1. 简单百科
  2. 温学发




温学发于1995年至2001年在沈阳农业大学完成本硕连读,获得农学学士和硕士学位。随后,他在2001年至2005年在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所攻读理学博士学位,并于2005年至现今在该所生态系统观测与模拟重点实验室担任博士后、助理研究员、副研究员和研究员。截止2010年,温学发已合作发表学术论文50篇,其中SCI收录26篇,第一或通讯作者12篇。他还参与编写了5部学术著作共11章,并主持了国家自然科学基金面上项目和国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)专题等项目。目前,温学发合作发表论文112篇,h-index为22,其中第一或通讯作者论文40篇,SCI收录23篇。他授权了7项国家发明专利,其中2项为第一发明人。温学发还主持了中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目青年人才项目、国家自然科学基金NSFC-RCUK_NERC项目(中英关键带)和国家自然科学基金面上项目等。他获得了多项荣誉,包括国家科技进步二等奖、中国科学院知识创新工程青年人才项目、中国生态学会第二届青年科技奖、中国科学院王宽诚教育基金会奖学金资源与生态环境人才专项和IHDP-IGBP-WCRP START第十四届奖学金等。





1. Mi N, Wen XF, Cai F, Zhang YS, Wang HM, 2016. Influence of seasonal drought on ecosystem H₂O use efficiency in a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research

2. Meng Y, Wen, XF, 2016. The characteristics of dew events at an arid artificial oasis and a semi-humid cropland in China. Journal of Arid Land

3. Wen, XF, Yang, B, Sun, XM, Lee, X. 2016. Evapotranspiration partitioning through in-situ isotope measurements in an oasis cropland. Agricultural and Forest 气象学

4. Tang, YK, Wen, X.F., Sun XM, Chen YM, Wang, HM, 2016, Environmental variability rather than 泛函 change dominated the interannual variability of and H₂O fluxes over a subtropical 松柏门 plantation. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry

5. Yang, B, Wen, XF, Sun, XM, 2016. Irrigation depth far exceeds water uptake depth in an oasis cropland in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin. Scientific Report

6. Pang JP, Wen, XF, Sun, XM, 2016.Mixing ratio and isotopic composition investigation of atmospheric CO2 in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment

7. Zhang, H., Wen, XF, 2015. 熔剂 footprint climatology estimated by three analytical Models of a subtropical 松柏门 plantation in southeastern China. Journal of Meteorological Research

8. Yang, B, Wen, XF, Sun, XM, 2015. Seasonal variations in depth of H₂O uptake for a subtropical coniferous plantation subjected to drought in an East Asian monsoon region. Agricultural and 中国森林资源 气象学

9. Bao, XY, Wen, XF, Sun, XM, Zhao, FH, Wang, YY, 2014. Interannual variation in sequestration depends mainly on the carbon uptake period in two croplands on the North China Plain, PLOS ONE

10. Huang LJ, Wen, XF, 2014. Temporal variations of atmospheric H₂O vapor δD and δ18O above an arid artificial oasis cropland in the Heihe River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres

11. Tang, YK, Wen, XF, Sun XM, Zhang, XY, Wang, HM, 2014. The limiting effect of deep soil H₂O on evapotranspiration of a subtropical 松柏门 plantation subjected to seasonal drought. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences

12. Tang, YK, Wen, XF, Sun XM, Zhang, XY, Wang, HM, 2014. Interannual Variation of the Bowen ratio in a Subtropical 松柏门 Plantation in Southeast China

13. He NP, Wang RM, Gao Y, Dai JZ, Wen XF, Yu GR, 2013. Changes in the 温度 sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: Implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution

14. Wen, XF, Meng, Y, Zhang, XY, Sun, XM, Lee, X, 2013. Evaluating calibration strategies for isotope ratio infrared 光谱学 for atmospheric 13CO2/12CO2 measurement. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques

15. Wen, XF, Lee, X, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Hu, ZM, Li, SG, Yu, G.R, 2012. Dew H₂O isotopic ratios and their relations to ecosystem water pools and 熔剂es in a cropland and a grassland in China. Oecologia

16. Wen, XF*, Lee, X, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Tang, YK, Li, SG, Yu, G.R, 2012. Inter-comparison of four commercial analyzers for H₂O vapor isotope measurement. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology

17. Xiao W, Lee X, Wen, XF, Sun, XM, Zhang, SC, 2012. Modeling biophysical controls on canopy foliage water 18O enrichment in wheat and corn. Global Change Biology

18. Zhang, SC, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Yu, GR, Wen, XF, 2011. Short-term variations of vapor isotope ratios reveal the influence of atmospheric processes. Journal of Geographical Sciences

19. Wen, XF, Zhang, SC, Sun, XM, Yu, GR, Lee, X, 2010. H₂O vapor and precipitation isotope ratios in Beijing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres

20. Wen, XF, Wang, HM, Wang, JL, Yu, GR, Sun, XM, 2010. Ecosystem exchange of a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation subjected to seasonal drought, 2003-2007. Biogeosciences

21. Wen, XF, Sun, XM, Zhang, SC, Yu, GR, Sargent, SD, Lee, X, 2008. Continuous measurement of H₂O vapor D/H and 18O/16O isotope ratios in the atmosphere. Journal of Hydrology

22. Wen, XF, Yu, GR, Sun, XM, Li, QK, Liu, YF, Zhang, LM, Ren, CY, Fu, YL, Li, ZQ, 2006. Soil moisture effects on the 温度 dependence of ecosystem respiration in a subtropical pinus plantation of southeastern China. Agricultural and Forest 气象学

23. Wen, XF, Yu, GR, Sun, XM, Liu, YF, 2005. Turbulence 熔剂 measurement above the overstory of a subtropical Pinus plantation over the hilly region in southeastern China. Science in China Ser. D 地球 Sciences

24. 温学发, 孙晓敏, 王建林, 于贵瑞, 李胜功,2012,水汽氢氧稳定同位素通量的模拟装置与方法。国家发明专利

25. 温学发, 孙晓敏, 王健林, 张心昱, 于贵瑞, 李胜功, 李旭辉.。2012,恒定氢氧稳定同位素比值的水汽发生器及用途。国家发明专利


温学发 男 博导 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所.中国科学院教育业务管理平台.2024-03-28