1. 简单百科
  2. Duras


region ortheast ection


Duras (grape)

物种 Vitis vinifera

Also called Cabernet Duras (more)

Origin France

Notable regions Gaillac

Hazards Oidium

Duras is a traditional French variety of 红色 wine grape that is mostly grown around the tarn River, northeast of 图卢兹足球俱乐部 It is usually blended with other traditional varieties, but production has been

declining in recent years.

despitethe name the grape appears to have no connection with of the C\u0026ocirc;tes de Duras east of Bordeaux, at least it is not grown there today. Nor is any link known to the Durasa of Piedmont.

Duras(杜拉斯) 葡萄是法国传统的酿造红葡萄酒的酿酒葡萄品种,它广泛种植于法国南部的图卢兹市东北部的塔恩河。它常被用于和其他传统的葡萄品种混酿,但是在最近几年它的产量开始下降。




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