教育经历 1987.9-1991.07 北京农业大学 农业环境保护 学士 农学 1993.9-1996.07中国农业大学 土壤与植物营养 硕士 农学 1998.1-2002.07 德国Hohenheim大学 植物营养 博士 农学工作经历 1991.7-1993.08 山西职业师范专科学校 助教 1996.7-1997.12 中国农业大学讲师 2002.7-2002.12 中国农业大学讲师 2003.1-2008.01 中国农业大学副教授 2009.01- 中国农业大学教授 短期合作或培训经历 1997.3-1997.3 华中农业大学进修 2002.3-2002.6 法国农业部INRA 博士论文工作 2006.7-2006.7 贝尔法斯特女王大学合作研究 2008.1-2008.10 哈佛大学进修教学课程根际生态学本科生 2003.1-6 植物营养硕士生Seminar 硕士生 2003起 生物修复本科生 2005起 环境生物学本科生 2009起
研究方向:根际营养研究领域:根际,菌根学,生物修复科研项目(包括在研和已完成) 1.菌根修复PAHs污染土壤 2008-2012 863计划参加 2.玉米水稻体系根际过程和环境效应 2009- 国家自然科学基金群体项目参加组织 3.国家自然科学基金重大项目 2009-2012 参加 4.菌根抑制植物摄入土壤As的生物屏障作用及机理研究 2006-2008 国家自然科学基金主持 5.利用丛枝菌根真菌进行生物修复的机理研究 2006-2080 教育部留学回国人员基金主持 6.丛枝菌根菌丝吸收不同形态N素机制研究 2003-2005 国家自然科学基金主持 7.Effect of mycorrhizal colonisation and nitrogen and sulfur nutrition on composition and health value of Chinese Allium vegetable plants 2003-2004 中德科学基金研究交流中心主持 主要学术论文与获奖发表论文 1.Zhang J. L. and E. George. 2009. Root proliferationof Norway spruce and Scots pine in response to local magnesium supply in soil. Tree Physiology. Doi: 10.1093/treephys/tpn016 2.Liu H. J., J. L. Zhang, P. Christie and F. S. Zhang, 2008. Influence of iron plaque on uptake and accumulation of Cd by rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings grown in soil. Science of the Total Environment. 394:361-368 通讯作者 3.Hao L.F. J. L. Zhang, F.J. Chen., P. Christie and X.L.Li, 2008. Response of two maize inbred lines with contrasting phosphorus efficiency and root morphology to mycorrhizal colonization at different soil phosphorus supply levels. Journal of 植物界 Nutrition. 31: 1059-1073. 通讯作者 4.Wang Z.H., J.L.Zhang, P. Christie and X.L. Li. 2008. Influence of inoculation with Glomus mosseae or Acaulospora morrowiae on arsenic uptake and translocation by maize. 植物界 and Soil. 311:235-244. 通讯作者 5.Xu P., P. Christie, Y. Liu, J.L. Zhang and X.L.Li, 2008. The arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae can enhance arsenic tolerance in Medicago truncatula by increasing 植物界 phophorus status and restricting arsenate uptake. Environmnental Pollution. 156: 215-220. 通讯作者 6.Zhang L.D, J.L. Zhang, P. Christie and X.L. Li. 2008. Pre-inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi suppress root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) on cucumber (Cucumis sativus). Biology Fertility and Soils. 45:205-211. 通讯作者 7.Liu H. J., J. L. Zhang, P. Christie and F. S. Zhang, 2007. Influence of external zinc and phosphorus supply on Cd uptake by rice (稻属 stativa L.) seedlings with root surface iron plaque. 植物界 and Soil. 300: 105-115. 通讯作者 8.Liu H. J., J. L. Zhang, P. Christie and F. S. Zhang, 2007. Role of iron plaque in Cd uptake by and translocation within rice (Oryza stativa L.) seedlings grown in solution culture. Environmental and Experimental 植物学 59: 314-320. 通讯作者 9.Guo T., J. L. Zhang P. Christie and X.L. Li, 2007. Pungency of spring onion as affected by inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and sulfur supply. Journal of 植物界 Nutrition. 30: 1023-1034. 通讯作者 10.Guo T., J. L. Zhang P. Christie and X.L. Li, 2007. Influence of nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers and inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on yield and pungency of spring onion. Journal of 植物界 Nutrition. 29: 1767-1778. 通讯作者 11.Guo T., J. L. Zhang P. Christie and X.L. Li, 2006. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and ammoniu : nitrate ratios on growth and pungency of onion seedlings. Journal of 植物界 Nutrition. 通讯作者 12.Bakker M.R., E. George, M.P. Turpault, J.L. Zhang and B. Zeller, 2004. Impact of Douglas-fir and Scots pine seedlings on 斜长石 weathering under acidic conditions. Plant and Soil, 266: 247-259. 13.Tian H., J.P.Gai, J.L.Zhang, P. Christie and X.L.Li, 2008. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in degraded typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Land Degradation and Development. Doi: 10.1002/ldr.876. 14.Effect of iron plaque on the uptake of cadmimum by rice (Oryza stativa L.) seedlings grown in hydroponic culture. In: Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection 论文集 2/3 15.Effect of sulphur supply and mycorrhizal colonization on the growth and pungency of 葱属 cepa L. In: 植物界 nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection 论文集 2/3 16.Zhang and George, Changes in the extractability of cations (Ca, Mg and K) in the rhizosphere of Norway spruce (鸟巢状欧洲云杉) roots 植物界 and Soil SCI 1/2 17.Organic acid exudation by roots of Norway spruce grown in hydroponic culture or in soil 论文集 1/3 18.Root proliferation of Norway spruce and Scots pine plants in response to local magnesium supply. 论文集 1/2 19.Phosphorus acquisition from compacted soil by hyphae of a mycorrhizal fungus associated with 红色 clover (红车轴草) Canadian J. 植物学 SCI 4/4 20.丛枝菌根菌丝对重金属元素Zn和Cd的吸收研究环境科学学报 3/3 21.锌污染条件下VA菌根对车轴草属生长和元素吸收的影响应用环境与生态学报 3/3 22.丛枝菌根对三叶草根际磷酸酶活性的影响植物营养与肥料学报 3/5 23.菌丝桥对三叶草生长及磷营养状况的影响北京农业大学学报 2/5 24.三叶草体内磷通过菌丝桥向黑麦草的传递研究草业学报 25.三叶草根间菌丝桥衰亡根系中磷的作用生态学报 1/4 26.叶草根间菌丝桥在氮素传递中的作用初探核农学报 1/3 27.三叶草根间菌丝桥在32P传递中的作用植物营养与肥料学报 1/3 28.五室隔板法研究车轴草属根间菌丝桥磷传递的可行性中国农业大学学报 1/3 29.玉米根尖菌丝桥对磷的传递作用初报北京农业大学学报 1/3 专著或教材 Acquisitoin of cations (Ca, Mg and K) by roots of coniferous tree seedling Verlag Ulrich Grauer 2002.07) 1/1 专著 获奖情况 一等奖:资源与中国人民大学环境学院第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛中国农大资源与环境学院 三等奖:中国农业大学第五届青年教师教学基本功比赛中国农业大学
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