1. 简单百科
  2. 冯辛安









1992-1997  中国东北CAD培训中心主任

1989-1997  中国微电子学应用开发培训中心主任

1982-1989  大连理工大学机械系机床教研室副主任







1. 金属切削机床设计,全国高校试用教材,1960,机械工业出版社,主要作者

2. 机床设计手册第七篇第三章:“机床传动系统设计”,1986,机械工业出版社,主编

3. 微电子学在改造传统产业中的应用, 1989,2,大连理工大学出版社,主编

4. 微电子技术改造传统产业概论, 1990,6,大连理工大学出版社,主编

5. CAD/CAM一体化技术概论, 1992,大连理工大学出版社,主编

6. CAD/CAM技术概论──全国CAD应用工程培训网络通用教材,1994,机械工业出版社,主编

7. 电子技术改造传统产业概论,现代工业企业自动化丛书,清华大学出版社,1996,8,主编

8. 机械制造装备设计,机械工业出版社,1999,主编,由“机械制造及自动化”教学指导委员会委托编写的“九五”全国普通高等教育机电类规划教材,获教育部2002年普通高等学校优秀教材二等奖

9. 机械制造装备设计,机械工业出版社,2005,主编,“十五”国家级规划教材


1."A gene-engineering-based 设计 method for the innovation of manufactured products”, Journal of Engineering 设计, 2009; 20(2): 175-193.

2.“Developing a manufacturing technology for the components made of a multiphase perfect material”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, accepted in January 2008.

3. “Behavior modeling of laser micromachining in hybrid layered manufacturing for components made of a material with a periodic microstructure”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2008; 38: 85-92.

4.“Material database for the material design of components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Materials \u0026 设计, 2008; 29(6): 1131-1144.

5.“Virtual Manufacturing to Design a manufacturing technology”, Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 2008; 5 (1-4):110-120.

6.“Material selection using an improved Genetic Algorithm for material design of components made of a multiphase material”, Materials \u0026 设计, 2008; 29(5): 972-981.

7.“A simulation model for the fabrication of components made from multiphase perfect materials”, Robotics and Computer-integrated Manufacturing, 2008; 24(4): 514-523.

8.“An effective evaluation method of material affinity between adjacent material regions of a component for component 设计”, Materials \u0026 设计, 2008; 29(1): 146-153.

9.“Virtual Manufacturing to Design a manufacturing technology for Components Made of a Multiphase Perfect Material”, Proceedings of CAD-08, Orlando, ÜSA, June 2008, NO.21

10.“Modeling of plasma spraying process to manufacture hybrid materials”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2007; 39(12):1120-1133.

11.“A virtual manufacturing system for components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Computer-Aided Design, 2007; 39(2): 112-124.

12.“Engraving behaviour modelling for manufacturing components with a periodic microstructure”, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA2007), Singapore, May 28-30, 2007, pp. 493-500.

13.“Gene-engineering-based innovation and reverse deduction of virtual chromosomes of manufacturing products”, Advances in Design, Springer, 伦敦, 2006, pp133-144.

14.“Visualized CAD models of objects made of a multiphase perfect material”, Advances in Engineering Software, 2006; 37(1): 20-31.

15.“Behavior modeling for the spraying device in the layered manufacturing process for the components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Journal for New Generation Sciences, 2006; 4(1): 8-20.

16.“Modeling of virtually manufactured components with a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of 2006 IEEE International Conference on Virtual environments, human-computer interfaces and measurement systems, La Coruna, Spain, July 2006, pp.160-165.

17.“Reverse deduction of virtual chromosomes of manufactured products for their gene-engineering-based innovative 设计”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2005; 37(11): 1191-1203.

18.“Development of a CAD modeling system for components made of multi-heterogeneous materials”, Materials \u0026 Design, 2005; 26(2): 113-126.

19.“Design and modelling methods for the components made of multi heterogeneous materials in high-tech applications”, Volume 2 Information Technology, Intelligent knowledge-based systems: Business and Technology of the New Millennium, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005, pp.177-223.

20.“Holo-extraction and intelligent recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings”, Computer Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications, John Wiley, New York, 2005, pp.363-388.

21.“A new 设计 method for components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Manufacturing Research, Cranfield University, U.K., 2005, No.B3-6.

22.“Optimization of the spraying process for multiphase perfect materials by means of virtual manufacturing”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference of Manufacturing Research, Cranfield University, U.K., 2005, No.C3-6.

23.“Prediction of viscoelastic property of layered materials”, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2004; 41: 3675-3688.

24.“Virtual genes of manufacturing products and their reforms for product innovative 设计”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C, 2004; 218: 557-574.

25.“CAD modeling for the components made of heterogeneous materials and smart materials”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2004; 36(1): 51-63.

26.“Optimization of material properties needed for material design of components made of multi heterogeneous materials”, Materials and Design, 2004; 25(5): 369-378.

27.“Behavior modeling for the spraying device in the layered manufacturing process for the components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Rapid Product Development, Bloemfontein, South Africa, November 2-4, 2004, No.35.

28.“Study on CAD modeling for objects with a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004), Wuhan, China, October 26-29, 2004, pp133-142.

29.“Material 设计 for components made of multi material and its applications in high-tech product design”, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004), Wuhan, China, October 26-29, 2004, pp.167-174.

30.“Study on hybrid layered manufacturing technologies for components made of a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004), Wuhan, China, October 26-29, 2004, pp.755-764.

31.“Converting a CAD model into a manufacturing model for the component made of a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of the 15th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, USA, August 2-4, 2004, pp.532-543.

32.“Novel implementation of plasma spraying for fabricating the component made of a multiphase perfect material”, Proceedings of the 15th Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Austin, USA, August 2-4, 2004, 293-303.

33.“Generating layered manufacturing information for components made of multiphase perfect materials from their CAD models”, Proceedings of CAD’04, Pattaya Beach, Thailand, May 24-28, 2004, pp Hot_mod_02.

34.“Gene-engineering-based innovation and reverse deduction of virtual chromosomes of manufacturing products”, Proceedings of the CIRP 设计 Conference, Cairo, Egypt, May 16-18, 2004, pp.7A_2_43.

35.“Developing a manufacturing technology for components made of multi heterogeneous materials”, Proceedings of the 3rdInternational Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT2004), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 11-13, 2004, pp. 259-265.

36.“Methodology and technology of 设计 for cost (DFC) ”, The 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control and 自动化技术, (WCICA'04)June 14-18, 2004, Hangzhou, China

37.“Developing the methods of modeling multi heterogeneous components”, Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 2003; 14 (7):586-592.

38.“Solid model reconstruction from engineering paper drawing using genetic algorithms”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2003; 35 (13): 1235-1248.

39.“Computer-aided design method for the components made of heterogeneous materials”. Computer-Aided Design, 2003; 35(5): 453-466.

40.“Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using Genetic Algorithms”. Pattern Recognition. 2003; 36(1): 123-130.

41.“Development of computer-aided quotation system for manufacturing enterprises using Axiomatic 设计”. International Journal of Production Research. 2003; 41(1): 171-191.

42.“A framework of the gene-engineering-based design theory and methodology for product innovation”. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Engineering 设计, Stockholm, Sweden, August, 2003, No.1093.

43.“A CAD modelling system for the components made of multi heterogeneous materials”, Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory 自动化技术 (ETFA’2003), Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2003, Vol. I, pp.1235-1248.

44.“Holo-extraction of information from paper drawings for 3D reconstruction”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2002; 34(9): 665-677.

45.“Intelligent approaches for generating assembly drawing from 3D computer models”, Computers-aided Design, 2002; 34(5): 347-355.

46.“Intelligent location dimensioning of cylindrical surfaces in mechanical parts”. Computer-Aided 设计 2002; 34(3): 185-194

47.“Computer Aided Quotation System for Modular Machine Tools and Production Lines”. Proceedings of International Manufacturing LEADERS Forum, 阿德莱德, Australia, February, 2002, pp.10-17.

48.“Application of multiple domain feature mapping in Design For Cost(DFC) ”, CE2002, Cranfield University, U.K. July, 27-31, 2002.

49. “Exploring a genetics-based 设计 theory and methodology for innovating products”. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术, Maui, Hawaii, ÜSA, August, 2002, pp278-283.

50.“Exploring a genetic-based 设计 theory and methodology for innovating products”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术, Maui, Hawaii, ÜSA, August, 2002, pp278-283

51.“Heterogeneous materials with a periodic microstructure and their applications in engineering 设计”. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术, Maui, Hawaii, ÜSA August, 2002, pp.284-289

52.“A modeling method of heterogeneous components”. Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing Automation, Hong Kong, December 10-12, 2002, pp.65-72.

53.“Intelligent dimensioning for mechanical parts based on feature extraction”, Computer-Aided 设计, 2001; 33(13): 949-965.

54.“Computer-Aided Quotation System for the Combined Cold Storage”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation, Las Vegas, Nevada, ÜSA August, 2001,pp942-949

55.“Towards 设计 method for heterogeneous component”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Engineering Design, 格拉斯哥, Scotland, U.K., August, 2001, pp.445-452.

56.“Computer Aided Quotation System for the Combined Cold Storage”. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering 设计 and Automation, Las Vegas, Nevada, ÜSA August, 2001, pp942-949.

57.“Distributed networked research center and its application”, International conference on Commerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century, Sept.16-18, 2001,Xian, Shanxi, China

58.“Development of integrated 设计 for disassembly and recycling in concurrent engineering”, Integrated Manufacturing System, 2001; 12(1): pp67-79

59.“A framework of design for life-cycle cost”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering 设计 and 自动化技术, Orlando, Florida, ÜSA, July, 2000, pp.916-923.

60.“Process integration of determining product prices for distributed enterprises”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术, Orlando, Florida, ÜSA, July, 2000, pp.907-915.

61.“Development of 设计 for both assembly and disassembly using axiomatic design”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术, Orlando, Florida, ÜSA, July, 2000, pp898-906.


63.面向成本的设计中的多域特征映射研究[J]. 机械科学与技术,2002,21(2): 318~324





























92.机械零件形状特征表示方法探讨,计算机辅助设计与制造,第一 期,1995













105.一个工程视图的消隐算法,1992,11, 大连理工大学学报第6期

106.Intelligent CAD for Box-type Machine Component,1992,8,42届CIRP 年会论文,法国


108.Interactive CAD System for the Fixture of Drilling Modular Machine Tools,1991,9,”Advances Computer Science in Application to Machinery”, Proceedings of the International Conference on CAD of Machinery






114.Development and Research of FEM Preprocessor for Mechanical Structures, ICPE'88, Beijing, 1988,9


116.Intelligent CAD of Shaft, Sleeves and Cylindrical Gears by means of Personal Computer, 1987,8, CIRP Assembly in Yugoslavia












61. Interactive CAD System for the Fixture of Drilling Modular Machine Tools,1991,9,"Advances Computer Science in Application to Machinery",Proceedings of the International Conference on CAD of Machinery

62. Intelligent CAD for Box-type Machine Component,1992,8,42届CIRP 年会论文,法国

63. Development of 设计 for both assembly and disassembly using axiomatic design,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术,Orlando,Florida,ÜSA July,2000,pp898-906

64. Process integration of determining product prices for distributed enterprises,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering 设计 and 自动化技术,Orlando,Florida,U.S.A. July,2000,pp907-915

65. A framework of design for life-cycle cost,Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering Design and Automation,Orlando,Florida,ÜSA July,2000,pp916-923

66. Intelligent Dimensioning for Mechanical Parts Based on Feature Extraction,Computer-Aided 设计,2001; 33⒀: pp949-965

67. Distributed networked research centre and its application,International conference on eCommerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century,Sept.16-18,2001. Xi’an,Shanxi,P.R. China(论文编号:RID03-54)(机械工业出版社)

68. Development of integrated design for disassembly and recycling in concurrent engineering,Integrated Manufacturing System,2001; 12⑴: pp67-79

69.Development and Research of FEM Preprocessor for Mechanical Structures,ICPE'88,Beijing,1988,9

70. Intelligent approaches for generating assembly drawings from 3D computer models,Computer-Aided 设计,2002; 34⑸: pp347-355

71. Intelligent location dimensioning of cylindrical surfaces in mechanical parts,Computer-Aided Design,2002; 34 ⑶: pp185-194

72. Towards design method for heterogeneous components,Proceedings of the 13th international conference on engineering 设计格拉斯哥,Scotland,U.K.,August,2001,pp445-452

73. Computer-Aided Quotation System for the Combined Cold Storage,Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Engineering Design and 自动化技术,Las Vegas, Nevada,ÜSA August,2001,pp942-949

74. Holo-extraction of information from paper drawings for 3D reconstruction,Computer-Aided Design,2002; 34⑼:pp665-677

75. Computer aided design for components made of heterogeneous materials,Computer-Aided Design,Accepted for publication on January 30,2002

76. Intelligent CAD of Shaft,Sleeves and Cylindrical Gears by means of Personal Computer,1987,8,CIRP Assembly in Yugoslavia

77. Distributed networked research center and its application,International conference on Commerce Engineering: New Challenges for Global Manufacturing in the 21st Century,Sept.16-18,2001,Xian,Shanxi,China

78. Computer aided quotation system for modular machine tools and production lines,Proceedings of International Manufacturing Leaders Forum,Adelaide,Australia,February,2002,pp10-17

79. Application of multiple domain feature mapping in 设计 For Cost(DFC),CE2002,Cranfield University,U.K. July,27-31,2002.

80. Exploring a genetic-based design theory and methodology for innovating products,Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering 设计 and 自动化技术,Maui,Hawaii,ÜSA,August,2002,pp278-283

81. Heterogeneous materials with a periodic microstructure and their applications in engineering design. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Engineering 设计 and 自动化技术,Maui,Hawaii,U.S.A. August,2002,pp.284-289

82. A modeling method of heterogeneous component,Proceedings of International Conference on Manufacturing Automation,Hong Kong,December10-12,2002,pp.65-72.

83. Development of computer-aided quotation system for manufacturing enterprises using Axiomatic 设计,International Journal of Production Research,2003; 41⑴: pp171-191

84. Recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings using Genetic Algorithms. Pattern Recognition. 2003; 36⑴: pp123-130

85. Computer-aided design method for the components made of heterogeneous materials. Computer-Aided 设计,2003; 35⑸: pp453-466

86. A CAD modelling system for the components made of multi heterogeneous materials,Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory 自动化技术 (ETFA’2003),Lisbon,Portugal,September,2003,Vol. I,pp.1235-1248.

87. A framework of the gene-engineering-based 设计 theory and methodology for product innovation. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Engineering Design,Stockholm,Sweden,August,2003,pp1093

88. Solid model reconstruction from engineering paper drawing using genetic algorithms,Computer-Aided 设计,2003; 35 ⒀: pp1235-1248

89. Developing the methods of modeling multi heterogeneous components,Integrated Manufacturing Systems,2003;14 ⑺,:pp586-592.

90. Optimization of material properties needed for material 设计 of components made of multi heterogeneous materials,Materials and Design,2004;25⑸,pp369-378

91. Reverse deduction of virtual chromosomes of manufactured products for their gene-engineering-based innovative 设计,Computer-Aided Design,accepted in July 2004.

92. Development of a CAD modeling system for components made of multi-heterogeneous materials,Materials \u0026 Design,2005; 26⑵: 113-126.

93. Prediction of viscoelastic property of layered materials,International Journal of Solids and Structures,2004; 41: 3675-3688.

94. Virtual genes of manufacturing products and their reforms for product innovative design,Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C,2004; 218: 557-574.

95. CAD modeling for the components made of heterogeneous materials and smart materials,Computer-Aided 设计,2004; 36⑴: 51-63.

96. Holo-extraction and intelligent recognition of digital curves scanned from paper drawings,Computer Aided Intelligent Recognition Techniques and Applications,John Wiley,New York,2005.

97. Design and modelling methods for the components made of multi heterogeneous materials in high-tech applications,Business and Technology of the New Millenium,Kluwer Academic Publishers,2004.

98. Behavior modeling for the spraying device in the layered manufacturing process for the components made of a multiphase perfect material,Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Rapid Product Development,Bloemfontein South Africa,November 2-4,2004.

99. Study on CAD modeling for objects with a multiphase perfect material,International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004),Wuhan,China,October 26-29,2004,pp.133-142.

100. Material design for components made of multi material and its applications in high-tech product design,International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004),Wuhan,China,October 26-29,2004,pp.167-174.

101. Study on hybrid layered manufacturing technologies for components made of a multiphase perfect material,International Conference on Manufacturing 自动化技术 (ICMA 2004),Wuhan,China,October 26-29,2004,pp.755-764.

102. Converting a CAD model into a manufacturing model for the component made of a multiphase perfect material,Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium,August 2-4,2004,pp.532-543.

103. Novel implementation of plasma spraying for fabricating the component made of a multiphase perfect material,Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium,August 2-4,2004,293-303.

104. Generating layered manufacturing information for components made of multiphase perfect materials from their CAD models,Proceedings of CAD’04,May 24-28,2004,Thailand,pp. Hot_mod_02.

105. Gene-engineering-based innovation and reverse deduction of virtual chromosomes of manufacturing products,Proceedings of the CIRP Design Conference,Cairo,Egypt,May 16-18,2004,pp.7A_2_43.

106. Developing a manufacturing technology for components made of multi heterogeneous materials,Proceedings of 3rd  International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing Technology (ICAMT2004),Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia,May 11-13,2004,pp. 259-265.











