1. 简单百科
  2. 宋建中







1. Yu, Z.; Huang, W.; Song, J.; Qian, Y.; peng, P. (2006) Sorption of organic pollutants by marine sediments: Implication for the role of particulate organic matter. Chemosphere (Accepted);

2. Pignatello, 约翰·约翰逊; Lu, Y.; LeBoeuf, E.J.; Huang, W.; Song, J.; Xing, B. (2006) Nonlinear and competitive Equilibrium sorption of apolar organic compounds in 黑色 carbon-free natural organic substances. Journal of Environmental Quality;

3. Deng, H.; peng, P.; Song, J.; Huang, H. (2006) Distribution and fluxes of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Xijiang River in Guangdong, South China. Chemosphere;

4. Song, J.; Peng, P.; Huang, W. (2005) Characterization of humic acid like materials isolated from the humin fraction of a topsoil. Soil Science;

5. Xiao, B.; Yu, Z.; Huang, W.; Song, J.; peng, P. (2004) 黑色 carbon and kerogen in soils and sediments. 2. Their role in Equilibrium sorption of less-polar organic pollutants. Environmental Science and Technology;

6. Song, J.; Peng, P.; Huang, W. (2002) Black carbon and kerogen in soils and sediments: 1. Quantification and characterization. Environmental Science and Technolog。
