1. 简单百科
  2. 田永强










2001.8-2005.7 中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所获博士学位

1994.9-1997.7 云南大学云南省微生物研究所获微生物学硕士学位

1990.9-1994.7 西南师范大学生物系获理学学士


2012.7 至今 四川大学轻纺与食品学院生物质与皮革工程系教授

2005.8至2012.6 四川大学化学工程学院制药与生物工程系副教授

1999.8至1999.12 日本东京大正制药总合研究所访问学者

1997.8至2001.8 国家医药监督管理局四川抗菌素工业研究所新药中心助理研究员




1.Zhang S, Gan L, Qin Q, Long X,Zhang Y, Chu Y, Tian Y*, 2016,Paracoccus acridaesp. nov., isolated from 昆虫纲 Acrida cinerea living in deserted cropland,Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,66:3492-3497

2.Long X, Liu Bo, Zhang S, Zhang Y,Zeng Z, Tian Y*, 2016,Sphingobacterium griseoflavumsp. nov., isolated from insect Teleogryllus occipitalis living in deserted cropland,Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,66: 1956-1961

3. Wang L, Qiu P, Long X, ZhangS,Zeng Z,Tian Y*, 2016,Comparative analysis of chemical constituents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity ofethylacetateextracts of萹蓄属 cuspidatum and its endophyticactinomycete,Streptomycessp.A0916.Chin J Nat Med, 14(2): 0118-0124

4.Liu B,Luo J,Li W,Long X,Zhang Y,Zeng Z, Tian Y*. 2016,欧文氏菌属 teleogryllisp. nov., a Bacterial Isolate Associated with a Chinese Cricket.Plos One,11(1):e0146596

5.Qiu P, Feng Z, Tian J, Lei Z, Wang L, Chu Y, Zeng Z, Tian Y*, 2015, Diversity, bioactivities and metabolic potentials of endophytic actinomycetes isolated from traditional medicinal plants in Sichuan,Chin J Nat Med,13(12):942-953

6.Long X,Ye R,Zhang S,Liu B,Zhang Y,Zeng Z,Tian Y*. 2015,Oceanobacillus damuensissp. nov. andOceanobacillusrekensissp. nov., isolated from saline alkali soil samples.Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 108:731–739

7.Zhang S, Lei Z, Long X, Qiu P, Wang L, Zeng Z,Tian Y*, 2015,Study on the diversity of microbial communities and chemical constituents inSichuan pickles,J Chem Pharma Res,7(4):1429-1435

8.Lei Z, Tian J, Qiu P, Wang L, Long X,Zhang S, Zeng Z,TianY*, 2014,Biosynthesis of gama-aminobutyric acid by induced resting cells of 乳杆菌属 brevis SIIA11021,J Chem Pharma Res, 6:342-348

9.Tian J, Lei Z, Qiu P, Wang L,Tian Y*, 2014,Purification and Characterization of a Cold-AdaptedLipase from Oceanobacillus Strain PT-11,Plos One,9(7): e101343. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0101343

10.LeiZ,QiuP,YeR, TianJ, LiuY, WangL,TangS,LiW,Tian Y*, 2014,芽孢杆菌属 shacheensissp. nov., a moderately halophilic bacterium isolatedfrom a saline-alkali soi.JGenApplMicrobiol., 60:101‒105

11.TianJ, LeiZ, QiuP, WangL,Tian Y*, 2014,Purification and characterization of anintracellularhalotolerant lipase frommoderatehalophile,Thalassobacillussp. SCULCB HNA-5.J Pure\u0026ApplMicrobiol8 (3):1901-1906

12.Tian J, Liu Y, Lei Z, Qiu P, Wang L, Song Z,Tian Y*, 2013,Diversity and Characterastics of hydrolase of halophilic/halotolerant eubacteria isolated from Shache, Xinjiang, China.J Pure\u0026ApplMicrobiol7(4):2531-2540

13. SunH, HeY,XiaoQ,YeR,Tian Y*, 2013,Isolation,characterization, and antimicrobial activity ofendophytic bacteria from 萹蓄属 cuspidatum,Afr J Microbiol Res, 7(16):1496-1504

14. Zhao K,Tian Y,Yue B,Wang H,Zhang X*. 2013.Virulence determinants and biofilm production among Trueperella pyogenes recovered from abscesses of captive forest musk 鹿科Arch Microbiol.195:203-209

15. Huang M, Li M, Feng Z, Liu Y,ChuY,Tian Y*. 2011.Enhanced rapamycin production inStreptomyces hygroscopicusby integrative expression ofaveR, a LAL family transcriptional regulator.World J Microbiol Biotechnol,27:2103-2109

16. Tian Y, Jiang W, Zhao G, Qin Z*. 2009.The conjugation-coupled recombinational cloning of the chromosomal telomeric segment ofStreptomyces lividansinto linear plasmid. Biotechnology Letters,31:1253-1258

17. Xia H, Tian Y, Zhang R, Lin K, Qin Z*. 2006,Characterization ofNocardiaPlasmid pXT107.Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 38(9), pp620–624,

18. Tian Y,Hao P, Zhao G*, Qin Z*. Cloning and Characterization of the Chromosomal Replication Origin ofAmycolatopsis mediterraneiU32. Biochem Bioph ResCo,333(1), pp14-20,2005.

19.张帅,邱鹏,龙秀锋,侯燕燕,鲁凤娟,张鹤铭,田永强,2016,耐盐芽孢杆菌 B11抗菌活性物质的分离纯化及其特征分析,食品科学与技术,37(18):256-260,266


21.甘龙站,王 幸,刘 杨,田永强,2016,一株内生放线菌的活性分析及抗生素生物合成潜力的筛查,微生物前沿, 5(2), 9-18

22. 甘龙战,王幸,冯治翔,田永强*,2016,一株黄独内生放线菌活性研究及抗生素生物合成潜力的筛查,国外医药抗生素分册,37(3):122-127


24.汤城岸,覃湫棉,柴曼思,田永强, 2015, 清洁制革中酶制剂的研究现状和应用前景, 西部皮革,37:27-34

25. 雷祖超,田杰伟,王磊,邱鹏,田永强,覃湫棉,汤城岸,郭义东, 2014, GABA 产生菌分离鉴定及静止细胞转化条件优化, 食品发酵与科学, 50:33-37

26. 王磊,龙秀锋,肖青,叶仁元,田永强,郭义东,2014,一株10-羟基喜树碱转化内生菌的筛选及鉴定,生物技术,24:80-85

27. 田永强,刘文彬,吴重德,李永红,周荣清,张永奎,2014,生物工程专业实验教学的多元化模式探索,高等教育研究,31:14-15

28. 李德富,田永强,张永奎,穆畅道,2014,“生物材料技术”探究式教学方式的改革与实践,高等教育发展研究,31:35-37

29. 肖青,叶仁元,何艳,田杰伟,雷祖超,田永强*,2013,一株产Pseurotin A的虎杖内生真菌CB50及其活性研究,生物技术, 23:69-74

30.叶仁元,肖青,何艳,田杰伟,雷祖超,金黎刚,田建,田永强 *, 2013,虎杖内生真菌的分离及对白藜芦醇的生物转化,生物技术, 23:73-77


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