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  2. 约瑟夫·奈


约瑟夫·奈(Joseph Samuel Nye),1937年1月19日出生于美国新泽西州,美国政治学者,美国国家科学院院士,哈佛大学杰出服务教授、名誉教授,被称为“软实力之父”。


约瑟夫·奈是国际关系理论中新自由主义学派的代表人物,曾在《对外政策》杂志发表题为《软实力》的文章,最早明确提出并阐述“软实力”(Soft Power)的概念。他提出的“软实力”概念深刻地影响了人们对国际关系的看法。2008年,一项对于国际关系学界2700位学者的调查将奈教授列为美国外交领域中最具影响的学者,《外交政策》杂志也在2011年将其评为全球百位思想家之一。





2013年12月12日,约瑟夫·奈在北京参加北京2013 NU SKIN 如新大师趋势论坛并发表演讲;次年10月,约瑟夫·奈被任命奈为美国外交政策委员会委员。2024年6月4日,约瑟夫·奈在世界报业辛迪加网站刊登题为《乌克兰战争的新旧教训》的文章,从网络、经济、新旧武器等方面表述了俄乌冲突的八条新旧教训。


约瑟夫·奈在1973年与罗伯特·基欧汉合著《权力与相互依赖》,奠定了其新自由主义学派理论代表人的基础。他是国际关系理论中新自由主义学派的代表人物,以最早提出“软实力”(Soft Power)概念而闻名,被称为“软实力之父”。他在1990年出版的《注定领导世界:美国权力性质的变迁》一书及同年在《对外政策》杂志上发表的题为《软实力》一文中,最早明确提出并阐述了“软实力”概念。“软实力”随即成为冷战后使用频率极高的一个专有名词。在2004年出版的新著《软实力:世界政治中的成功之道》一书中,他又对“软实力”概念进行了补充。约瑟夫·奈所说的“软实力”,主要包括文化吸引力、政治价值观吸引力及塑造国际规则和决定政治议题的能力,其核心理论是:“软实力”发挥作用,靠的是自身的吸引力,而不是强迫别人做不想做的事情。



"Normative Restraints on Cyber Conflict" CIGI/Harvard Cyber Workshop and MIT Cyber Norms 5.0 / paper (March 6-9, 2017).

"Soft power: the origins and political progress of a concept" Palgrave Communications (February 21, 2017).

"Deterrence and Dissuasion in Cyberspace" International Security” issue 3, volume 41(Winter 2016/17) pp 44-71.

“Will the Liberal Order Survive: The History of an Idea,” Foreign Affairs, 96, 1 (January/February 2017), pp 10-16.

"Where in the World Are We?" Democracy: a Journal of Ideas No. 40 (Spring, 2016).

“Is the American Century Over”, Horizons – Journal of International Relations and Sustainable Development, (Winter,2015) pg 394-400.

“Is the American Century Over”, Political Science Quarterly, (Fall, 2015) pg 394-400.

“All in the Family: the Dulleses, the Bundys, and the End of the Establishment,” Foreign Affairs, 93, 4 (July/August 2014), pp 176-181.

The Regime Complex for Managing Global Cyber Activities” Joseph S. Nye, Global Commission on Internet Governance – Chatham House / CIGI – Paper Series: No. 1 – (May, 2014)

“What is Ethical Foreign Policy Leadership?” Ethics, the Heart of Leadership: Third Edition (2014)

"Transformational and Transactional Presidents" Leadership No.1 volume 10 (February 2014) Pg 118-124

"The Future of Power in the Twenty-First Century" Towards Mutual Security: Fifty Years of Munich Security Conference Vanderhoeck \u0026 Ruprecht LLC January, 2014) Pg 411-416

“The Information Revolution and Power” Current History: 100th Anniversary Issue, Vol. 113, No.759. pg 18-22 (January 2014)

“From Bombs to bytes: Can our nuclear history inform our cyber future? Bulletin of the Automic Scientists, volume 69, Issue 5, (pg 8-14) September (2013)

“The answer depends on the definition” International Economy, (Fall, 2013)

“What China and Russia Don’t get about Soft Power”, Foreign Policy Magazine (April 29, 2013)

"Inevitability and War" International Security” issue 4, volume 8 (March/April 2013).

“Hard, Soft and Smart Power” in The Oxford Handbook of Modern Diplomacy Andrew F. Cooper, Jorge Heine, Ramesh Thakur (March, 2013)

"Our Pacific Predicament" American Interest issue 4, volume 8 (March/April 2013).

“Who Won the Recession?”, Foreign Policy Magazine (November, 2012)

“China and soft power. South African Journal of International Affairs, 19 (2), 151-155 (2012b)

“The twenty-first century will not be a ‘Post-American’ world”, International Studies Quarterly, 56 (1), 215-217. (Spring, 2012a).

“Obama and Smart Power”, in Michael Cox \u0026 Doug Stokes, ed., US Foreign Policy: Second Edition , (Oxford University Press, 2012) Winter, 2012

“The Dialects of Rise and Decline”, Russia in Global Affairs, vol 9, no. 4 8-16. (October-December, 2011).

“American and Chinese Power after the Financial Crisis”, Washington Quarterly, issue 4, volume 33 (October, 2011).

"Understanding 21st Century Power." The European Financial Review (June / July, 2011).

“The Future of Power”, Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, issue 3, vol. LXIV (Spring, 2011).

"Power and Foreign Policy." Journal of Political Power no.1 volume 4 9-24 (April, 2011).

"American and Chinese Power after the Financial Crisis" Washington Quarterly, issue 4, volume 33 (April, 2011).

"Zakaria’s World." Foreign Policy (March 8, 2011).

"Nuclear Lessons for Cyber Security." Strategic Studies Quarterly volume 5 (Winter, 2011).








约瑟夫·奈 Joseph S.Nye,Jr.豆瓣.2024-06-07

Joseph Samuel Nye.American Academy of Arts & Sciences.2024-02-08


JOSEPH S. NYE, JR..harvard.2024-06-07

Joseph Nye CV.Harvard Kennedy School.2024-02-08


约瑟夫·奈(Joseph NYE).北京大学.2024-02-08




530 Origin DNS Error.新浪看点.2024-06-08
