1. 简单百科
  2. 尹靖东


尹靖东,男,生于1970年10月,蒙古族,中国民盟盟员,博士,中国农业大学动物科技学院研究员,博士生导师,教育部新世纪优秀人才,中国畜牧兽医学会动物营养学分会秘书长,中国畜牧杂志副主编,Asia-Australian Journal of 动物界 Science的编委。研究方向为动物营养与饲料科学、动物分子营养与营养基因组学、动物肌肉与脂肪发育的营养调控


2012至2013 加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA),干细胞分化机制,访问学者

2007 入选教育部新世纪优秀人才

2004至今 中国农业大学农业部饲料工业中心 研究员 博士生导师

2002至2004 中国农业大学动物营养博士后流动站工作,动物分子营养,博士后


1995 西北农林科技大学,动物遗传育种硕士学位

1992 内蒙古民族大学学士





1、课题主持人,[题目 ] RyR1介导的钙离子信号通路在肌肉间充质细胞成肌成脂分化中的作用及其调节,[来源]国家中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金委员会,[起止时间]2017.1-2020.12,[项目编号]31672431。

2、课题主持人,[题目 ]猪肌肉充质干细胞成脂分化的分子机制及其与肌内脂肪生成的关系,[来源]国家自然科学基金委,[起止时间]2013.1-2016.12,[项目编号]31272452。

3、课题主持人,[题目 ]小肠黏膜结构、功能与氮营养素吸收利用,[来源]国家973计划,[起止时间]2013.1-2017.12,[项目编号]2013CB127302。



5、课题主持人,[题目] 氯离子胞内通道基因在猪肌内脂肪沉积中的作用及其调控途径的研究,[编号]30972113,[来源]国家中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金委员会,[起止时间]2010.1-2012.12。

5、课题主持人,[题目] 锌介导的脑肠肽分泌及其对仔猪生长调控的机理,[编号] 30371042,[来源]国家自然科学基金面上项目,[起止时间] 2004.1-2004.12。

6、课题主持人,[题目]氧化锌介导的胃肠调节肽分泌及其在仔猪生长调控中的生物学意义,[编号] 30571343,[来源] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,[起止时间] 2006.1-2008.12。

7、作为项目办主任和学术骨干,参与了国家重点基础研究项目(973),[题目] 畜禽肉品质形成的规律及其营养调控,[编号] 2004CB117503,[起止时间] 2004.10-2009.10。


9、课题副主持人,[题目]蓝塘猪肉质性状形成的分子机理及其在猪肉质改良中的意义,[编号] u0731004,[来源]国家中华人民共和国国家自然科学基金委员会,[起止时间]2008.1-2011.12。

10、课题主持人,[题目]荣昌猪特色性状研究与优势性状基因的筛选和鉴定,[编号]2007BAD51B02 [来源]科技部国家科技支撑计划,[起止时间]2007.7-2010.12。

11、课题主持人, [题目]共轭亚油酸对猪肌内前脂肪细胞分化的调控机理,[编号] 6072016,[来源]北京市自然基金委项目,[起止时间] 2007.1-2009.12。

12、获教育部新世纪优秀人才基金支持计划资助,[题目]猪肌内脂肪沉积的生物学基础及其对营养调控的差异性响应[编号] NCET-06-0115,[来源]教育部,[起止时间] 2007.1-2009.12。


编著《动物肌肉生物学与肉品科学》(主编)、《猪的营养》(副主编)、《猪的可持续营养》(主译)   。


1. Qin CF, Qiu K, Sun W, Jiao N, Zhang X, Che L†, Zhao H, Shen H,Yin JD†.2016. A proteomic adaptation of small intestinal mucosa in response to dietary protein limitation. Sci Rep. | 6:36888 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36888

2. Zhou Q, Sun W, Liu X, Wang X, Xiao Y, Bi D,Yin JD†, Shi D†. 2016. Third- generation sequencing and analysis of four complete pig liver esterase gene sequences in clones identified by screening BAC library. PLoS One. Oct 3;11(10):e0163295. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0163295.

3. Qiu K*, Qin CF*, Luo M, Zhang X, Sun WJ, Jiao N, Li DF,Yin JD†.2016. Protein restriction with amino acid-balanced diets shrinks circulating pool size of 氨基 acid by decreasing expression of specific transporters in the small intestine. PLoS One. Sep 9;11(9):e0162475. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162475.

4. Qin CF, Huang P, Qiu K, Sun WJ, Xu L, Zhang X, andYin JD†. 2015. Influences of dietary protein sources and crude protein levels on intracellular free amino acid profile in the longissimus dorsi muscle of inishing gilts. J Anim Sci Biotech.7(2)184-193. 6:52 DOI 10.1186/s40104-015-0052-x

5. Liu Y, Lv W, Yu B, Ju T, Yang F, Jiang M, Liu Z, Xu L, Sun W, Huang J, Li D,Yin JD†. 2013. S-Adenosylmethionine-induced adipogenesis is accompanied by suppression of Wnt/β-catenin and 刺猬亚科 signaling pathways. 摩尔 Cell Biochem. 382(1-2):59-73.

6. Yu G, Xiang H, Tian J,Yin JD, Pinkert CA, Li Q, Zhao X.2015.Mitochondrial haplotypes influence metabolic traits in porcine transmitochondrial cybrids. Sci Rep. Aug 19;5:13118. doi: 10.1038/srep13118.

7. Liu Y, Chen F, Odle J, Lin X, Zhu H, Shi H, Hou Y,Yin JD†. 2013. Fish oil increases muscle protein 质量 and modulates Akt/FOXO, TLR4, and NOD signaling in weanling piglets after 脂多糖 challenge J Nutr. 143(8):1331-9.

8. Chen J, Fu R, Cui Y, Li YS, pan JR, Liu JL, Luo HS,Yin JD, Li DF, Cui S. 2013. LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Isl-1 mediates the effect of leptin on 胰岛素 secretion in 鼠科 J Biol Chem. 288(17):12395-405.

9. Fu R, Liu JL, Fan JJ, Li RG, Li DF,Yin JD†, Cu S†. 2012. Evidence that testosterone promotes cell proliferation and differentiation via G protein-coupled receptors in the rat L6 skeletal muscle myoblast cell line. J. Cell Physiol. 227: 98–107.

10. Lv W, Ju T, Dong B, Yu B,Yin JD†.2012. Effect of dietary stable isotopic ratios of and on the extent of their incorporation into tissues of 家鼠属 J Anim Sci Biotechnol., 3(1):14.

11. Yang HS, Li FN, Kong XF, Yuan XX, Lian GQ, Geng MM, Li TJ,Yin JD†, and Yin YL†. 2012. Molecular cloning, tissue distribution and ontogenetic expression of Xiang pig Chemerin and its involvement in regulating 能量 新陈代谢 through Akt and ERK1/2 signaling pathways. 摩尔 Biol Rep., 39(2):1887-94.

12. Wang Q, Ji C, Huang JX, Yang FY, Zhang HY, Liu L,Yin JD†.2011. The mRNA of lipin1 and its isoforms are differently expressed in the longissimus dorsi muscle of obese and lean pigs.摩尔 Biol Rep. 38(1):319-325.

13. Li FN, YinJD†, Ni JJ, Liu L, Zhang HY, and Du M. 2010. 氯代十六烷 intracellular channel 5 modulates adipocyte accumulation in skeletal muscle by inhibiting preadipocytes differentiation.J Cell Biochem. 110 (4): 1013-1021

14. Peng Y, Ren F,Yin JD†, Fang Q, Li F N, and Li DF. 2010. Transfer of conjugated linoleic acid from the sows to their offspring and its impact on the fatty acid profiles of 等离子体, muscle, and subcutaneous fat in piglets.J Anim Sci. 88:1741-1751.

15. Li FN,Yin JD †, Yue T, Liu L and Zhang HY. 2010. The 氯代十六烷 intracellular channel 5 (CLIC5) involved in C2C12 myoblasts proliferation and differentiation.细胞 Biol Internat.34(4):379-384.

16. Yue T, Fang Q,Yin JD†, Li FN. 2010. High glucose induces differentiation and adipogenesis in porcine muscle satellite cells via mTOR. BMB reports. 43(2): 140-145.

17. Liu L,Yin JD†, Li W, Liu K, Peng Y, Tan PP, Ma RLZ†. 2010. Construction of a Bacterial Artificial Chromosome Library for the Rongchang Pig Breed and its Use for the Identification of Genes Involved in Intramuscular Fat Deposition.Biochem Bioph Res Co.,391: 1280–1284.

18. Yue T, Qian F,Yin JD†, Li DF, Li W. 2010. S-adenosylmethionine stimulates fatty acid 新陈代谢-linked gene expression in porcine muscle satellite cells.摩尔 Biol Rep.,37(7):3143-3149. Epub 2009 Oct 14.

19. Fang Q,Yin JD†, Li FN, Zhang JX, Watford M. 2010. Characterization of methionine adenosyltransferase 2b gene expression in skeletal muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue from obese and lean pigs.摩尔 Biol Rep, 37:2517–2524.

20. Du M,Yin JD, Zhu 迈克尔·乔丹 2010. Cellular signaling pathways regulating the initial stage of adipogenesis and arbling of skeletal muscle. Meat Sci. 2010: 86(1):103-109.

21. Han P, Ma X,Yin JD. 2010. The effects of lipoic acid on soybean beta-conglycinin- induced anaphylactic reactions in a rat model. Arch Anim Nutr, 64(3):254-264.

22. Yu J, Yin P,Yin JD, Liu F, Zhu X, Cheng G, Guo K, Yin Y, Xu J.2010. Involvement of ERK1/2 signalling and growth-related molecules' expression in response to heat 应力induced damage in rat jejunum and IEC-6 cells. Int J Hyperthermia, 26(6): 538-555.

23.Yin JD†, Li XL, Li DF,Yue T, Fang Q, Ni JJ,Zhou X, and Wu G. 2009. Dietary supplementation with zinc 氧化物 stimulates ghrelin secretion from the stomach of pigs.J Nutr Biochem, 20 (10):783-790.

24. Liu FH,Yin JD, Du M., Yan P, Xu JQ, Zhu X, and Yu J. 2009. Heat-应力induced damage to porcine small intestinal epithelium associated with downregulation of epithelial growth factor signaling1.J Anim Sci., 87(6): 1941-1949.

25.Yin JD and Li DF. 2009. Nutrigenomics Approach-A Strategy in Identification of Nutrition Responsive Genes Influencing Meat Edible Quality Traits in Swine.Asian- Austr J Anim Sci, 22 (4):605-610.

26. Wang X, Ou D,Yin JD, Wu G, Wang J. 2009. Proteomic analysis reveals altered expression of proteins related to glutathione metabolism and apoptosis in the small intestine of 氧化物 supplemented piglets.氨基 Acids, 37(1):209-218.

27. Zhang JX,Yin JD†, Zhou X, Li FN, Ni JJ, Dong B. 2008. Effects of lower dietary lysine and 能量 content on Carcass characteristics and meat quality in growing-finishing pigs.Asian- Austr J Anim Sci, 21(12):1785-1793.

28.Yin JD, Shang XG, Li DF, Wang FL, Guang YF, Wang ZY. 2008. Effects of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid on the Fatty Acid Profile and Cholesterol Content of Egg Yolks from Different Breeds of Layers.Poult Sci, 87:284-290.

29. Li ZJ, Yi GF,Yin JD†, Sun P, Li DF and Chris 卓定 2008. Effects of organic acids on growth 表演, gastrointestinal pH, intestinal microbial populations and immune responses of weaned pigs.Asian-Austr J of Anim Sci, 21:252-261.

30. Lu P, Zhang LY,Yin JD, Everts AKR, Li DF*. 2008. Effects of soybean oil and linseed oil on fatty acid compositions of muscle lipids and cooked pork flavour.Meat Sci, 80: 910-918.

31. Zhang HW,Yin JD, Li DF,Zhou X and Li XL. 2007. 色氨酸 enhances ghrelin expression and secretion associated with increased food intake and weight gainin weaning pigs.Domest Anim Endocrinol, 33(1):47-61.

32. Lu P, Defa Li ,Yin JD, Liying Zhang, Zongyi Wang. 2007. Flavour differences of cooked longissimus muscle from Chinese indigenous pig breeds and hybrid pig breed (Duroc * Landrace * Large White).Food Chem, 107: 1529-1537.

33. Zhou X, Li DF*,Yin JD†, Ni JJ, Dong B, Zhang JX and Du Min. 2007. Conjugated linoleic acid differently regulates adipogenesis in stromal vascular cells from subcantenous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle of neonatal pigs.J Lipid Res, 48(8):1701-1709.

34. Ou DY, Li DF*, Cao YH, Li XL,Yin JD†, Qiao SHY and Wu GY*.2007. Dietary supplementation with 氧化物 decrease expression of the stem cell factor in the small intestine of weaning pigs.J Nutr Biochem, 18(12):820-827.

35. Chen XJ, Li DF*,Yin JD†, Ding YH, Zhang HL and Yi GF.2006. Regulation of dietary 能量 level and oil source on leptin and its long form receptor mRNA expression of the adipose tissues in growing pigs.Domest Anim Endocrinol, 31(3):269-283.

36. Li XL,Yin JD, Li DF, Chen XJ, Zang JJ and Zhou X. 2006. Dietary supplementation with 氧化物 increases IGF-I and IGF-I receptor gene expression in the small intestine of weanling piglets.J Nutr, 136 (7): 1786-1791.

37. Lai CHH,Yin JD, Li DF, Zhao LD, Piao XSH and Xing JJ.2005. Conjugated linoleic acid attenuates the production and gene expression of proinflammatory cytokines in weaned pigs with 脂多糖J Nutr, 135(2):239-244.

38. Lai CHH,Yin JD, Li DF, Zhao LD, Chen XJ. 2005. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid supplementation on 表演 and immune 函数 of weaned pigs.Arch Anim Nutr, 59:41-51.

39. Zhao LD,Yin JD, Li DF, Lai CHH, Chen XJ and Ma D. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid can prevent tumor necrosis factor gene expression by inhibiting nuclear factor binding activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from weaned pigs challenged with 脂多糖Arch Anim Nutr, 59(6):429-438.

40. Shang XG, Wang FL, Li DF,Yin JD, Li XJ and Yi GF.2005. Effect of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on the fatty acid composition of egg yolk, plasma and liver as well as hepatic stearoyl-coenzyme A desaturase activity and gene expression in laying hens.Poult Sci, 84 (12):1886-1892.

41. Zhu YZ, Li DF, WANG FL,Yin JD and Jin H.2004. Nutritional assessment and fate of 脱氧核糖核酸 of Soybean meal from Roundup ready or conventional soybeans using 家鼠属Arch Anim Nutr, 58:295-310.

42. Shang XG, Wang FL, Li DF,Yin JD and Li JY. 2004. Effects of dietary conjugated linoleic acid on the 生产率 of laying hens and egg quality during refrigerated storage.Poult Sci, 83 (10):1688-1695.

43.Yin JD, Qi GH, Zheng JJ and Huo QG. 2002. Influence of dietary isoflavnoids on stability of egg yolk lipids,Agri Sci China, 1(10):1180-1184.

44. 王嘉为,张蕾,祝皎月,王宇波,尹靖东†,朱伟云†. 2016.饲粮中添加苜蓿草粉对生长猪放射性肠炎微生物区系及其代谢产物的影响. 动物营养学报,28(9): 2715-2723

45. 姜美华,巨婷婷,刘 洋,许玲,孙文娟,赵泮峰,尹靖东†.2013.成肌细胞成脂过程中PPARγ、C/EBPa和Myogenin基因启动子的甲基化变化. 中国农业科学,46(14):3010-3021.

46. 巨婷婷,吕文涛,于渤洋,刘洋,姜美华,许玲,赵泽平,尹靖东†.2012.小鼠胞内氯离子通道5基因启动子核心功能区域鉴定及转录调控分析。中国农业大学学报.17(5):137-143

47. 于渤洋,吕文涛,巨婷婷,刘 洋,姜美华,尹靖东†.2012.腺苷甲硫氨酸对成肌细胞成脂分化及脂肪沉积的影响. 中国农业科学,45(18):3841—3848.

48. 朱元招,尹靖东†,李德发王凤来2005. 生长猪对转基因豆粕外源DNA的代谢的研究. 畜牧兽医学报,36(10):1083-1086.






1、猪肌内脂肪沉积主效基因及其分子标记 A major gene and its marker for intramuscular fat content in pigs(专利号:ZL200910077822.9 IPC主分类号:C12N15/12(2006.01)I主分类号:C12N15/12(2006.01)I (专利分类号:C12N15/12(2006.01)I; C12N15/11(2006.01)I; C12Q1/68(2006.01)I);

2、与猪肌内脂肪沉积相关的氯离子通道基因片段及其应用 Association of 脱氧核糖核酸 Fragment of the 氯代十六烷 intracellular channel 5 with intramuscular fat deposition in pigs.(专利号:ZL200910076200.4;IPC主分类号:C12N15/12(2006.01)I);

3、一种与肌内脂肪沉积量相关的DNA片段及其应用 An application of DNA sequence associated with intramuscular fat content in pigs.(专利号:ZL200910076199.5;IPC主分类号:C12N15/12(2006.01)I)







