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Lo, DIC (2006) Making Sense ofChina’s Economic Transformation. 伦敦, UK: School of Oriental and AfricanStudies.

Cheng, Yuk-Shing and Lo, Dic(2004) Firm Size, Technical Efficiency and Productivity Growth in ChineseIndustry. 伦敦, UK: School of Oriental and African Studies.

Lo, Dic (2004) China’s Nexusof Foreign Trade and Economic Growth: Making Sense of the Anomaly. 伦敦, UK:School of Oriental and African Studies.


Lo, Dic (2011)Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization: Studies in the Pobilitical Economy ofInstitutions and Late Development. Basingstoke and London: PalgraveMacmillan. (In Press)

Lo, Dic (2006)《高级政治经济学》(与张宇、孟捷合编),第2版(第1版,2002年),北京市中国人民大学出版社

Zhang, Y and Meng,J and Lo, D, eds. (2002) 《 高级政治经济学——马克思主义经济学的最新发展》,北京,经济科学出版社

Lo, Dic (2001)《变革性经济增长:中国经济的制度与结构分析》,北京: 经济科学出版社 (政治经济研究)

Lo, DIC (1997) Market andInstitutional Regulation in Chinese Industrialization,1978-1994. MACmillan \u0026 St. Martin's


Lo, Dic (2011) 'TheWashington Consensus and the China anomaly.' In: Bayliss,Kate and Fine, Ben andvan Waeyenberge, Elisa, (eds.), ThePolitical Economy of Development: The World Bank, Neo自由主义 and DevelopmentResearch. Pluto Press.

Lo, Dic and Zhang,Yu (2011) 'Centrally planned economy.' In: Fine,Ben and Milonakis, Dimitri, (eds.),Elgar Companion to MarxistEconomics. Edward Elgar. (In Press)

Lo, Dic and Zhang,Yu (2010) 'China and the quest for alternatives toneo自由主义' In: Saad Filho, Alfredo and Yalman, Galip,(eds.), Economic Transitions to Neoliberalism in Middle-IncomeCountries.伦敦: Routledge. (Routledge studies in development economics ; 74)

Lo,DIC (2009) 'China and post-crisis globalisation: towards a newdevelopmentalism?' In: Ghosh, Jayatiand Chandrasekhar, C.P.,(eds.), After Crisis: Adjustment, Recovery, and Fragility in EastAsia. New Delhi: Tulika Books.

Lo,DIC (2008) 'China as a “model” of utilizing foreign capital foreconomic development: perceptions, observations andinterpretation.' In: Assmann, Heinz-Dieter and Chan, ThomasM.H. and v. Filseck, Karin Moser, (eds.), Perceptions and Stock Imagesof China. Baden-Baden: Nomos

Lo,Dic (2005) 'Industrial restructuring and corporate governance inChina's economic transformation.' In:Smyth, R. and Zhu,C. and Tam, O., (eds.), China's Business Reforms: InstitutionalChallenges in a Globalised Economy. 伦敦: Routledge.

Lo,DIC (2003) 'Consensus in Washington, Upheaval in EastAsia.' In: Fine, B. and Lapavitsas, C. andPincus, J.,(eds.), Development Policy in the Twenty-First Century. Beyond thePost-Washington Consensus. 伦敦: Routledge, pp. 99-111.

Lo,DIC (2002) 'Principles of the division of labour, technologicalparadigms, and theories of the labour process.' In: Zhang,Y and Meng, J and Lo, D, (电子数据系统), Readings in AdvancedPolitical Economy [in Chinese]. Economic Science Press [China], pp228-238.

Lo,DIC (2001) 'Consensus in Washington, upheaval in EastAsia.' In: Fine, B. and Lapavitsas, C. andPincus, J.,(eds.), Development Policy in the Twenty-first Century: Beyond thePost-Washington Consensus. New York: Routledge, pp. 99-111.


Lo, Dic and Zhang,Yu (2011) 'Making sense of China’s economictransformation.' Review of Radical Political Economics, 43 (1). pp 33-55.

Lo, DIC and Li,Guicai (2011) 'China’s economic growth, 1978-2007: structural-institutionalchanges and efficiency attributes.' Journal of Post-KeynesianEconomics . (In Press)

Lo, Dic and Li,Guicai and Jiang, Yingquan (2011) 'Financial governance andeconomic development: making sense of the Chinese experience.' PSLQuarterly Review . (Forthcoming)

Lo,DIC (2010) 'World development crisis and the China model [inChinese].' Zhengzhi Jingjixue Pinglun (China Review of Political Economy),new series, 1 (4). pp 24-35.

Lo, Dic and Li,Guicai (2009) 'The evolution of the model of Chinese economic growthand its impact on employment [in Chinese].' Jingjililun yu Jingji Guanli(Economic Theory and Business 管理学), 2009 (12). pp 25-30.

Lo, DIC and Zhang,Yu (2008) 'Globalisation meets its match: lessons from China’seconomic transformation.' Economic and Political Weekly, 43 (52). pp.97-102.

Lo, Dic (2008) 'Whyis China Following a Capital-Deepening Development Path?' DevelopmentStudies(9).

Li, Guicai and Lo,Dic (2008) 'Reframing theories of the 动力学 of macro unemployment:Neo-Keynesianism versus Neo-claissicism [in Chinese].' Jiaoxue yu Yanjiu(Teaching and Research), 2008 (2). pp 37-43.

Lo,DIC (2007) 'China’s quest for alternatives to neo-自由主义: marketreform, economic growth, and labour.' The Kyoto Economic Review, 76 (2).PP 193-210.

Li, Guicai and Lo,Dic (2007) 'Reframing theories of the 动力学 of macro unemployment:Marxist and Post-Keynesian perspectives [in Chinese].' Dangdai JingjiYanjiu (Current Economic Research), 2007 (12). pp 14-17.

Lo, DIC (2005) 'China'snexus of foreign trade and economic growth: making sense of theanomaly'.'Chinese Journal of Economics, 1 (1) . pp. 160-193.

Lo, Dic and Smyth,R. (2004) 'Towards a Re-Interpretation of the Economics of Feasible社会主义'Cambridge Journal of Economics, 28 (6). pp 791-808.

Lo,Dic (2004) 'Globalisation and comparative political economy: ofefficiency, efficient institutions, and late development [inChinese].' Zhengzhi Jingjixue Pinglun (China Review of Political Economy),2004 (7). pp 55-72.

Lo,DIC (2003) 'Foreign Direct Investment and China's EconomicDevelopment: Evidence from Sectoral and Regional Analyses.' Jingji Yanjiu[Economic Research Journal], 飞鱼座 2 . pp. 40-48.

Lo, Dic and Cheng,Yuk-shing (2002) 'Explaining the Financial 表演 of China'sIndustrial Enterprises: Beyond the Competition-Ownership Controversy.' TheChina Quarterly, 170 . pp 413-440.

Lo, DIC (2002) 'Ofthe market and the market economy [in Chinese].' Dushu [Reading], vol. n .PP 128-134.

Lo,Dic (2001) 'China after East Asian Developmentalism.' HistoricalMaterialism, 8 (1). pp 253-264.

Lo, Dic and Smyth,Russell (2000) 'Theories of the Firm and the Relationship betweenDifferent Perspectives on the Division of Labour.' Review of PoliticalEconomy, 12 no3 . pp. 333-349.

Lo, Dic and Cheng,Y-S (2000) 'Explaining the financial 表演 of Chineseindustrial enterprises.'Jingji Yanjiu [Economic Research Journal], No. 7 . pp39-47.

Lo,DIC (1999) 'Re-Appraising the Performance of China's State OwnedIndustrial Enterprises, 1980 - 1996.' Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23,no . pp. 693-718.

Lo, Dic (1999) 'TheEast Asian phenomenon: The consensus, the dissent, and the significance of thepresent crisis.' Capital and Class, 23 (1). pp 1-23.

Lo, DIC and Chan,运输机械控股集团 (1998) 'Machinery and China's Nexus of Foreign Trade andEconomic Growth.'Journal of International Development, 10 (6). pp. 733-749.

Lo, Dic (1995) 'Technoeconomic paradigmversus the market: on recent theories of late industrialization.'Economy andSociety, 24 (3). pp 443-470.


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