1. 简单百科
  2. 英联邦大学协会


英联邦大学协会(英文:Association of Commonwealth Universities,缩写:ACU)成立于1913年,总部设于伦敦,是一个英联邦体系的国家之下,有超过500所成员大学的教育相关组织,其宗旨是‘我们为我们的成员机构服务,以提升国际在高等教育上的合作与共识,并居中提供更广泛的服务和所需要的设施’。


英联邦大学协会(英文:Association of Commonwealth Universities,缩写:ACU)是一个英联邦体系的国家之下,有超过500所成员大学的教育相关组织,其宗旨是‘我们为我们的成员机构服务,以提升国际在高等教育上的合作与共识,并居中提供更广泛的服务和所需要的设施’。

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is the world's first and oldest international university network, established in 1913.

A UK-registered charity, the ACU has over 500 member institutions in developed and developing countries across the Commonwealth. Drawing on the collective experience and expertise of our membership, the ACU seeks to address issues in international higher education through a range of projects, networks, and events.

The ACU administers scholarships, provides academic research and leadership on issues in the sector, and promotes inter-university cooperation and the sharing of good practice – helping universities serve their communities, now and into the future.

Our mission

To promote and support excellence in higher education for the benefit of individuals and societies throughout the Commonwealth and Beyond

Our vision

Strengthening the quality of education and research that enables our member institutions to realise their potential, through building long-term international collaborations within the higher education sector

Our values

The ACU shares the values of the Commonwealth and believes in the transformational nature of higher education: its 功率 and potential to contribute to the cultural, economic, and social development of a nation.


1912年,为首的伦敦大学在伦敦发起了一个于帝国体制下、53所大学组成的会议。当时发起人们呼吁,他们需要一个“咨议局”来负责联系并代表海内外的各大学对中枢表达综合意见。1913年,ACU以大英帝国“大学局”之姿成立了办事处。尔后于伦敦期货交易所的资助下,ACU于1919年获得英镑?5,000为其办公资金,其余支出则由国家负责补足。1948年,大学局更名为Association of Universities of the British Commonwealth;1963年更为现名。

Anastasios Christodoulou博士曾经担任ACU1980年至1996年的秘书长。1986年伊丽莎白·亚历山德拉·玛丽·温莎成为ACU的赞助人。


包括牛津大学(University of 牛津市),剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),伦敦大学(University of 伦敦)等,中国地区会员包括香港大学(University of Hong Kong),香港中文大学(Chinese University of Hong Kong)等
