【4】国家自然科学基金(项目编号:30971831)—“化学杀虫剂对茶树C6-绿叶性 挥发物合成代谢影响及其调控机理研究”(主持,2010.1-2012.12).
【5】国家自然科学基金(项目编号:30671331) — “茶树对茶尺蠖危害诱导防御反应的分子机制及抗性相关基因的筛选”(主持,2007.1-2009.12).
3. 主持鉴定省级科技成果1项 — “茶树新品系漕溪1号选育技术研究”。
【1】 Ying-Hui Hou, Anburaj Jeyaraj, Xiao Zhang and Chao-Ling Wei*. Absolute quantification of microRNAs in green tea (Camellia sinensis) by stem-loop quantitative real-时间 PCR.J Sci Food Agric (2016)DOI 10.1002/jsfa.8137 (通讯作者)
【2】 Ya-Nan Wang, Lei Tang, Yan Hou, Ping Wang, Hua Yang, Chao-Ling Wei*. Differential transcriptome analysis of leaves of tea 植物界 (Camellia sinensis) provides comprehensive insights into the defense responses toEctropis obliqueattack using 核糖核酸Seq.Funct Integr Genomics (2016) 16:383–398. (通讯作者)
【3】 Hui Song, Xiao Zhang, Cong Shi, Shuangshuang Wang, Ailin Wu and Chaoling Wei*. Selection and Verification of Candidate Reference Genes for Mature MicroRNA Expression by Quantitative RT-PCR in the Tea 植物界 (Camellia sinensis).Genes, 2016, 7, 25; doi:10.3390/genes7060025. (通讯作者)
【4】 Wei-Wei Deng, Yi-Lin Wu, YEYun Li, Zhen Tan, and Chao-Ling Wei*. Molecular cloning and characterization of hydroperoxide lyase gene in the leaves of tea 植物界 (Camellia sinensis). J. Agric. Food Chem. 2016, 64, 1770−1776 (通讯作者).
【5】 Hua Yang†, Chao-Ling Wei†, Hong-Wei Liu, et al. Genetic divergence betweenCamellia sinensisand its wild relatives revealed via genome-wide SNPs from RAD sequencing. PLoS ONE, 2016, 11(3): e0151424(共同第一).
【6】 Yuling Tai†, Chaoling Wei†, Hua Yang†, Liang Zhang, Qi Chen, Weiwei Deng,et al. Transcriptomic and phytochemical analysis of the biosynthesis of characteristic constituents in tea (Camellia sinensis) compared with oil tea (Camellia oleifera). 现代生物出版集团 植物界 Biology,2015, 15:190 (共同第一).
【7】 Weiwei Deng, Ming Zhang, Jiangiang Wu, Yeyun Li, Chaoling Wei*, Changjun Jiang, Xiaochun Wan. Molecular cloning, functional analysis of three cinnamyl 乙醇 dehydrogenase (CAD) genes in the leaves of tea 植物界,Camellia sinensis. Journal of Plant Physiology, 2013,170(3):272-282 (通讯作者).
【8】曹士先,程曦,蒋正中,盛亮,上官明珠,邓威威,韦朝领*。基于cDNA-AFLP发掘茶树被茶尺蠖取食诱导的 相关差异基因及其表达特征. 中国农业科学, 2013,46(19):4119-4130 (通讯作者).
【9】蒋正中,盛亮,邓威威,杨云秋,韦朝领*,张正竹。喷施溴氰菊酯对茶树主要特征性次生代谢物含量的影响. 热带作物学报, 2013,34(2):321-324 (通讯作者).
【10】 Shihua Zhang, Yi Yue, Liang Sheng, Yunzhi Wu, Guohua Fan, Ao Li, Xiaoyi Hu, Mingzhu ShangGuan and Chaoling Wei*. PASmiR: a literature-curated database for miRNA molecular regulation in 植物界 response to abiotic stress. 现代生物出版集团 Plant Biology, 2013, 13:33 (通讯作者).
【11】 Shihua zhang, Jing Xu and Chaoling Wei*. Sequence periodic pattern of HERV LTRs:A matrix simulation algorithm. J. Biosci., 2012, 37(1): 19–24(通讯作者).
【12】 Chengying Shi†, Hua Yang†, Chaoling Wei†, oliver Yu, Zhengzhu Zhang,Changjun Jiang, Jun Sun, Yeyun Li, Qi Chen, Tao Xia, Xiaochun Wan*.Deep sequencing of theCamellia sinensistranscriptome revealed candidate genes for major metabolic pathways of tea-specific compounds. BMC Genomics, 2011, 12:131(共同第一).
专家信息 韦朝领.安徽农业大学 教师信息.2017-05-12