudupe AM, Parisi G, Ruiz-Lorenzo JJ.
362.Glassy Potts model: A disordered Potts model without a ferromagnetic phase. Physical Review B-Condensed Matter, vol.59, no.13, 1 April 1999, pp8401-4. Marinari E, Mossa S, Parisi G.
363.Critical properties of a three-dimensional p-spin model European-Physical-Journal-B. vol.8, no.3; April 1999; p.417-22 Franz-S; ParisIG
364.Ultrametric structure of finite dimensional spin glasses 情结 behaviour of glassy systems. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin, Germany; 1997; p.220-5 Cacciuto-A; Marinari-E; Parisi-G
365.Continuous phase transition in a spin-glass model without 时间reversal symmetry Physical-Review-E-(Statistical-物理学,-Plasmas,-Fluids,-and-Rela曾卓Intedisciplinary-Topics). vol.60, no.1; July 1999; p.58-68 Parisi-G; Picco-M; Ritort-F
366.Comment on "general method to determine replica symmetry breaking transitions" Physical-Review-Letters. vol.82, no.25; 21 June 1999; p.5174-5 Marinari-E; Parisi_G,Naitza-C; Zuliani-F
367.Comment on "evidence for the droplet picture of spin glasses" Physical-Review-Letters. vol.82, no.25; 21 June 1999; p.5176-7 Marinari-E; Parisi-G; Ruiz-Lorenzo-JJ; Zuliani-F;
368.Generalized off-Equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in random Ising systems European-Physical-Journal-B. vol.11, no.2; Sept. 1999; p.317-25 Parisi-G; Ricci-Tersenghi-F; Ruiz-Lorenzo-JJ
369.The response of glassy systems to random perturbations: A bridge between Equilibrium and off-Equilibrium JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL 物理学 vol. 97, pp. 459-488 NOV 1999 FRANZ S, Mezard M, Parisi G, et al.
370.Comment on "Ising spin glasses in a magnetic field" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 84 pp. 1056-1056 JAN 31 2000 Marinari E, Parisi G, Zuliani F
371. On the Origin of ultrametricity JOURNAL OF 物理学 A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL vol. 33 pp 113-129 JAN 14 2000 Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F
372.Off-Equilibrium dynamics at very low temperatures in three-dimensional spin glasses JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL vol. 33 pp. 2373-2382 MAR 31 2000 Marinari E, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, et al.
373.Replica symmetry breaking in short-range spin glasses: Theoretical foundations and numerical evidences JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS vol. 98 pp 973-1047 MAR 2000 Marinari E, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, et al.
374.P-adic numbers and replica symmetry breaking EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B vol. 14 pp. 535-542 APR 2000 Parisi G, Sourlas N
375.On the 能量 minima of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL 红黑海参 GENERAL vol. 33 pp 3851-3862 JUN 2 2000 Coluzzi B, Marinari E, Parisi G, et al.
376. Replica Symmetry Breaking in Short-Range Spin Glasses: Theoretical Foundations and Numerical 质证s E Marinari , G. Parisi , F. Ricci-Tersenghi , 约翰·约翰逊 Ruiz-Lorenzo and F. Zuliani, J. Stat. Phys. 98, 973. 2000.
377.Comment on "Triviality of the ground state structure in Ising spin glasses" PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 85 pp 3332-3332 OCT 9 2000 Marinari E, Parisi G
378.Effects of changing the boundary conditions on the ground state of Ising spin glasses PHYSICAL REVIEW B vol. 62 pp 11677-11685 NOV 1 2000 Marinari E, Parisi G
379.Non trivial overlap distributions at zero 温度 EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B vol. 18, pp 485-491 DEC 2000 FRANZ S, Parisi G
380.Renormalization Group Approach to Spin Glass Systems. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B, CONDENSED MATTER 物理学 vol. 21, pp 605-609, 2001. PARISI G., PETRONZIO R., ROSATI F.
381. Against 温度 chaos in naive Thouless-Anderson-Palmer equations. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS PHYSICS. vol. 63, pp. 184438, 2001 MULET R., PAGNANI A., PARISI G
382.The Bethe lattice spin glass revisited. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B, CONDENSED MATTER 物理学 vol. 20, pp 217-233, 2001. MEZARD M., PARISI G.
383. Low T Dynamical Properties of spin glasses smoothly extrapolate to T=0. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 35, pp. 6805-6814, 2002. MARINARI E., PARISI G., RUIZ-LORENZO 约翰·约翰逊
384.Spin glasses on Bethe lattices for large coordination number. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOU核糖核酸L. B, CONDENSED MATTER 物理学 vol. 30, pp 533-541, 2002. PARISI G., TRIA F
385. Local overlaps, heterogeneities and the local fluctuation dissipation relations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 36, pp. 10937-10953 , 2003. PARISI G.
386.The cavity method at zero temperature. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL 物理学. vol. 111, pp 1 , 2003. M. MEZARD, PARISI G.
387.Aging in spin glasses in three, four and infinite dimensions. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 36, pp. 10755-10771 , 2003. JIMENEZ S., MARTIN-MAYOR V., PARISI G., TARANCON A.
388. On the formal equivalence of the TAP and thermodynamic methods in the SK model. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL 红黑海参 GENERAL. vol. 36, pp 1175 , 2003. CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., MEZARD M., PARISI G.
389.The role of the Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin supersymmetry in the calculation of the complexity for the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 36, pp 10937 , 2003. ANNIBALE A., CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., PARISI G., TREVIGNE E.
390.Metastable configurations on the Bethe lattice. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. vol. 67, pp 26116, 2003. A. PAGNANI, PARISI G., M. RATIEVILLE.
391. Near optimal configurations in mean field disordered systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW E. vol. 68, pp 046706 , 2003. A. PAGNANI, PARISI G., M. RATIEVILLE.
392.Complexity of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model in the Annealed Approximation. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER. vol. 68, pp 174401, 2003. A. CRISANTI, L. LEUZZI, PARISI G., T. RIZZO
393.Local excitations in mean field spin glasses. EUROPHYSICS LETTERS. vol. 66, pp. 729-735, 2004. KRZAKALA F., PARISI G.
394.On spin-glass complexity. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 92, pp 127203 2004, CRISANTI A., LEUZZI L., PARISI G., RIZZO T.
395.Quenched computation of the complexity of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS 物理学. vol. 70, pp 064423, 2004. CRISANTI A., LEUZZI L., PARISI G., RIZZO T.
396.Numerical study of metastable states in Ising spin glasses. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 92, pp. 120603, 2004 CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., PARISI G
397.Supersymmetric quenched compexity in the Sherrington-Kirkpatrik model. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER 物理学 vol. 68, pp 061103, 2004 ANNIBALE A., CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., PARISI G.
398.On supersymmetry breaking in the computation of the complexity JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL vol. 37, pp. 7979-7992 AUG 20 2004 Parisi G, RIZZO T
399.On the distribution of the overlaps at given disorder COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE vol. 339 pp 303-306 AUG 15 2004 Parisi G, Talagrand M,
400.Cavity method for supersymmetry breaking spin glasses. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS 物理学. vol. 71, pp. 024422, APR 2005 CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., PARISI G.
401. Zero-温度 limit of the supersymmetry-breaking complexity in dilute spin-glass models PHYSICAL REVIEW B vol. 72, 184431 NOV 2005 Parisi G, RIZZO T
402.Spin glasses and fragile glasses: 静力学, dynamics, and complexity PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vol. 103 pp. 7948-7955 MAY 23 2006 Parisi G
403.Local spin glass order in 1D EURO物理学 LETTERS vol. 75, pp 385-391 AUG 2006 FRANZ S, Parisi G
404.Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson model PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 99, 057206 AUG 3 2007 Contucci P, Giardina C, Giberti C, et al.
405.Comment on "Ultrametricity in the Edwards-Anderson Model" - Reply PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 100, 159702 APR 18 2008 Contucci P, Giardina C, Giberti C, et al.
406.Spin glass theory: Numerical and experimental results in three-dimensional systems PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS vol. 386, pp 611-624 DEC 15 2007 Parisi G
407.JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol. 41, 324011 AUG 15 2008 FRANZ S, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F
408.Some considerations of finite-dimensional spin glasses JOURNAL OF 物理学 A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL vol.: 32, 4002 AUG 15 2008 Parisi G
409.Dilute one-dimensional spin glasses with 功率 law decaying interactions PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 101, 107203, SEP 5 2008 Leuzzi L, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F, et al.
410. Large deviations in the free 能量 of mean-field spin glasses, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 101, 117205 , SEP 12 2008 Parisi G, Rizzo T,
411. Slow 动力学 in glasses. Nuovo Cimento della Societa Italiana di Fisica D-Condensed Matter Atomic Molecular \u0026 Chemical Physics Fluids Plasmas Biophysics, vol.16D, ser.1, no.8, Aug. 1994, pp939-47. Italy. Parisi G
412. Slow non-Equilibrium 动力学 25 Years of Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics. Proceedings of the 13th Sitges Conference. Springer-Verlag. 1995, pp.135-42. Berlin, Germany. Parisi G.
413. 量规 theories, spin glasses and real glasses. Proceedings of the Symposium, The Oskar Klein Centenary. World Scientific. 1995, pp60-71. Singapore. Parisi G.
414. A mean-field hard-spheres model of glass. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.29, no.7, 7 April 1996, pp.1347 Cugliandolo LF, Kurchan J, Monasson R, Parisi G.
415. Off Equilibrium generalization of mode 耦合 theory. Proceedings of the Workshop Non Equilibrium Phenomena in Supercooled Fluids, Glasses and Amorphous Materials. A Euroconference. World Scientific. 1996, pp134-9. Singapore FRANZ S, Parisi G.
416. 温度 evolution and bifurcations of metastable states in mean-field spin glasses, with connections with structural glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.16, 21 Aug. 1997, pp.5593-612. Barrat A, FRANZ S, Parisi G.
417. A study of activated processes in soft-sphere glass. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.17, 7 Sept. 1997, pp.5911-25. Lancaster D, Parisi G.
418. Phase diagram of coupled glassy systems: a mean-field study. Physical Review Letters, vol.79, no.13, 29 Sept. 1997, pp2486-9. FRANZ S, Parisi G.
419. Off-Equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relation in fragile glasses. Physical Review Letters, vol.79, no.19, 10 Nov. 1997, pp.3660-3. Parisi G.
420.Short-time aging in binary glasses. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.22, 21 Nov. 1997, ppL765-70. Parisi G.
421. Numerical indications for the existence of a thermodynamic transition in binary glasses. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.24, 21 Dec. 1997, pp8523-39. Parisi G.
422.Effective potentials in glassy systems. Taylor \u0026 Francis. Philosophical Magazine B-物理学 of Condensed Matter Structural Electronic Optical \u0026 Magnetic Properties, vol.77, no.2, Feb. 1998, pp.239-43. FRANZ S, Parisi G.
423.Non-Equilibrium fluctuation-dissipation relations in binary glasses. Taylor \u0026 Francis. Philosophical Magazine B-物理学 of Condensed Matter Structural Electronic Optical \u0026 Magnetic Properties, vol.77, no.2, Feb. 1998, pp257-63. UK. Parisi G.
424.Glass transition and effective potential in the hypernetted chain approximation. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.9, 6 March 1998, pp.L163-9. Cardenas M, FRANZ S, Parisi G.
425.On the approach to the Equilibrium and the Equilibrium properties of a glass-forming model. Journal of 物理学 A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.31, no.19, 15 May 1998, pp.4349-68. Coluzzi B, Parisi G.
426.On the replica method for glassy systems. EDP Sciences. Journal de Physique IV, vol.8, no.6, Oct. 1998, pp39-47. France. Parisi G.
427.Potential 能量 landscape of simple structural glasses. EDP Sciences. Journal de Physique IV, vol.8, no.6, Oct. 1998, pp.69-73. France. Angelani L, Parisi G, Ruocco G.
428.Exploring the configuration space of glassy models. EDP Sciences. Journal de Physique IV, vol.8, no.6, Oct. 1998, pp69-73. France. Barrat A, Cavagna A, FRANZ S, Giardina I, Parisi G.
429.Connected network of minima as a model glass: long 时间 dynamics. Physical Review Letters, vol.81, no.21, 23 Nov. 1998, pp.4648-51. Angelani L, Parisi G, Ruocco G, Viliani G.
430.Constrained Boltzmann-Gibbs measures and effective potential for glasses in hypernetted chain approximation and numerical simulations. Journal of Chemical 物理学, vol.110, no.3, 15 Jan. 1999, pp.1726-34. Cardenas M, FRANZ S, Parisi G.
431. Thermo动力学 of glasses: a first principles computation. Physical Review Letters, vol.82, no.4, 25 Jan. 1999, pp747-50. P Mezard M, Parisi G.
432.Effective potential in glassy systems: theory and simulations. Physica A, vol.261, no.3-4, 15 Dec. 1998, pp.317-39. FRANZ S, Parisi G.
433.Slow 动力学 of glassy systems Complex behaviour of glassy systems. Proceedings. Springer, Berlin, Germany; 1997 Parisi-G
434.An increasing correlation length in off-Equilibrium glasses Journal-of-物理化学B. vol.103, no.20; 20 May 1999; p.4128-31 Parisi-G
435.A first-principle computation of the thermo动力学 of glasses Journal-of-化学物理学 vol.111, no.3; 15 July 1999; p.1076-95 Mezard-M; Parisi-G
436.Analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum in low-密度 liquids. Physical-Review-Letters. vol.83, no.1; 5 July 1999; p.108-11 Cavagna-A; Giardina-I; Parisi-G.
437.Thermo动力学 of binary 混合物 glasses Journal-of-化学物理学 vol.111, no.19; 15 Nov. 1999; p.9039-52 Coluzzi-B; Mezard-M; Parisi-G; Verrocchio-P
438.On dynamical correlations in supercooled liquids Philosophical-弹匣B-(物理学of-Condensed-Matter:-Statistical-Mechancs,-Electronic,-Optical-and-Magnetic-Properties. vol.79, no.11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1999; p.1827-31 FRANZ-S; Donati-C; Parisi-G; Glotzer-SC.
439.A model for the long 时间 动力学 in a simple glass: Off-Equilibrium properties Philosophical-弹匣B-(物理学of-Condensed-Matter:-Statistical-Mechancs,-Electronic,-Optical-and-Magnetic-Properties. vol.79, no.11-12; Nov.-Dec. 1999; p.1987-92 Angelani-L; Parisi-G; Ruoc柯克船; Viliani-G
440.Thermo动力学 of glasses: a first principles computation JOURNAL OF 物理学CONDENSED MATTER vol. 11 pp A157-A165 MAR 15 1999 Mezard M, Parisi G
441. Analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum in low-密度 liquids PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 83 pp. 108-111 JUL 5 1999 Cavagna A, Giardina I, Parisi G
442.New ideas in glass transitions NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETA ITALIANA DI FISICA D vol. pp 2339-2348 DEC 1998 Parisi G
443.Spectra of euclidean random matrices NUCLEAR 物理学 B vol. 559 pp 689-701 OCT 25 1999 Mezard M, Parisi G, Zee A
444.A pedagogical introduction to the replica method for glasses PHILOSOPHICAL 弹匣 B-PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER STATISTICAL MECHANICS ELECTRONIC OPTICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES vol. 79 pp 1775-1782 NOV-DEC 1999 Parisi G
445.The response of glassy systems to random perturbations: A bridge between Equilibrium and off-Equilibrium JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL 物理学 vol. 97, pp 459-488 NOV 1999 Franz S, Mezard M, Parisi G, et al.
446.Thermodynamical 羧基液体丁腈橡胶glass transition in a Lennard-Jones binary 混合物 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 84 pp. 306-309 JAN 10 2000 Coluzzi B, Parisi G, Verrocchio P
447.Lennard-Jones binary mixture: A thermodynamical approach to glass transition JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL 物理学 vol. 112 pp 2933-2944 FEB 8 2000 Coluzzi B, Parisi G, Verrocchio P
448.Physics of glassy systems NUCLEAR PHYSICS B-PROCEEDINGS SUPPLEMENTS vol. 83-4 pp. 82-92 APR 2000 Parisi G
449.The physics of the glass transition PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS vol. 280 pp 115-124 MAY 15 2000 Parisi G
450.Thermo动力学 of a tiling model JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL vol. 33 pp 4215-4225 JUN 16 2000 Leuzzi L, Parisi G
451. Statistical physics of structural glasses JOURNAL OF 物理学CONDENSED MATTER vol. 12 pp 6655-6673 JUL 24 2000 Mezard M, Parisi G.
452.On non-linear susceptibility in supercooled 羧基液体丁腈橡胶s JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER vol. 12 pp 6335-6342 JUL 24 2000 Franz S, Parisi G
453.A new approach for the analytic computation of the instantaneous normal modes spectrum : JOURNAL OF 物理学CONDENSED MATTER vol. 12 pp. 6295-6304 JUL 24 2000, Cavagna A, Giardina I, Parisi G
454.Toy model for the mean-field theory of hard-sphere liquids PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 62 pp 6554-6559 NOV 2000 Parisi G, Slanina F
455.Topological 描写文 of the aging dynamics in simple glasses PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 87, pp 055502 JUL 30 2001 Angelani L, Di Leonardo R, Parisi G, et al
456.The dynamical structure factor in topologically disordered systems. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL 物理学. vol. 114, pp 8068, 2001. MARTIN-MAYOR V., MEZARD M., PARISI G., VERROCCHIO P.
457.Fast Monte Carlo algorithm for supercooled soft spheres. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER 物理学. vol. 63, pp. 045102, 2001. GRIGERA SS501, PARISI G.
458.Role of saddles in mean-field dynamics above the glass transition. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 34, pp. 5317, 2001. CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., PARISI G.
459.Vibrational Spectrum of Topologically Disordered Systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 87, pp. 085502-085505, 2001. GRIGERA T., MARTIN-MAYOR V., PARISI G., VERROCCHIO P.
460.Topological 描写文 of the Aging Dynamics in Simple Glasses. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 87, pp 085502-085505, 2001. ANGELANI L., DI LEONARDO R., PARISI G., RUOCCO G
461. Reply to comment on "Two times scales and violation of the Fluctuation-dissipation Theorem in a finite dimensional model for structural glasses". PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 86, pp. 4717, 2001. ARENZON 约翰·约翰逊, PARISI G., RICCI-TERSENGHI F., STARIOLO D.A.
462.Euclidean random matrices, the glass transition and the boson peak. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL E. vol. 9, pp. 213-218, 2002. PARISI G.
463.Vibrations in glasses and Euclidean Random Matrix theory. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES \u0026 BIOPHYSICAL. vol. 14, pp. 2167-2179, 2002. GRIGERA SS501, MARTIN-MAYOR V., PARISI G., VERROCCHIO P
465.Kob-Andersen model: A nonstandard mechanism for the glassy transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER 物理学. vol. 65, pp 021506, 2002. FRANZ S., MULET R., PARISI G.
466.Potential 能量 landscape and long-time dynamics in a simple model glass PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 61 pp 1681-1691 FEB 2000 Angelani L, Parisi G, Ruocco G, et al
467.Off-Equilibrium effective temperature in monatomic Lennard-Jones glass PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 84 pp. 6054-6057 JUN 26 2000 Di Leonardo R, Angelani L, Parisi G, et al.
468.Dynamical structure factor in disordered systems PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 62 pp. 2373-2379 AUG 2000 Martin-Mayor V, Parisi G, Verrocchio P
469.Glassy transition in a disordered model for the RNA secondary structure PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 84 pp 2026-2029 FEB 28 2000 Pagnani A, Parisi G, Ricci-Tersenghi F
470.Comment on "Two time scales and violation of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in a finite dimensional model for structural glasses". PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 86, pp 4717, 2001. RICCI-TERSENGHI F., PARISI G., STARIOLO D. A., ET AL.
471. Reply to the comment on 'Glassy Transition in a Disordered Model for the RNA Secondary Structure'. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 86, pp 1383, 2001. PAGNANI A., PARISI G., RICCI-TERSENGHI F.
472.Off-Equilibrium dynamics in the 能量 landscape of a simple model glass. PHILOSOPHICAL 弹匣 B. PHYSICS OF CONDENSED MATTER. STATISTICAL MECHANICS, ELECTRONIC, OPTICAL AND MAGNETIC PROPERTIES. vol. 82, pp. 163-169, 2002. DI LEONARDO R., ANGELANI L., PARISI G., ET AL.
473.Geometric approach to the dynamic glass transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS. vol. 88, pp 055502, 2002. CAVAGNA A., GIARDINA I., GRIGERA SS501, PARISI G
475.Phonons in supercooled liquids: a possible explanation for the Boson Peak. NATURE. vol. 422, pp 289-292, 2003. T. S. GRIGERA, V. MARTIN-MAYOR, PARISI G., P. VERROCCHIO.
476.On the Origin of the boson peak. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER. vol. 15, pp. S765-S774, 2003. PARISI G.
477.Fragility in p-spin models. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, STATISTICAL, NONLINEAR, AND SOFT MATTER PHYSICS. vol. 69, pp 061505, 2004. PARISI G., RUOCCO G., ZAMPONI F.,
478.AGB星 aging in structural glasses. PHYSICAL REVIEW. B, CONDENSED MATTER AND MATERIALS 物理学 vol. 70, pp. 014202 2004 GRIGERA T. S., MARTIN-MAYOR V., PARISI G., VERROCCHIO P.
479.The ideal glass transition of hard spheres : JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS vol. 123,144501 OCT 8 2005 Parisi G, Zamponi F
480.Amorphous packings of hard spheres for large space dimension JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT MAR 2006 Parisi G, Zamponi F
481. On the most compact regular lattices in large dimensions: A statistical mechanical approach JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS vol. 132, pp 207-234 JUL 2008 Parisi G.
482.Replicas and Optimization, with M. Mézard, J. Phys. Lettres 46 (1985) L771.
483.Spin Glasses and Optimization Problems Without Replicas in Le Hasard et la Matière, Les Houches, Session XLVI, edited by J. Souletie, J. Vannimenus and R. Stora, (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands 1987).
484.On the Solution of the Random Link Matching Problems, with M. Mézard, J. de Physique 48 (1987) 1451.
485.The Euclidean Matching Problem, with M. Mézard, J. Physique 49 (1988) 2019.
486.On the Replica Symmetry for Random Weighted Matchings, with R. Brunetti and F. Ritort, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 24 (1991) 5077.
487.Extensive Numerical Simulations of Weighted Matchings: Total Length and Distribution of Links in the Optimal Solution, with R. Brunetti, W. Krauth and M. Mézard, Europhys. Lett. 14 (1991) 295-301.
488.On the finite 开本 corrections to some random matching problems. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B, CONDENSED MATTER 物理学. vol. 29, pp. 457-468, 2002. PARISI G., RATIEVILLE M.
489.Neighborhood preferences in random matchig problems. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. B, CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS. vol. 22, pp 229-237, 2001. PARISI G., RATIEVILLE M.,
490.The K-sat problem in a simple 极限 JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL 物理学. vol. 103, pp. 679-695, 2001. LEUZZI L., PARISI G.
491. Analytic and algorithmic solution of random satisfiability problems. SCIENCE. vol. 297, pp 812-815, 2002. MEZARD M., PARISI G., ZECCHINA R.
492.The 3-SAT problem with large number of clauses in $-replica symmetry breaking Scheme JOURNAL OF 物理学 A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 35, pp. 481-497 , 2002. CRISANTI A., LEUZZI L., PARISI G.
493.不稳定性 of one-step replica-symmetry-broken phase in satisfiability problems. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL. vol. 37, pp. 2073, 2004. MONTANARI A., PARISI G., RICCI-TERSENGHI F.
494.Statistical mechanics of optimization problems PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS vol. 365 pp 1-6 JUN 1 2006 Parisi G
495.On the high 密度 behavior of Hamming codes with fixed minimum distance JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS vol. 123, pp. 1145-1167 JUN 2006 Parisi G, Zamponi F.
496.Finite 开本 corrections to random Boolean networks JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS-THEORY AND EXPERIMENT, P12012 DEC 2006 Leone M, Pagnani A, Parisi G, et al.
497.Immunological memory in a network 透视, in Chaos and complexity, World Sci. Publishing, Singapore (1987).
498.Interaction of HIV Infection with Nervous Tissue May Play a Crucial Role in the Development of 艾滋病, Ann. Inst. Pasteur 139 (1988) 467-476.
499.Two signals from B cells 监察 the expansion of T cells, only one is imunologically specific, Ann. Inst. Pasteur 139 (1988) 177.
500.Networks in Immunology, Phys. Rep. 184 (1989) 283.
501. A simple model for the immune network, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. of USA 87 (1990) 87.
502.Learning and memory in spin-glass-like immune networks. Network-Computation in Neural Systems, vol.4, no.1, Feb. 1993, pp.39-65. UK. Lefevre O, Parisi G.
503.An introduction to the immune network. Nuovo Cimento A, vol.107A, ser.2, no.7, July 1994, pp.1175-82. Italy. Parisi G.
505.A memory which forgets, J. of Phys. A19 (1986) L617.
506.Asymmetric Neural Networks and the Process of Learning, J. Phys. A (数学 Gen.) 19 (1986) L675.
507.Neural potentials as stimuli for attractor neural networks, with D. J. Amit and S. Nicolis, Network 1 (1990) 75
508.Generalization of Rules by Neural Nets, with F. Slanina, Europhys. Lett. 17 (1992) 497-502.
509.On the classification of learning machines. Network-Computation in Neural Systems, vol.3, no.3, Aug. 1992, pp259-65. UK. Parisi G.
510. Attractors in fully asymmetric neural networks. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical \u0026 General, vol.30, no.16, 21 Aug. 1997, pp.5613-31. Bastolla U, Parisi G.
511. Interaction ruling 动物界 collective behavior depends on topological rather than metric distance: Evidence from a field study PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vol. 105, pp. 1232-1237 JAN 29 2008 Ballerini M, Calbibbo N, Candeleir R, et al.
512. The STARFLAG handbook on collective 动物界 behaviour: 2. Three-dimensional analysis ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR vol. 76 pp. 237-248 JUL 2008 Cavagna A, Giardina I, Orlandi A, et al.
513. The STARFLAG handbook on collective animal behaviour: 1. Empirical methods 动物界 BEHAVIOUR vol. 76 pp. 217-236 JUL 2008 Cavagna A, Giardina I, Orlandi A, et al.
514. Empirical investigation of starling flocks: a benchmark study in collective animal behaviour, ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR vol. 76 pp. 201-215 JUL 2008 Ballerini M, Cabibbo N, Candelier R, et al
515. New statistical 工器具 for analyzing the structure of 动物界 groups MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES vol. 214, pp. 32-37 JUL-AUG 2008 Cavagna A, Cimarelli A, Giardina I, et al.
516. Experimental Check of Non-Linear Effects in Al thin films close to Tc+, with G. Lucano et al., Phys. Lett. 42A (1972) 235.
517. On Non-Linear External Field Effects in Quasi-Superconducting Films, Phys. Lett. 42A (1972) 233.
518. On the Mean Life-Time of the Persistent Current in a 2d 超导体, Phys. Lett. 43A (1973) 379.
519. Quartic Oscillator, with R. Balian and A. Voros, in Feynman Path Integrals, p. 337, edited by S. Albeverio et al. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany 1979).
520.Trace Identities for the Schroedinger Operator and the WKB Method, in The Riemann Problem, Complete Integrability and Arithmetic Applications, p. 78 (Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1982).
521. On the Quantum Few-Body Problem, with R. Alzetta and T. Semeraro, Nucl. Phys. B235 [FS11] (1984) 576.
522.On p-adic 泛函 integrals, MOD Phys. Lett. A3 (1988) 639.
523.Brownian motion NATURE vol. 433, pp. 221-221 JAN 20 2005 Parisi G ,
524.Conference registration: how people react to a deadline NATURE PHYSICS vol. 3, pp. 746-746 NOV 2007 Alfi V, Parisi G, Pietronero L.
525.Thus spoke Galileo: The great scientist's ideas and their relevance to the present day NATURE vol. 442, pp. 248-249 JUL 20 2006 Parisi G
526.Maximally multipartite entangled states PHYSICAL REVIEW A vol. 77, JUN 2008 Facchi P, Florio G, Parisi G, et al.
527.Phase transitions of bipartite entanglement PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS vol. 101, 050502 AUG 1 2008 Facchi P, Marzolino U, Parisi G, et al.
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重磅消息:意大利罗马一大教授乔治•帕里西(Giorgio Parisi)获得2021年诺贝尔物理学奖.澎湃.2023-09-02
诺贝尔物理学奖揭晓:明确支持全球变暖理论 | 新京报快评.今日头条.2023-09-02
New Simons Collaboration: Cracking the Glass Problem.Simons Foundation.2023-09-02
Giorgio Parisi.NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES.2024-05-28
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临界的鸟群与复杂系统——2021年诺奖得主Giorgio Parisi的集体行为研究.读书会.2023-09-02
Scale-free correlations in starling flocks.PNAS.2023-09-02
临界的鸟群与复杂系统——2021年诺奖得主Giorgio Parisi的集体行为研究.澎湃新闻.2023-09-02
::Giorgio Parisi::.Giorgio Parisi.2023-09-03
Giorgio Parisi is Nobel Prize in Physics.uniroma1.2024-05-22