徐静目前正从事高分子纳米复合材料、阻燃耐热功能高分子材料以及环境友好高分子材料在农业领域的应用研究。近几年来,以第一作者或通讯作者在《Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry》、《Journal of polymer degradation and stability》、《Materials research bulletin》、《European Polymer Journal》等国内外学术期刊上发表专业论文多篇,其中9篇被SCI收录,1篇被EI收录。现主持国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目一项,参加国家自然科学基金一项,主持山东省博士后创新项目,山东农业大学博士后、青年基金课题各一项。
1.Jing Xu, Yue-Zhong Meng, Shuan-jin Wang, Allan S Hay. Synthesis and properties of novel poly(arylene ether)s and poly(arylene 硫醚)s based on a 哒嗪 biphenol or a 酞嗪 biphenol, Journal of 均聚物 science part A-polymer 化学, 2007, 45(2): 262-268 \u003e
2.Jing Xu, Yue-Zhong Meng, Shuan-jin Wang, Allan S Hay. Synthesis and characterization of poly(aryiene ether)s containing 6-(4-hydroxyphenyl)pyridazin-3(2H)-one or 6-(4-hydroxyphenyl) 哒嗪 moieties, Journal of 均聚物 science part A-polymer 化学, 2006, 44(10): 3328-3335
3.Xu J, Li RKY, Meng YZ, Mai YW. 生物降解 poly(propylene carbonate) /蒙脱石 nanocomposites prepared by direct melt intercalation, Materials research bulletin, 2006,41(2): 244-252
4.Xu J, Li RKY, Xu Y, Li L, Meng YZ. Preparation of poly(propylene carbonate) /organo-蛭石 nanocomposites via direct melt intercalation, European 均聚物 journal, 2005,41(4):881-888
5.Xu J, Meng YZ, Li RKY, Xu Y, Rajulu AV. Preparation and properties of poly(vinyl 乙醇)-vermiculite nanocomposites, Journal of polymer science part B-polymer 化学, 2003, 41(7): 749-755