2001.07-2001.12 ,中国科学技术大学,地球和空间科学学院,讲师。
1. 极地、海洋和城市汞(Hg)和持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境地球化学(野外考察及监测、实验室测试分析以及计算模拟研究);
2. 气溶胶与全球变化以及人体健康, 侧重于生物气溶胶和超细颗粒;
3. 极地生态与第四纪研究
曾多次赴南北极考察, 包括首次中国北极黄河站考察(07/2004-08/2004); 第二次中国北极考察 (07/2003-09/2003) ; 第十五次中国南极考察 (11/1998-04/1999)。主持或参加了多项科研项目,包括主持国家杰出青年基金项目(1项)、国家自然基金青年和面上项目(各1项) 以及教育部和科学院优秀博士论文项目(各1项), 主要参加了主要参加了973项目子课题(1项)、国家自然基金重点项目(2项)和面上项目(1项). 先后获国家杰出青年基金资助(2010)、德国洪堡基金会资助(2007/2008)、目前担任环境科学学科点负责人、极地环境研究室主任、国际南极科学委员会(SCAR)物质科学常设工作组中国代表、中国第四纪科学研究会理事以及《极地研究》编委.
先后在Nature, Atmos.Chem.Phys., J. Geophys.Res, Environ. Sci \u0026 Technol, Geophys. Res. Lett等SCI源刊物发表论文70余篇,被SCI引用总计近千次,其中包括Science,Nature Geoscience,PNAS等国际权威刊物引用。
1) Analysis of the distribution of chemical elements in Adelie penguin bone using synchrotron radiation X- ray fluorescence. - Polar Bio - 2003 - 26,171-177
2) 氟 content in bones of Adelie penguin and other inhabitants of Antarctica. - Environ. Geochem. Health - 2003 - 25:483-490
3) A potential source of atmospheric 硫 from penguin colony emissions. - J.Geophys.Res - 2002 - 107(D22), doi:10.1029/ 2002J
4) Total gaseous 汞 in Pearl River Delta region, China during 2008 winter period - Atmospheric Environment - 2011 - 45,834-838
5) Levels and distribution of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in marine fishes from Chines coastal waters - Chemosphere - 2011 - 82, 18-24
6) Atmospheric HCH concentrations over the marine boundary layer from Shanghai, China to the Arctic Ocean: Role of human activity and climate change. - Environmental Science \u0026 Technology - 2010 - 44, 8422-8428
7) Atmospheric 汞 in the marine boundary layer along a cruise path from Shanghai, China to Prydz Bay, Antarctica - Atmospheric Environment - 2010 - 44,1815-1821
8) 碘 speciation in marine aerosols along a 15000-km round-trip cruise path from Shanghai, China, to the Arctic Ocean - Environmental Chemistry - 2010 - 7, 406-412
9) Atmospheric DDTs over the North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Arctic region: Spatial distribution, congener patterns and source implication - Atmospheric Environment - 2009 - 43, 4319-4326
10) Simulation of atmospheric 汞 depletion events (AMDEs) during polar springtime using the MECCA box model - Atmospheric 化学 and Physics - 2008 - 8, 7165-7180.
11) Microanalysis of metals in barbs of a snow petrel (Pagodroma Nivea) from the Antarctica using synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence - Marine Pollution Bulletin - 2008 - 56, 516-524
12) A 1,800-year record of 砷 concentration in the penguin dropping sediment, Antarctic - Environmental Geology - 2008 - 55, 1065-1059.
13) 碘 speciation in marine aerosols along a 30,000 km round-trip cruise path from Shanghai, China to Prydz Bay, Antarctica. - Geophysical Research Letter - 2008 - 35, L21803, doi:10.1029/2008GL
14) Natural 汞 isotope variation in coal deposits and organic soils - Environmental Science \u0026 Technology - 2008 - 42, 8303-8309.
15) Summertime carbonaceous aerosols collected in the marine boundary of the Arctic Ocean - Journal of Geophysical Research - 2007 - 112(D02306), doi:10.1029/2006J
16) Atmospheric Hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) in the North Pacific Ocean and the adjacent Arctic Region: Spatial Patterns, chiral signatures and sea-air exchanges - Environmental Science and Technology - 2007 - 41, 5204-5209
17) Summertime aerosol chemical components in the marine boundary layer of the Arctic Ocean. - J.Geophys.Res,2006 - 2006 - doi:10.1029/2005JD006253
18) Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in airborne particulates collected during a research expedition from the Bohai Sea to the Arctic. - Environmental Science and Technology - 2005 - 39, 6803-7809
19) Preliminary geochemical evidence of groundwater contamination in coral islands of Xisha, South China Sea - Applied Geochem. - 2005 - 20, 1848-1856
中科大揭秘南大洋环流 变化与企鹅种群影响.今日头条.2021-10-17