1. 简单百科
  2. 英格丽·多贝西


英格丽·多贝西(Ingrid Daubechies),1954年8月17日出生在比利时林堡省的豪特哈伦-亥尔赫泰伦市,是一位物理学家和数学家。国际数学联盟主席,她在图像压缩和信号处理的小波变换的研究领域有着重要贡献,此外,她还是2023年沃尔夫数学奖的得主。英格丽·多贝西对数学和科学的热爱是从小就培养起来的。父亲在她上学时培养了她对这些学科的好奇心和兴趣。作为一个孩子,她对事物如何构建、如何运作,以及机械背后的机制、数学概念背后的真相,都很着迷。当她无法入睡时,她甚至会在脑海中计算大数字,并认为数字迅速增长很吸引人。



1987年,英格丽·多贝西移居美国,任职於AT\u0026T位於纽泽西的贝尔实验室。就在同一年,做出了她最为著名的发现:即如何建立紧支撑的离散正交小波。这个发现最终被用于图像压缩,包括JPEG 2000标准中的多贝西小波。




多贝西最重要的贡献是她在1988年提出了平滑的紧凑支持的正交小波基。这些基数彻底改变了信号处理,为数字化、存储、压缩和分析如音频和视频信号、计算机断层扫描和磁共振成像数据提供了高效的方法。这些小波的紧凑支持使其有可能在线性依赖信号长度的时间内将信号数字化。这对信号处理的研究人员和工程师来说是一个关键因素,他们能够迅速将信号分解为不同尺度的贡献的叠加。此外,她发展的双正交小波已成为JPEG 2000图像压缩和编码系统的基础。






1.D.Aerts and I.Daubechies, About the structure-preserving maps of a quantum mechanical propositional system, Helv.Phys. Acta,51,pp.637-660,1978.

2.D.Aerts and I.Daubechies, Physical justification for using the tensor product to describe two quantum systems as one joint system,Helv.Phys. Acta, 51,pp.661-675,1978.

3.I.Daubechies, An application of hyperdifferential operators to holomorphic quantization, Lett. 数学Phys.,2 (6),pp.459-469,1978.

4.D.Aerts and I.Daubechies, A mathematical condition for a sublattice of a propositional system to represent a physical subsystem,with a physical interpretation, Lett. 数学 Phys.,3 (1), pp.19-27, 1979.

5.D.Aerts and I.Daubechies, A connection between propositional systems in Hilbert Space乐队s and von Neumann algebras,Helv.Phys.Acta,52, pp.184-199, 1979.

6.D.Aerts and I.Daubechies, A characterization of subsystems in physics, Lett. 数学 Phys.,3 (1), pp.11-17,1979.

7.I.Daubechies and A. Grossmann, An integral transform related to quantization, J. Math. Phys.,21 (8),pp.2080-2090,1980.

8.I.Daubechies,"Representation of quantum mechanical operators by kernels on Hilbert spaces of analytic functions," Ph.D. Thesis, Free University Brussels (VUB),1980.

9.I. Daubechies, "Weylkwantisatie bestudeerd langs de koherente toestanden om," Contest for Traveling Fellowships of he Belgian Government,1980, (in Dutch).1980.

10.I.Daubechies,Coherent states and projective representation of the linear canonical transformations, J. 数学 Phys.,21 (6),pp.1377-1389,1980.

11.I.Daubechies, On the distributions corresponding to bounded operators in the Weyl quantization Comm. Math. Phys., 75 (3), pp. 229-238, 1980.

12.I.Daubechies and 金钟炫 Klauder, Constructing measures for path integrals, J. 数学 Phys., 23 (10), pp. 1806-1822, 1982.

13.J.R. Klauder and I. Daubechies, Measures for path integrals, Phys. Rev. Lett., 48, pp. 117-120, 1982.

14.J.RKlauder and I. Daubechies, Wiener measures for quantum mechanical path integrals, in Stochastic Processes in Quantum Theory and Statistical Physics 173, S. Albeverio, Ph. Combe, and M. Sirugue-Collin (Eds.), pp. 244-247, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 1982.

15.D.Aerts and I. Daubechies, A simple proof that the logical structure preserving map between quantum mechanical proposition systems conserves the angles, Helv. Phys. Acta, 56, pp. 1187-1190, 1983.

16.I.Daubechies and 金钟炫 Klauder, Measures for more quadratic path integrals, Lett. 数学 Phys., 7 (3), pp. 229-234, 1983.

17.I.Daubechies and E. Lieb, One-electron relativistic molecules with Coulomb interaction, Comm. Math. Phys., 90 (4), pp. 497-510, 1983. Also as part of book entitled The Stability of Matter: From Atoms to Stars, Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb Part V, W. Thirring (Ed.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

18.I.Daubechies, An Uncertainty Principle for Fermions with Generalized Kinetic 能量,Comm. 数学 Phys., 90 (4), pp. 511-520, 1983.

19.I. Daubechies, Continuity statements and counterintuitive examples in connection with Weyl quantization, J. Math. Phys., 24 (6), pp. 1453-1461, 1983.

20.I. Daubechies, A. Grossmann, and J. Reignier, An integral transform related to quantization II: Some mathematical properties, J. 数学 Phys., 24 (2), pp. 239-243, 1983.

21.I. Daubechies and E. Lieb, Relativistic molecules with Coulomb interaction, pp. 143-148 in Proceedings of the 1983 UAB Conference on Differential Equations, eds. I. Knowles and R. Lewis, North-Holland, 1984.

22.I. Daubechies, "Weylkwantisatie bestudeerd via een integraaltransformatie met behulp Van het koherentetoestanden-formalisme," Paper awarded the 1984 Louis Empain Prize (Belgium) for Physics, 1984, (in Dutch).1984.

23.I. Daubechies, One electron molecules with relativistic kinetic 能量: Properties of the discrete spectrum, Comm. 数学 Phys., 94 (4) , pp. 523-535, 1984.

24.J.R Klauder and I. Daubechies, Quantum mechanical path integrals with Wiener measures for all polynomial Hamiltonians, Phys. Rev. Lett., 52, pp. 1161-1164, 1984.

25.I. Daubechies and 金钟炫 Klauder, Quantum-mechanical path integrals with Wiener measure for all 多项式 Hamiltonians. II, J. 数学 Phys., 26 (9), pp. 2239-2256, 1985.

26.I. Daubechies and J.R. Klauder, True measures for real 时间 path integrals, pp. 425-432 in Path Integrals from meV to MeV, eds. S. Albeverio, C. Inomata, 金钟炫 Klauder, and L. Streit, World Scientific, 1986.

27.I. Daubechies, A. Grossmann, and Y. Meyer, Painless nonorthogonal expansions, J. 数学 Phys., 27 (5), pp. 1271-1283, 1986.

28.I. Daubechies and T. Paul, Wavelets - some applications, pp. 675-686 in Proceedings of the International Conference on Mathematical Physics, eds. M. Mebkhout and R. Seneor, World Scientific, Marseille, France, 1987.

29.I. Daubechies, Discrete sets of coherent states and their use in signal analysis in Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics 1285, I.W. Knowles and Y. Saito (电子数据系统), pp. 73-82, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 1987.

30.I. Daubechies, 金钟炫 Klauder, and T. Paul, Wiener measures for path integrals with affine kinematic variables, J. 数学 Phys., 28 (1), pp. 85-102, 1987.

31.I. Daubechies and A. Grossmann, Frames in the Bargmann space of entire functions, Comm. Pure \u0026 Appl. Math., 41 (2), pp. 151-164, 1988.

32.I. Daubechies and T. Paul, 时间频率 localization operators-a geometric phase space approach II. The use of dilations, Inverse Problems, 4 (3), pp. 661-680, 1988.

33.I. Daubechies, Time-frequency localization operators: a geometric phase space approach, IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 34 (4), pp. 605-612, 1988.

34.I. Daubechies, Orthonormal bases of compactly supported wavelets, Comm. Pure \u0026 Appl. 数学, 41 (7), pp. 909-996, 1988.

35.I. Daubechies, Orthonormal bases of wavelets with finite support - connection with discrete filters," Proceedings of the 1987 International Workshop on Wavelets and Applications, Marseille, France, eds. Jackie McLean Combes, A. Grossmann, and Ph. Tchamitchian, Springer, Berlin, 1989.

36.I. Daubechies, The wavelet transform, 时间频率 localization and signal analysis IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 36 (5), pp. 961-1005, 1990.

37.I. Daubechies and J.C. Lagarias, Two-scale difference equations. I. Existence and global regularity of solutions, SIAM J. 数学 Anal., 22 (5), pp. 1388-1410, 1991.

38.I. Daubechies, Phase space path integrals, coherent states and Wiener measure, Proceedings of the 1987-1988 Workshop on Path Integrals, Colombia University (蒙特利尔) and Sherbrooke University, Canada, Suppl. Rendiconti Circ. Mat. di Palermo II, 25, pp. 157-176, 1991.

39.I. Daubechies, The wavelet transform: a method for 时间频率 localization, chapter 8 (pp. 366-417) in the book Advances in Spectrum Analysis and Array Processing, Vol. 1, ed. S. Haykin, Prentice-Hall, 1991.

40.I. Daubechies, S. Jaffard, and J.L. Journe, A simple Wilson orthonormal basis with exponential decay, SIAM J. 数学 Anal., 22 (2), pp. 554-572, 1991.













Ingrid Daubechies' Publication List.杜克大学.2024-07-23

Ingrid Daubechies.Duke Pratt School of Engineering.2024-07-21

Curriculum Vitae Prof.Dr.Ingrid Daubechies.德国国家科学院.2024-07-22