1978年提出求解弹性接触问题的有限元混合法,1981年提出广义杂交元,1991年提出精化杂交元,1993年提出精化不协调元法,1994 年提出几何非线性非协调模式。1995年提出接触问题非线性互补算法,1997年提出不协调元强分片检验条件,2000年提出接触问题的非光滑算法和不动点法,2000年-至今,建立了解除闭锁的高精度的三角形和四边形Mindlin板和蜕化壳单元,提出增强型分片检验和检验函数,面向飞机结构分析建立复合材料结构高阶理论和有限元软件研发。
1.国家自然科学基金:非线性精化有限元 1994-1996;
2.国家自然科学基金:非线性力学非光滑极值原理及不可微算法 1997-1999;
3.香港研资局基金:精化非协调有限元法 1998-2001;
4.国家自然科学基金:非光滑非线性力学中数学中华人民共和国城乡规划法研究 2002-2004;
5.国家自然科学基金:岩石与混凝土应变梯度理论及多尺度分析 2005-2007;
6.国家自然科学基金:增强型分片检验及多尺度分析 2007-2009;
发表论文164篇,他引412篇次(其中,SCI收录60篇,他引202篇次)。发表论文中包含中国科学4篇,计算力学中影响因子最高的International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 22篇。
List of most representative papers published in Int. j. numer. methods eng. and 中国科学:
1. Chen Wanji and Y.K.Cheung, A New Approach for The Hybrid Element Method, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 飞鱼座 24, 1697-1709,1987.
2. Y.K.Cheung and Chen Wanji, Isoparametric Hybrid Hexahedral Elements for Three Dimensional Stress Analysis, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol.26, 677-693,1988.
3. K.Y. Sze, C.L. Chow and Chen Wanji, Improved Formulations of Qcs6 Hybrid Element for Enhancing Computational Efficiency, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 飞鱼座 31, 999-1008,1991.
4. Chen Wanji and Y. K. Cheung, Three-dimensional 8-Node and 20-Node Refined Hybrid Isoparametric Elements, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 35, 1871-1889, 1992.
5. Chen Wanji and Y.K. Cheung, A Robust Refined Quadrilateral Plane Element, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 38, 649-666, 1995.
6. Y.K. Cheung and Chen Wanji, Refined Nine-parameter Triangular Thin Plate Bending Element by Using Refined Direct Stiffness Method, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 飞鱼座 38, 283-298, 1995
7. Zhao Zhenfeng and Chen Wanji, New Finite Element Model for Analysis of Kirchhoff Plate, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 38, 1201-1214, 1995.
8. Chen Wanji and Y.K. Cheung, The Non-conforming Element Method and Refined Hybrid Method for Axisymmetric Solid, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 39, 2509-2529 ,1996.
9. Chen Wanji and Y. K. Cheung, Refined nonconforming quadrilateral thin plate bendin element, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 40, 3915-3935,1997.
10. Chen Wanji and Y.K.Cheung, Refined quadrilateral discrete Kirchhoff thin plate bending element, Int. j. numer. methods eng., Vol. 40, 3937-3953,1997.
11. Chen Wanji and Zheng Shijie, Refined hybrid degenerated shell element for geometrically non-linear analysis, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 41,1195-1213, 1998.
12. A.Y.T. Leung, Chen Gouqing and Chen Wanji, Smoothing Newton Method For Solving Two and Three-Dimesional Frictional Contact problems, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 41,1001-1027,1998.
13. Chen Wanji, Y. K. Cheung, Refined Triangular Discrete Kirchhoff Plate Element for Thin Plate Bending, Vibration and Buckling, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 41,1507-1525, 1998.
14. Chen Wanji, Y. K. Cheung, Refined Nonconforming Triangular Elements For Analysis of Shell Structures, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 46,433-455,1999.
15. Chen Wanji and Y.K. Cheung, Refined quadrilateral element based on Mindlin/Reissner plate Theory, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 47,605-627,2000.
16. Zhang Shaoyan, Y.K.Cheung and Chen Wanji, stability analysis of circular cylindrical shell by using refined nonconforming rectangular cylindrical 壳层 element, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 2707-2726, 50(12) ,2001
17. Chen Wanji and Y.K. Cheung, Refined triangular Mindlin plate element, Int. j. numer. methods eng.,51:1259-1281,2001.
18. Chen Wanji, Variational principles for non-conforming element methods, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 53:603-619,2002.
19. Chen Wanji, Refined 15-DOF triangular degenerated shell element with high performances, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 2004; 60:1817–1846
20. Ai-Kah Soh,Chen Wanji, Formulations of FEM for gradient strain theory of microstructures and the C0-1 Patch test, Int. j. numer. methods eng., 61(3), 433-454, 2004.
21. Chen Wanji and Y.K.Cheung, Refined discreted quadrilateral degenerated shell element by using Timoshenko’s beam function, Int. j. numer. methods eng, 63, 1203–1227, 2005.
22. Wu Zhen and Chen Wanji,Refined global-local higher-order theory and finite element for laminated plates, Int. J Numer. Methods Eng., 2007; 69:1627-1670
23. 陈万吉, 几何非线性非协调模式研究,中国科学(A缉),第十期,1047-1055,1994.
24. 陈国庆,陈万吉,冯恩民, 三维接触问题非线性互补原理及算法,,中国科学(A缉),第11期,1181-1190,1995.
25. 高 岩,陈万吉, 轴对称非协调元方法及收敛性,中国科学(A缉), 第三期,264-269,1997.
26. 陈万吉,有限元增强型分片检验,中国科学 G 辑 物理学 力学 天文学 2006, 36(2): 199-212;
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