1. 简单百科
  2. 曹红斌





2012 至今 北京师范大学资源学院


2005-2012 北京师范大学资源学院


2003-2005 日本国立环境研究所 (原环境省所属)


2001-2003 日本产业技术综合研究所(原经济产业省所属)


1993-1996 南开大学环境科学系讲师

1990-1993 南开大学环境科学系助教


1997-2001 日本国立筑波大学大学院社会工学研究科都市地域计划学专业,


1988-1990 天津大学精密仪器与工程系生物医学仪器与工程专业,


1983-1988 天津大学精密仪器与工程系生物医学仪器与工程专业,




Environmental Research, Journal of Environment Management, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences等国际学术期刊论文评审人

Society of Risk Analysis 会员

Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学 会员


























Hongbin Cao and Saburo Ikeda, 2005. An Inter-zonal Tradable Discharge Permit System to Control H₂O Pollution in Tianjin, China, Environmental Science \u0026 Technology, 39: 4692-4699

曹红斌*,张郡,李强,蒋瑜,金子慎治,2008. 贵阳市居民生活供水状况改善的支付意愿,资源科学,30(10):1478-1483


Hongbin Cao*, Li Qiao, Hui Zhang, Jianjiang Chen, 2010. An exposure and risk assessment for aluminum and heavy metals in Puerh tea, Science of the Total Environment, 408(14):2777-2784

Hongbin Cao*, Yu Jiang, Jianjiang Chen, Hui Zhang, Wei Huang, Lei Li, Wensheng Zhang, 2009. accumulation in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi and its effects on 植物界 growth and pharmaceutical components, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 171(1-3):508-513

Jiang Y, Chen JJ, Cao HB*, Zhang J, Zhang H, 2008. Health Risk Assessment of in Chinese Herbal Medicines, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention (RACCADP), 527-532

Jianping Han, Wensheng Zhang, Hongbing Cao, Shilin Chen, Yongyan Wang, 2007. Genetic diversity and 生物地理学 of the traditional Chinese medicine, Gardenia jasminoides, based on AFLP markers, Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 35:138-145


朱海燕,高永红,马 涛,吴爱明,娄晋宁,曹红斌*,王永炎,2011. 三七总皂对铝暴露体外血脑屏障通透性的影响,中国中西医结合心血管疾病, 9(11):1359-1361

辛文锋,刘静,曹红斌*,张慧,张文生,2010. ICP-MS法测定普洱茶中15种无机化合物元素及应用,北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),46(1):92-96

蒋瑜,李磊,陈建江,辛文锋,曹红斌*,2009. 高效液相色谱法测定砷胁迫下栽培黄芩根中5种黄类成分含量,药物分析杂志,29(12):2047-2050


Hui Zhang, Hongbin Cao*, Yaobin Meng, Guanghai Jin, Meilin Zhu, 2012. The 毒性 of cadmium (Cd2+) towards embryos and pro-larva of soldatov's catfish (鲇属 soldatovi). Eco毒理学 and Environmental Safety, 80: 258-265

Hongbin Cao*, Haiyan Zhu, Yijing Jia, Jianjiang Chen, Hui Zhang, and Li Qiao. 2011. Heavy tals in Food Crops and the Associated Potential for Combined Health Risk due to Interactions between Metals. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 17: 700-711

Hongbin Cao *, Jianjiang Chen, Jun Zhang, Hui Zhang, Li Qiao, 2010. Heavy metals in rice and garden vegetables and their potential health risks to inhabitants in the vicinity of an industrial zone in Jiangsu, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China, 22(11):1793-1800

Hongbin Cao*, Noriyuki Suzuki, Takeo Sakurai, 2009. Probabilistic Estimation of Regional Dietary Exposure to Dioxins in Fish in Japan on the Basis of Market and Fish Distribution Network 数据,Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 15(5):890-906

Hongbin Cao*, Noriyuki Suzuki, Takeo Sakurai, Kanae Matsuzaki, Hiroaki Shiraishi, Masatoshi Morita, 2008. Probabilistic Estimation of Dietary Exposure of General Japanese 种群 to Dioxins in Fish, using Region-specific Fish Monitoring 数据, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 18(3):236-245

Hongbin Cao and Saburo Ikeda, 2000. Exposure Assessment of Heavy Metals Resulting from Farmland Application of Wastewater Sludge in Tianjin, China-The examination of two existing national standards for soil and for farmland-used sludge, Risk Analysis, 20(5): 613-625

Hongbin Cao*, 2008. Determining Priority Substances for Control on the Basis of Comparative Environmental Risk Assessment-Methodological Considerations, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on 生物信息学 and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE) (Special Track on Environmental Pollution and Public Health), 4501-4503

Hui Zhang and Hongbin Cao*, 2008. A Review of Ecological risk assessment on Multiple levels, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE) (Special Track on Environmental Pollution and Public Health), 4598-4601

Zhang J, Cao HB*, Zhang H, 2008. Research on Town Environment Risk Assessment System, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention (RACCADP), 533-537

Zhang H, Cao HB*, Meng YB, Zhang J, 2008. Ecological Risk Assessment of HCH on Aquatic 物种 in Taihu Lake, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Meeting of Risk Analysis Council of China Association for Disaster Prevention (RACCADP), 723-728

Hongbin Cao*, Noriyuki Suzuki, Takeo Sakurai, 2007. Assessment of Regional Dietary Exposure to Dioxins in Seafood in Japan, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Risk Analysis and Crisis Response (RACR), 782-785

Atsuo Kishimoto, Hongbin Cao and Masashi Gamo, 2006. Assessment of Exposure to and Risk Posed by 甲苯 in Japanese Residents: Combining Exposure from Indoor and Outdoor Sources, Environmental Sciences, 13(1): 31-42

Hongbin Cao* and Saburo Ikeda, 1998. A Risk Assessment of Hazard Materials Remained in the Sludge due to Land Application- A Case Study in Tianjin, Risk Research and Management in Asia 透视: Proceedings of the First China-Japan Conference on Risk Assessment and Management, 369-380

贾宜静,朱海燕,曹红斌*,孟繁蕴,2011. 生理药物代谢动力学模型及其应用,环境与健康杂志,28(4): 372-375

曹红斌*,于云江,2008. 基于市场流通模型的一般居民有害污染物膳食暴露评价-以日本鱼贝类膳食摄入途径二噁英类暴露为例,应用基础与工程科学学报,16(3):403-413

曹红斌*,岸本充生,2002. トルエン排出の流圏オゾン生成への寄与とその健康影响の评, 2002年度日本リスク研究学会第15回研究表会讲演论文集, 6-11


Hongbin Cao. 2010. Cumulative health risk of multiple pollutants from both industrial and agricultural sources in the unbanization 面积. Workshop on China-Europe partnership in the area of emerging risks, the 2nd iNteg-Risk Conference, June 14-18, 2010.

Cao, HB托尔斯港*, Chen, 约翰·约翰逊, Zhang, H., Qiao, L. 2010. Dietary exposure to heavy metals and related health risks for local inhabitants in the vicinity of an industrial zone in Jiangsu, China. Proceedings of the asia/pacific chapter of the society of environmental toxicology and chemistry 2010(SETAC 2010), Guangzhou, June 4-7, 2010.

Cao, HB托尔斯港, Chen, 约翰·约翰逊, Zhang, J., Zhang, H., Qiao, L. 2009. Cadmium contamination of garden vegetables and its health risk to the residents. Asian Conference on Risk Assessment and Management 2009 (EARAM-2009), Beijing, May 17-19, 2009.

Yu Jiang, Hongbin Cao, 2006. A Spatial and temporal assessment of 滴滴涕 residuals in China,2006 Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学, Asia/Pacific

Hongbin CAO and Atsuo KISHIMOTO, 2005. Integrated Risk Management of Hazardous Chemicals – Case Study of Human Health Risk of 甲苯 for General Individuals in Japan, 5th Annual IIASA-DPRI Forum on Integrated Disaster Risk Management

Hongbin CAO, Noriyuki SUZUKI, Takeo SAKURAI, Kanae MATSUZAKI, Hiroaki SHIRAISHI, Masatoshi MORITA, 2004. GIS-based Assessment of Human Exposures to Dioxins from Seafood in Japan, Proceedings of International Joint Conference “Risk Assessment and Management” with SRA Japan \u0026 China/KOSET/SETAC A/P, Nov. 4-6, pp140

Hongbin CAO, Noriyuki SUZUKI, Takeo SAKURAI, Kanae MATSUZAKI, Hiroaki SHIRAISHI, Masatoshi MORITA, 2004. Probabilistic Estimation of Geographical Variability of Individual Exposure to Dioxins from Fishes in Japan, Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Symposium on Environmental 化学, Oct. 21-23, 39-40

Hongbin Cao, HB托尔斯港, Suzuki, N. Nansai, K., Sakurai, T., Matsuhashi, K., Moriguchi, Y., Tanabe, K., Nakasugi, O. Morita, M. 2004. How the distribution network of fishes affects human exposure to dioxins in Japan: Considering the geographical variability for dioxins exposure, the 14th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学, Europe

Hongbin CAO and Atsuo KISHIMOTO, 2002. Estimation of 甲苯 Exposure among the General Public in the Kanto 面积 of Japan, 2002 Annual Meeting of Society for Risk Analysis.

曹红斌、岸本充生,2002.一般环境におけるトルエン曝露のリスク评価、环境科学会2002年会报告要旨集、pp 248-249

Hongbin Cao and Saburo Ikeda, 2000. Inter-zone Discharge Permit Transaction: A Trial to Manage Industrial-borne Pollutants Discharged into Sewage Network in China, 环境経済政策学会2000年大会报告要旨集pp 272-273

曹红斌、池田三郎, 1999. 排出许可证取引制度の施可能性の讨-中国における重金属排出规制を例题として, 环境科学会1999年会报告要旨集pp 130-131

Noriyuki SUZUKI, Takeo SAKURAI, Hongbin Cao, Yuichi MORIGUCHI, Kiyoshi TANABE, Yasuyuki SHIBATA and Masatoshi MORITA, 2004. Environmental Fate Assessment of Persistent Organic Chemicals by Spatially-resolved/Geo-referenced Model (G-CIEMS) Methodology, Proceedings of China-Japan Joint Symposium on Environmental 化学, pp 73-74

NS 铃木公司, K Nansai, H.-B. Cao , T Sakurai, K. Matsuhashi, Y. Moriguchi, K. Tanabe, O. Nakasugi, M. Morita, 2004. Assessment of the geographical variability of the levels and fate by geo-referenced G-CIEMS multimedia model for selected chemicals, the 14th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental Toxicology and 化学, Europe

NS Suzuki, K Nansai, HB托尔斯港 Cao, T Sakurai, K. Matsuhashi, Y. Moriguchi, K. Tanabe, O. Nakasugi, M. Morita, 2004. Comprehensive risk assessment and management framework on geo-referenced environment: “The Virtual World” system. Databases, geo-referenced “G-CIEMS” models and the application, the 14th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学, Europe

K. Nansai, N. Suzuki, Y. Moriguchi, T. Sakurai, K. Tanabe, S. Hashimoto, Y. Kudoh, HB托尔斯港 Cao, 2004. Database preparation for a site-dependent LCIA in Japan using an input-output table and the virtual world, the 14th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学, Europe

K. Nansai, N. Suzuki, K. Tanabe, S. Kobayashi, Y. Moriguchi, T. Sakurai, HB托尔斯港 Cao, Y. Kudoh, S. Hashimoto, 2004. Development of an emission inventory model (he G-BEAMS) on the virtual world, the 14th Annual Meeting of Society of Environmental 毒理学 and 化学, Europe


健康风险评价系统HRAS V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2009SR10991,授权日:2009.3.24

生态风险评价系统ERAS V1.0,软件著作权登记号:2010SR014914,授权日:2010.4.6




