吴黎兵,性别男,1972年11月出生,现任武汉大学计算机学院副院长、校工会副主席(兼),民革武汉大学委员会主委,湖北省十二届青联委员,博士(毕业于武汉大学计算机应用专业),武汉大学计算机学院教授/博导,IEEE会员,中国计算机学会高级会员,曾任中国计算机学会夏培肃奖 YOCSEF武汉副主席。
Wu, Libing and Chen, Biwen and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. Efficient and secure searchable encryption protocol for cloud-based Internet of Things. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. 2018, 111: 152-161.(SCI,CCF B类)
Wu, Libing and Zhang, Yubo and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. Efficient Identity-based Encryption Scheme with Equality Test for Smart City. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing. 2017. DOI: 10.1109/TSUSC.2017.2734110. (SCI)
Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Haibo Chen, Rongwei Yang, Jianping Wang, Yvonne Barnard, Libing Wu*. Infrastructure-assisted message dissemination for supporting heterogeneous driving patterns. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent 搬运作用 Systems. 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2017.2661962 (SCI, CCF B类)
Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Kejie Lu, Dong Ngoduy, Jianping Wang, Libing Wu. A joint control-传播学 设计 for reliable vehicle platooning in hybrid traffic. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2017. (SCI)
Xu, Zhiyan and Wu, Libing and Khan, 穆罕默德 Khurram and Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond and He, Debiao. A secure and efficient public auditing scheme using RSA algorithm for cloud storage. The Journal of Supercomputing. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s11227-017-2085-8.(SCI)
Bingyi Liu, Dongyao Jia, Jianping Wang, Kejie Lu, Libing Wu*. Cloud-assisted safety message dissemination in VANET–Cellular heterogeneous wireless network. IEEE Systems Journal. 2017, 11(1):128-139. (SCI)
Xu, Zhiyan; Wu, Libing; He, Debiao; Khan, Muhammad Khurram. Security analysis of a publicly verifiable data possession scheme for remote storage, Source: Journal of Supercomputing, p 1-8, April 29, 2017(SCI)
He, Debiao and Zeadally, Sherali and Wu, Libing and Wang, Huaqun. Analysis of handover authentication protocols for mobile wireless networks using identity-based public key cryptography[J]. 计算机 Networks, 2016. (SCI)
Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Jing Fan, Yanxiang He, Qin Liu, Dan Wu. An efficient multi-hop broadcast protocol for emergency messages dissemination in VANETs. Chinese Journal of 电子学, 2017, 26(3):614-623. (SCI)
Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Neeraj Kumar, Jian Shen. Analysis and improvement of a privacy-aware handover authentication scheme for wireless network. Wireless Personal Communications. 2017, 93(2):523-541. (SCI)
Yong Xie, Libing Wu, Jian Shen, Abdulhameed Alelaiwi. EIAS-CP: new efficient identity-based authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Telecommunication Systems. 2017, 65(2):229-240. (SCI)
Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Yong Xie, Jing Wang, Qin Liu. Efficient location-based conditional privacy-preserving authentication scheme for vehicle ad hoc networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2017, 13(3):1-13. DOI: 10.1177/1550147717700899 (SCI)
Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Debiao He. Efficient and secure identity-based encryption scheme with equality test in cloud computing. Future Generation 计算机 Systems. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2017.03.007 (SCI)
Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Debiao He, Muhammad Khurram Khan. 密码分析 of an identity-based public auditing protocol for cloud storage. Frontiers of Information Technology \u0026 Electronic Engineering. 2017. DOI: 10.1631/FITEE.1601530 (SCI)
Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Neeraj Kumar, Debiao He. Secure public 数据 auditing scheme for cloud storage in smart city[J]. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 2017, 21(5): 949-962. (SCI)
Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Li Li, Jian Shen. Efficient and anonymous authentication scheme for wireless body 面积 networks. Journal of Medical Systems, 2016, 40(6):1-12. (SCI)
Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yong Xie, Abdulhameed Alelaiw, Jian Shen.. An efficient and secure identity-based authentication and key agreement protocol with user anonymity for mobile devices[J]. Wireless Personal Communications, 2017, 94(4): 3371-3387. DOI: 10.1007/s11277-016-3781-z (SCI)
Libing Wu, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu, Jianqun Cui, Naixue Xiong. An 能量balanced cluster head selection method for clustering routing in WSN. Journal of Internet Technology. 2016. (SCI. Accepted)
Libing Wu, Yubo Zhang, Yongjun Ren, Debiao He. Efficient certificate-based signature scheme for electronic commerce security using bilinear pairing. Journal of Internet Technology. 2017, 18(5): 1159-1166.(SCI)
Libing WU, Lei NIE, Samee U. KHAN, Osman KHALID, Dan WU. A V2I 传播学 Based Pipe Model for Adaptive Urban Traffic Light Scheduling,Frontiers of 计算机 Science. DOI: 10.1007/s11704-017-7043-3 (SCI)
Wu, Libing; Fan, Jing; Xie, Yong. An Improved Authentication and Key Agreement scheme for Session Initial Protocol,KSII TRANSACTIONS ON INTERNET AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS,2017,11:4025-4042(SCI)
Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Yubo Zhang, Jian Shen. Efficient and secure authentication scheme with conditional privacy-preserving for VANETs. Chinese Journal of 电子学 2016, 25(5): 950-956 (SCI)
吴黎兵,范静,聂雷,崔建群,邹逸飞.一种车联网环境下的城市车辆协同选路方法[J].计算机学报,2017,40(07):1600-1613.第五届中国互联网学术会议(CCF ICoC 2016)最佳论文奖.
Yong Xie, Libing Wu*, Jing Fan, Lei Nie. Heterogeneous node deployment model based on 面积 topology control in WSNs. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Vol. 2015, Article ID 164307, 11 pages,2015.(SCI)
吴黎兵、党平、聂雷、何炎祥、李飞. 一种可分片预留接纳控制算法计算机研究与发展,2014,51(6):1199-1205
Libing Wu, Jing Fan, Lei Nie, Bingyi Liu. Tacked link list - An improved linked list for advance resource reservation. In proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2014). Taiwan, 2014:538-541. (CCF C类)
Libing Wu, Ping Dang, Lei Nie, Jianqun Cui, Bingyi Liu. Research on the RRB+ tree for resource reservation. In proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2013). Guiyang, 2013:83-93. (CCF C类)