刘建辉, 男, 曾经系统研究了有机硅化物在五员杂环化合物中的应用(包括多取代吡咯的合成方法学、高张力五员杂环3,4-二去氢吡咯的捕获),单有机锡化合物试剂在碳碳偶联反应中的应用,含吡咯与吡啶的大环的合成。现在在大连理工大学精细化工国家重点实验室工作, 从事电化学发光材料与新型氢能源的研究。
为国际重要学术期刊(Inorg.Chem., J.Med.Chem.,Tetrahedron, Tetrahedron Lett.)的论文审稿人。
1961年2月出生于湖北武汉。1983年毕业于兰州大学药学系,毕业后在兰医附属一院药剂科工作,1988年考入北京协和医学院-清华大学医学部(中国医学科学院)医药生物技术研究所,专业为微生物药物学。在抗生素专家郭惠元教授指导下,进行诺类抗菌剂的合成与构效关系研究。硕士毕业后,在首都医科大学化学教研室工作。1996年2月公派到香港中文大学化学系攻读博士学位,在中科院院士黄乃正教授的指导下,从事有机合成方法学的研究。获得博士学位后由黄乃正教授推荐,于1999年12月被法国国家科学研究中心聘为研究员,在其下属的波尔多第一大学有机与金属有机实验室从事有机锡化合物的研究,为期10个月。从2000年11月至2002年10月,先后在杜伊斯堡-埃森大学大学和波鸿大学做博士后,在G. Dyker教授的研究组从事杂环化合物的合成研究。
2.与光系统II相关的释氧中心的化学模拟, 卟啉类化合物 与Corroles金属配位化合物的研究;
3.含硫过渡金属络合物的研究, 氢酶活性中心的化学模拟;
4.精细化工产品的合成 (药物及其中间体, 农药, 染料和发光材料等).
1.Gerald Dyker, Dirk Hildebrandt, Jianhui Liu, Klaus Merz
Domino Process with Isobenzopyrylium cation Intermediate
Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2003, 42, 4399-4402
2. Xien Liu, Jianhui Liu, Kun Jin, Xichuan Yang, Qinji Peng, Licheng Sun
Synthesis, Characterization and Some Properties of 酰胺linked 卟啉ruthenium(II) Tris(bipyridine) Cmplexes
Tetrahedron 2005, 61, 5655-5662
3. Shi Jiang, Jianhui Liu, Licheng Sun
A 呋喃containing diiron azadithiolate hexacarbonyl complex with unusual lower 催化 proton reduction potential
Inorg. Chem. Commun. 2006, 9(3), 290-2
4. Weiming Gao, Jianhui Liu, Changneng Chen, Linhong Weng, Kun Jin, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Synthesis, structures and electrochemistry properties of amino-derivatives of diiron azadithiolates as active site models of Fe-only hydrogenase
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 359, 1071-1080
5. Xien Liu, Jianhui Liu, Jingxi pan, Ruikui Chen, Yong Na, Weiming Gao, Licheng Sun
A Novel Ruthenium(II) Tris(bipyridine)-锌 卟啉铼 Carbonyl Triad: Synthesis and Optical Properties
Tetrahedron 2006, 62, 3674-3680
6. Wei Zhang, Jianhui Liu, Kun Jin, Licheng Sun
Synthesis of Some New 4-Substituted-3, 5-胺醚(2-Pyridyl)-1H-吡唑
J. Heterocyclic Chem. 2006, 43, 1669-1672
7. Minna Li, Jianhui Liu, Changzhi Zhao, Licheng Sun
Aryl-Diamide Centered Binuclear Ruthenium (II) tris(bipyridine) Complexes: Synthesis, Photophysical, Electrochemical and Electrochemiluminescence Properties
J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 4189-4195
8. Weiming Gao, Jianhui Liu, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Bidentate 磷化氢 配体 based Fe2S2containing macromolecules: synthesis, characterization, and 催化 electrochemical 氢 production
Inorg. Chem., 2006, 45, 9169-9171
9. Yan Gao, Jianhui Liu, Mei Wang, Yong Na, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
锰 corrole complexes as catalysts for H₂O oxidation
J. 卟啉类化合物 Phthalocyanines, 2006, 10, 403
10. Jianhui Liu, Enrico Muth, Ulrich Flke, Gerald Henkel, Klaus Merz, Janelle Sauvageau, Erik Schwake, Gerald Dyker
Alkylation of Arenes with 苄型 and Propargylic Alcohols -- Classical versus Fancy Catalysts
Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006, 348, 456-462
11. Shi Jiang, Jianhui Liu, Yu Shi, Zhen Wang, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Preparation, Characteristics and 晶体 Structures of Novel N-Heterocyclic 卡宾 Substituted 呋喃 and 吡啶Containing Azadithiolate Fe-S Complexes
多面体 2007, 26(7), 1499-1504
12. Yan Gao, Jianhui Liu, Mei Wang, Yong Na, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Synthesis and characterization of 锰 and copper corrole 氧杂蒽 complexes as catalysts for H₂O oxidation
Tetrahedron 2007, 63, 1987
13. Zhen Wang, Jianhui Liu, Chengjiang He, Shi Jiang, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Diiron Azadithiolates with Hydrophilic Phosphatriaza-adamantane Ligand as Iron-Only Hydrogenase Active Site Models: Synthesis, Structure, and Electrochemical Study
Inorg. Chim. Acta 2006, 360, 2411-2419
14. Weiming Gao, Jianhui Liu, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Facile and Highly Efficient Light-induced pr3/CO Ligand Exchange: A Novel Approach to the Synthesis of [(μ-SCH2NnPrCH2S)Fe2(CO)4(PR3)2]
J. Organomet. Chem. 2007, 692, 1579-1583
15. Weiming Gao, Jesper Ekstrom, Jianhui Liu, Changneng Chen, Lars Eriksson, Linhong Weng, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Binuclear Iron-硫 Complexes with Bidentate 磷化氢 Ligands as Active Site Models of Fe-Hydrogenase and Their 催化 Proton Reduction
Inorg. Chem., 2007, 46, 1981-1991
16. Shi Jiang,Jianhui Liu, Yu Shi,Zhen Wang, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Fe-S complexes containing five-membered heterocycles: novel models for the active site of hydrogenases with unusual low reduction potential
Dalton Trans., 2007, 896-902
17. Ming Xia, Jianhui Liu, Yan Gao, Bjorn Akermark, Licheng Sun
Synthesis, and Photophysical and Electrochemical Study of Tyrosine Covalently Linked to High Valent Copper (III) and 锰 (IV) Complexes
Helv. Chim. Acta, 2007, 90, 553-561