1. 简单百科
  2. 高玉峰





















1. Wu Y, Gao Y*, Zhang L M, et al. How the distribution characteristics of soil property affect probabilistic foundation settlement: from the view of the first four statistical moments[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2019.

2. Zhu D., Griffiths D. V., Huang J., Gao Y.*, \u0026 Fenton G. A. Probabilistic Analysis of Shallow Passive Trapdoor in Cohesive Soil[J].2019, 145(6), 06019003.

3. Wang Y, Gao Y*, Guo L, et al. Influence of Intermediate Principal Stress and Principal Stress Direction on Drained Behavior of Natural Soft Clay[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE, 2018, 18(1): 04017128. 

4. Gao Y, Chen X, Zhang N*, et al. Scattering of Plane SH Waves Induced by a Semicylindrical Canyon with a Subsurface Circular Lined Tunnel[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE, 2018, 18(6): 06018012.

5. Zhang, J., Gao, Y.*, Zhang, F., Wan, Y., Liu, M. Influence of Anisotropy and Nonhomogeneity on Stability Analysis of Slurry-Support Trenches[J].International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE,2018,18(5), 04018028.

6. Wu Y, Gao Y*, Zhang N, et al. Simulation of Spatially Varying Non-Gaussian and Nonstationary Seismic Ground Motions by the Spectral Representation Method[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2017, 144(1): 04017143. 

7. Wu Y, Li R, Gao Y*, et al. Simple and Efficient Method to Simulate Homogenous Multidimensional Non-Gaussian 向量 Fields by the Spectral Representation Method[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2017, 143(12): 06017016. 

1. Liu M, Gao Y*. Constitutive Modeling of Coarse-Grained Materials Incorporating the Effect of Particle Breakage on Critical State Behavior in a Framework of Generalized Plasticity[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE, 2016, 17(5): 04016113.

2. Zhang F, Gao Y*, Leshchinsky D, et al. Closed-Form Solution for Stability of Slurry Trenches[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics,ASCE, 2016, 17(1): 04016029.

3. Wu Y*, Gao Y. Analytical solutions for simply supported viscously damped double-beam system under moving harmonic loads[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2015, 141(7): 04015004. 

4. Gao Y, Zhu D, Zhang F*, et al. Stability analysis of three-dimensional slopes under water drawdown conditions[J]. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2014, 51(11): 1355-1364. 

5. Gao Y, Wu Y*, Li D, et al. An improved method for the generating of spectrum-compatible 时间 series using wavelets[J]. Earthquake Spectra(美国地震工程学会会刊), 2014, 30(4): 1467-1485.

6. Wu Y, Gao Y*, Li D. Error Assessment of Multivariate Random Processes Simulated by a Conditional-Simulation Method[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2014, 141(5): 04014155.

7. Gao Y F*, Zhang F, Lei G H, et al. An extended limit analysis of three-dimensional slope stability[J]. Geotechnique, 2013, 63(6): 518.

8. Gao Y*, Zhang N. Scattering of cylindrical SH waves induced by a symmetrical V-shaped canyon: near-source topographic effects[J]. Geophysical Journal International(英国皇家天文学会会刊), 2013, 193(2): 874-885.

9. Gao Y*, Zhang F, Lei G H, et al. Stability charts for 3D failures of homogeneous slopes[J]. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,ASCE, 2012, 139(9): 1528-1538.

10. Zhang N, Gao Y*, Cai Y, et al. Scattering of SH waves induced by a non-symmetrical V-shaped canyon[J]. Geophysical Journal International(英国皇家天文学会会刊), 2012, 191(1): 243-256.

11. Gao Y*, Zhang N, Li D, et al. Effects of topographic amplification induced by a U‐shaped canyon on seismic waves[J]. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America(美国地震学会会刊), 2012, 102(4): 1748-1763. 

12. Gao Y*, Wu Y, Li D, et al. Error assessment for the coherency matrix-based spectral representation method in multivariate random processes simulation[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2012, 139(9): 1294-1299. 

13. Gao Y*, Wu Y, Cai Y, et al. Error assessment for spectral representation method in random field simulation[J]. Journal of Engineering Mechanics,ASCE, 2011, 138(6): 711-715.


1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(41630638):考虑河谷地形效应的土石坝坝坡地震稳定性研究(2017-2021)(项目负责人)

2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题(51890912):深海土与抗拔结构界面的演化机制与分析方法(2019-2023)(课题负责人)

3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51978244):大豆脲酶防治沙漠风积沙风蚀的效果及机理研究(2020-2023)(项目负责人)

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51479050):河谷地形地震波传播理论及散射规律研究(2015-2018)(项目负责人)

5. 国家自然科学基金重大计划培育项目(90815020):多点、多向地震耦合作用下高土石坝动力灾变研究(2009-2011)(项目负责人)

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(51278382):地震作用下土质边坡渐进破坏特性及机理分析(2013-2016)(项目负责人)

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(50879023):内陆疏浚高含水率淤泥透气真空快速泥水分离的机理研究(2009-2011)(项目负责人)

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(50479020):动荷载作用下EPS颗粒混合轻质土的强度和变形特性的试验研究(2005-2007)(项目负责人)

9. 973课题(2015CB057901):复杂地形地质条件下近场地震动传播特性(2015-2019)(课题负责人)

10. 工程应用项目:虎门二桥坭洲水道桥锚地下连续墙施工过程变形与内力优化数学模型开发(2017.1-2017.12)

11. 工程应用项目:苏通越江电力隧道盾构施工引起地层移动以及开挖面稳定性的计算分析(2016.10-2019.10)

12. 工程应用项目:港珠澳大桥珠海连接线临海隧道软弱土灾变特性及注浆控制技术研究(2011.7-2013.12)

13. 工程应用项目:广东省软土分布与工程特性的统计性研究(2008.10-2010.12)

14. 工程应用项目:龙潭、石泉湖、黄仁、昌里、马庄、大山水库地震反应分析及抗震加固措施研究(2007.10-2008.12

15. 工程应用项目:秦淮河边坡稳定性分析与加固技术研究(2002-2003)


国家级人才计划入选者,国务院学位委员会土木工程学科评议组成员,住建部高等教育土木工程专业评估委员会委员,教育部岩土力学与堤坝工程重点实验室主任,中国土木工程学会土力学及岩土工程分会副理事长、中国力学学会岩土力学专业委员会副主任、中国地震学会岩土工程防震减灾专委会副主任,第22届黄文熙讲座主讲人,河海大学土木与交通学院院长。《岩土工程学报》、《岩石力学与工程学报》、《Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami》编委。





