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曾任沈阳市肛肠医院业务副院长、东北地区中西医结合大肠肛门疾病学会副主任委员、辽宁省肛肠学会副主任委员、沈阳市医学会医疗鉴定专家库成员。2008年9月经各中医学会推荐,肛 肠分会组织综合专家组评审,中华中医药学会审查批准,被授予“全国中医肛肠学科名专家”荣誉称号。从事本专业二十余年,精通各种常见和疑难的肛门疾病的诊断治疗,大肠癌的诊断和治疗。最近总结多年临床经验,自行设计了专门治疗直肠粘膜内脱垂的器械肛肠高位点注射枪,获国家专利及沈阳市推广新技术奖,现已批量投入生产。曾发表国际和国家级论文二十余篇。主持进行的“直肠坐骨直肠窝脓肿周围脓肿切开引流术切口改进‘T自行切口确立的研究”等3项科研项目获奖。



国家纳米科学中心研究员,博士生导师,课题组长;获中国科学院“百人计划”海外杰出人才择优支持;科技部973(纳米重大研究计划)首席科学家。2002年于中国科学院生物物理所获博士学位,之后在加拿大McGill大学从事博士后研究。2008年加入国家纳米科学中心。回国以来在Adv Mater, Angew Chem Int Ed, Biomaterials, Blood, Brit J Haematol, J Am Chem Soc, J Biol Chem和Small等国际学术期刊上发表学术论文50余篇。









Tianjiao Ji, Ying Zhao, Yanping Ding and Guangjun Nie, Using nanotechnology to target and regulate the tumor microenvironment: diagnostic and therapeutic applications, Advanced Materials, doi:

Yanping Ding, Suping Li \u0026 Guangjun Nie, Nanotechnological strategies for therapeutic targeting and imaging of tumor vasculature, Nanomedicine

Xin Tian, Motao Zhu, Libo Du, Jing Wang, Zhenlin Fan, Jun Liu Yuliang Zhao and Guangjun Nie, Intrauterine inflammation alters size-dependent materno-fetal transfer of nanoparticles in murine pregnancy, Small, doi:

Tianjiao Ji, Ying Zhao, Jing Wang, Xin Zheng, Yanhua Tian, Yuliang Zhao and Guangjun Nie, Tumor fibroblast specific activation of hybrid ferritin nanocage-based optical probe for tumor microenvironment imaging, Small

Shishuai Su, Hai Wang, Xiaoguang Liu, Yan Wu, Guangjun Nie, iRGD-coupled responsive fluorescent nanogel for targeted drug delivery, Biomaterials,

Hai Wang, Yan Wu, Ruifang Zhao and Guangjun Nie, Engineering the assemblies of biomaterial nanocarriers for delivery of multiple theranostic agents with enhanced antitumor efficacy, Advanced Materials,

Motao Zhu, Sarah, Perrett and Guangjun Nie, Understanding the Particokinetics of Engineered Nanomaterials for Safe and Effective Therapeutic Applications, Small

Hui Yang, Cuiji Sun, Zhenlin Fan, Xin Tian, Liang Yan, Libo Du, Yang Liu, Chunying Chen, Xing-jie Liang, Gregory J. Anderson, Jeffrey A. Keelan, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie, Effects of gestational age and surface modification on materno-fetal transfer of nanoparticles in murine pregnancy, Scientific Report

Wendi Zhang, Chi Wang, Zhenzhen Lu, Jun-Jie Yin, Yu-Ting Zhou, Xingfa Gao, Ying Fang, Guangjun Nie, Yuliang Zhao, Unraveling Stress-induced Toxicity Properties of Graphene 氧化物 and the Underlying Mechanism, Advanced Materials

Motao Zhu, Xin Tian, Xiao Song, Yanhua Tian, Yuliang Zhao, and Guangjun Nie, Nanoparticle-Induced Exosomes Target 抗原Presenting Cells to Initiate Th1-Type Immune Activation, Small

Gang Liu, Shiwen Niu, Ailian Dong, Hao Cai, Gregory J Anderson, Bing Han and Guangjun Nie, A Chinese family carrying novel mutations in the SEC23B and HFE2 genes, British Journal of Haematology

Xin Tian, Motao Zhu, Yanhua Tian, Ramm A. Grant, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie, A membrane vesicle-based dual vaccine against melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma, Biomaterials

Motao Zhu, Yiye Li, Jian Shi, Weiyue Feng, Guangjun Nie, and Yuliang Zhao, Cellular Responses to Nanomaterials: Exosomes as Extrapulmonary Signaling Conveyors for Nanoparticle-Induced Systemic Immune Activation, Small

Bo Ning, Gang Liu, Yuanyuan Liu, Xiufen Su, Gregory J Anderson, Xin Zheng, Yanzhong Chang, Mingzhou Guo, Yuanfang Liu, Yuliang Zhao and Guangjun Nie, 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine activates iron uptake and heme biosynthesis by increasing c-Myc nuclear localization and binding to the E-boxes of TfR1 and ferrochelatase genes, J Biol Chem,

Hai Wang, Ying Zhao, Yan Wu, Kaihui Nan, Guangjun Nie and Hao Chen, Enhanced antitumor efficacy by co-delivery of doxorubicin and paclitaxel with amphiphilic methoxyPEG-PLGA copolymer nanoparticles, Biomaterials

Yiye Li, Yunlong Zhou, Hai-Yan Wang, Sarah Perrett, Yuliang Zhao, Zhiyong Tang, Guangjun Nie, Chirality of Glutathione surface Coating Affects the Toxicity of Quantum Dots, Angew Chem Int Ed

Cuiji Sun, Hui Yang,Yi Yuan, Xin Tian, Liming Wang, Yi Guo, Li Xu, Jianlin Lei, Ning Gao, Gregory J. Anderson, Xing-jie Liang, Chunying Chen, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie, Controlling assembly of paired gold clusters within apoferritin nanoreactor for in vivo 肾脏 targeting and biomedical imaging, J Am Chem Soc,

Jia Fan, Jun-Jie Yin, Bo Ning, Xiaochun Wu, Ye Hu, Mauro Ferrari, Gregory J. Anderson, Jingyan Wei, Yuliang Zhao and Guangjun Nie, Direct evidence for catalase and peroxidase activities of ferritin- nanoparticles, Biomaterials

Guangjun Nie, Guohua Chen, Alex D. Sheftel, Kostas Pantopoulos and Prem Ponka. In vivo Tumor Growth is Inhibited by Cytosolic Iron Deprivation Caused by the Expression of Mitochondrial Ferritin, Blood,

Guangjun Nie, Alex Sheftel, Songwon Kim, Prem Ponka. Overexpression of Mitochondrial Ferritin Causes Cytosolic Iron Depletion and Changes Cellular Iron Homeostasis. Blood


基于肿瘤微环境调控的抗肿瘤纳米材料设计和机制研究 (国家重点基础研究发展计划973计划项目),首席科学家



2022年8月2日,据全国党媒信息公共平台消息,中国科学院国家纳米科学中心赵潇、赵瑞芳和聂广军研究团队在细菌膜纳米肿瘤疫苗方面取得重要进展。相关研究成果以Nanocarriers based on bacterial membrane materials for cancer vaccine delivery为题,发表在Nature Protocols上。

