1. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Li Ding, Wei Li, Hung-Yi Wu, Ching-越南盾 Chang, Long-Huw Lee, De-Wen Tong*, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus as a PRRSV and PCV2 bivalent vaccine vector: Baculovirus virions displaying simultaneously GP5 glycoprotein of PRRSV and capsid protein of PCV2. Journal of Virological Methods, 2012,179(2), 359-366.(IF=2.133)
2. Xin-Gang Xu,Hong-Ni Zhao, Qi Zhang, Li Ding, Zhao-Cai Li, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong*, Hung-Jen Liu *. Oral vaccination with attenuated 沙门氏菌属 enterica serovar Typhimurium
expressing Cap protein of PCV2 and its immunogenicity in mouse and swine models . Veterinary Microbiology. 2012 ( Accepted). (IF=3.256 )
3. Zhao-Cai Li, Xin-Gang Xu (Contribute to this paper equally), Yong Huang , Li Ding, Zhi-Sheng Wang ,Gao-Shui Yu, Dan Xu, Wei Li, Dewen Tong*. Swainsonine activates mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway in human lung cancer A549 cells and retards the growth of lung cancer xenografts. International Journal of Biological Sciences, 2012. accepted(IF=3.2)
4. Li Ding,Xin-Gang Xu (Contribute to this paper equally), Yong Huang , Zhao-Cai Li, Zhi-Sheng Wang ,Gao-Shui Yu, Dan Xu, Wei Li, Dewen Tong*. Transmissible gastroenteritis 病毒 induces apoptosis through FasL and mitochondrion-mediated pathway dependent of viral replication. Veterinary Microbiology. 2012 ( Accepted). (IF=3.256 )
5.Wei Li, XinGang Xu,Yong Huang, Zhaocai Li, Gaoshui Yu, Zhisheng Wang, Li Ding, Dewen Tong*. Establishment and evaluation of a stable steroidogenic goat luteal cell line . Theriogenology, 2012,( accepted) (IF= 2.045 )
6. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang, Zhao-Cai Li, Hong-Ni Zhao, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong*, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of E envelope glycoprotein of Japanese 脑炎 病毒 and its immunogenicity of the displayed proteins in mouse and swine models, Vaccine, 2011, 29(4):636-643. (IF=3.572)
7. Xin-Gang Xu, Zhi-Sheng Wang, Qi Zhang , Zhao-Cai Li, Kuan Zhang, Wei Li, De-Wen Tong*, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus virions displaying infectious bursal disease 病毒 VP2 protein protect chickens against infectious bursal disease virus infection. Avian Diseases,2011, 55:223-229(SCI, IF=1.623)
8. Xin-Gang Xu , De-Wen Tong, Ming-Tang Chiou, Yao-Ching Hsieh, Wen-Ling Shih, Ching-越南盾 Chang, Ming-Huei Liao, Yan-Ming Zhang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculo病毒 surface display of NS3 nonstructural protein of classical swine fever virus. Journal of Virological Methods, 2009, (159)2: 259-264. (IF=2.133)
9. Xin-Gang Xu, Ming-Tang Chiou, Yan-Ming Zhang, De-Wen Tong, Jian-He Hu, Miao-Tao Zhang, Hung-Jen Liu*. Baculovirus surface display of Erns envelope glycoprotein of classical swine fever 病毒 Journal of Virological Methods, 2008, 153(2): 149-155. (IF=2.133)
1. 畜禽重大疫病口服基因工程活载体新型冠状病毒疫苗的研制。陕西省自然科学基金。课题编号:2006C111. 2006-2008,2.0万元,主持。
2. 猪瘟病毒p80蛋白致猪源细胞系病变机制的研究. 农业部畜禽病毒学重点开放实验室课题. 2005-2006,2.0万元,主持。
3. 猪瘟基因工程细胞苗的研制. 西北农林科技大学科研专项经费, 2005-2007,1.0万元,主持。
4. 猪瘟病毒p80蛋白致猪源细胞系病变机制的研究.西北农林科技大学科研启动(配套)经费,2005 -2007,3.0万元,主持。
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