1. 简单百科
  2. 曾小勤




曾小勤曾主持和参与国家国家高技术研究发展计划、973计划、国家自然科学基金、上海市重大基础研究、科技部国际合作和国防科工委军品配套项目等30余项,在镁高温氧化机理、稀土镁合金强化理论、储氢镁合金和镁电池材料等方面开展了较为深入的研究。开创了镁合金阻燃技术的新途径,揭示了合金化阻燃机理及高温抗氧化机制,获得2005国家优秀博士论文提名奖和2003国家科技进步二等奖。确立了高强度稀土镁合金的合金化原则,发现了新的稀土过渡相,首次阐明了Mg-Gd-Y合金体系的四阶段时效析出序列,以及棱柱面上与基面垂直析出的片状过渡相阻碍基面位错滑移的重要强化机制,获教育部技术发明二等奖和国防科技进步二等奖。先后发表SCI收录论文126篇,累计他引1338 次,单篇最高他引136次。参与撰写专著2本,申请发明专利50余项。在镁合金研究领域享有较高的国际知名度,曾出国学术交流访问19次,在国际国内学术会议上作特邀报告5次,担任会议组织者7次。曾获国家和省部级科技奖励7次、人才计划奖励5次、国际学术奖励1次。








1.Zeng, XQ; Wang, QD; Lu, YZ; Ding, WJ; Lu, C; Zhu, YP; Zhai, CQ; Xu, XP Study on ignition proof alloy with and rare 地球 additions, SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, 43 (5): 403-409 AUG 14 2000,累计他引次数13次 2.Zeng, XQ; Wang, QD; Lu, YH; Ding, WJ; Zhu, YP; Zhai, CQ; Lu, C; Xu, XP, Behavior of surface oxidation on molten Mg-9Al-0.50.3Be alloy, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A, 301 (2): 154-161 MAR 31 2001,累计他引次数21次 3.Zeng, XQ; Wang, QD; Lu, YZ; Zhu, YP; Ding, WJ; Zhao, YH , Influence of and rare 地球 additions on ignition-proof alloys, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY, 112 (1): 17-23 MAY 3 2001,累计 他引次数17次 4.Tang B. Y., Xiao X. B., Zeng X. Q., Ding W. J., Li W.,Ab initio study of electronic and thermodynamic properties of NdNi4Mg and NdNi4MgH4.,Scripta Materialia, volume: 59 issue: 2 pages: 147-150. Published: Jul 2008 5.Tang B. Y., Wang N., Yu W. Y., Zeng X. Q., Ding W. H. ,Theoretical investigation of typical fcc precipitates in Mg-based alloys. , Acta Materialia, volume: 56 issue: 14 pages: 3353-3357. Published: Aug 2008 6.He S. M., Zeng X. Q., Peng L. M., Gao X., Nie J. F., Ding W. J. Microstructure and strengthening mechanism of high strength Mg-10Gd-2Y-0.5Zr 合金 , Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume: 427 issue: 1-2 pages: 316-323.,累计 他引次数32次 7.He S. M., Zeng X. Q., Peng L. M., Gao X., Nie J. F., Ding W. J., Precipitation in a Mg-10Gd-3Y-0.4Zr (wt.%) alloy during isothermal ageing at 250 degrees C., Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume: 421 issue: 1-2 pages: 309-313. 累计他他引次数24次 8.Zeng X. Q., Zhang Y., Lu C., Ding W. J., Wang Y. X., Zhu Y. P. , Precipitation behavior and mechanical properties of a 重症肌无力Y-Zr 合金 processed by thermo-mechanical treatment. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, volume: 395 issue: 1-2 pages: 213-219. 累计他引次数25次 9.Zou H. H., Zeng X. Q., Zhai C. Q., Ding W. J. , Effects of Nd on the microstructure of ZA52 合金, Materials Science and Engineering a-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, volume: 392 issue: 1-2 pages: 229-234. 累计他引次数21次 10.Zou H. H., Zeng X. Q., Zhai C. Q., Ding W. J., The effects of yttrium element on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-5 wt.% Zn-2 wt.% Al alloy volume: 402 issue: 1-2 pages: 142-148. 累计他引次数17次 11.曾小勤,阻燃镁合金及阻燃机理研究,2001年(国家优秀博士论文提名、上海市优秀博士论文) 12.Xiaoqin Zeng, Wenjiang Ding, Yujuan Wu, Liming Peng,Alan Luo, Precipitation strengthening in alloys Containing Rare 地球 Elements, Magnesium Technology 2010, TMS2010-139th Annual Meeting and Exhibition Collected Proceeding, Seatle, USA,2010:17(美国TMS协会2010年年会特邀报告) 13.Zeng X. Q., Wang Y. X., Ding W. J., Luo A. A., Sachdev A. K., Effect of strontium on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and fracture behavior of AZ31 合金, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions a-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, volume: 37A issue: 4 pages: 1333-1341, Apr 2006,他引次数:26次 14.刘正,张奎,曾小勤,镁基轻质合金理论基础及应用,机械工业出版社,北京,2002 15.丁文江,曾小勤等,镁合金科学与技术,科学出版社,北京,2007(撰写其中第5、6章)发明专利 1.曾小勤,丁文江,王渠东,卢晨,耐热阻燃压铸镁合金及其熔炼铸造工艺 00115299.8 2.王迎新,曾小勤,丁文江,Mg-Al系镁合金的晶粒细化剂及其制备方法,200510024186.5 3.何上明,曾小勤,彭立明,丁文江,高强度耐热镁合金及其制备方法,200510025251.6 4.范立坤,曾小勤,丁文江,镁合金板料成形实验机,200510026805.4 5.彭立明,曾小勤,杨艳玲,丁文江,刘六法,丁怀新,镁合金G4FG发动机支架的挤压铸造制备方法,200610029407.2 6.Zengxiaoqin, Wang Yingxin, Ding Wenjiang, grain-refining using , 美国专利公开号,US2007/0181226A1
